Grace | Gratitude | Grit

Happy November!

I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and officially move into the last couple of months of 2023. This year has been a bumpy one for so many people and as we prepare to start this new month, I wanted to share the messages and themes that I’ve received for November. You may be receiving these messages too because as a highly sensitive soul, you’re aware of the subtle energies and shifts happening around and within you.

In the states, we celebrate Thanksgiving in November and there’s a large focus on the theme of gratitude at this time of year. You don’t need to live in the states to embrace or focus on gratitude in your life, this month or any month. However, this practice can help to shift our focus to a place of reflection on what it is that we’re grateful for and research shows that this practice can reduce stress and increase happiness. These are only a couple of aspects or outcomes that people report when participating in active gratitude activities. I often find that it also increases love and opens the heart chakra for clients. I’ve often found that it can help to clear and open up stagnant or slow energy as well and help to get energy, inspiration, and even creativity moving for people. There are lots of ways to participate in a gratitude practice and there are videos, blog posts, and entire books devoted to the topic. However, what I know for sure is that there are no right ways to do this; there are the ways that work best for you,  your schedule, and personal style. If you feel guided to participate in a gratitude activity throughout the month of November, this is a wonderful day or week to start. You may want to document how you’re feeling on day 1 of your process including stress levels, health, and overall well being so you can reflect back on that at the end of the month to see all the takeaways that you personally receive from the process.

You may be thinking that gratitude seems like a very prescient theme for this time of year and may wonder how it stands out as a specific message for the month. The big themes that have shown up for this month include a deep focus on taking care of the nervous system, immune system, and our inner personal strength or constitution. When we look at these themes, one of the biggest aspects that ties all of them together is stress or stressors. I know, not a very flowery or fun topic. However, this has been the strongest theme for us as we move into this month.

The nervous system is the first line of defense for us as we go about our daily lives and when we are overly stressed we can experience an overwhelm or even an overload on our system. This can create a lot of different experiences for people including but not limited to exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, and feeling as if you have limited bandwidth for stress. This experience can have an impact on your immune system as well and can lead to feeling off or unwell or even experiencing a lot of the cycles of sniffles and yuck. Both of these can impact your personal strength or constitution by making you feel like you don’t have enough get up and go to get things done. This can lead to feelings of self doubt, worry, or even passing on positive experiences or opportunities.

The good news here is that each of these aspects work together, hand in hand as a team. As we pour into and take care of one of these aspects, we automatically help to support the other aspects at the same time. As we invest in these areas this month, even in seemingly small ways, we’re more easily able to move through the energy, news, and day to day experiences that are happening within and around us. When we look at the overall message, we can see that it’s about taking good care of ourselves.

Another word for Grace is Kindness.
Another word for Gratitude is Appreciation.
Another word for Grit is Determination

  • When you see and feel the impact of these words, and think about how to apply them to yourself, what kinds of images, thoughts, or feelings show up for you?

  • When you think about ways that you could support and honor your own systems and personal well being, what things show up for you right away? Why?

  • Which of these three words do you feel you’re being guided to focus on the most right now? Grace, Gratitude, or Grit? Why?

  • Which of the three words feels the most challenging for you to honor or pour into for yourself?

  • How can you find ways to increase this aspect in your life even in seemingly small ways?

Hopefully by answering these questions, you’ll be able to better understand the areas or themes that are especially prescient for you right now. Like most things, you may find that you share common interests with people in your circle about how to honor these aspects of your life. However, you may have a different style than some of the people in your circle too. This is about finding the ways that work for you because these will be things that resonate with you and your lifestyle and allow you to continue to practice them in your daily life.
I’ve included some items below that can help to support these themes of Grace, Gratitude, and Grit while we work to honor our systems this month. Please remember this is not a be all end all list in any way. This is just a small list to help inspire you to create a practice or system that is right for you.

Grace | Kindness

  • Using positive words to describe yourself to others and to yourself

  • Making space for rest and relaxation even if for only 15-20 minutes each day

  • Treating yourself the way you treat others

  • Watching a favorite movie or show that you love, just because.

  • Reading for pleasure

  • Listening to or playing music

  • Enjoying a creative project

  • Taking a nap or going to sleep early if you feel tired

  • Using the fancy dishes, table linens, or candles that you always save for someone special. (You’re someone special)

  • Make a meal or a special dessert that you really love just for the fun of it.

  • Ask for help when you need it and allow someone to help you when it’s offered.

  • Drink more water

  • Eat nutrient dense foods

  • Add broths, ferments, and other nourishing foods to your meal plan

  • Take vitamins and minerals

  • Learn a new skill or hobby that you’ve been wanting to try

  • Laugh out loud, for real, watch or listen to things that make you laugh

  • Play and have fun

Gratitude | Appreciation

  • Participate in a gratitude practice (in any way that resonates for you)

  • Get outside into nature to see and take in the beauty and changes that are happening all around you.

  • Walk or participate in gentle movement or exercise. Taking care of the body is a deep appreciation practice.

  • Practice something that you love and is intrinsically part
    of who you are

  • Tell someone in your life what they mean to you

  • Read through old letters or look through old pictures of people and places that have deeply impacted your life.

  • Ask someone you trust (or as many people as you feel guided to include) to share 3 aspects about you or 3 words to describe you to help you better understand and appreciate your impact on the people in your world.

  • Focus on increasing the aspects of your life that bring you joy, happiness, glee, and overall peace. (Only you know what these are and any increase in them in any amount counts as an increase.)

Grit | Determination

  • Focusing on one step at a time

  • Having a clear focus on what you’re working toward and continuing to make concerted effort toward that goal.

  • Reaching out for support from people in the area of your focus

  • Saying no to demands on your time and energy if it’s draining you or creating extra strain and stress.

  • Saying yes to positive opportunities and experiences.

  • Celebrating small and big wins

  • Saying yes to support and love from people in your inner circle and even from your outer circle

  • Knowing when to take a break and when to begin again.

  • Resting when you’re guided so you have the energy to cultivate momentum again when you’re ready.

  • Taking inventory of how far you’ve come as a reminder that everything you’ve been through in the past is proof that you’ve gotten to where you are today from determination and taking things one step at a time.

I hope this will inspire and support you as we move through this month, together. Remember, it’s not about how many things you’re doing, it’s about finding the ways that are right for you to honor and support you through this process. It may be 2 or 3 things that you know you’re being guided to do that make you feel great and add value and joy to your life right now. As you pour into any of these aspects, you will automatically support the other aspects as well, cultivating a positive experience for yourself and supporting you as you move through these themes, this month.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this month, I’m wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Harvest Full Moon

We’re welcoming the Harvest Full Moon today and you’re probably already feeling its big energy. While all full moon cycles are healing and impactful, this one felt very prescient. I wanted to send you a message with some tips to help you move through this energy this weekend which will also bring the beginning of a new month on Sunday. We’re moving through some really big shifts in the next few days so I hope you will find some messages below that will support you and offer you some additional comfort this weekend.

When we think about the harvest season, you may think about bringing in the literal fruits of your labor that you planted in the spring and summer seasons. For many, this is absolutely the case and if you’ve planted a physical garden, you’ve probably been very busy bringing in and putting up your harvest for the winter. This is also a time to think about the other aspects you’ve sewn in the Spring and Summer seasons that are coming in during this time of harvest. This is a powerful time to look back over your journal entries, goals, or themes that you’ve been working on since the beginning of Spring, back in March. Maybe you don’t have a physical record of your intentions but you’ve been holding them close to your heart for safe keeping. In any ways that you’ve been keeping track of your dreams, intentions, or goals during this time, taking some time to reflect on what has shifted, what has come through for you, what is still shifting, and what has cleared is a powerful way to gain insight into your personal harvest season. Maybe you’ll find some blessings that you weren’t expecting when you look back, and maybe you’ll find that there are things that you feel guided to let go as we continue to move through this Autumn season.

Highly sensitive people (like yourself) may experience an increased sensitivity during the Full Moon cycle and may also experience Full Moon symptoms. The Full Moon cycle gives us an opportunity to release, rest, and heal. There aren’t any right ways to do this, in fact, honoring the process that matches your rhythm will be the best way for you to move through the energy. I’ve included some things below that may offer you additional support, please see this list as inspiration or a jumping off point for you to curate a support system that works best for you.

  • Drink More Water: You may notice that you feel parched or that you need more water than usual at this time.

  • Get Into Water: You can take a Bath or Shower or get into your Hot Tub, or go for a Swim. Being in water can help your body to decompress and relax. You can also add Epsom or sea salt to your bath if you feel guided.

  • Be Near Water: Take a walk next to the beach, creek, or lake. Listening to the sound of water helps your body decompress and relax. You can listen to sound files of water and you’ll notice your body automatically releasing stress. You don’t have to physically go to a water source if that’s not possible for you at this time.

  • Slow Down (to the best of your ability) Even if this means winding down a bit earlier than usual, or taking one thing off your list.

  • Naps: Even if you aren’t a napper, if you feel like you need to take a nap and you can, please take a nap.

  • Eat Gentle Foods: Some people experience sensitivity to foods at this time and feel guided to eat gentle foods and drink gentle beverages. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

  • Avoid Intense Places (to the best of your ability) This may not be the very best time for you to go to Costco, the DMV, or places where there are lots of people and lots of things happening everywhere.

  • Avoid Intense People (to the best of your ability) Give yourself permission to say no to people who drain your energy and drain your time.

  • Say Yes to Gentle Environments and Gentle Sounds in your Home (to the best of your ability) Listening to music or watching something that is soothing or supportive for you can be very helpful at this time. You may feel guided to take a little break from news and social media feeds so you can let down and truly rest.

  • Gentle Clothes: Some highly sensitive people find their already sensitive skin becomes even more sensitive at this time. You may want to wear super soft fabrics, and use your favorite blanket, and softest sheets. Some people experience a low grade pain under their skin at this time, so focus on cozy, soft, and loose clothing if you experience this symptom.

  • Bloating, Headaches, Low Grade Fever, and Body Aches: If you experience any of these symptoms during the full moon cycle, you may want to try to rest, get as much sleep as you can, and try to be very good to yourself. You may find that drinking extra water can help to alleviate some of the symptoms. These symptoms usually shift pretty quickly but if they persist, contact your health care professional.

  • Sleep Disturbances: Some sensitive souls find they experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances during the Full Moon cycle. You may want to set up your sleeping space for success by removing devices including tv’s, phones, tablets etc so you can remove blue light from your space. You may also want to avoid harsh or intense news stories, shows, or movies before sleeping. You may want to listen to a guided meditation, set up your diffuser, or read from a physical book to help you wind down for sleeping.

  • Say Yes to Things that Bring You Comfort and Joy: Focusing on taking good care of yourself, resting when you’re guided, and doing things that feel uplifting, joyful, and supportive are important at this time.

I hope this will give you some support and inspiration as to how you can best honor yourself during this Harvest Full Moon cycle. I encourage you to take a little time to look over your own personal harvest for this year as well as taking good care of yourself during this prescient Full Moon cycle. I’m wishing you a very gentle, restorative, and positive Full Moon experience.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Comfort, Care, and Contentment

I hope this finds you well as we begin a brand new month and wind down the last few weeks of summer together, here in the Northern Hemisphere. It feels like last month was especially long, I’m not sure why but it feels like it has been a long time since we connected. I hope that your summer has been good to you and that you’ve enjoyed the long, warm, and slow days of the season. Every time we arrive at September, even though there are still a few weeks before we change seasons, there is a palpable shift that happens. Are you feeling it today, too? There’s almost a feeling of urgency or a sense that it’s time to get things prepared and ready for the change that’s coming. Maybe some of this is connected to the back to school energy happening, maybe some of it is connected to harvests being brought in, and maybe it’s because we can see and feel these small but significant shifts happening letting us know that Autumn is coming. There are some strong themes that we can benefit from at this time which can allow us to harness this energy to get things moving forward in our own lives. I’ve included a few for you below and hope they will offer you support, encouragement, and inspiration for your new month.

You may notice that you feel guided (or almost compelled) to organize, to take an inventory, and to streamline systems and spaces in your home or office. You may have noticed that you’ve been meaning to get around to this but it just didn’t happen during the summer but now all of a sudden you feel ready and want to dig into this project. This is a big part of this theme happening right now. If this is showing up for you, this is a powerful time to lean into that guidance you’re receiving. Because of back to school, you’ll find that there are lots of organizational supplies, systems, and items you may need readily available to you in most big box style stores and often at a reduced price point.

Lightening your load often goes hand in hand with organizing; maybe you feel good about the systems you have in place right now but feel the energy in your home is heavy or weighed down. Sometimes an easy and effective way to lighten the feeling in your home can be to go through closets or storage spaces to see if there are things that can be donated, recycled, or, released. Sometimes, things that we’re no longer using can take up a lot of physical and energetic space in our homes and releasing them can lighten the energy in your space exponentially. You may even notice that your space feels larger, has more breathing room, and physically feels lighter to you and the people living there. Often times, clearing out things that are no longer needed can increase calm, peace, and restfulness in the space as well.

Focusing on comfort and care is also a strong theme that’s showing up right now. You may find yourself thinking about creature comforts that you enjoy during the Autumn season. You may be thinking about the food you want to cook, or cozy clothes you’re looking forward to wearing, the crisp cool air outside, pulling out your favorite blanket, or watching your favorite fall themed movies or shows. (Hello, Gilmore Girls and Harry Potter.) This process of thinking about the things that feel like the new season to you, help you to move into that new season. This process also allows you to start creating a space that feels comforting and nurturing for you. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, we often spend more time inside. Making your home a place that rises up to greet you while also helping you to feel safe and supported is one of the biggest themes showing up right now. Give yourself permission to have fun with this process. You don’t have to spend a lot of money doing this, in fact you don’t have to spend any money. As you’re going through your storage spaces, I think you’ll find treasures that you want to get out and enjoy for this new season.  If you think about it, organization and lightening your load are also ways to support comfort and care. I think this is one of the most magical aspects of this time of year. It seems like all of the themes coming through, while each with its own unique aspect and gifts are all working together to support us in moving into a season of comfort, care, and contentment.

While these themes are definitely prescient at this time, they seem especially timely for all of us as we see headlines and reports coming in over the last week or so about new regulations and restrictions similar to that of 2020. As a highly sensitive person, I want to encourage you to think about adding some things to your comfort or care systems that offer you ways to decompress from stress, tension, or feelings of overwhelm. You may already have these things in your home. As you’re working on organizing and shifting things around, you may feel guided to have some things you enjoy in arms reach of places you enjoy sitting so you can easily access them when you feel guided. There’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that feel right for you and your home. I’ve included a few things below that may be a fit for you, please use this as inspiration for your own list of comfort or care systems.

  • Coloring Books, Crayons, or Markers

  • Physical Books

  • Paint by Number Set

  • Yarn for Knitting, Crochet, or Macrame

  • Music, Playlists, or Musical Instruments

  • Sketchbook

  • Essential Oils

  • House Plants

  • Games

  • Puzzles

  • Journal

  • Exercise Equipment (Includes Yoga mat, weights, hiking boots, etc)

  • Epsom Salt for Salt Baths

  • Cozy Blanket

  • Soft Gentle Clothing

  • Someone to call if you need extra support

I’m wishing you a wonderful new month and a gentle transition from summer into autumn. I hope that you will enjoy riding these waves that are coming through right now to support us as we collectively organize, lighten our load, and focus on comfort and care.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

New Month, New Season, New Cycle

October Anne of Green Gables (2019_01_30 23_54_58 UTC).jpg

Happy October!

A new month and a new season is upon us and if you’re living in the Northern Hemisphere, October may bring to mind all kinds of cozy and comforting energies and memories. While it’s still hot in my little corner of the world, I know that eventually it will start cooling down and all the comforts of the new season will make themselves known.

This is a great time to invest some energy into making your home feel calm, comfortable, and cozy. We’re moving into a time of slowing down, shorter days, and longer evenings. Naturally, there’s a call for us to rest more, to spend more time at home, and to care for ourselves in a gentle way. Maybe you’ve already begun this process, and if you have, you’re already tapping into this new energy.

Seemingly simple shifts can make a big impact on the way you feel and they way you organically move into this new season. You may notice that by making some of these changes, you’ll feel the tone of your home begin to change. You may even notice that the people who live with you, including fur babies respond to this subtle but palpable shift.  Some of these shifts can include pulling out your big duvet cover and the flannel sheets. Maybe you’re already in the process of streamlining your closet and letting go of things that are done and bringing warmer layers into the forefront so they’re easy to find. Maybe you’re putting your gardens to bed for the season and finishing up the last of your canning and preserving and thinking more about baking.

There are so many ways to honor this shift we’re moving through right now and the most important way to experience this shift is in the ways that resonate for you and your home. Only you know what feels like the right fit for you. Maybe you like to incorporate something that was done in your home when you were a child and maybe you’ve found your own recipe for moving into a new season that you love to replicate each year. Maybe it’s a combination of both, a little something old, and some things you’ve curated over time. Maybe this season you’re going to create something brand new that feels like it’s the right choice right now.

Sometimes people tell me that they get nervous that they didn’t do ____________ or ___________ on a particular day or feel they’re running behind on what they feel they should be doing. If any of these feelings show up for you, please take a breath, and know that you’re not alone. This is definitely not something that you have to accomplish all in one day or by a certain calendar date. This is something that is meant to be supportive and comforting for you. You get to decide what that looks like and when it happens. Please give yourself permission to go at your own pace and ask people for help if you could use some support. There’s also no exam, grade, or feedback that will be held over you during this process. Many highly sensitive souls (like yourself) often feel an underlying level of pressure or anxiousness about making sure everything is right, correct, and on point. This natural shift and the way that you choose to mark it is meant to be fun, uplifting, and gentle. Yes, gentle.

You may want to take a little walk through your home to tune in to what you would like to feel, see, hear, and connect with this season. This can be a powerful way to anchor your vision into your home.

You may want to ask yourself:

What does October make me think about?

What makes me feel like it’s October?

What kinds of things do I like to eat and drink during October?

What colors, images, and textures resonate for me when I think about October?

What kinds of activities do I like to do throughout October?

What kinds of sounds resonate for me during October?

What kinds of themes or areas of growth do I want to focus on throughout October?

In what ways do I like to connect with my spiritual self during October?

Your answers to these questions can really help support you in cultivating a month and a space that rises up to greet you as we move into this new energy and season together. These questions will probably spark some other ideas, inspirations, and memories for you too! I’d love to hear how you make this month speak to you.

In addition to the physical shifts you feel guided to make in your home, this is often a powerful time to connect to your spiritual self. It’s not a surprise to me that as we tend to get quieter and spend more time indoors we also increase our ability to connect, hear, and recognize more easily the messages, synchronicities, and divine downloads that are being given to us. Maybe you’ll integrate some meditation, prayer work, or other aspects of your spiritual life to your days throughout October.

I’m wishing you a beautiful month, filled with the things, people, and experiences that will resonate with you and bring you a deep sense of comfort, peace, and happiness. For me, that means making all the things. You’ll find me spending my free time baking, cooking, and making lots of diy’s while adding cozy blankets, throw pillows, and spicy oils into my diffusers.

I’m sending you so much love and gratitude from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

All my love,


P.S. Thank you so much for the gratitude gifts and for being here with me, I am so grateful to be here with you!

P.P.S. You may know that we’re officially into Mercury Retrograde right now. Breathe, this is not a “bad luck” thing but it is an opportunity to review things, to move mindfully, and to prepare for things to resurface and repeat. This would be a great time to back up your files, your external hard drives, and to take a quick inventory of anything that you may need to refill, replenish, or restore. (This includes us, you may find yourself needing a bit of extra rest at this time too.) I’m wishing you a gentle retrograde cycle and please know that I am here to support you if you feel guided to reach out for some support. xoxo

I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Changing Seasons | Changing Energies

autumn leaves on twine.jpg

Happy 1st day of Autumn, or 1st day of Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere!

It feels like a huge shift by moving into this new season; the last one felt so long and drawn out. I don’t know about you but 2020 has left me feeling a bit exhausted and at times feeling weary. However, this shift in season even though it’s still hot where I am, feels like a palpable shift in more ways than one.

One of the ways I like to welcome a new season or a significant shift is by doing something that feels like it marks the moment. It doesn’t really matter what it is per se, just that it’s something that feels meaningful to me.

Yesterday, I smudged my home and then did an intentional mopping of my home with fresh rosemary and lavender from my garden to help prepare for the shift in season and as a marker for the last day of summer. I set intentions to clear away anything lingering that wasn’t positive, helpful, or needed as we move into a new season.

Today, I’m making a meal that feels aligned with the season as a way to welcome or mark the day. I also put out some things around my home that feel more cozy, calm, and aligned with the seasonal shift. Hopefully it will be here soon, because for one of the first times ever in my life, I’m looking forward to the cooler weather…I’m not usually a big “ber” person…I prefer longer days and flip flops.

There are lots of ways to mark a moment to make it feel special and anything that shows up for you or that feels like a fit is perfect. There’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

  • Today is a great day to set some intentions for your new season.

  • This is also a powerful time to reflect back on things that are coming into a harvest or collection space for you.

This has been a strange and intense year with lots of challenges, however it’s still an opportunity to see what things you’ve accomplished, achieved, moved through, and learned over the last 9 and a half months.

  • Give yourself some gold stars on your star chart for the wins you’ve had this year.
    (Including perseverance)

  • Focus on some things that you’re releasing and why you’re ready to let them go.

  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to make some space for your personal joy, peace, and needs in this new season.

I’m wishing you a beautiful and gentle new season, filled with kindness, calm, and support.

I’ve included a New Season Flash Sale for you Below.
You can schedule for any day you choose, but you must place your order today; sale ends at 5 pm pacific time.

With love from my teeny corner of the world,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. A huge thank you for the messages, good vibes, and prayers you’ve sent to me about the fires, I am so appreciative! We’re still dealing with the fires, however I’m still in my home which I’m incredibly grateful for every single day. Our go bags are still packed, but we’re praying the fires will be out soon.

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Home + Healing + Holidays


This month brings with it so many feelings as we officially greet the last 8 weeks of 2018. Maybe you’re feelings some of the feels too; some of the ones that really stand out to me are things like…

  • How is it already, November?

  • What things did I get off my list this year and which things are still sitting on the back burner and why?

  • How will I spend the holiday season and with whom?

  • How will I make time for the things that are important to me and graciously say no to the things that don’t make the list this year?

  • Why am I feeling a tinge (or tidal wave) of sadness show up for loved ones that have passed even though it’s been many years since they went home?

Are any of these things showing up for you right now?
If so, know that you’re not alone.

A pre-wrap up for the year plus home stuff, healing, and holidays all begin to swim around at this time. Because so many big themes seem to come to the surface at this time, it’s natural to feel lots of deep feelings.

I find that the combination of the days getting darker and shorter (here in the Northern Hemisphere) and all the themes showing up at this time force us to pull inward and dig deep on how we’re feeling and focus on how we want to wrap up the year.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy, celebrate, and create joy during this season. Celebration is part of the holiday season but it’s also important to give yourself permission to tend to your emotional needs too.

Finding a balance between the joy and moving through your feelings is very important. Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, this balancing process allows you to move into the celebration experience more fully.

Giving yourself permission to be where you’re at allows you to move through the wave of emotions so you can move to the next space organically; rather than forcing festivities.

There’s no one way or right way to honor this season, there are only the ways that feel right for you at this time.

  • You may feel guided to participate in a special tradition that allows you to connect to something special from your childhood.

  • Maybe you want to make something that a departed loved one always made at this time of year.

  • Maybe for you, creating a new tradition will support you in feeling more connected to this time of year and your own personal love of the season.

  • You may also feel guided to take a little time this month to gently go over the goals or intentions you've created for yourself.

  • You may want to update your vision board or pull out that list that you’ve been ticking away at during 2018.

Taking a little time to honor all that you’ve accomplished and experienced this year is equally important as focusing on what comes next for you.

This is a great time to do a little rewind on your year and really take it all in along with the accolades that you would give to someone else who accomplished what you’ve done this year.

Some of the things that can add additional support for you this month is focusing on themes that feel supportive.
Things like:

  • Calm

  • Quiet

  • Gentle

  • Cozy

  • Rest

Getting into your favorite jammies or sweats a little bit earlier in the evening, enjoying a warm cup of tea or cider, and snuggling under your favorite blanket can make a huge difference in the way that you feel.

As this season can tend to increase the things that need to get done and the places that you may need to be, making a conscious effort to slow down in seemingly small ways can help you to find that balance that’s right for you.

  • What is something that really makes you feel comforted and supported?  _________________

  • What is something that you absolutely love to do that really feels like fall to you? __________________

  • How can you add more of these things into your days this month? ________________________

When you say yes to your own personal boundaries and needs you more easily move into that place of personal balance. Finding your balance will allow you to experience the kind of season that fills you with joy, happiness, and peace.

You’re absolutely worth investing the time to honor the things that soothe and support you. You don’t have to invest a ton of time in doing this, but you’ll receive so much from this investment and it will be well worth your time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful and gentle month filled with things and people that rise up to greet you! For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, I’m wishing you a wonderful holiday!

With love and support,


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