Schools Out for Summer: Tapping into the Magic of the Season

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome July.

It feels like it’s been so long since we last connected, I don’t know about you but June felt like a really long month this year. We’ve officially arrived to summer here in the Northern hemisphere even though it’s been pretty hot in my little corner of the world for a while now.

When I think about summer I often think about summers as a child and how exciting it was to have time off school, long summer nights, and lots of fun with friends and family. As a grown up, summer can sometimes feel a bit different with most of us working during this time and maybe some extra responsibilities too especially if you have little ones at home. I was thinking about ways to keep that whimsical summer energy woven into the season even with the responsibilities of being an adult. While there are lots of ways to do this, I was thinking that it could be helpful to think about a few of the seemingly simple stand out memories or favorites that you hold dear. You may be able to find a common theme for yourself when you do this. You may find there’s favorite foods you enjoy making because they represent summer to you. Maybe you like to do certain activities like making smores in the back yard because you have fond memories of doing that as a child. Maybe you really look forward to setting up an outdoor movie night with popcorn and other favorite snacks. Maybe for you it’s all about the swimming or maybe you’re already creating piles of summer reading books. The options are endless, it really just matters what stands out to you when you personally think about the energy of summer.

Taking a little time to find the theme or themes that are a fit for you can help you to bring that experience into your summer this year. You don’t need to pack every day with activities or spend lots of time away to enjoy the experience of summer. By choosing your theme and setting the intention to bring your personal brand of summer into your season this year, you will find that it allows you to open the door to the things that feel like summer for you. It can also add a little excitement, whimsy, and magic to your season too. You may find it helps you to tap into that childlike joy you had when you thought about an entire season of time off from school to play and have fun.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help you find a theme that feels like a fit for you this summer. You may want to write down your answers if you feel guided and you can come back to the exercise at any time you choose. There are no wrong answers, so you can just relax and have fun with this process.

Take a couple of deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Good, letting go of any tension, tightness, or stress that you may feel holding space inside your body. Go ahead and take another breath, and let go of any to do lists, or other things that may be holding space around you; knowing that you can go back to them when you’re finished.

  • When I think about my 3 favorite summers; these are the summers that come to mind:_____________________________________________________________

  • Why do these summers stand out as favorites for me? __________________________________

  • How did these experiences make me feel? ___________________________________________

  • Were there similar aspects to these summers or are they special because they are each unique? ___________________________________________________________________________

  • Who was with me during these favorite summers? ______________________________________

  • What kinds of activities did I do?_______________________________________________________

  • What were some stand out moments or aspects that felt special to me? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How would I describe these experiences of my favorite summers? ____________________________

  • What aspects or themes stand out when I look back over those summers? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • If I had to choose 3 words to describe my favorite summers, what would they be? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How do these words make me feel? ____________________________________________________

  • How can I incorporate these words or themes into my summer season this year? __________________________________________________________________________

  • When I think about using these themes as an intention for this summer, I feel______________________________________________________.

  • My personal theme for the summer of 2022, is the season of _____________________________________.

Great job, now you can take a moment to just sit with any emotions and memories that you’re experiencing around this or you can continue to write down any ideas or inspiration this created for you; whatever feels right for you.

I hope this will help to bring a little spark of excitement, joy, and even some childlike wonder to your new season this year. In any ways that feel like a fit for you I hope that you will enjoy celebrating the themes and aspects of the season that resonate for you and yours this summer.

I look forward to participating in some of my favorite summer activities too; things like riding bikes, early morning hikes, making popsicles, more canning, swimming, and yes, getting through some of my piles of summer reading books. I would love to hear about your personal theme for the season if you feel guided to share it with me. I’m wishing you a wonderful summer!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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A Shift In Season | A Shift Within You

Happy June!
I hope this finds you well as we round the corner on the middle of the year. I hope that this retrograde cycle has been gentle to you and has given you some time to rest, reflect, and reprioritize. We have two more days of this cycle plus the little after period which is sometimes called the shadow, haze, or the whip; but we’re almost there.  This month also brings us into a new season; in the Northern Hemisphere we’re moving into summer on June 21st and will experience the longest day of the year.

As we move through this remaining retrograde energy and closer to the summer solstice you may notice that you have an increase in your personal energy and enthusiasm. You may also notice that projects, plans, and priorities that felt stalled, slowed, or stunted begin to pick up traction for you and gain momentum. This is an exciting experience because you can almost feel a surge of energy within you that gets you excited to get going on the things that have been on your list. One of the things that can show up for people at this time is analysis paralysis. This feeling of not knowing which action to take because you aren’t sure which thing you should start with or which task is the most prescient for you. While knowing that something needs to come first, the sensitive soul (like yourself) can sometimes get bogged down with not making the wrong choice. If this resonates with you, take a breath…you’re not alone. Sometimes this will show up as needing to over research what needs to be done, other times it shows up as distractions keeping you from sitting down and making a choice, and sometimes it can show up as good old fashioned fear or nervousness. All of these experiences are natural and nothing to feel bad about.

The great news is that you can move through this experience and begin taking action on your priorities. There’s no one way to do this, it’s a personal process for everyone. However, often the project that is most important to you is the one that has been on your list the longest or that you hold close to your heart. It can be something seemingly small or big; it’s not about what it looks like to someone else, only how it measures up for you. As you begin by acknowledging what that project is for you, you can begin moving forward. You may notice that by just saying it out loud or in your journal you’ll feel a wave of relief and for some people even a decompression from within and around their body.

Here's some things to ask yourself to help you get clear on what may be a great starting place for you right now. There are no wrong answers here and no one is going to see what your write and no one is going to ask you to tell them what you wrote down for your answers.

Take a moment to breathe, and if you feel guided to write your answers down, great but you don’t have to do that. You can come back to this exercise anytime you choose.

  • When you think about goals or dreams you have for yourself this year, where do you notice any pressure or energy holding space within your body? _______________________

  • How has your progress been going so far this year in the direction of your goals or dreams for 2022? ____________________________

  • What actions have moved you forward and worked out well for you this year? ______________________________

  • What did you notice about the situations as things came together, worked out, or made forward motion? _______________________

  • How did you feel? ____________________________

  • Which things, if any seem to have been stalled or gone off course a bit? _________________________________________

  • Are any of these items still on your list or have they been shelved? _________________________________

  • If so, why? __________________________________

  • How does this make you feel? _____________________________

  • If you could make a significant impact on one area, project, or dream on your list this year, which one would you choose? _______________________________________

  • Why? ___________________________________

  • How would this forward motion impact your life in 2022? ______________________________________

  • How would it impact you on a personal level? ________________________________

  • What kinds of feelings would you attribute to this experience? ___________________________

  • Take a moment to visualize yourself experiencing this achievement…good. How do you feel when you visualize yourself taking action on your dream, goal, or project? ________________________________________

  • Take a breath and focus on where you feel any pressure or energy holding space within your body. Where do you feel or see this energy holding space for you? ______________________________________________

  • Does it feel different than at the beginning of this exercise? _________

  • If yes, how? ________________________________________________

  • Ask yourself: What is one action step I can take now to begin making forward motion on my dream, goal, or project ________________________________________

  • Do I need to contact anyone to receive help or support to take this first step? ___________________________________

  • Can I begin today with the resources that I have around me right now? _________________________

  • Can I invest 15-20 minutes toward the realization of my goal, today? _____________

  • What can I do today to move forward? ___________________________________

Okay, great job!
You may notice that you feel a bit of an energy release just from moving through this exercise. Taking a few moments to connect with our own higher self about what’s important to us can help us to get clarity while also releasing stored tension or stress in the body we may not realize is there.

Hopefully this also helped you to focus in on an area that is really meaningful to you right now and gave you some insight on how to begin moving forward in the ways that are right for you. Sometimes I think that we believe we have to do all the steps all at once when we’re starting something new and it can feel overwhelming, especially as highly sensitive souls. The truth is that we only need to start with one step, even if it feels seemingly small, it gets us moving forward and begins to create traction for us.

Highly sensitive people (like yourself) can sometimes experience elements of perfectionism which can exacerbate feelings of analysis paralysis. Take a breath if this resonates for you. If you notice this showing up or any style of delay tactics, simply acknowledge it, breathe, and when you feel ready continue taking action on that first step. The magical aspects of getting started on something is that once you take action on the first step, you’ll be given the next step and so on. You only have to focus on doing one thing at a time. If you feel like you need a little refocus, or some insight into the next step, you can return to this exercise if you feel guided. If you need support or help from someone else, you’ll be guided to reach out for help.

As we move into this new month, new season, and new surge of energy I hope you find yourself enjoying forward motion and momentum with the things that are important to you. Just focus on one thing and go at your own pace. It’s not a race or a competition, and forward motion is still forward motion even if it seems like 15-20 minutes here and there isn’t a lot; I promise you, it adds up quickly.

I hope that you’re able to make some time for joy this month too. Leaning into things that bring you joy also fills your well, allowing you to make progress on your dreams and goals.

I’m wishing you a wonderful new month and I look forward to working with you if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

This month, in between work I’ll be making jams, jellies, sauces, mustards, and all the things as I eagerly await the fruit season all year and look forward to spending some time in the kitchen canning my little heart out. All you fellow canners out there, I see you!

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Summer Shrub Cooler

This is a great drink to make when the heat begins to rise and you want something to keep you hydrated and cool you down. This is my favorite shrub recipe and the great thing about it is that there are endless combinations you can make depending on what you have on hand in your home. I hope you’ll enjoy this drink this season!

1 large glass or large mason jar
Fill glass with ice
2 ounces of tart cranberry, tart cherry, or pomegranate juice (your choice)
1 ounce of apple cider vinegar with the mother (any brand that you enjoy)
1 full can of sparkling water: lime, lemon, or berry are great choices to pair with your juice.
Fresh basil or mint for garnish, either muddled or a few fresh leaves on top, again your choice.
(Fresh Fruit is optional)

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Summer's Here, Time For A Change In Direction

Well, it’s officially summer in the northern hemisphere and it’s super hot in my teeny corner of the world. Whether you are sipping iced tea trying to keep cool like I am or if you live somewhere where the weather is more comfortable; one thing is sure we are into a brand new season. A new season always brings with it change, new energy, and new “tasks.”

The long summer days, the heat, and the break from school give us a clear message about the tasks on deck for this particular season. This season is all about slowing down, getting outside, and getting some warm sunshine on your skin. While you may not be out of school or off work for the summer (I’m not either) the message about slowing down is still really strong.

A couple of weeks ago I participated in an event that was dedicated to celebrating fun, self care, and a little bit of pampering.  I was working as one of the vendors and offered small complimentary sessions to participants throughout the entire event. The number one message that came through during the event was a need for more:

  • Self Care
  • Down Time
  • Fun
  • Restructuring of Day to Day Activities to Create More Balance

This message was not only a strong theme during that event but I’ve seen it continue over the last couple of weeks with clients and friends. Whenever there’s a big wave of any messages coming through I know that people are feeling it across the board.

  • How about you?
  • Are you feeling the need for some deep self care?
  • Some real rest?
  • The ability to walk away from your technology and communication devices and just breathe without worrying about what you need to do next?

Does just thinking about having a little more time for yourself make your body relax?
Well, if so, you’re not alone.

And, the great news is that this season is the perfect time for you to actually enjoy more time for yourself, time with loved ones, and time doing things that you love… even if that means simply sitting in your garden or on your front porch listening to the bees working.

The long hot days impact the way that our physical bodies feel making us slow down which helps us to rest, restore, and renew. This is also a time where excess stuff seems to feel even more overwhelming than usual. This feeling of wanting to streamline helps to eliminate excess distractions which contribute to more tension and stress within and around us. If you’re thinking about having a yard sale or donating a lot of belongings you are no longer using, then you are right on the mark for this clearing away task that is happening right now.

This is also a big travel time and an opportunity to get outside even if the only traveling you can do right now is day trips to places within your local area. Getting outside regularly will help you to unwind from stress or pressure, get back to your natural body clock, (which most likely doesn’t match your daily agenda or to do lists) and drink in the healing power of the sun. Being outside in the sun is really beneficial mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Yes, of course responsible sun exposure is important but like all living beings on this planet, we need sun. The sun actually gives us energy and helps to balance us while clearing away tension. If you think about the sun’s ability to power vehicles, homes, and office buildings, you can see that the sun also powers us. Not to mention the beneficial vitamin D that we receive from being in the sun. Those who have seasonal affective disorder (raising hand) know first hand how challenging it is to live somewhere with limited sunlight a large portion of the year. The sun literally helps to increase happiness, energy, and clear thinking.

Think back to a time when you were younger, maybe after swimming and then laying on the concrete to warm up and feeling the warm summer sunshine soaking into your pores. This is a quintessential childhood summer feeling to me and a great one to use as a guide as you move through this season.

You don’t literally have to lie out on the concrete, maybe a nice lounge chair instead. Give yourself permission to bask in the warm and comforting energy of the sun. Pay attention to the way that your body feels, the way that your racing thoughts become quieted, the deep breathing you’re able to experience, and your overall relaxation level.

This feeling is a good barometer of the season. See how many ways you can create this experience for yourself throughout the day. You don’t need a lot of time to move into a place which feels supportive of you. Simply stopping and walking away from the computer for a few minutes, sitting in your backyard and having a glass of lemonade, going to a movie in the park or anything that allows you to slow down and shift your focus from doing to receiving will do. The more of these shifts to receiving you can build into your long summer days, the more you will feel like yourself again. Give yourself permission to build in a little bit of that childhood freedom and fun that comes with summer into your “grown up” summer too.

Enjoy the energy of this season, slow way down, do things that make you feel like a kid again. Let go of the extraneous whether it’s physical stuff, an overbooked schedule of things that don’t make your heart sing or a combination of both.

Host a porch party, garden party, or a game night. Drink in the summer air and walk around your home without shoes on. Drink iced tea out of a mason jar, make some homemade popsicles, and play tourist in your own town.

This is a season all about getting back to fun and you my dear, are worth it!

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Fresh Season, Fresh Start

Here we are at a brand new month, and creeping up on a brand new season.
For me, even though I’m no longer in school, I still connect June with school getting out for the summer. The energy feels lighter somehow, even though there’s still ‘adulting’ to do and work to be done, something feels different. The lighter energy feels like a well deserved gift after the intensity and rough patches that have shown up this year. If you’re thinking over some of the challenges you’ve experienced so far, trust me when I say you’re not alone. Clients, friends, and family have all told me that they’ve experienced a bit of a one step forward two steps back experience during the first half of 2016. I’ve definitely had my fair share of the same experience. We’ve all been riding this roller coaster together.
The great news is that as we step into the second half of 2016 ( I know, crazy right?!) things feel like they’re going to move more easily and organically. So, this is a great time to get back to your to do lists, projects, and partially started things that have been on hiatus for you. You may find that some of the things you wanted to work on at the beginning of the year aren’t as prescient for you now. Other ideas and inspiration may be in the forefront for you now. Great, this is a perfect time to re-prioritize what you want to do and how you want to spend the last half of 2016.
Give yourself permission to be really honest with yourself about what you want to do and what you want to release. Sometimes it can be easy to feel obligated to keep things on the list that you feel should be there even though you have no desire to do them. Depending on what’s on your list there’s always more than one option in dealing with the less than fun items.

  • You can ask someone to help you
  • You can hire it out
  • Or, you can literally cross it off your list and say no thank you.

Sometimes things that were a fit at one time are no longer a fit now; and that’s okay. In fact I think that’s a huge take away that’s come through from the first part of the year. There’s been a lot of opportunity to reflect on what’s important, what’s worth investing in and what’s ready to be released.
Add some things to your list that feel really good to you, things that get you excited, and things that will bring you joy. Think about how you can include fun to your daily life while moving toward the goals and dreams that you want to accomplish during the rest of the year. I think summer is a great season to support this balance between work and play. The weather is warm, the days are long and it seems easier to make fun a priority.

Use this season as a way to cultivate the healthy habit of sprinkling fun and joy into your day to day life. Give yourself permission to invest in the life that you want to live and let go of the stuff that doesn’t match up to that life.

This is your life and you have full permission to live it your way.
How can you add more fun, joy, and playtime to your schedule this month?

Leave a message in the comment section so we can share ideas. 
Wishing you a wonderful transition into summer which officially happens on Monday, June 20th. There’s a full moon on that day too, so it’s going to be a big energy shift.
With love,
P.S. Do you have a friend or colleague who could use a little more balance in their life? If so, please pass this message on to them for me. Thank you so much in advance!

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