Here Comes the Sun

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome April!

It’s finally Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and even though there’s a lot of cold weather still happening for so many, the promise of warmer weather, sunshine, and new beginnings are here. I’m writing to you today from my home where it’s raining and cold but my tulips and violas are coming up and bringing with them a lot of joy, at least they’re bringing a lot of joy to me anyway. I think this is such a perfect analogy for this month and this time of the year. Even if things feel like they’re not shifting or maybe it feels like they aren’t shifting fast enough; when you take a look around you, you’ll see signs and messages letting you know that the shift is happening.

The beginning of Spring brings more light and length to our days and we find little markers here are there letting us know that the new season is upon us. You may notice that you’re beginning to have more energy, or that you’re feeling guided to get going on things that you’ve been meaning to do, or that you feel inspired to start something brand new. This is also a great time to dig into home projects whether inside or outside. You may feel that there’s almost an alarm clock ringing for you imploring you to begin some Spring cleaning. You may find yourself watching organization videos, or looking at home inspo photos to see what you’d like to incorporate into your own space. Maybe you’re feeling guided to start a garden this year, even if it’s a small potted garden on your patio. Maybe you’re being guided to increase your movement and you feel excited to try a new practice or go back to something you’ve previously enjoyed. All of these stirrings that happen at this time help us to re-set our homes and simultaneously help us to re-set our wellbeing. This is also a great time to re-set our goals or intentions for the year.

Moving into the beginning of Spring allows us to move with the energy in a really beautiful way. If you think of Winter as a season of being indoors and a time of rest, you can think of this first part of Spring as a time where we’re being guided to make shifts but also to take breaks. We may have days where we feel really inspired and energized and other days where we feel guided to rest and take it easy. We see this reflected in the seasonal changes too, rainy days and sunshine: cold days and warmer days. It’s like we’re being given this beautiful opportunity to move into this new season with built in structures for balance. Due to our modern lives and the demands that we’re all managing each day, it’s so nice to have an opportunity to practice balance as we start this new season.

Today, on this first day of April, I invite you to spend a little time tuning into the stirrings that you’re feeling or noticing within yourself right now. Are you being called to anything new? Do you feel guided to return to something that has been shelved for a better time, perhaps now? Do you notice or see any solutions to help you streamline any areas of your life? Do you know that it’s time to clear away some things, issues, or situations that are ready to be released? Are there things you want to bring into your life right now? Perhaps you’re longing for more joy, fun, and opportunities to spend time with people you love. Your answers to these important questions are your personal messages about how to move through this time and the beginning of this new season. You may share some similar experiences with other people in your circle which is fantastic because you can support each other during this time. You may also have some aspects that are just yours and that’s okay too. The messages, stirrings, and divine guidance that you’re receiving right now creates the personalized recipe for your needs. The more you can pay attention to the stirrings of your soul the more you’ll be able to nurture and cultivate the aspects of this season that are blossoming for you.

My wish for you this month is that you will allow yourself to honor the messages and wisdom you’re receiving while also enjoying this new season and the new opportunities it brings.

I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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