Just For Today

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As we begin to round the corner on the end of 2020, with the finish line in sight, sometimes it’s this last bit where we need a little more energy to get through the last lap.

If you’re feeling a little meh or a little burned out, trust me you’re not alone.

You know everyone is collectively feeling this way when as a planet we are fine with not knowing what day it is or what time it is and we’re all just riding this wave of one day transitioning into the next.

Most people I talk to are ready for restrictions and lock downs to be finished while we’re simultaneously hearing about the next round coming up; and watching second rounds already happening for people in other countries.

All of this intensity takes a huge toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Even if you’re doing all the things and taking great care of yourself and your loved ones. (Awesome job by the way!) This still takes a toll on all of us.

So, if you’re feeling a bit beleaguered today, please know that you’re not alone.

Please know that it doesn’t mean that you need to push harder, do more, or that you’re aren’t trying hard enough to make things better.

  • It means that your soul is tired

  • It means that your body could use a bit of genuine rest

  • It means that you are emotionally taxed

  • It means that you are mentally at your capacity and could use some self care

It means that you’re going through an extraordinary experience and it’s a lot, a whole lot, and you’re doing an incredible job.

A powerful way to shift some of the heaviness you may be feeling individually and collectively as a highly sensitive person is Counting Your Blessings.

While this may seem too simplistic to make a shift or impact at the level you want or need; I promise you, it will create a shift for you.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make this most significant shifts.

When we focus on our blessings, even 1 thing, anything, we open ourselves up to grace, receiving, and gratitude.

We automatically shift into our heart center and this helps us to shift to a place of gentility, love, and healing.

Sometimes it can be easy to get stuck in the thinking, fixing, and problem solving space. There’s a time and a place for that, absolutely; however, staying in that energy can disconnect us from feeling and noticing what is working, what is good, and what we do have in our life that we consider a blessing.

This isn’t a Pollyanna painting over our reality type of thing.
It’s an opportunity to name and feel grateful for our blessings which helps us to come into our heart center, to lighten our load, to reset, and to have more insight when we go back to solving a problem and creating solutions.

This exercise is like a breath of fresh air.

It literally lightens our load and allows us to come back into our heart, even if only for a few moments throughout the day.

Just for today, try to find and name 5 blessings in your life.

You can choose anything you want, only you know what your blessings are for you.

  • Pay attention to the way you feel when you find and name a blessing.

  • Pay attention to the things that it makes you think about.

  • Pay attention to the memories, insights, and ideas connected to this particular blessing.

  • Pay attention to all the messages that come flooding through for you, today.

Just focus on today.

Be where you’re at right now.

In the middle of the stuff, in the middle of the all the feels, right now, just for today.

Try to find and name 5

Even if you can only find and name 1, it’s still a win!

I’m sending you love and I want you to know that I’m supporting you and cheering you on as we continue to round the corner of this last lap of 2020 together.

With love from my teeny corner of the world ,


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