Happy New Year!

Happy New Year~
Welcome to 2024!
I hope this new year will bring you and yours blessings, joy, happiness, and peace. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that this message is finding you well and rested as we begin a new year.

I want to gently remind you that the holiday hangover phenomenon is real and if you're finding yourself in need of a little more rest, a little more quiet, and a little more time to fully move into the new year energy, you're not alone. If you can find little ways to honor your need to go slowly this first week of the new year, please give yourself permission to do so. Things that feel supportive for you can help you move more gently into this new year.

Whether it's things like: 

  • jammies, cozy socks, and tea or

  • slowly putting away holiday decorations at your own pace, or

  • limiting screen time so your body can rest and recover or

  • ________________________

Any of these things can help you so that you feel ready to focus on the new year when the timing is more aligned for you and your energy. Trying to push or force yourself to be ready when you're not isn't helpful for you. I promise you'll feel the shift happen, but for now please be gentle with yourself and honor the wisdom you're receiving.

However, if you are starting to feel the subtle shifts showing up for you right now, you may want to spend a little time, even 10 minutes investing in some journaling or listing themes that you feel guided to focus on throughout your new year. There's no one way or right way to do this; only the ways that resonate for you right now. You may feel guided to choose a word as a theme or perhaps you have a few themes or goals that you know you want to focus on this year. Maybe you want to make a new vision board or screen saver collage to help you to see the things that are a focus for you in 2024. Maybe you feel guided to use a combination of things to help honor and focus your intentions for your new year. In any ways that you feel guided to move through this process, you will find that it helps to move you forward. Any action that you take no matter how seemingly small helps to build momentum and supports you in taking the next steps. 

As you move through this process, I encourage you to include some dreams to your vision boards, lists, themes, and words. Often times, especially as adults we focus on the projects that are prescient, currently in motion, and things that are practical or pragmatic. These are worthwhile and important aspects to include in this sacred work. However, that being said, please leave a little room for dreaming, laughter, joy, fun, and play. After decades (yes...decades) of working with clients and students from all kinds of backgrounds, this is an area that shows up again and again. Please don't feel sad if you're thinking that these lighter or perhaps less prescient aspects of life weren't the first things that popped up for you as you were thinking about what might be on your list for 2024. You can include anything that you want, and these aspects are equally important and as valuable as the aspects that focus on the bottom line. You don't have to choose only from column A, you get to choose whatever you feel guided to choose and you can update your list at any time. Yes, you're worth it and no, you don't have to finish several items on your to do list before you can enjoy happiness, joy, and peace. You are worthy right now. 

This time of year, and this important beginning of the new year work can sometimes include reviewing the past year or maybe even several years. This is a natural part of the process. You may be continuing some work or themes that are currently in progress for you. You may find that this review process brings up a lot of emotions and memories for you. Sometimes those emotions can include grief or sadness. I want to gently remind you that these are natural feelings and experiences that can show up while doing this kind of work. Allowing yourself to move through these feelings can be a big support system for you. However, if you feel guided to reach out for support from someone else as well, that can also be a powerful support system for you. 

No matter where you find yourself today in this new 2024 energy, know that you're moving into the energy at the pace that is right for you. If you feel like jumping in and starting your year off with projects and activities that resonate for you, great! If you feel like moving a bit more softly and quietly into the new year, great! If you find yourself somewhere in the middle, great! You're not in a competition and honoring the guidance you're receiving about how to move into your new year is wise and sage advice. You're already meeting, adjusting, and working with the new energy right now and you get to choose how to do that important work that shifts you into this new year. 

I hope that you'll enjoy this process and the beginning of this new year. I'm so thankful to be sharing this new year with you! Thank you for being here. 

As always, I'm sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Moving Gently into the New Year

Hello, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of your new year.
Sometimes when we move into January there’s a feeling that we need to push into the new year quickly or jump into a lot of projects, tasks, or check things off of our to do list. Taking a little time to prioritize what you may be guided to work on or work toward this year is a wonderful way to set some intentions for your new year. However, there is also a deep holiday let down that happens at the beginning of the year which asks us to slow down a little bit so we can reset before we jump into all the things we have planned. If you’re feeling a combination of these extremes, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel your body and your mind wanting to take a little down time to rest and restore. This call to move gently into the new year isn’t a reflection on your ability to make progress on your goals or intentions for your new year. You’re just connecting to your natural body rhythm and inner guidance about what you need right now. It’s okay to move gently, it’s okay to take it slow, and it’s okay to give yourself some grace as you move through the first month of this new year.

Many highly sensitive people, (like yourself) are noticing that they need more sleep than usual right now. (Maybe you’re noticing this too.) You may find you’re being guided to go to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and maybe even guided to rest or nap even if you aren’t traditionally a napper. Trying to honor your own needs to the best of your ability right now will help you to more easily move into a place of readiness when your energy stores are nice and full again. You’ll naturally find your energy begin to increase along with your desire to begin working on your intentions for your new year. There is no rush and no need to push yourself outside of your own limits, just take this time to honor your own inner knowingness about what is right for you right now. If you’ve been experiencing some unexpected forced rest like me, I hope that you’ll be feeling better very soon.

There are a lot of things happening right now including big energy shifts, intense weather, and what seems like big news stories nearly every day. Sometimes these situations even simply reading about them can impact sensitive people in similar ways to those who experience full moon symptoms. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you may want to increase your hydration, increase your rest (to the best of your ability), try to treat yourself with tender care and listen to your body. You may feel guided to increase some of your favorite tools such as essential oils, listening to gentle music or an audio book, meditation, gentle movement, soft and comfortable clothing, and gentle foods and beverages. Even seemingly small acts of self care can make a big difference in helping with the big energy shifts happening.

However this new year has started for you, I hope that you are being gentle with yourself and allowing yourself some breathing room to go at your own pace. Taking time for rest is still doing something productive and it’s an important part of our overall health and wellness.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

New Month, New Season, New Cycle

October Anne of Green Gables (2019_01_30 23_54_58 UTC).jpg

Happy October!

A new month and a new season is upon us and if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere, October may bring to mind all kinds of cozy and comforting energies and memories. While it’s still hot in my little corner of the world, I know that eventually it will start cooling down and all the comforts of the new season will make themselves known.

This is a great time to invest some energy into making your home feel calm, comfortable, and cozy. We’re moving into a time of slowing down, shorter days, and longer evenings. Naturally, there’s a call for us to rest more, to spend more time at home, and to care for ourselves in a gentle way. Maybe you’ve already begun this process, and if you have, you’re already tapping into this new energy.

Seemingly simple shifts can make a big impact on the way you feel and they way you organically move into this new season. You may notice that by making some of these changes, you’ll feel the tone of your home begin to change. You may even notice that the people who live with you, including fur babies respond to this subtle but palpable shift.  Some of these shifts can include pulling out your big duvet cover and the flannel sheets. Maybe you’re already in the process of streamlining your closet and letting go of things that are done and bringing warmer layers into the forefront so they’re easy to find. Maybe you’re putting your gardens to bed for the season and finishing up the last of your canning and preserving and thinking more about baking.

There are so many ways to honor this shift we’re moving through right now and the most important way to experience this shift is in the ways that resonate for you and your home. Only you know what feels like the right fit for you. Maybe you like to incorporate something that was done in your home when you were a child and maybe you’ve found your own recipe for moving into a new season that you love to replicate each year. Maybe it’s a combination of both, a little something old, and some things you’ve curated over time. Maybe this season you’re going to create something brand new that feels like it’s the right choice right now.

Sometimes people tell me that they get nervous that they didn’t do ____________ or ___________ on a particular day or feel they’re running behind on what they feel they should be doing. If any of these feelings show up for you, please take a breath, and know that you’re not alone. This is definitely not something that you have to accomplish all in one day or by a certain calendar date. This is something that is meant to be supportive and comforting for you. You get to decide what that looks like and when it happens. Please give yourself permission to go at your own pace and ask people for help if you could use some support. There’s also no exam, grade, or feedback that will be held over you during this process. Many highly sensitive souls (like yourself) often feel an underlying level of pressure or anxiousness about making sure everything is right, correct, and on point. This natural shift and the way that you choose to mark it is meant to be fun, uplifting, and gentle. Yes, gentle.

You may want to take a little walk through your home to tune in to what you would like to feel, see, hear, and connect with this season. This can be a powerful way to anchor your vision into your home.

You may want to ask yourself:

What does October make me think about?

What makes me feel like it’s October?

What kinds of things do I like to eat and drink during October?

What colors, images, and textures resonate for me when I think about October?

What kinds of activities do I like to do throughout October?

What kinds of sounds resonate for me during October?

What kinds of themes or areas of growth do I want to focus on throughout October?

In what ways do I like to connect with my spiritual self during October?

Your answers to these questions can really help support you in cultivating a month and a space that rises up to greet you as we move into this new energy and season together. These questions will probably spark some other ideas, inspirations, and memories for you too! I’d love to hear how you make this month speak to you.

In addition to the physical shifts you feel guided to make in your home, this is often a powerful time to connect to your spiritual self. It’s not a surprise to me that as we tend to get quieter and spend more time indoors we also increase our ability to connect, hear, and recognize more easily the messages, synchronicities, and divine downloads that are being given to us. Maybe you’ll integrate some meditation, prayer work, or other aspects of your spiritual life to your days throughout October.

I’m wishing you a beautiful month, filled with the things, people, and experiences that will resonate with you and bring you a deep sense of comfort, peace, and happiness. For me, that means making all the things. You’ll find me spending my free time baking, cooking, and making lots of diy’s while adding cozy blankets, throw pillows, and spicy oils into my diffusers.

I’m sending you so much love and gratitude from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

All my love,


P.S. Thank you so much for the gratitude gifts and for being here with me, I am so grateful to be here with you!

P.P.S. You may know that we’re officially into Mercury Retrograde right now. Breathe, this is not a “bad luck” thing but it is an opportunity to review things, to move mindfully, and to prepare for things to resurface and repeat. This would be a great time to back up your files, your external hard drives, and to take a quick inventory of anything that you may need to refill, replenish, or restore. (This includes us, you may find yourself needing a bit of extra rest at this time too.) I’m wishing you a gentle retrograde cycle and please know that I am here to support you if you feel guided to reach out for some support. xoxo

I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Reassess + Restructure + Recommit

June popsicle.jpg

Happy June! This is one of my favorite times of year because the weather is getting nicer + we get a little reset on the year. If you’re anything like me you love a good reset and an opportunity to fine tune some things. The 6 month mark gives us an opportunity to get really clear on where we’ve been so far and where we want to go with the remainder of 2019.

If you’re feeling a little bit sidelined by the fact that we’re halfway through the year, you’re not alone. This year feels like it’s been full of stops and starts and maybe you’ve experienced some big shifts along the way. No matter how your year has been going for you so far, you get an opportunity to take a little inventory and restructure some things that you want to highlight going forward.

There’s no one way or right way to do this, there’s just the ways that are right for you. However, it’s important to do something so that you can get clear on what you want to experience and what things you want to make priorities in the second half of your year.

Did you make a Vision Board back in January and then put it into the Closet?

Maybe it’s time to pull it out, take a look at it and see if what’s there is still resonating for you. Maybe you’ve accomplished some of your goals for this year (yay!) and you want to remove the images that you’ve checked off your list. Maybe you want to add new things that are more in alignment with where you’d like to go next. Either way, if a vision board is a tool that you enjoy using, make sure you find it a new home; one where you can actually see it every day. No more relegating it to a closet or behind a pile of random stuff.

Are you a List Maker?

I love a good list. Okay list makers, get out that list of things that you wanted to get done this year. Maybe you have several lists for different areas of your life. Get them all out and take a look at what’s been done and what’s still waiting to get moved up. Don’t go into melt down mode if you feel there’s still a lot on your list/s that haven’t been checked off. Take a breath and reprioritize your list. Move things around, remove things if this isn’t the best time to be focused on a particular area. If you want to you can make another list of things that are being put into a secondary priority allowing you to get to them once your most important things for the rest of 2019 are attended to first.

Are you a Quarterly Planning and Pie Charts Person?

Do you love flow charts, color, and lots of at a glace inspiration and planning? Or maybe you love all the software, apps, and bells and whistles to support you in moving forward with your goals or dreams. Get out all the things and check to see if the places and spaces you’re honestly investing your time is lining up with the colors and blocks that you intended to invest in this year. It’s okay if things have gone a bit askew. No problem at all, you can Reassess + Restructure + Recommit to your plan and vision for the next 6 months.

We’re constantly changing + dealing with the day to day stuff. However, having a clear vision for what we truly want to achieve this year is very important. The months will continue to move by but with a clear vision you can make a steady and consistent pathway toward the goals you have for yourself. It’s not too late, you haven’t missed the boat, and Yes, it’s still worth investing in your goals starting right now, today. If you need help, ask for help; don’t let this time slip away from you.

Breathe if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Make a commitment to yourself and the momentum you want to nurture for the rest of the year. You have 6 months to move toward the things that are resonating for you for 2019. Yes, definitely doable. Use this time as an opportunity to Relaunch your excitement, enthusiasm, and energy toward the goals you have for yourself and your _____________.

Focus on 3 things that you can do this week to move forward.
Start today and use this 6 month mark to Reorganize, Reprioritize, and Reenergize yourself and your year.

I’m doing the same thing over here in my little corner of the world and I’m cheering you on as you Rededicate yourself to your year!

Do you feel like you could use some extra support in moving toward your goals? I look forward to working with you and supporting you all along the way! I know you can do this!

With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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