Happy New Year!

Happy New Year~
Welcome to 2024!
I hope this new year will bring you and yours blessings, joy, happiness, and peace. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season and that this message is finding you well and rested as we begin a new year.

I want to gently remind you that the holiday hangover phenomenon is real and if you're finding yourself in need of a little more rest, a little more quiet, and a little more time to fully move into the new year energy, you're not alone. If you can find little ways to honor your need to go slowly this first week of the new year, please give yourself permission to do so. Things that feel supportive for you can help you move more gently into this new year.

Whether it's things like: 

  • jammies, cozy socks, and tea or

  • slowly putting away holiday decorations at your own pace, or

  • limiting screen time so your body can rest and recover or

  • ________________________

Any of these things can help you so that you feel ready to focus on the new year when the timing is more aligned for you and your energy. Trying to push or force yourself to be ready when you're not isn't helpful for you. I promise you'll feel the shift happen, but for now please be gentle with yourself and honor the wisdom you're receiving.

However, if you are starting to feel the subtle shifts showing up for you right now, you may want to spend a little time, even 10 minutes investing in some journaling or listing themes that you feel guided to focus on throughout your new year. There's no one way or right way to do this; only the ways that resonate for you right now. You may feel guided to choose a word as a theme or perhaps you have a few themes or goals that you know you want to focus on this year. Maybe you want to make a new vision board or screen saver collage to help you to see the things that are a focus for you in 2024. Maybe you feel guided to use a combination of things to help honor and focus your intentions for your new year. In any ways that you feel guided to move through this process, you will find that it helps to move you forward. Any action that you take no matter how seemingly small helps to build momentum and supports you in taking the next steps. 

As you move through this process, I encourage you to include some dreams to your vision boards, lists, themes, and words. Often times, especially as adults we focus on the projects that are prescient, currently in motion, and things that are practical or pragmatic. These are worthwhile and important aspects to include in this sacred work. However, that being said, please leave a little room for dreaming, laughter, joy, fun, and play. After decades (yes...decades) of working with clients and students from all kinds of backgrounds, this is an area that shows up again and again. Please don't feel sad if you're thinking that these lighter or perhaps less prescient aspects of life weren't the first things that popped up for you as you were thinking about what might be on your list for 2024. You can include anything that you want, and these aspects are equally important and as valuable as the aspects that focus on the bottom line. You don't have to choose only from column A, you get to choose whatever you feel guided to choose and you can update your list at any time. Yes, you're worth it and no, you don't have to finish several items on your to do list before you can enjoy happiness, joy, and peace. You are worthy right now. 

This time of year, and this important beginning of the new year work can sometimes include reviewing the past year or maybe even several years. This is a natural part of the process. You may be continuing some work or themes that are currently in progress for you. You may find that this review process brings up a lot of emotions and memories for you. Sometimes those emotions can include grief or sadness. I want to gently remind you that these are natural feelings and experiences that can show up while doing this kind of work. Allowing yourself to move through these feelings can be a big support system for you. However, if you feel guided to reach out for support from someone else as well, that can also be a powerful support system for you. 

No matter where you find yourself today in this new 2024 energy, know that you're moving into the energy at the pace that is right for you. If you feel like jumping in and starting your year off with projects and activities that resonate for you, great! If you feel like moving a bit more softly and quietly into the new year, great! If you find yourself somewhere in the middle, great! You're not in a competition and honoring the guidance you're receiving about how to move into your new year is wise and sage advice. You're already meeting, adjusting, and working with the new energy right now and you get to choose how to do that important work that shifts you into this new year. 

I hope that you'll enjoy this process and the beginning of this new year. I'm so thankful to be sharing this new year with you! Thank you for being here. 

As always, I'm sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Moving Gently into the New Year

Hello, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of your new year.
Sometimes when we move into January there’s a feeling that we need to push into the new year quickly or jump into a lot of projects, tasks, or check things off of our to do list. Taking a little time to prioritize what you may be guided to work on or work toward this year is a wonderful way to set some intentions for your new year. However, there is also a deep holiday let down that happens at the beginning of the year which asks us to slow down a little bit so we can reset before we jump into all the things we have planned. If you’re feeling a combination of these extremes, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel your body and your mind wanting to take a little down time to rest and restore. This call to move gently into the new year isn’t a reflection on your ability to make progress on your goals or intentions for your new year. You’re just connecting to your natural body rhythm and inner guidance about what you need right now. It’s okay to move gently, it’s okay to take it slow, and it’s okay to give yourself some grace as you move through the first month of this new year.

Many highly sensitive people, (like yourself) are noticing that they need more sleep than usual right now. (Maybe you’re noticing this too.) You may find you’re being guided to go to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and maybe even guided to rest or nap even if you aren’t traditionally a napper. Trying to honor your own needs to the best of your ability right now will help you to more easily move into a place of readiness when your energy stores are nice and full again. You’ll naturally find your energy begin to increase along with your desire to begin working on your intentions for your new year. There is no rush and no need to push yourself outside of your own limits, just take this time to honor your own inner knowingness about what is right for you right now. If you’ve been experiencing some unexpected forced rest like me, I hope that you’ll be feeling better very soon.

There are a lot of things happening right now including big energy shifts, intense weather, and what seems like big news stories nearly every day. Sometimes these situations even simply reading about them can impact sensitive people in similar ways to those who experience full moon symptoms. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you may want to increase your hydration, increase your rest (to the best of your ability), try to treat yourself with tender care and listen to your body. You may feel guided to increase some of your favorite tools such as essential oils, listening to gentle music or an audio book, meditation, gentle movement, soft and comfortable clothing, and gentle foods and beverages. Even seemingly small acts of self care can make a big difference in helping with the big energy shifts happening.

However this new year has started for you, I hope that you are being gentle with yourself and allowing yourself some breathing room to go at your own pace. Taking time for rest is still doing something productive and it’s an important part of our overall health and wellness.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

The Season of Light

Happy December~

I hope this finds you well as we welcome the season of light together.
This time of year brings with it lots of extra light; some in the form of teeny lights, fairy lights, lights on homes, in trees, and even in windows. Maybe you’ve already added extra light to your home too. There’s something special and almost magical that happens when you add light to extra spaces in your home. Those little extra lights help to stir something within in us on a soul level. Maybe you’ve noticed this happening for you too; the feeling of deep calm, comfort, quiet, and sometimes a welling up of love and fond memories. Maybe you’ve noticed how these extra lights have a soothing effect on the people in your home and if you have little fur babies, how they’re impacted by the extra light as well.  

Often the light in combination with longer nights and darker days (for those of us living in the northern hemisphere) can create windows of opportunity for deep reflection, slowing down, and a focus on simplicity, and peace. There’s a calling from deep within us asking us to get quiet and to focus on the things that resonate with us on a core level as we prepare to move into a season of rest, renewal, and rejuvenation. While living in a modern world where the cyclical shifts of the seasons can feel like they’re happening next to us while we’re often living in a perpetual forward motion can be challenging. However, we can find ways to work with this push pull dichotomy so that we can integrate these experiences into our own lives in ways that work for us. We’re part of those cycles too and as we find ways to lean into them, we can find a place that feels more like us and feels more enjoyable.

Like most things, there’s no one way or right way to create this experience, there are only the ways that are right for you and your lifestyle; and you’re the only person who knows which ways are the right ways for you. If we think about lighting our lamp from within, we can focus on the aspects, areas, themes, or values that feel soothing, comforting, and like coming home as great places to start. Please remember that there’s no wrong answer here, and you can change your answers by adding to your list or removing things at any time you choose.

You may want to ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

  • What do I know that I need to do for myself right now?

  • What is my body telling me that I need right now?

  • How can I nurture my soul right now?

  • In what ways can I create a space that feels supportive, soothing, and peaceful to me right now?

  • What kinds of sounds, scents, and textures feel like the right fit for me right now?

  • How can I cultivate a feeling that represents me right now?

  • Are there any things I can let go from my to do list right now? If so, what?

  • How can I lean into this season of light right now?

  • What does the season of light mean to me?

  • How can I light my lamp from within right now?

  • Is there a theme I want to focus on for this season of light? If so, what?

Some of the things that showed up for you may be things that you expected to find while others may be a surprise for you. Please know this isn’t another thing to add to your to do list but rather an opportunity to understand which areas or aspects of this season are speaking to you. The areas that are prescient for you may be similar to someone else’s but they may be entirely tailored for you. Give yourself permission to lean into your season of light in the ways that resonate for you. This can help to create a season that feels uplifting, supportive, and meaningful for you in a special way. It can also help you to slow down a bit and to feel the experience of the season, the cycles, and the celebratory qualities of this time of year.

This season can bring up lots of big feelings, emotions, and experiences. Sometimes, by taking a little time to cultivate and nurture your own light, it can help ease any big feelings that come up at this time of year. As the days grow darker and the nights longer, we’re given an opportunity to increase our own light and the light we have around us. My wish for you this season is that you allow your light to shine in full spectrum not only for the benefit of your loved ones but also for yourself. Feed your light with the love you have for your life. Fill your light with the things, people, situations, and activities that you love. You may want to add some intentions you have for yourself as well as you continue to light your lamp from within all season long.

In deepest gratitude and love, thank you so much for being here and being part of my life this year.
I’m holding you and yours in my thoughts this season. The light within me honors the lights within you.

I’m sending you all my love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

Kristy~ xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

A Time for Rest


I’ve been thinking about you and wanted to check in with you and see how you’re doing. We’ve made it to July which feels like such a huge marker and a perfect time to do a little house keeping.

One of the biggest themes that’s been showing up lately has been about creating and carving out time for genuine rest.

Maybe you’ve been getting this message too.

It’s been a pretty loud message for a while but seems to have increased exponentially lately. This message can show up in lots of different ways, usually showing up for us in the ways that resonate for us on an individual level. Maybe some or all of the messages below will resonate for you right now.

Maybe you feel like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends for so long you don’t know how long you’ve been needing a real and genuine rest.

Maybe you feel like most or many of your days are repeating over and over again and you’re marking them by the different clothes you’re wearing each day but for the most part you’re just getting up and getting it done and then going to sleep and doing it all again the next day.
(Trust me, you’re not alone in experiencing this, I’m feeling it and so many people I talk to are feeling it too.)

Maybe you’re just feeling like you need a break and want to have some fun and feel or see a different environment or place after so many months of staying home.

Maybe you’re feeling exhausted but can’t quite put your finger on why that might be because you’re getting the exact right number of hours of sleep per night, you drink the exact right amount of water, you’re doing all the things, and still feel a bit off.

Maybe you’re just feeling a bit burned out.
No matter how this experience or message is showing up for you, please know that you’re not alone and you’re not imagining this. This isn’t a message about needing to push harder or try to do more to move past the hurdles you’re experiencing as exhaustion.

You may be experiencing some residual stress and lethargy from managing all the things you’ve been dealing with for so long as we’ve all moved through this intense time and are still moving through it in different ways each day.

There’s an incremental experience that happens when moving through a prolonged intensity and eventually the body, soul, and mind get to a place where they all collectively say, I need some rest and relaxation.
If you’re finding yourself in this space right now, welcome; you’re in really good company.

This month is often a time when we think about relaxing, restoring, and rejuvenating as it’s often a time when people have more flexibility in their schedules and may even plan holidays and vacations.
Maybe this is traditionally a time that you look forward to getting away and letting go for a while.

Depending on where you live and what’s happening right now, you may or may not be able to plan to do something for a little get away. This in and of itself can lead to more feelings of overwhelm and frustration about another fun experience being postponed or adjusted.

However, no matter what your situation may be, the need for genuine rest is real.

It’s such a strong message right now, that people are finding that if they try to push past this, they are being given opportunities to experience forced rest. (This isn’t fun and often shows up as feeling under the weather.)

So, the theme right now is about finding ways to carve out time for genuine rest, and you can do that even if you’re participating in a staycation again this year.
Focus on the things that make you feel:

  • Happy

  • Joyful

  • Uplifted

  • Relaxed

  • At Ease

  • Rested

  • Comforted

  • Supported

  • Nurtured

  • And ___________________________________

Give yourself permission to lean into activities and situations that fulfill you from the inside out. When we invest in things we love, even in seemingly small doses, we bank energy, enthusiasm, life satisfaction, and we tend to feel more like ourselves too.

Doing things that resonate for us on a soul level helps us to experience more joy, happiness, and a better quality of life. These kinds of investments are worth while in so many ways. When we take time to do these things, even in little pockets throughout the day, we begin to refill our own well which allows us to experience more balance and more rest.

Ask yourself:

  • What do I feel like I need right now?

  • How can I create more joy for myself?

  • What would I love to do right now?

  • How can I make that happen?

  • Is there anything that I could be doing to make this month more fulfilling?

  • How can I increase genuine rest in my life right now?

This month, no matter what your schedule may be, please take some time each day to invest in laughter, fun, joy, and anything that resonates for your soul.
(Even if that means taking a nap and watching one of your favorite movies that you’ve seen over and over again.)

This message or theme is a powerful one that is supporting us in getting back into a place of balance or at least helping us to move closer to that place.

As you honor the messages that are showing up for you right now, you’ll find that you feel more like yourself and more at ease as we move forward together.

I’m sending you so much support as you continue to take really good care of yourself right now.

Please know that I’m here for you to offer you support in any ways that resonate for you whether through a Coaching Session, Intuitive Session, or an Energy Treatment.

I’m sending you a huge hug and so much love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

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Home for the Holidays

christmas stars.jpg

Welcome to December and the home stretch as we embrace the holiday season, and the end of the year.

I want to thank you for the thoughts, prayers, notes, and check in’s over the last few weeks as my community was impacted by the camp fire. It’s been a really intense time but my little community has rallied around our neighbors as we all deal with the aftermath of the fire and the flooding. Your kindness and support has meant so much to me.

One of the things that has been prescient for me at this time is that no matter where we are, we bring the holidays with us. Home is within us, it’s not necessarily one particular place, but rather home is in our hearts. We can create and celebrate the holiday season no matter where we are as long as we focus on the love that’s already within us.

I know that this time of year can bring up a lot of emotions, feelings, and memories. You may be separated from your loved ones, or you may be someplace that doesn’t necessarily feel like home. However, you can create a feeling of home by investing in the activities or experiences that feel like home for you.

  • Maybe it means spending time with your Framily, the friends that you consider family.

  • Maybe it means making a special meal or dessert which really anchors the holiday spirit for you.

  • Maybe it means volunteering or supporting someone who could use help this holiday season.

  • Maybe it means listening to a special record that makes you think about a loved one who is no longer here.

  • Maybe it’s wearing festive jammies and watching movies while eating popcorn.

  • Maybe it’s _____________________________.

The truth is that there’s no one way or right way to celebrate the holiday season. There are lots of ways to honor the traditions, joys, and special moments this month. By taking time to do a few things that fill you with love, you’ll bring the holiday’s home no matter where you are or who you’re with.

Please remember that while this month is often filled with hustle and bustle, and places to go and people to see; that it’s equally important to take some time to slow down. I know it seems counter intuitive to slow down during a busy season. However, it’s in the slowing down and paring down your list of to do’s that you’ll more easily enjoy the parts of the season that speak to you. The slowing down allows you to more fully experience the season.

It’s okay to pass on the activities that don’t feel like a fit this year and to embrace the ones that are genuinely right for you. You don’t have to explain why something isn’t a fit, you’ll know it in your heart and that’s more than enough of a reason.

So, this season, no matter where you are or who you’re with, I’m wishing you a gentle, supportive, and joyful season. Let being home for the holidays mean being filled with the joy and love that’s with you right now, inside your heart.

I’m sending you so much love and I’m wishing you a very peaceful and blessed holiday season.
With gratitude and love,

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Summer's Here, Time For A Change In Direction

Well, it’s officially summer in the northern hemisphere and it’s super hot in my teeny corner of the world. Whether you are sipping iced tea trying to keep cool like I am or if you live somewhere where the weather is more comfortable; one thing is sure we are into a brand new season. A new season always brings with it change, new energy, and new “tasks.”

The long summer days, the heat, and the break from school give us a clear message about the tasks on deck for this particular season. This season is all about slowing down, getting outside, and getting some warm sunshine on your skin. While you may not be out of school or off work for the summer (I’m not either) the message about slowing down is still really strong.

A couple of weeks ago I participated in an event that was dedicated to celebrating fun, self care, and a little bit of pampering.  I was working as one of the vendors and offered small complimentary sessions to participants throughout the entire event. The number one message that came through during the event was a need for more:

  • Self Care
  • Down Time
  • Fun
  • Restructuring of Day to Day Activities to Create More Balance

This message was not only a strong theme during that event but I’ve seen it continue over the last couple of weeks with clients and friends. Whenever there’s a big wave of any messages coming through I know that people are feeling it across the board.

  • How about you?
  • Are you feeling the need for some deep self care?
  • Some real rest?
  • The ability to walk away from your technology and communication devices and just breathe without worrying about what you need to do next?

Does just thinking about having a little more time for yourself make your body relax?
Well, if so, you’re not alone.

And, the great news is that this season is the perfect time for you to actually enjoy more time for yourself, time with loved ones, and time doing things that you love… even if that means simply sitting in your garden or on your front porch listening to the bees working.

The long hot days impact the way that our physical bodies feel making us slow down which helps us to rest, restore, and renew. This is also a time where excess stuff seems to feel even more overwhelming than usual. This feeling of wanting to streamline helps to eliminate excess distractions which contribute to more tension and stress within and around us. If you’re thinking about having a yard sale or donating a lot of belongings you are no longer using, then you are right on the mark for this clearing away task that is happening right now.

This is also a big travel time and an opportunity to get outside even if the only traveling you can do right now is day trips to places within your local area. Getting outside regularly will help you to unwind from stress or pressure, get back to your natural body clock, (which most likely doesn’t match your daily agenda or to do lists) and drink in the healing power of the sun. Being outside in the sun is really beneficial mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Yes, of course responsible sun exposure is important but like all living beings on this planet, we need sun. The sun actually gives us energy and helps to balance us while clearing away tension. If you think about the sun’s ability to power vehicles, homes, and office buildings, you can see that the sun also powers us. Not to mention the beneficial vitamin D that we receive from being in the sun. Those who have seasonal affective disorder (raising hand) know first hand how challenging it is to live somewhere with limited sunlight a large portion of the year. The sun literally helps to increase happiness, energy, and clear thinking.

Think back to a time when you were younger, maybe after swimming and then laying on the concrete to warm up and feeling the warm summer sunshine soaking into your pores. This is a quintessential childhood summer feeling to me and a great one to use as a guide as you move through this season.

You don’t literally have to lie out on the concrete, maybe a nice lounge chair instead. Give yourself permission to bask in the warm and comforting energy of the sun. Pay attention to the way that your body feels, the way that your racing thoughts become quieted, the deep breathing you’re able to experience, and your overall relaxation level.

This feeling is a good barometer of the season. See how many ways you can create this experience for yourself throughout the day. You don’t need a lot of time to move into a place which feels supportive of you. Simply stopping and walking away from the computer for a few minutes, sitting in your backyard and having a glass of lemonade, going to a movie in the park or anything that allows you to slow down and shift your focus from doing to receiving will do. The more of these shifts to receiving you can build into your long summer days, the more you will feel like yourself again. Give yourself permission to build in a little bit of that childhood freedom and fun that comes with summer into your “grown up” summer too.

Enjoy the energy of this season, slow way down, do things that make you feel like a kid again. Let go of the extraneous whether it’s physical stuff, an overbooked schedule of things that don’t make your heart sing or a combination of both.

Host a porch party, garden party, or a game night. Drink in the summer air and walk around your home without shoes on. Drink iced tea out of a mason jar, make some homemade popsicles, and play tourist in your own town.

This is a season all about getting back to fun and you my dear, are worth it!

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