April, A Breath Of Fresh Air

Hi, happy April!

I don’t know about you but I can definitely feel a big difference in the way this month feels (even though we are at day one) in compared to the way the other months have felt so far this year. Here in my little corner of the world we are officially knee deep into springtime. All of the trees are filled with flowers and leaves and it seems like everywhere I look there are pops of color and flowers showing up that weren’t there the day before. I feel like all of the plants all over town are waiting for the city to sleep so they can bloom and then surprise everyone when we get up to greet another day.

To be honest, the energy that is happening right now really reminds me of this “blooming” experience that I have been noticing the last week or so. There is something happening and you might even be able to feel it. If you are really quiet you might even be able to hear it. You may just know that something is shifting. However it is showing up for you is great and it is showcasing this shift that is happening right now. Just like those flowers that are opening up almost magically so too is this new energy that is unfolding right now.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we just wrapped up the final Pluto Uranus Square in a set that began in 2012. Well, if you think back over the time from 2012 to now you may feel like there have been some big starts and stops that have shown up for you throughout that time. (I know I have found them in my life.) This energy right now feels like it is practically buzzing and it feels like things are literally preparing to break open and bloom. Think about all of those things that you have been chipping away at that just haven’t been able to come to complete fruition…guess what? It is time to really pull that stuff off the shelf and dig into them because this is a really big time for positive change.

What I keep being shown in addition to this being a time which is ripe for new beginnings and things coming to fruition is the importance of balance. I know, I know, the “B” word. The big thing that keeps coming through for me as being really important is all about the Body (another B word).  With all of this big forward motion happening it is going to be really important to make your body’s needs a number one priority.

Here are some things that I have seen that will be imperative for finding balance during this time:

  • Make Sleep a Priority
  • Drink a lot of water (more than usual)
  • Gentle Movements Daily
  • Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Riding a Bike
  • Eat Light foods and Drinking Juices
  • Quiet Time (even 5-7 minutes daily)
  • Getting away from Electronics for small windows of time each day (20 minute blocks)

You may have noticed that you have been receiving these messages from your angels and guides too. It seems like everywhere I look I am seeing people on cleanses and detoxes; and I have found myself thinking, “Awesome, they are following their guidance!” I am also currently on a detox cleanse and it really feels like a perfect time to wash away the old and help my body to have more strength, balance, and clarity.

If you are wondering how to create more balance in your life this month; you can look over the list that I received and see what resonates for you. Then you can take a couple of deep breaths and ask your higher self, “What is it that I am being guided to do or change right now so my body can more easily move into a place of balance?” Then pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, images you see, or words that you hear so you can better understand your own body’s needs at this time.

However this buzzing energy and positive change is unfolding for you; know that it is all unfolding for your highest good. This energy seems to be brining changes really quickly; so if you are finding that to be true for you too; know that you are not alone. Are you all of a sudden moving? Letting go of lots of stuff? Starting a new business? Finishing your book? Quitting a job that is no longer a fit? Or any number of big changes? Then know that you are right smack dab in the middle of a very exciting new chapter of your life. (yay!) Enjoy your changes and make time for the balance in your life and for your body so you can keep riding this wave of happy change.

If you would like me to work with you one on one to look at the specifics that are showing up for you right now, I would love to get you into my schedule. We will look at all of your personal shifts, messages, and ways to move forward so you can get the most out of this magical new energy that is happening this month.

I am wishing you a fantastic beginning to this new month!

P.S. Do you know someone who you think could get some support from this blog post? Please forward it on to them so they can get some additional support as well. Thank you!

A New Season And A New Beginning

Hi, happy first day of March! So, here we are greeting the third month of 2015 already. How have things been going for you so far? For some the beginning of the new year has been a bit of a mixed bag. (for me too) There have been a lot of starts and stops as we have been moving through the first couple of months. However, even with that experience; there have also been some great opportunities to really refine what is important to us as we begin to understand our theme for the new year.
This year I have worked with a lot of people who have felt a bit frustrated about their forward motion. I have heard things like:

  • “It shouldn’t be this challenging to get through my list.” 
  • “I have never had so many things showing up as distractions for me.”
  • “When is the energy going to shift?”

If you can relate to any of these sentiments; know that this has been a common experience for most of us across the board.
One of the things that I have continued to remind people about is the fact that we are still in the winter season (in the northern hemisphere) and that the energy of waiting and resting is connected to winter. I find that there is a bit of a readjustment after the new year each year for people as they adjust to their own natural rhythm and begin to move forward according to their own time frame. However, this year has seemed to bring a bit more of the one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake experience for people. So, if you feel like this resonates for you; first and foremost take a breath. Then, know that you aren’t alone and that this month is bringing some big changes.
We are preparing to move into spring on March 20th which is only a hop, skip, and a jump away. As we move closer to this new season, you may find that your energy, ideas, inspiration, and action begin to increase along with the longer days. Spring is the time where we begin to literally see new signs of life all around us. All of the hard work that you have done begins to show up which creates momentum and more forward motion.
If you have been feeling a bit ho hum about how quickly things have been moving for you this year, take heart. The truth is that the beginning of this calendar year has been supporting you in reviewing and streamlining the things that are really important to you. That is a very valuable gift which will support you in moving forward this season. Winter is also a time for rest and renewal which provides you with enough energy, excitement, and ability to execute changes when the time is right.
The energy is shifting in big ways this month but it is really important to remember that we are still walking between two seasons. We have one foot in winter and one is spring. So, while we enjoy moving through this shift it is imperative for you to be conscientious about your own needs and energy levels. If you feel like you need to rest and take it easy, do that. If you feel inspired and ready to dig into new projects, fantastic, go for it! This is a time when we can learn a lot from the world around us. We see blossoms opening up on trees and the sun shining one day and then snow on the ground and grey skies the next. Move with the natural rhythm of your own inner wisdom and the needs of your body.
I promise you that you will still be able to get to the things that are calling to your heart this year. In truth, spring is the actual beginning of our new year. Prior to the Gregorian calendar spring marked the new year. It makes sense doesn’t it? The plants and animals rest during winter and wake up to begin a new year during the spring. Even though we honor January 1st as our new year, there is still a very powerful inner clock that supports us. We can really feel the influence of this inner clock when we tune into the seasons. Use your internal clock this month to support you in moving forward while also honoring your own inner guidance to rest when needed.
This month I am sending you support as you continue to balance your call to rest and your call to action. Each of these callings is equally important and will support your dreams, goals, and passion projects in equal measure. 

Here is a method to help you begin to increase your momentum this month:

  • Focus on what it is that you know you want to do
  • Don't water down your desires and dreams, be honest about what it is that you really want.
  • Release the things that are no longer needed within your world
  • This can include people and ways of living such as habits and old behaviors.
  • Old stuff that is clogging up spaces within your home or property weigh you down and slow you down. Commit to getting your space cleared.
  • Create some support systems in your life so you can actualize what it is that you know you are meant to do this year.
  • Schedule that healing or support session, contact someone in your field for mentoring, hire an expert, ask for help from a trusted friend.
  • Don't wait or place this step on the back burner; this is the step that helps to spring board you and your dreams forward. You are worth the investment, I promise! 

Love Is In The Air

Hello and Happy February! I hope you are having a great day as we move into the second month of this new year. This is my favorite month of the year and it always has been. In addition to it being my birthday month, I also love that it happens to be the only month with 28 days and every 4 years it gets to have 29 days. {Again the only month that has this little special day added to its normal routine.} When I was in grammar school, February always had two 3 day weekends plus Valentine’s Day which was always celebrated with goodies and fun. So all in all February was always a month that seemed ripe with fun, celebration, and a focus on things and people that we loved.

Now that I’m all grown up I still absolutely love February. As a self-employed person, I no longer receive the 3 day weekends I did as a child; however there is still something special about this time of year that really speaks to me. February marks the beginning of the quickening, a time when the plants begin to wake up and signs of life begin to reappear. As we move deeper into the month, more and more of this quickening begins to happen reminding us that spring is close. Mother Nature begins to display a physical new cycle and a new beginning right in front of our eyes. However, even with this quickening, it is still winter and the signs of winter are still noticeable and a part of our day to day lives. I think this is one of the magical parts of this month. There is a balance that is evident around us that reminds us to take time to rest and renew while also taking time to prepare for the new energy and new beginning of spring.

I find this is a wonderful time to do some checking in with ourselves so that we can see where we may need to create more balance within our own lives. February being a month that focuses on love allows this work to be in perfect alignment with the energy that is floating through the air right now.

Here are some things to think about right now:

  • How do I feel about the way my first month of the year unfolded?
  • In what ways can I review my plan for myself and make shifts or changes?
  • Have I continued with a new healthy habit or change that I started at the beginning of the year? If not, why?
  • How much time am I devoting to Self-Care each week?
  • What kind of Self-Care is a fit for me?
  • What support systems have I consciously put into place which will allow me to move forward with my dreams and goals?
  • Do I need to call someone and schedule a time to create a support system for myself?
  • How do I feel about my day to day life?
  • How am I honoring my feelings in my relationship with myself and others?
  • What things make me feel joyful? How often am I incorporating them into my “regular” schedule?
  • How do I incorporate fun into my days?

The truth is that Love begins at home. Love begins right where you are right now. So take a moment to stop and tune into where you are as you are reading this. Take a moment to acknowledge yourself and to give yourself some much deserved love. When we remember to love ourselves first, the other stuff in our lives begins to fall into line. This may sound like a platitude; but I promise you it is true. When we take stock of where things are within our lives and when things seem to be a bit off; it always comes back to love. I have found that it can be really easy to put our own needs on the back burner until it isn’t. What does that mean? Well, it means that while it may seem like it works for a bit, eventually it doesn’t. When that happens we have the opportunity to look at the things, people, and situations which have taken our lives out of balance and we get to renegotiate them by honoring ourselves and loving ourselves first. When you love yourself first; it is much easier to say yes to the things that are in alignment with what is right for you; and no to the things that aren’t. When you love yourself first it is easier to have more love to give to your family, friends, partner, career, and passion projects. When you love yourself first you have more energy, inspiration, and zest for life. When you love yourself first, the stuff that doesn’t fit you anymore just drops away.

Throughout this month of February; I invite you to find ways each day to love yourself first. This can be something seemingly small like enjoying a hot cup of tea in your favorite chair, going for a walk, saying no to demands on your time, or anything else that calls to you. However, like all seemingly small change, it always adds up to big change over time. During this month that focuses on love, why not create a healthy new habit of practicing self-love every day for 28 days. I promise you that you are worth it and that you will experience positive shifts that happen from the inside out. Self-love also allows you to more easily create a rework on anything that didn’t unfold that way you had imagined throughout January; and to create a balanced approach to moving forward. Focus on how you can honor the resting and renewal of winter while also investing in the new beginnings that are showing up during this time of the quickening. You are absolutely worth the investment! Make February a month all about you and enjoy yourself while you revel in the month of you!

Diving Into The New Year And Creating Positive Change

Hello! I hope this finds you having a great day as we meet the middle of January. Wow, this has been a big beginning to the new year hasn’t it? There are so many things happening and it can feel a bit overwhelming. Several people have told me that they feel like so much more time has passed than only a couple of weeks since beginning the new year. I have to say that I agree with them. Are you feeling the same way? Does it seem like the new year was a while ago?  If so, you are not alone.

If you have found your new year spring in your step to be a bit slower than you had hoped, take heart. In fact, why don’t you take a moment to breathe while you are reading. Take a nice deep breath in through your nose, good, and now exhale through your mouth, perfect. {Repeat a few times if necessary}

Okay, so one of the big messages that I have been telling people for the last couple of weeks is this: Even if you feel like things haven’t begun in the way you wanted them to this month, you can always start again, right now. Plus, you can give yourself permission to release any feelings of guilt, heaviness, or frustration because those things don’t help at all and you don’t need them. All you have to do is refocus on the goals and intentions you have set for yourself and then begin to take small {or bigger than small} steps toward those intentions and dreams.

For example: If you wanted to begin a cleanse, a yoga practice, meditation practice, coaching program, journaling exercise, or anything else that really calls to you and it hasn’t moved forward the way you had hoped; breathe and begin again. Yes. You can absolutely begin again. A period of refocus and restructuring doesn’t mean that your dreams or intentions are any less valuable to you. It is in the beginning again that you foster the tenacity to support your dreams and goals so they can thrive and grow.

Here are some things to consider when restructuring or refocusing your goals:

  • How has my plan for my goals or intentions worked out for me so far?
  • What is working in my plan? What needs to be adjusted?
  • Who or what kind of support do I need to bring in to help me achieve or experience my goals for the new year?
  • Do I need to contact someone to help me? If so, who?
  • Do I already know someone or a support system that would be a great fit for me?
  • How can I take an action step today to move forward with my dreams and goals?
  • What has been preventing me from taking action steps?
  • What can I do to move through any issues or procrastination and begin nurturing the healthy and happy life that I desire for myself?

Answering these questions will give you a great amount of insight and clarity about how to begin moving forward right now. If you need help to get going; I really encourage you to reach out for help. Sometimes asking a trusted friend to sit with you while you make a phone call or schedule an appointment with a professional makes the step that much easier.

Making changes can sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning; but just like beginning anything at all, once you take that first step, the rest just gets easier and easier. When you feel called to make a change or begin something new in your life; that calling is coming from your higher self. Taking action on those changes will allow you to feel a huge release of pressure. It feels similar to letting air out of a balloon. Any places inside of your body where you tend to store pressure or tension will be released as you take steps toward your goals and dreams. Each step you take will release more and more pressure while simultaneously moving you forward toward your goals. I promise you this create a win win situation for you. And, you are worth it!

Welcoming 2015 With Excitement And Balance

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2015!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a great entrance into this new year. Can you believe we are beginning the 15th year of this new century? I love the new year; it feels bright, crisp, and filled with new potential and opportunities. Don’t you think so? I even notice a little spring in my step as I cross the threshold into the first day of the new year. Things seem to look bright and colorful. {Even though it is cold in my little corner of the world.}

This is definitely the time of year where we can get really clear about what it is that we would love to experience in the new year whether we have personal goals, professional goals, or both on our intention lists. This is also the time of year where we can truly tap into that feeling of new beginnings mixed with opportunities. With the perfect blend of the new year energies, this is a fantastic time to really carve out some time to get clear about your bigger picture for 2015.

  • What does your big picture look like?
  • Who is included in your big picture?
  • Any big changes on deck for 2015?

In addition to the big picture, fine tuning the actionable steps, resources, and support systems that will help you to move consistently and successfully along your path is also equally important.

  • What kinds of support services are you using this year?
  • Who are the people in your support circle?
  • What tools or techniques are you implementing this year to create some shifts or changes in your life?
  • How will you implement balance in your life this year?

In addition to looking ahead it is also helpful to take a look at all of the accomplishments and experiences which have brought you to this moment and which have prepared you to step into the next chapter of your story.

  • What big moments helped to prepare you for your new year?
  • What did you release that no longer matched your vision for your life?
  • What accomplishments have brought you to this moment of your life, right now?
  • {Give yourself a major high five for all you have done to get where you are right now!}

2015 marks a big year for me as I look back because it is officially my 15 year anniversary providing support services, counseling, and teaching coursework to a very wide range of clients. Traditional counseling, university academic advising, locked down state supervised clients, at risk children, families and women, university psychology students as a CSU faculty member, amazing private practice clients from all walks of life living all over this beautiful planet; and of lots of other diverse clients in between during the past 15 years. Sometimes the last 15 years feels like it just happened and other times it feels further away for me. Either way, the years that I have spent providing support services, counseling, advising, and teaching have allowed me to work with so many people in a way that truly touches my heart. I am so grateful that I have been able to do what I love in a way that feels fulfilling to me throughout the first 15 years of this new century.

One of the things that I know for sure and that I have seen countless times for clients no matter what circumstance or cross section of life they may be experiencing is the deep need to honor their own calling.  I have found time and time again that this seemingly simple yet simultaneously powerful shift from knowing that you are being called to make a change and honoring that change brings deep healing on many levels. Connecting to your own inner truth, even if it looks differently from what others may want for you {or differently from how you are living now} and taking action toward that calling brings life changing healing and expansion. The big key in the lock about all of this always comes down to taking the action steps.

I have worked with people in really challenging situations who know it is their time to make changes and they choose to see their situation and look for solutions and choose to start where they are standing with the resources that they have to implement change. And, I have worked with people who have resources available to them, time to make change, and opportunities available to them and have chosen to look for what wasn’t working and how many things weren’t going their way.  Every time, yes, every time, the clients who focus on making change while focusing on solutions are the ones who experience big breakthroughs, expansion, and healing. At the end of the day it comes down to getting honest about what you want and then taking action toward that change even if you have to tip toe on some days and power walk on others.

I know that it is absolutely possible for you to create a beautiful year for yourself in 2015. My wish for you is that you will create the support system that matches your dreams and needs so you can build in the structure to support you as you leap, run, jog, or walk into the new chapter of your life. Time is a finite thing for us as humans and our time here is very precious. I would love to support you in moving toward the life that you dream about and the life that you are being called to live. It is never too late to make a positive change and You are always a worthy investment.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your circle of support this year; I am truly honored to know and to work with you!