Simple Self Care in Cold Weather

I hope this finds you well as we move deeper into the holiday season and closer to the first official day of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. There has been a lot of cold weather happening for so many people that it almost feels like Jack Frost has come early this year. If you’re anything like me, it may be a bit of an adjustment getting used to the cold weather and dreary days. I’ve included some of my favorite self care tips for cold weather below and I hope they will give you some comfort and support during this chilly season.
One of the biggest challenges that I have when I’m cold is remembering to drink water. I know, it seems so simple especially with every shape of water bottle available on the market but when it gets cold, I tend to forget to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is equally important when it’s cold as when it’s hot outside so here are a few ways that can help you increase hydration if you tend to forget to drink your water when you’re cold too.

  • Set up a room temperature water station in your kitchen so you can see it when you walk by and the water won’t feel too cold to drink.

  • Opt for drinking a hot water with lemon or orange instead of cold water. You’ll still be drinking water but it will really warm you up at the same time.

  • If you tend to drink coffee throughout the day to stay warm, try switching to herbal tea in the afternoon and evening. You’ll be drinking water and it will warm you up without dehydrating you.

  • Keep your humidifiers running (if you have them) so that your skin, scalp, and sinuses stay hydrated. The air in our homes can tend to get very dry when heaters or fire places are being used which can dehydrate and dry out our skin and systems.

  • Make a simmer pot on your stove to add hydration to you and your home while also adding some lovely scents at the same time. This option is for when you’re going to be home the whole time your simmer pot is being used. Fill a stockpot with water, add some of your favorite spices like cinnamon, clove, allspice, fresh rosemary, apple, lemon, and or orange slices and bring your pot to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and allow your simmer pot to fill your home with holiday aromas. Remove from heat when water is about ½ inch deep so you don’t scorch your stock pot.

  • Use your Netti Pot to keep your sinuses hydrated and clear. You can find these nasal cleansing pots at most health food stores or online. They are a big help especially if you experience sensitivity or challenges with your sinuses.

  • Allow your bathroom to get steamy when you take a bath or a shower, this will help your skin to breathe and open up. This will help you to breathe deeper and will allow your body oils, creams, and lotions to absorb more easily as well. (You may want to have some water in the bathroom in case you feel thirsty during your steam.) You can also hang a bunch of eucalyptus branches in your shower to help support your deep breathing.

If you find that as a highly sensitive person you experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder during the cold season, you’re not alone. There are a lot of wonderful products and support systems available now. Here are a few things that I’ve found to be helpful, and I hope they will offer you some support too. Please remember you can reach out to a professional support person as well if you find your symptoms to be presistent.

  • Getting outside into full spectrum lighting when it’s possible for at least 10 minutes. Even if you have to get bundled up and stand in the one spot that has sunlight in your back yard, go for it. Even a little bit of sunlight can reduce symptoms significantly.

  • If you aren’t able to get into full spectrum lighting, you may want to consider purchasing a light box for extra support. The Happy Light (I am not affiliated with them in any way professionally) is a great option and they are really small now and you can set it up anywhere to get some extra light. You can find them online and the prices have come down a lot over the years. I find this extra light to be very helpful during this time of year.

  • Skin sensitivity can be an issue during this season, some highly sensitive people experience painful face swelling. You can gently massage your face and neck to help reduce swelling and discomfort. You can find images of the face map online which shows how to gently massage your face to help clear fluid and inflammation. You may also want to try using a Gua Sha stone or a Jade Roller to help soothe your skin.

  • If you experience body skin sensitivity, you may want to try Dry Brushing which can help with circulation, and movement of your lymph system. You can find body map images and videos online to help you understand how to use the Dry Brush to help reduce symptoms you may be experiencing.

  • Increasing your core body temperature is really important and many sensitive people have a tough time warming up and staying warm even if they are wearing layers and drinking warm drinks. Movement is the best way to get your core body temperature up and help you to stay warm even after you’re no longer moving. If you can get outside for a walk, you can bank some full spectrum light, get your circulation flowing, increase your oxygen levels, and maybe even work up a little sweat. All wins! If you can’t get outside, that’s okay, even doing a light exercise or stretching routine will help you increase your circulation, oxygen levels, and increase your core body temperature. If you have a treadmill, bike trainer, a yoga mat, or some light weights, give yourself permission to use them because it will help you to warm up and you will also benefit from endorphins from moving your body.

  • Insomnia issues can sometimes occur from being too cold throughout the night. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because you’re too cold even with extra blankets, socks, and flannel pajamas, you’re not alone. Your feet may be too cold (even with socks) which could be keeping you from warming up and sleeping through the night. If you have an electric blanket, you may want to get it out and see if that helps improve your quality of sleep. I highly recommend using a hot water bottle…yes, seriously, yes, the ones from old back and white movies. Okay, I know what you’re thinking but they are still available and in recent years I’ve seen them in a lot of stores with a variety of cozy covers in nearly ever fabric you can imagine. They really do work and they stay hot throughout the night so your feet will stay warm and you can have deeper, and higher quality sleep. They only trick with them is to double check that the top is screwed in all the way before placing it at the bottom of your bed. I recommend placing it in your bed 45 minutes to an hour before you’re ready to sleep but any time is great. You can find them online and in lots of home style stores too.

  • Bring plants inside your home to help increase oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. We tend to spend a lot of time indoors when it’s cold outside and the air in our homes can get stale and stagnant. Bringing large leafed plants into the home can help to clear the air while also adding color and the beauty of nature. Color therapy with plants and flowers can help to add life to your home and the color can be very uplifting and supportive in more ways than one.

  • If you use diffusers to uplift your mood, the energy in your home, or to create a cozy environment, you may want to try diffusing citrus oils. Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, and Lime are very bright and uplifting scents and can make a positive impact on you and your home. As you make filling your diffusers in the morning a regular practice, it will become natural for you and you’ll probably find that you enjoy using your diffusers regularly.

  • Say yes to cozy. This is probably my biggest tip for this season. Leaning into soft fabrics, gentle and warming foods and beverages, soft lighting, warm slippers, and winding down from the day when you feel guided even if it’s earlier than you would normally begin your wind down process. Honoring your body and rhythms to the best of your ability can help you more easily move through this season while also enjoying it too.

I hope these self care tips will be helpful and inspire you to cultivate your own personal self care practice this season. I’d love to hear what’s working for you! I hope you are enjoying a very happy holiday season. 

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world, right to you.
With deepest love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Beat The Bloat Spa Water Recipe


Beat the Bloat Spa Water Recipe

This is a really easy way to support your body if you’re experiencing bloating or swelling and it tastes really good too. The great thing about this recipe is that there’s endless options so you won’t get bored and if you can slice fruit, you can make this at home.

You’ll Need:
Citrus: Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit (Your Choice)
Fresh Basil (Optional)
Water Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
(Any Other Fruits/Veggies/Herbs that you enjoy)

Slice your fruits and veggies
Add them to your Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
Add Water
Place into the Refrigerator to Infuse overnight
Then, pour into a glass, drink, and enjoy!

Have fun with this recipe, use things that you love and create recipes based on your favorites.


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Why Increasing Water Leads to Increased Intuition

People ask me for tips on increasing their intuition all the time. One of my favorite ways to open up those intuitive pathways is by increasing water. I think this one goes under the radar for people sometimes; maybe it’s because it seems so simple that it gets overlooked, but it’s one of my favorite go to ways to fire up the intuitive muscles. There’s several ways to increase water and they all work wonderfully but I suggest using all of them. You may not be able to do all of them all the time but you can mix up the ways you increase water based on what’s right for you and your lifestyle. I’ve included some ways below but please feel free to create your own recipe for increased water in your own life.

Drink More Water:

This one tends to be the most overlooked tip for increasing intuition.
Many people overestimate how much water they’re drinking in a day. Water helps the brain and the body work efficiently and we are interdependent on water to maintain our health and life.
Without drinking water, we can’t live very long. Dehydration contributes to a long list of issues and one of those includes challenges with thinking and focusing. When you’re dehydrated it’s also more challenging to connect with your spiritual gifts and intuition.

Water also helps to move toxins out of the body; allowing the body to physically be more clear, light, and receptive. When the body is weighed down or polluted, the intuitive channels can become cloudy and weighed down too. It’s similar to being in really bad traffic on the freeway because there is an issue up ahead. Everyone and everything becomes impacted by that issue which slows everything down and doesn’t allow for things to move along as smoothly as they should.

Some people count tea and fruit juices as water consumption and add it to their daily amount of water. I’ve found that drinking water and hitting the amount that’s right for your body is a game changer in opening up and increasing your intuition.

If you divide your body weight in half and drink that amount in ounces, you will be drinking the *suggested amount of water for your body.
(If you weigh 120 pounds, you would drink 60 ounces of water each day to reach your daily suggested amount. This measurement may vary depending on your particular situation, please check with your health care professional about what’s right for you.)

Feel free to enjoy other beverages along with your daily water but drinking water in its natural state without tea added to it etc. is the big game changer. It’s fine to infuse your water with cucumber, lemon, or other fruits and veggies that you like. Just avoid counting caffeine and sugar spikes as your daily water intake.

Out of Sight Out of Mind:

If you’re like me and forget to drink water unless it’s right next to you, don’t worry. You can still get your water in for the day, but you’ll have to carry it around with you. The great news is that there’s lots of water bottles on the market now, there’s one for everyone. Go get one that you like or dig yours out from the back of your cupboard and fill it first thing in the morning and carry it around with you. It will make it so much easier to remember to drink your water and you’ll notice that you’ll remember to refill it once it gets low.

Listen to Water:

The sound of water is very calming, clearing, and helps the body to release and relax. Maybe you’ve noticed that when you’re at the beach, lake, or even near a water fountain you begin to let go and feel more relaxed. Some people can physically feel tension or pain reducing when they hear the sound of water.

When we reduce or remove stress we can more easily access our intuition and messages from our angels, guides, and departed loved ones. Whether you have a water fountain in your home or office, live near a large body of water, or you listen to water sounds on a music file; you can increase your intuition by spending time listening to the sounds of water.

Take a Dip:

Getting into water is a quick and effective way to clear away the noise of the world and to calm the mind and the body. Just like listening to water helps the mind, body, and spirit to release and relax; getting into water does the same thing but it’s even more powerful. Swimming in a large body of water, soaking in a bath, and even taking a shower can help to open up your intuition. Many people report coming up with ideas, inspiration, and solutions when they’re in water; maybe you’ve experienced the same thing. I’ve received a lot of intuitive messages and downloads while in and under water and know a lot of intuitive folks who talk about the clarity they receive from being in and under water. All water supports increased intuition but I’ve found that getting into salt water has a super charging effect on the connection and clarity. Any way that you can get into water, including your swimming pool, hot tub, or bath tub will help you to continue to open up and nurture your intuitive muscles.

I hope you’ll enjoy finding ways to increase your connection with water and enjoy opening up your intuition at the same time.


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Savor the Season Simmer Pot Recipe

I love to make a great Simmer Pot, it seriously brings me joy.
I love the feeling it creates in your home, the colors, textures, and of course the incredible scent. Plus, it adds much needed moisture to your home which is great for your skin, sinuses, and more. (

Below you'll find one of my favorite Simmer Pot Recipes for October.
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do!

What You'll Need
A Stock Pot
1 Apple
1 Orange or Lemon (or both)
3 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary
1 Teaspoon of Whole Cloves
4 Cinnamon Sticks
1/2 Cup of Cranberries

What To Do
Slice your Apple, Orange, and or Lemon into rounds with the skin on
Add all of your ingredients into your stock pot
Fill your stockpot with water 3/4 of the way full
Place Stockpot on stove top on medium heat and enjoy

Keep an eye on your stockpot, and add water as needed

Please keep stockpot away from small hands and paws
Turn your stove off if you leave the house

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Retrograde Remedies

Here we are in the middle of Mercury Retrograde which lasts until the 22nd of this month. While this phenomenon gives us the opportunity to review, rework, and revisit aspects of our life, sometimes it can bring some other things into our world as well.
Highly sensitive people may find that they feel or experience things in a magnified way during this time. Sometimes these experiences can include physical issues within the body in addition to a heightened connection to their spirituality.
Some common physical issues which can show up for highly sensitive people during this time can include, but are not limited to:

  • Low Grade Fever

  • Headache

  • Sinus Pressure

  • Brain Fog or Trouble Focusing

  • Body and Skin Tenderness

  • Releasing of Toxins through the Skin (filmy and itchy moisture on skin)

  • Lethargy

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Irritability

  • Frustration

  • Angst

  • Emotional Rollercoaster

  • Sensitivity to Light

  • Sensitivity to Sound

  • Easily Overwhelmed by Crowds

  • Desire to Stay Home

These physical symptoms along with the opportunity to review, rework and revisit aspects of our lives can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Below you’ll find my top 5 ways to
Embrace some Much Needed and Well Deserved Self Care

Please feel free to adjust, tweak, or create your own ways to offer yourself some TLC right now.
Detox Bath Treatment
If you’re a bath person like me, this one helps to reduce stress and tension that could be holding space within your body. This also helps to soothe achy skin, detox symptoms, and sleep disturbances.
Add these to your bath and literally let the stress and retrograde symptoms release from your body.

  • 1 Cup of Epsom Salt

  • 1 Cup of Sea Salt

  • 3 Tablespoons of Baking Soda

  • ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Optional

  • Add chamomile, lavender, or green tea (these will offer additional support and soothing)

Relax and stay in the bath for at least 10 minutes.
It’s a good idea to turn off your phone or other devices so you can just let go and rest during your bath.
Simmer Pots
These are a great way to add some pure essential oils to your home, relaxing you, while also making your home smell good. This also adds moisture to your home helping to soothe your skin and sinuses.

  • Fill a stock pot with water, place on your stove at medium heat

  • Add fresh herbs of your choice.

  • Rosemary and Lavender are very relaxing, soothing, and calming

  • If you don’t have fresh herbs, you can toss in some tea bags or several drops of essential oils

Allow the pot to simmer and infuse the air with the calming and healing properties of the herbs you select. This will calm everyone in the house including fur babies. I love using this method because it's a quick and effective way to help shift the feeling within your home.
It’s important to keep an eye on the stock pot so you can turn it off when the water begins to run low.
Keep the pot away from small hands and animals and always turn off your stove when you leave the house.
Burning sage is a powerful way to clear the energy within you and your home. This method has been used for generations and now we finally have medical research showing that burning sage purifies and cleanses the spaces where it’s used, providing a physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual support element for users.  

Burning sage also creates a palpable shift within the body and the space you’re clearing, helping you to feel lighter and more like yourself again.
You can find sage at most health food stores.
Please use sage responsibly and never leave it burning. I like to use water to stop the burning when I’m finished smudging.
Sound Therapy
This is a powerful way to create a gentle and soothing feeling within your home. This is one of those things that you don’t have to put too much effort into and you reap all of the benefits.

Music impacts the central nervous system and by playing gentle soothing sounds, your body will automatically relax and help to move you into a rest, restore, and renewal state.

Listening to nature sounds, spa music, crystal bowls, or other soothing music will automatically allow you to decompress and reduce stress or tension. You can use Pandora or Spotify for free if you don’t already have gentle music at home.
Make a Nest
This may be one of my favorite ways to nurture self care during a retrograde. Sometimes, what we need is to make a nest and invest in downtime.
You will Need:
A space all to yourself, a sofa, nook, or cozy corner
Coloring Books, Crayons, or Colored Pencils
Stuffed Animal
Cup of Tea
Knitting Stuff
Stack of Movies that you Love
Anything else that feels comforting to you
Place your devices onto silent and begin to nest.
You may want to have a movie marathon, or a book reading extravaganza, or a coloring day. It doesn’t really matter what you choose to do as long as it’s something that feels soothing to you. You’ll want to have everything you need within arms’ reach of your cozy nest so you can just be once you’re all set up.

Sometimes this is healing on a level we don’t even realize that we need until we invest in the nest. You may even want to take a nap in your little nest, whatever you want to do, give yourself permission to go for it. Remember this is a time for self care, so think of things that feel gentle and nurturing for you.
No matter how you nurture yourself during this retrograde time, please remember to be gentle with yourself, move at your own pace, and try not to go against the wisdom of your body. The more that you can honor what you know is right for you, the gentler this time will be for you.

This isn’t about neglecting your responsibilities during this time, but rather making yourself a priority during this time.
Wishing you a wonderfully gentle Retrograde

P.S. Do you know someone who could benefit from some Retrograde Remedies? If so please pass this on to them for me, thank you so much! 

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