Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

3-5 slices of grapefruit
2 large sprigs or rosemary
3-5 lavender sprigs and flowers

Fill large stock pot with water, add grapefruit, rosemary, and lavender.
Bring to a simmer and allow it to slowly simmer and infuse your home.

Keep an eye on the simmer pot as the water will evaporate over time.
Turn off the stove and simmer pot if you’re going to leave your home.

This blend will brighten up the energy in your home while also clearing and calming you and those in your home. The citrus is bright and uplifting while the lavender is calming and the rosemary helps to clear low or dense energy.

This is a great blend to enjoy during this retrograde season.

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Gratitude Gift

Beat The Bloat Spa Water Recipe


Beat the Bloat Spa Water Recipe

This is a really easy way to support your body if you’re experiencing bloating or swelling and it tastes really good too. The great thing about this recipe is that there’s endless options so you won’t get bored and if you can slice fruit, you can make this at home.

You’ll Need:
Citrus: Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit (Your Choice)
Fresh Basil (Optional)
Water Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
(Any Other Fruits/Veggies/Herbs that you enjoy)

Slice your fruits and veggies
Add them to your Pitcher or Large Mason Jar
Add Water
Place into the Refrigerator to Infuse overnight
Then, pour into a glass, drink, and enjoy!

Have fun with this recipe, use things that you love and create recipes based on your favorites.


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Why Increasing Water Leads to Increased Intuition

People ask me for tips on increasing their intuition all the time. One of my favorite ways to open up those intuitive pathways is by increasing water. I think this one goes under the radar for people sometimes; maybe it’s because it seems so simple that it gets overlooked, but it’s one of my favorite go to ways to fire up the intuitive muscles. There’s several ways to increase water and they all work wonderfully but I suggest using all of them. You may not be able to do all of them all the time but you can mix up the ways you increase water based on what’s right for you and your lifestyle. I’ve included some ways below but please feel free to create your own recipe for increased water in your own life.

Drink More Water:

This one tends to be the most overlooked tip for increasing intuition.
Many people overestimate how much water they’re drinking in a day. Water helps the brain and the body work efficiently and we are interdependent on water to maintain our health and life.
Without drinking water, we can’t live very long. Dehydration contributes to a long list of issues and one of those includes challenges with thinking and focusing. When you’re dehydrated it’s also more challenging to connect with your spiritual gifts and intuition.

Water also helps to move toxins out of the body; allowing the body to physically be more clear, light, and receptive. When the body is weighed down or polluted, the intuitive channels can become cloudy and weighed down too. It’s similar to being in really bad traffic on the freeway because there is an issue up ahead. Everyone and everything becomes impacted by that issue which slows everything down and doesn’t allow for things to move along as smoothly as they should.

Some people count tea and fruit juices as water consumption and add it to their daily amount of water. I’ve found that drinking water and hitting the amount that’s right for your body is a game changer in opening up and increasing your intuition.

If you divide your body weight in half and drink that amount in ounces, you will be drinking the *suggested amount of water for your body.
(If you weigh 120 pounds, you would drink 60 ounces of water each day to reach your daily suggested amount. This measurement may vary depending on your particular situation, please check with your health care professional about what’s right for you.)

Feel free to enjoy other beverages along with your daily water but drinking water in its natural state without tea added to it etc. is the big game changer. It’s fine to infuse your water with cucumber, lemon, or other fruits and veggies that you like. Just avoid counting caffeine and sugar spikes as your daily water intake.

Out of Sight Out of Mind:

If you’re like me and forget to drink water unless it’s right next to you, don’t worry. You can still get your water in for the day, but you’ll have to carry it around with you. The great news is that there’s lots of water bottles on the market now, there’s one for everyone. Go get one that you like or dig yours out from the back of your cupboard and fill it first thing in the morning and carry it around with you. It will make it so much easier to remember to drink your water and you’ll notice that you’ll remember to refill it once it gets low.

Listen to Water:

The sound of water is very calming, clearing, and helps the body to release and relax. Maybe you’ve noticed that when you’re at the beach, lake, or even near a water fountain you begin to let go and feel more relaxed. Some people can physically feel tension or pain reducing when they hear the sound of water.

When we reduce or remove stress we can more easily access our intuition and messages from our angels, guides, and departed loved ones. Whether you have a water fountain in your home or office, live near a large body of water, or you listen to water sounds on a music file; you can increase your intuition by spending time listening to the sounds of water.

Take a Dip:

Getting into water is a quick and effective way to clear away the noise of the world and to calm the mind and the body. Just like listening to water helps the mind, body, and spirit to release and relax; getting into water does the same thing but it’s even more powerful. Swimming in a large body of water, soaking in a bath, and even taking a shower can help to open up your intuition. Many people report coming up with ideas, inspiration, and solutions when they’re in water; maybe you’ve experienced the same thing. I’ve received a lot of intuitive messages and downloads while in and under water and know a lot of intuitive folks who talk about the clarity they receive from being in and under water. All water supports increased intuition but I’ve found that getting into salt water has a super charging effect on the connection and clarity. Any way that you can get into water, including your swimming pool, hot tub, or bath tub will help you to continue to open up and nurture your intuitive muscles.

I hope you’ll enjoy finding ways to increase your connection with water and enjoy opening up your intuition at the same time.


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