And Away We Go...

Hello and Happy April,

I hope this finds you well as we officially move into the waves of the new energy that’s happening right now. You may notice what a big shift there has been since the last time we connected. Do you feel energized, focused, and ready to take on some projects that have been on your list? Do you feel guided to clean out, clear up, or streamline physical items, situations, and relationship dynamics? Do you feel like your body wants to focus on gentle foods, beverages, and even gentle energies? Maybe you’re feeling called to rest and receive? Maybe you’re feeling all of these aspects coming online for you seemingly all at the same time. If you said yes to any or all of these experiences, you’re tuned into the energy that’s coming through for all of us right now.

We’re receiving a big increase in light, energy, inspiration, and support to help us in moving forward in the ways that are aligned for each of us. You may find that the things that you’re being guided to focus on are similar to those of your friends and loved ones and some of you may find that your focus is more singularly focused. You’ll know what you’re being guided to focus on by your natural interest, inclination, and inspiration. As you follow your own divine guidance in regards to what you’re upgrading and shifting right now you’ll find that you begin to move forward and gain traction organically. If you’ve been feeling that this year has been a bit of a slow starter for you, take heart because this surge of energy is offering all of us a huge help in moving out of the winter slumber and into this burst of forward motion and change.
Along with this increase in light and new energy, some highly sensitive people (like yourself) may be experiencing some ascension symptoms. These symptoms can vary in the way they show up for people but some of the experiences can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Headaches

  • Body Aches

  • Low Grade Fever

  • Dehydration

  • Exhaustion and or Fatigue

  • Need for More Sleep

  • Insomnia

  • Ringing and or Pressure in Ears

  • Sinus Pressure

  • Skin Sensitivity

  • Intense Dreams and or Lucid Dreams

  • Old Issues or Memories Coming up for Healing

  • Need for Quiet

  • Need for Strong Boundaries

  • Need for Time in Nature

  • Increased Sensitivity

  • Need for Rest

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, please know that they will pass and the best thing you can do is to give yourself grace and to go at your own pace to the best of your ability. You may find that after the symptoms dissipate for you, you’ll notice an increase in your energy and clarity. You may also find that you feel lighter and more attuned to the new frequencies that are coming through at this time.

Another big theme that’s showing up right now is about big changes and fast changes. You may find that aspects that you felt weren’t shifting at all and maybe you even felt that they were in some way a “lost cause” may change very quickly in ways you may not have been expecting. If there’s been something you’ve been cultivating for some time and in your heart you know that you are being guided to continue to nurture it, please honor that guidance and wisdom. This is powerful time to pour into your dreams, goals, and hopes for yourself. Remember, every step no matter how seemingly small creates momentum and forward motion. If there is someone you need to call, something you need to research, a professional you need to reach out to, or anything at all to support your dream, please give yourself permission to say yes to this wisdom.

Self care often goes hand in hand with themes of big changes and ascension shifts. You may notice this theme showing up for you too. The big take away right now is about gentility. It may seem like a contradiction in terms to focus on forward motion, change, and also gentility; however, this is the big underlying message showing up right now. When you think about ways you can honor your own gentility, what kinds of messages, feelings, images, words, or thoughts come up for you? These are insights into your personal pathway during this time. There’s a big focus on finding ways to honor and balance making changes while also taking care of yourself. There’s a shift away from feeling or believing that only one aspect can be honored at a time. Sometimes, this shift in perception can be an adjustment, especially for highly sensitive people. Often sensitive souls choose to focus on what must be done believing that once the chore chart is complete there will be free time for them to invest in something they want to do just for fun. Often, that isn’t the case and over time it can lead to prolonged enjoyment and then often forced rest in the form of not feeling so great. (no fun at all.) This is a powerful time to practice this balanced approach to blending big changes, a big surge in energy, and honoring gentility and self care simultaneously.

So, for example you may feel inspired to create a garden space this season and begin the process of physically making the space and learning how to sew seeds for your area. You may feel guided to work with the natural rhythm of your body rather than trying to do everything all at once. You may find that you allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying the process rather than pushing yourself to treat this as a job. You may also find that this project helps to calm your nervous system and helps you to slow down. This may also be an activity that allows you to get outside, capture some quiet time, and move into a moving meditation while honing a new skill. All of this allows you to move forward on something you wanted to do while enjoying it at the same time. This quality of balance and gentility mixed in with the energy of big change and forward motion is allowing us to truly take good care of ourselves while also realizing and experiencing changes.

So, as you’re moving through this very exciting time of big changes during the month of April, please give yourself permission to ask how you can add gentility, self care, and enjoyment to the forward motion you’re experiencing right now. It will make this experience that much more positive and supportive for you.

I’m wishing you all of the very best as you honor and nurture the shifts and changes that are happening for you and yours at this time. I would love to support you and take a look at anything showing up for you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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The Quickening is Here...

Hello and welcome to March,
I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and the big shift that is happening right now. You may be able to feel the quickening happening within and around you. This little window that we’re in right now before we officially meet the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere is where the magic happens. You may notice that you’re experiencing an uptick in inspiration, ideas, energy, and excitement about projects or things on your list that you feel ready to begin. You may notice that you’re feeling more like yourself or perhaps you’re feeling a shift in perspective or a sense that things are beginning to come into alignment for you. Any of these experiences are right on time for the shift that’s happening right now. In fact, even if it’s still cold and rainy where you are, (like it is where I am) we can still see signs of the quickening happening around us too. Flowers are beginning to bloom, grasses and other plants are beginning to wake up, and trees are even beginning to break bud. These seemingly small signs of new life here and there remind us that new life is happening around us and that same surge of energy is happening within us as well.

This unfurling or awakening process is a natural one that we experience together. This is a powerful time to capitalize on your own personal experience and inspiration to support you in moving with this energy in the ways that speak to you. Like most things, there are no right ways nor is there only one way to make the most of this positive shift that’s happening right now. There are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. Taking a little time to check in with yourself to see what things have been showing up for you can help you to better understand how you’re being guided to invest your energy and inspiration at this time. You can also take a look back at some things that you’ve found interesting or intriguing lately. Are there some things that you’ve enjoyed learning, watching, or reading about this winter season that you feel guided to try your hand at now that you’re feeling a shift in your energy? Sometimes, we can find answers to what we’re being guided to work on, learn more about, or invest our time in by paying attention to what we’re enjoying right now. If you’re still not sure exactly what you’re being guided to focus on, you can ask for a clear sign in your physical world that you’ll easily notice and understand. Then, pay attention to the messages that you start to receive. You’ll find that you start to receive repeating messages as answers to your questions. You can work with your angels, guides, or any spiritual support system that resonates for you.

Some of the themes that have been coming through include but are not limited to the list I’ve included below. You may find that these themes and messages are showing up for you too. However, this is not an end all be all list and you may be receiving guidance about something different which is fantastic and completely personal to you.

  • Nurturing and cultivating a gentle home environment

  • Deep calling to make food from scratch and from gentle or basic ingredients

  • Guidance to learn new skills or practice current skills with food including baking, making food from scratch, preservation methods etc.

  • Gardening and seed storage

  • Increasing immune health

  • Detoxing or Eating nurtrient dense foods

  • Gentle Exercise

  • Meditation or mindfulness practice

  • Increasing or nurturing spiritual gifts

  • Writing and or journaling

  • Creative pursuits either learning something new or picking up something you have enjoyed in the past

  • Taking steps toward starting or making progress on a project that’s important to you

  • Streamlining aspects of your life that need to be simplified

  • Decluttering

  • Letting go of things that are finished

  • Daydreaming

  • Increasing joy and laughter

  • Moving at your own pace

  • Making time to do something for yourself each day

  • _________________________________________

As we move into this new energy, you may notice that you feel a sense of increased sensitivity and you may be experiencing some ascension symptoms as well. You can think of yourself as a beautiful flower blooming in this in between time that’s happening right now. You may find that you need a little extra tlc on some days as you’re adjusting to this shift that’s happening. This is one of the reasons the messages and insights that you’re receiving about what to focus on right now is so important. These insights will add support for you as we move through this energy shift and as we prepare for a new season which is right around the corner. This is a really special time of the year filled with possibility and new beginnings, and you get to enjoy and experience this in your life too. To the best of your ability honor the messages and inspiration you’re receiving and take action steps in the ways that are a fit for you. And all the while, enjoy this process, it’s filled with magic and beauty and it’s happening right now. You’re part of it! It’s happening within you, so please give yourself permission to enjoy this quickening while it’s here and create some magic in your daily life this month.

If you’d like to schedule a session with me to look at some specific things showing up for you; I’d love to support you. Or if you want to focus on something totally different, that’s great too. I’m here for you.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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Here Comes the Sun

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome April!

It’s finally Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere and even though there’s a lot of cold weather still happening for so many, the promise of warmer weather, sunshine, and new beginnings are here. I’m writing to you today from my home where it’s raining and cold but my tulips and violas are coming up and bringing with them a lot of joy, at least they’re bringing a lot of joy to me anyway. I think this is such a perfect analogy for this month and this time of the year. Even if things feel like they’re not shifting or maybe it feels like they aren’t shifting fast enough; when you take a look around you, you’ll see signs and messages letting you know that the shift is happening.

The beginning of Spring brings more light and length to our days and we find little markers here are there letting us know that the new season is upon us. You may notice that you’re beginning to have more energy, or that you’re feeling guided to get going on things that you’ve been meaning to do, or that you feel inspired to start something brand new. This is also a great time to dig into home projects whether inside or outside. You may feel that there’s almost an alarm clock ringing for you imploring you to begin some Spring cleaning. You may find yourself watching organization videos, or looking at home inspo photos to see what you’d like to incorporate into your own space. Maybe you’re feeling guided to start a garden this year, even if it’s a small potted garden on your patio. Maybe you’re being guided to increase your movement and you feel excited to try a new practice or go back to something you’ve previously enjoyed. All of these stirrings that happen at this time help us to re-set our homes and simultaneously help us to re-set our wellbeing. This is also a great time to re-set our goals or intentions for the year.

Moving into the beginning of Spring allows us to move with the energy in a really beautiful way. If you think of Winter as a season of being indoors and a time of rest, you can think of this first part of Spring as a time where we’re being guided to make shifts but also to take breaks. We may have days where we feel really inspired and energized and other days where we feel guided to rest and take it easy. We see this reflected in the seasonal changes too, rainy days and sunshine: cold days and warmer days. It’s like we’re being given this beautiful opportunity to move into this new season with built in structures for balance. Due to our modern lives and the demands that we’re all managing each day, it’s so nice to have an opportunity to practice balance as we start this new season.

Today, on this first day of April, I invite you to spend a little time tuning into the stirrings that you’re feeling or noticing within yourself right now. Are you being called to anything new? Do you feel guided to return to something that has been shelved for a better time, perhaps now? Do you notice or see any solutions to help you streamline any areas of your life? Do you know that it’s time to clear away some things, issues, or situations that are ready to be released? Are there things you want to bring into your life right now? Perhaps you’re longing for more joy, fun, and opportunities to spend time with people you love. Your answers to these important questions are your personal messages about how to move through this time and the beginning of this new season. You may share some similar experiences with other people in your circle which is fantastic because you can support each other during this time. You may also have some aspects that are just yours and that’s okay too. The messages, stirrings, and divine guidance that you’re receiving right now creates the personalized recipe for your needs. The more you can pay attention to the stirrings of your soul the more you’ll be able to nurture and cultivate the aspects of this season that are blossoming for you.

My wish for you this month is that you will allow yourself to honor the messages and wisdom you’re receiving while also enjoying this new season and the new opportunities it brings.

I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

February, Tapping Into the Magic

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome February and a brand-new energy.
This is one of my favorite times of the year because even though it’s still technically winter in the Northern Hemisphere, signs of new life and new energy begin to make themselves known every day. You may already feel the palpable energy that is happening all around you and within you too. As the days continue to get longer and the bulbs begin to bloom, you may notice that you have a renewed energy, inspiration, and excitement about your life. This increase in momentum, joy, or energy is mirrored back to us by Mother Nature as we all collectively move toward the quickening and into Spring.

This month is like magic because while it’s the shortest month of the year it provides us so much change in such a small amount of time. Each day of this little month will increasingly offer us more of this renewed energy and spirit as we move though this last part of the winter season. You can tap into this energy and February magic simply by allowing yourself to notice and enjoy this shift that is happening right now within and around you. There is no one way or right way to enjoy or work with this energy, it’s just about finding the ways that resonate for you.

This month is also noted for its themes around love, friendship, and kindness. I think these two seemingly different themes work beautifully together. You see, as you naturally lean into this energy of forward motion, you’ll automatically be connecting to this February magic. As you take good care of yourself, you’ll also be loving and honoring yourself too. As we take good care of ourselves, we have more energy which allows us to take good care of the people in our lives that we love, too.

I encourage you to have fun tapping into this new energy this month, even for a few minutes each day and see how it makes you feel. Maybe you’ll feel guided to begin this new month with a few goals in mind and invest a little bit of time each day to working on them. Maybe this month you’ll feel guided to do something kind or thoughtful for someone you know, even if that means sending them a note letting them know you’re thinking about them. Maybe you’ll feel guided to make time for a quiet cup of tea each day and a little self-reflection. Maybe you enjoy looking for signs of the quickening like I do and make an effort to look for the subtle but real signs that things are waking up all around us each day. I like to go for walks even if I have to bundle up and look for new bulbs, birds, and grasses showing up in places they weren’t only a few days before. This month always feels like it’s holding onto a little secret somehow and it’s filled with gifts for each of us in infinite ways as long as we allow ourselves the chance to see and receive them.

If I had to choose a theme for this month, I would choose, expect miracles. It may seem like a big theme for such a little month, however miracles happen every day. This is a month that can breathe new life into the places and spaces which may have felt stagnant for you; allowing for shifts and changes that you can see and experience. My wish for you is that you’ll allow yourself to open up to all of the gifts that are available to you during this magical month of February. I hope you’ll enjoy every single day of the teeniest month of the new year. If you feel guided to share how you’re tapping into this energy, I would love to hear from you!

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
All my love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Moving Gently into the New Year

Hello, I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of your new year.
Sometimes when we move into January there’s a feeling that we need to push into the new year quickly or jump into a lot of projects, tasks, or check things off of our to do list. Taking a little time to prioritize what you may be guided to work on or work toward this year is a wonderful way to set some intentions for your new year. However, there is also a deep holiday let down that happens at the beginning of the year which asks us to slow down a little bit so we can reset before we jump into all the things we have planned. If you’re feeling a combination of these extremes, you’re not alone. It’s natural to feel your body and your mind wanting to take a little down time to rest and restore. This call to move gently into the new year isn’t a reflection on your ability to make progress on your goals or intentions for your new year. You’re just connecting to your natural body rhythm and inner guidance about what you need right now. It’s okay to move gently, it’s okay to take it slow, and it’s okay to give yourself some grace as you move through the first month of this new year.

Many highly sensitive people, (like yourself) are noticing that they need more sleep than usual right now. (Maybe you’re noticing this too.) You may find you’re being guided to go to sleep a little bit earlier than usual and maybe even guided to rest or nap even if you aren’t traditionally a napper. Trying to honor your own needs to the best of your ability right now will help you to more easily move into a place of readiness when your energy stores are nice and full again. You’ll naturally find your energy begin to increase along with your desire to begin working on your intentions for your new year. There is no rush and no need to push yourself outside of your own limits, just take this time to honor your own inner knowingness about what is right for you right now. If you’ve been experiencing some unexpected forced rest like me, I hope that you’ll be feeling better very soon.

There are a lot of things happening right now including big energy shifts, intense weather, and what seems like big news stories nearly every day. Sometimes these situations even simply reading about them can impact sensitive people in similar ways to those who experience full moon symptoms. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, you may want to increase your hydration, increase your rest (to the best of your ability), try to treat yourself with tender care and listen to your body. You may feel guided to increase some of your favorite tools such as essential oils, listening to gentle music or an audio book, meditation, gentle movement, soft and comfortable clothing, and gentle foods and beverages. Even seemingly small acts of self care can make a big difference in helping with the big energy shifts happening.

However this new year has started for you, I hope that you are being gentle with yourself and allowing yourself some breathing room to go at your own pace. Taking time for rest is still doing something productive and it’s an important part of our overall health and wellness.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Simple Self Care in Cold Weather

I hope this finds you well as we move deeper into the holiday season and closer to the first official day of Winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. There has been a lot of cold weather happening for so many people that it almost feels like Jack Frost has come early this year. If you’re anything like me, it may be a bit of an adjustment getting used to the cold weather and dreary days. I’ve included some of my favorite self care tips for cold weather below and I hope they will give you some comfort and support during this chilly season.
One of the biggest challenges that I have when I’m cold is remembering to drink water. I know, it seems so simple especially with every shape of water bottle available on the market but when it gets cold, I tend to forget to drink enough water. Staying hydrated is equally important when it’s cold as when it’s hot outside so here are a few ways that can help you increase hydration if you tend to forget to drink your water when you’re cold too.

  • Set up a room temperature water station in your kitchen so you can see it when you walk by and the water won’t feel too cold to drink.

  • Opt for drinking a hot water with lemon or orange instead of cold water. You’ll still be drinking water but it will really warm you up at the same time.

  • If you tend to drink coffee throughout the day to stay warm, try switching to herbal tea in the afternoon and evening. You’ll be drinking water and it will warm you up without dehydrating you.

  • Keep your humidifiers running (if you have them) so that your skin, scalp, and sinuses stay hydrated. The air in our homes can tend to get very dry when heaters or fire places are being used which can dehydrate and dry out our skin and systems.

  • Make a simmer pot on your stove to add hydration to you and your home while also adding some lovely scents at the same time. This option is for when you’re going to be home the whole time your simmer pot is being used. Fill a stockpot with water, add some of your favorite spices like cinnamon, clove, allspice, fresh rosemary, apple, lemon, and or orange slices and bring your pot to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and allow your simmer pot to fill your home with holiday aromas. Remove from heat when water is about ½ inch deep so you don’t scorch your stock pot.

  • Use your Netti Pot to keep your sinuses hydrated and clear. You can find these nasal cleansing pots at most health food stores or online. They are a big help especially if you experience sensitivity or challenges with your sinuses.

  • Allow your bathroom to get steamy when you take a bath or a shower, this will help your skin to breathe and open up. This will help you to breathe deeper and will allow your body oils, creams, and lotions to absorb more easily as well. (You may want to have some water in the bathroom in case you feel thirsty during your steam.) You can also hang a bunch of eucalyptus branches in your shower to help support your deep breathing.

If you find that as a highly sensitive person you experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder during the cold season, you’re not alone. There are a lot of wonderful products and support systems available now. Here are a few things that I’ve found to be helpful, and I hope they will offer you some support too. Please remember you can reach out to a professional support person as well if you find your symptoms to be presistent.

  • Getting outside into full spectrum lighting when it’s possible for at least 10 minutes. Even if you have to get bundled up and stand in the one spot that has sunlight in your back yard, go for it. Even a little bit of sunlight can reduce symptoms significantly.

  • If you aren’t able to get into full spectrum lighting, you may want to consider purchasing a light box for extra support. The Happy Light (I am not affiliated with them in any way professionally) is a great option and they are really small now and you can set it up anywhere to get some extra light. You can find them online and the prices have come down a lot over the years. I find this extra light to be very helpful during this time of year.

  • Skin sensitivity can be an issue during this season, some highly sensitive people experience painful face swelling. You can gently massage your face and neck to help reduce swelling and discomfort. You can find images of the face map online which shows how to gently massage your face to help clear fluid and inflammation. You may also want to try using a Gua Sha stone or a Jade Roller to help soothe your skin.

  • If you experience body skin sensitivity, you may want to try Dry Brushing which can help with circulation, and movement of your lymph system. You can find body map images and videos online to help you understand how to use the Dry Brush to help reduce symptoms you may be experiencing.

  • Increasing your core body temperature is really important and many sensitive people have a tough time warming up and staying warm even if they are wearing layers and drinking warm drinks. Movement is the best way to get your core body temperature up and help you to stay warm even after you’re no longer moving. If you can get outside for a walk, you can bank some full spectrum light, get your circulation flowing, increase your oxygen levels, and maybe even work up a little sweat. All wins! If you can’t get outside, that’s okay, even doing a light exercise or stretching routine will help you increase your circulation, oxygen levels, and increase your core body temperature. If you have a treadmill, bike trainer, a yoga mat, or some light weights, give yourself permission to use them because it will help you to warm up and you will also benefit from endorphins from moving your body.

  • Insomnia issues can sometimes occur from being too cold throughout the night. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep because you’re too cold even with extra blankets, socks, and flannel pajamas, you’re not alone. Your feet may be too cold (even with socks) which could be keeping you from warming up and sleeping through the night. If you have an electric blanket, you may want to get it out and see if that helps improve your quality of sleep. I highly recommend using a hot water bottle…yes, seriously, yes, the ones from old back and white movies. Okay, I know what you’re thinking but they are still available and in recent years I’ve seen them in a lot of stores with a variety of cozy covers in nearly ever fabric you can imagine. They really do work and they stay hot throughout the night so your feet will stay warm and you can have deeper, and higher quality sleep. They only trick with them is to double check that the top is screwed in all the way before placing it at the bottom of your bed. I recommend placing it in your bed 45 minutes to an hour before you’re ready to sleep but any time is great. You can find them online and in lots of home style stores too.

  • Bring plants inside your home to help increase oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. We tend to spend a lot of time indoors when it’s cold outside and the air in our homes can get stale and stagnant. Bringing large leafed plants into the home can help to clear the air while also adding color and the beauty of nature. Color therapy with plants and flowers can help to add life to your home and the color can be very uplifting and supportive in more ways than one.

  • If you use diffusers to uplift your mood, the energy in your home, or to create a cozy environment, you may want to try diffusing citrus oils. Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, and Lime are very bright and uplifting scents and can make a positive impact on you and your home. As you make filling your diffusers in the morning a regular practice, it will become natural for you and you’ll probably find that you enjoy using your diffusers regularly.

  • Say yes to cozy. This is probably my biggest tip for this season. Leaning into soft fabrics, gentle and warming foods and beverages, soft lighting, warm slippers, and winding down from the day when you feel guided even if it’s earlier than you would normally begin your wind down process. Honoring your body and rhythms to the best of your ability can help you more easily move through this season while also enjoying it too.

I hope these self care tips will be helpful and inspire you to cultivate your own personal self care practice this season. I’d love to hear what’s working for you! I hope you are enjoying a very happy holiday season. 

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny corner of the world, right to you.
With deepest love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Winding Down Within

Happy December, I hope this finds you well as we begin the final month of the year.

While I was thinking about this month and how it holds so much within it whether it’s holiday traditions, travel, time with loved ones, reflecting on the year, or preparing for the new year I was reminded how much polarity is held within December. There are so many things happening outwardly around us while we’re also being guided to slow down, to rest, and to enjoy the aspects of the season that speak to our souls. You may be feeling this experience already even though we’re at the very beginning of the month. If some of these things are already on your mind, that’s okay. This is a great time to take a few minutes to tune into your guidance about how you want to move through this time and this season.

You may have some special things on your list for this month that bring you joy, feel uplifting, and are restorative for you. Events, activities, and practices that resonate for you and that make you feel connected to this season; activities that are a definite yes for you. Your “definite yes” activities are wonderful and a powerful way to know which aspects of the season are calling to you this year. Sometimes, with so many invitations and activities, the things that can sometimes get set aside are the aspects of the season that involve quietly or gently nurturing ourselves. The cultivation of our inside care and comfort is as equally important as the other aspects of the season but often overlooked for a variety of reasons. When this happens, we can feel like we missed out on some of the joy or magic of the season because we weren’t able to fully experience it and take it in the way we hoped.

Something that can help is to think about ways you can honor your vision for the season and the things that are on your list while also taking good care of yourself; this can help create balance and a support system for you. I’ve included some exercises for you below to help you find the theme and aspects that are resonating for you this season. Please remember there are no wrong answers here and you can come back to this at any time you feel guided. This is just a way to connect to some ideas, inspiration, and guidance from your higher self about aspects of the season that are showing up for you this year.

Okay, let’s start with a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Good, releasing any tension or stress in your neck, shoulders, or tummy, and one more breathe in and out. Good.

  • My Favorite thing about December is ___________________.

  • I look forward to ________________ all year because it makes it feel like the holiday season to me.

  • One of my favorite ways to comfort myself is to ______________________.

  • It wouldn’t feel like the holiday season to me without ___________________.

  • My favorite quiet activity to do during this season is ______________ because _______________.

  • The most meaningful aspects of this season to me include:_____________________________.

  • This month makes me feel_____________________________.

  • My favorite restorative practice right now includes_____________________________.

  • If I were to create a new tradition for the season this year, I would choose ___________ because _______.

  • I feel grateful for _______________ this year.

  • I am healing and continuing to work through ________________ this year.

  • I’m consistently caring for myself by______________ and I notice the impact it’s making because ______________.

  • If I could add one activity to my season this year it would be___________________.

  • A tradition I still honor each season is ______________ and it makes me feel ______________ because______________.

  • I feel like I need more Joy, Happiness, Love, Peace, Grace, or ______________ this season.

  • If I could let go of one invitation or activity this season, I would choose ______________ because____________.

  • I feel like I need more Gentility, Comfort, Understanding, Support, Rest, or ____________ this season.

  • My must watch movie for this month is __________________.

  • I feel called to spend time investing in ___________ this month.

  • If I could choose a theme for this season, I would choose______________.

  • My soul longs for _______________ this season.

  • I can honor my soul and theme for this season by __________________.

Great job! I hope this helped you to find some strong themes, insights, and inspiration into ways that you can honor yourself and your holiday season this year. Please remember that seemingly small shifts lead to big success. Investing in one or two aspects of the things that are meaningful for you this season can make you feel more connected, present, and joyful during this time. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself and it’s okay to slow down a little bit as you enjoy December in the ways that are right for you and yours.

I’m wishing you and your loved ones a beautiful holiday season and a very happy new year!
If you feel guided to work with me this month, I’m here and available to support you.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Schools Out for Summer: Tapping into the Magic of the Season

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome July.

It feels like it’s been so long since we last connected, I don’t know about you but June felt like a really long month this year. We’ve officially arrived to summer here in the Northern hemisphere even though it’s been pretty hot in my little corner of the world for a while now.

When I think about summer I often think about summers as a child and how exciting it was to have time off school, long summer nights, and lots of fun with friends and family. As a grown up, summer can sometimes feel a bit different with most of us working during this time and maybe some extra responsibilities too especially if you have little ones at home. I was thinking about ways to keep that whimsical summer energy woven into the season even with the responsibilities of being an adult. While there are lots of ways to do this, I was thinking that it could be helpful to think about a few of the seemingly simple stand out memories or favorites that you hold dear. You may be able to find a common theme for yourself when you do this. You may find there’s favorite foods you enjoy making because they represent summer to you. Maybe you like to do certain activities like making smores in the back yard because you have fond memories of doing that as a child. Maybe you really look forward to setting up an outdoor movie night with popcorn and other favorite snacks. Maybe for you it’s all about the swimming or maybe you’re already creating piles of summer reading books. The options are endless, it really just matters what stands out to you when you personally think about the energy of summer.

Taking a little time to find the theme or themes that are a fit for you can help you to bring that experience into your summer this year. You don’t need to pack every day with activities or spend lots of time away to enjoy the experience of summer. By choosing your theme and setting the intention to bring your personal brand of summer into your season this year, you will find that it allows you to open the door to the things that feel like summer for you. It can also add a little excitement, whimsy, and magic to your season too. You may find it helps you to tap into that childlike joy you had when you thought about an entire season of time off from school to play and have fun.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help you find a theme that feels like a fit for you this summer. You may want to write down your answers if you feel guided and you can come back to the exercise at any time you choose. There are no wrong answers, so you can just relax and have fun with this process.

Take a couple of deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Good, letting go of any tension, tightness, or stress that you may feel holding space inside your body. Go ahead and take another breath, and let go of any to do lists, or other things that may be holding space around you; knowing that you can go back to them when you’re finished.

  • When I think about my 3 favorite summers; these are the summers that come to mind:_____________________________________________________________

  • Why do these summers stand out as favorites for me? __________________________________

  • How did these experiences make me feel? ___________________________________________

  • Were there similar aspects to these summers or are they special because they are each unique? ___________________________________________________________________________

  • Who was with me during these favorite summers? ______________________________________

  • What kinds of activities did I do?_______________________________________________________

  • What were some stand out moments or aspects that felt special to me? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How would I describe these experiences of my favorite summers? ____________________________

  • What aspects or themes stand out when I look back over those summers? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • If I had to choose 3 words to describe my favorite summers, what would they be? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How do these words make me feel? ____________________________________________________

  • How can I incorporate these words or themes into my summer season this year? __________________________________________________________________________

  • When I think about using these themes as an intention for this summer, I feel______________________________________________________.

  • My personal theme for the summer of 2022, is the season of _____________________________________.

Great job, now you can take a moment to just sit with any emotions and memories that you’re experiencing around this or you can continue to write down any ideas or inspiration this created for you; whatever feels right for you.

I hope this will help to bring a little spark of excitement, joy, and even some childlike wonder to your new season this year. In any ways that feel like a fit for you I hope that you will enjoy celebrating the themes and aspects of the season that resonate for you and yours this summer.

I look forward to participating in some of my favorite summer activities too; things like riding bikes, early morning hikes, making popsicles, more canning, swimming, and yes, getting through some of my piles of summer reading books. I would love to hear about your personal theme for the season if you feel guided to share it with me. I’m wishing you a wonderful summer!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

Mercury Retrograde Simmer Pot Infusion

3-5 slices of grapefruit
2 large sprigs or rosemary
3-5 lavender sprigs and flowers

Fill large stock pot with water, add grapefruit, rosemary, and lavender.
Bring to a simmer and allow it to slowly simmer and infuse your home.

Keep an eye on the simmer pot as the water will evaporate over time.
Turn off the stove and simmer pot if you’re going to leave your home.

This blend will brighten up the energy in your home while also clearing and calming you and those in your home. The citrus is bright and uplifting while the lavender is calming and the rosemary helps to clear low or dense energy.

This is a great blend to enjoy during this retrograde season.

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Soothe. Soften. Support. Setting Yourself Up for Success

Happy May!
I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and into this new energy that’s already showing up in little ways. You may already feel these shifts happening as we approach the Mercury Retrograde beginning on the 10th. This retrograde will be with us through the entirety of the month and into the first two days of June.

I don’t like to focus on this time of year as something to be afraid of but I do like to prepare myself for the bumps that may come up during this time so that I can be set up for success to the best of my ability. As a highly sensitive person, (like yourself) I’ve found some common themes and experiences that can make themselves known during this time, almost like a cycle or pattern. I wanted to share some of the common symptoms I’ve found for myself as well as for others. I hope this will help to offer you some additional support so you can create a system that works for you as we move through this time together.

When we think about the Mercury Retrograde, it can be easy to get nervous about things like technology, communication, and potential blips or bumps in projects or travel. These are natural feelings as this cycle can impact these areas of our lives. There are often opportunities to focus on what I call the Re words as well, things like: review, revisit, restore, renew, replenish, rest, and relaxation. When we cultivate or create ways to lean into gentle support systems during this time, it can help to make it easier to move through this retrograde cycle.

I’ve also found some common physical symptoms that show up for myself and for other highly sensitive people. These may be things that you’ve experienced as well or maybe something that shows up for someone you love. Highly sensitive people can experience these physical symptoms and often think it’s just something they are experiencing, or that it’s connected to something else and they just can’t quite put their finger on it but they know something is out of balance. These symptoms can sometimes receive less coverage because not everyone experiences them during a retrograde cycle.

Symptoms can include but are not limited to:

  • Bloating

  • Tenderness in joints

  • Increased skin sensitivity

  • Feeling of cloudiness in thinking or being in a bit of a fog

  • Exhaustion or Lethargy

  • Low grade fever

  • Low grade headache

  • Feeling parched and needing more water than usual

  • Sensitivity to foods and beverages, potential upset stomach even to foods and drinks you normally enjoy

  • Food cravings for sugar, salt, and carbohydrates

  • Sleep Challenges including insomnia and/or dream disturbances

  • Needing more sleep than usual; including needing naps even if you aren’t someone who usually naps

  • Increased emotional sensitivity

  • Increased frustration or irritability

  • Repeating thought loops

  • Increased overwhelm in large groups or environments (grocery store etc.)

  • Feeling drained when in social situations

  • Increased sensitivity to lighting and noise

  • Increased or heightened spiritual gifts and or connection with guides, angels, and departed loved ones

  • Increased desire for quiet, calm, gentle environments and activities

  • Increased desire to wear soft, comfortable, and loose fitting clothing

  • Increased focus on self care, comfort, and self soothing

These are some of the symptoms that can show up for highly sensitive people. You may experience some or none of these symptoms but it can help to know that these symptoms are very real so that you can identify them if they show up. This can also help you to create a support system for yourself or someone you love.

The great news is that knowing what to expect allows us to prepare so we can experience a smoother and gentler retrograde cycle. There are some really easy yet impactful things that we can do to help make this time as supportive as possible. I’ve included some ideas for you below; by no means is this a be all end all list. Please use this as an inspiration so you can create and cultivate the personal support that is best for you and your loved ones.

  • Place large leafed plant near the bed to help increase oxygen and clear you and your bedroom while you sleep

  • Use a humidifier to increase oxygen while also soothing sensitive skin, scalp, and sinuses

  • Use dimmers or gentle golden or low lighting. (Edison bulbs create a gentle golden glow and can be found at big box stores and online outlets.)

  • Use a sound machine or gentle music to help soothe and calm the nervous system

  • Sage or Smudge your home to clear any heavy or dense energies

  • Edit or clear spaces near your bed so you can more easily rest

  • Set out art supplies or other creative outlets so you can easily reach them

  • Set out workout mats, tennis shoes, and workout equipment so you can easily reach them

  • If you plan to work on your garden or plant a garden, find out what you’ll need so it will be easier to begin your garden project

  • Treat yourself to your favorite tea, bath supplies, or cozy blanket

  • Take a little time to back up your computer and other devices

  • Have a little cash on hand in case there are any tech issues at the grocery store

  • Have a little bit of extra food and water on hand in case you feel guided to avoid crowds and stay home due to your sensitivity level on any particular day

  • Say no to extra demands on your personal time and energy to the best of your ability

  • Make extra time for rest, quiet, and comfort

  • Make time for meditation or spiritual practice

  • Make time for reading for pleasure, listening to or playing music, or journaling

  • Lean into activities that feel gentle to you; this can include watching your favorite movie while wearing comfy jammies.

  • Take breaks throughout the day even if only for 3-5 minutes to get up and walk around and clear from your work and devices.

  • Create room for more downtime and rest when and where you can to honor your body’s needs to the best of your ability

  • Breathe, and go at your own pace

  • Remember to ask for help if you need it

And…anything else that feels like a fit for you and that will support you in experiencing a more gentle and smooth retrograde cycle this month. I hope this helps to inspire and support you as we move through this time together. Remember, you don’t have to do all the things all the time, just do what feels right for you on any particular day and please give yourself grace. You’re doing amazing, and you’re not alone.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.
With all my love and gratitude,

Happy Mother’s Day to you if you’re celebrating this year!

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Preparing to Paddle Out | Watching and Readying for your Wave

Happy March…can you feel it? The waves of change are up on us.
Maybe you can physically feel the energy rising up inside of you and maybe you can see it all around you; but no matter how it’s showing up for you, the energy is officially shifting. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re on the cusp of Spring, new beginnings, and a surge of new energy. You may notice that you’re beginning to feel this building of strength, anticipation, and forward motion with you more and more each day. Maybe your energy and enthusiasm are beginning to rise and you’re being guided to line up some of the plans that have been on your list. This is a powerful time to take a deeper dive into what those priorities are for you and to get ready to paddle out so that you can ride your wave.

Have you ever watched (or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself) people paddling out into the water to catch the wave that is right for them? There’s a clear pattern of preparing, patiently waiting, allowing the timing to be right, and then giving themselves permission to go for it when their wave lines up for them, their personal timing, and skill set. This series of preparation and readiness is something we can apply within our own lives right now too. You don’t have to live near the sea in order to ride the waves of life in a way that supports, soothes, and serves your path, calling, or life purpose.

During this month while we’re continuing to foster our own energy, personal growth, and readiness we can begin to prepare for the wave we’ve been waiting for and working toward riding. This is an exciting time; one that can be a catalyst for forward motion and fun. Sometimes it feels like we have to choose either forward motion or fun, and sometimes that’s true; however, there are ways that we can increase fun, joy, and happiness even when we’re moving toward a goal or moment we’ve been working toward for some time. Each aspect is important, worthwhile, and a contribution to our overall experience.

So, this month as you’re noticing your own shifts, alignments, and opportunities opening up for you, I invite you to take a little time to prioritize your planning and playfulness. Tune into your own messages, divine timing, and inner knowing of what is right for you right now so you can ready yourself to paddle out to catch your wave. Your wave is the one that feels and looks like yours; it’s the wave you’ve been waiting for, the wave that you’ve been working toward, and the one that you’re ready to ride into this next phase of your life. This one is taking you to the next part of your year and into this new energy of fresh starts, new beginnings, and new possibilities. Remember you don’t have to force anything to happen nor do you have to go against your own grain. Seemingly small yet significant shifts lead to big positive change. Focusing on one or two things that you can do right now, today, will help to align you with this shift that is happening all around us and within us.

It’s happening within you…right now, right this very moment.
You’re ready.

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and ask yourself:

  • “What action can I take today to bring me closer to my goal, dream, or calling?”

Give yourself permission to hear, see, feel, or know your answer; and then give yourself permission to go for it.

There’s no right or wrong here. Your message may look similar to someone else you know or it may be something completely unique for you. Your answer is the one that matters, and you get to decide how to integrate your messages into your life right now. Take a minute to write down what’s coming through for you and then grab your board and get into the water; your wave is waiting for you.

I’ve included some ideas that may help you to move through this time, but please feel free to adjust them, personalize, them, and create your own list. This is just a starting place to give you some ideas and inspiration to get going.

Lighten Your Load

  • If there are things that have been weighing you down, this is a great time to let them go. This can be physical items that you clear out of your closets, pantry, garage, or other nooks where things tend to collect. Donate, gift, and release the things that you’re finished with as a way to create and open up space within and around you. You may notice that you physically feel lighter after this clearing which helps to clear any clutter from your thinking space as well. If there are other things weighing you down, including ways of living, relationships, or old dynamics that have come full circle, it may be time to release those as well.

Shift Your Space

  • Sometimes simply moving things around in your home, on your desk, or outside can help you shift the energy in your space. This can help to shake things up and even create a shift in perspective for you and anyone else who lives with you.

Deep Breaths

  • Are you holding your breath throughout the day? Do you find your shoulders up around your ears around 3 pm? Do you find yourself taking mouth breaths? You may be holding your breath when you feel overwhelmed, under pressure, or in stressful situations. When you notice this happening, it’s okay, it’s not a judgement, your body is trying to give you signals that it would like some deep breaths and a little reset. Take a moment and do a few deep breaths and move your shoulders a bit so you can put your body back into a gentler state. You may also feel guided to start or resume a meditation practice which can be very beneficial for your overall health and wellness.

Ask for Help

  • When you feel like you need some insight, support, or additional hands on deck, please ask for help. Asking for help is a strength and not a weakness. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time. Ask people in your inner circle for support or reach out for professional support if you’re being guided to do so.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

  • Your inner voice is rooting for you. The real you is always on your side, in your corner and sounds and feels like love. You’ve been able to overcome all of the challenges in your life up to this point; and even if you’re venturing out on a brand new experience, keep going. Every step forward is still forward motion and you can do it. If you need help, insight, support, or expertise as you’re moving forward, ask for help. Remember you don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month of new beginnings and new opportunities rising to greet you.
I’m sending you oceans of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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Finding h.Om.e

Nye Beach 7.2021.jpg

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the energy of a brand new month and all that it holds for you. I just got home after a little respite away. It was my first break since January 2020 and it was really great to have a little breather and some time for rest and relaxation.

While I was away the big theme that kept coming up for me was about home. The irony of having a theme about home showing up while traveling away from home is not lost on me. While I’m a native southern California kid who’s currently living in the golden state, I’ve been blessed to live in lots of towns, cities, and states. I think that when you’ve lived in several places you tend to live by the home is where you hang your hat philosophy. (at least for the most part.)

Home is where we are, and investing in making your home a place that rises up to greet you is a powerful and worthwhile investment. That being said, while I was away; I was in a place that was one of my former homes and there is something very special, even magical about going back to a place that you loved to live. The coastline of my childhood, the sounds, sights, and even the salty air brought me back to days of laughing and playing on that beach as well as enjoying it in real time now. There’s a slipping in and out of time that happens when you go home, to a place that is no longer your home but still feels like home in your heart. Maybe you’ve experienced this too and can feel that experience replaying for you right now.

One of the cool things about living in lots of places is that you understand and experience how you can create these new chapters for your life filled with new people, places, and qualities of life by shifting into a new space. You don’t have to physically move to a new town, city, or state to experience this, even shifting the energy, items, and sometimes people in your home can create a shift in other areas of your life too. If you think about a place you lived, even if it was just on the other side of town several years ago and you think about what that chapter of your life looked and felt like and then you think about where you are now, you can notice the change of one of your life chapters.

So, if home is where we are, and we make a conscious effort to create a home that resonates and honors us to the best of our ability then why all the fuss about moving here or there? Sometimes, as things shift and the story of our lives takes on new tasks, themes, and character arcs, we begin to be guided to new places. It’s like a little beacon or lighthouse turns on, helping to guide us to the next place we’re meant to be. Sometimes, we feel like we’ve been looking for that guiding light for a really long time while other times we think uh oh, nope not now. No matter how we feel about that internal nudge preparing us for the changes that are happening, it’s important to know that inside we can feel and we know when it’s time to make a change. We know when things are shifting and we know that when we honor that inner guidance to the best of our ability, we’ll be able to lean into home wherever that may be.

The truth is that there are places that are better suited for us based on who we are and the values we have about the kind of life that we want to live. Being honest with ourselves about what those things are and where they rank on our lists of joy, happiness, and life satisfaction are big indicators of where we are now and where we’re being guided to go next. Sometimes these values change based on the different chapters of our lives. I definitely wouldn’t choose to move back to the studio I lived in while I was a student but man, I loved that place while I lived there and it holds so many great memories for me. It’s a little time capsule of that time of my life and I’m so grateful for it.

There’s a lot of change happening around home, moving, and shifting gears right now. Maybe you can feel it too. Maybe you’re in the process of moving, just moved, or you’re feeling that lighthouse beginning to flash for you, letting you know that you’re being directed home, to your next home, wherever that may be. However this powerful theme of home and change is showing up for you right now, please give yourself permission to move through it and feel all the feelings that come up for you around this big shift.

While surrendering to change can be challenging sometimes, the more we can let go and allow ourselves to receive the support that’s all around and within us, the easier it is to allow the tide to take us to the next space, place, and calling. As a highly sensitive person, you’re really gifted at finding ways to get things done, create solutions, and quietly manage the things going on in your life while also lending a helping hand to those that you love. Please remember that it’s safe for you to ask for and receive help and support too. Sometimes, we could all use a little tow line to get us out of bumpy waters and I promise you that there are kind loving people who would love to help you move through the changes that are showing up for you right now.

Home is where the heart is and finding h.Om.e is a constant opportunity for us to lean into where we are right now and where we’re being guided to go next. While change is the only constant in our lives, our true north is always within us, gently (sometimes not so gently) leading us home. Our job is to make the journey. My wish for you this month as this theme is really strong, is to take a little time to connect with the energy of what home means for you and how you can lean into the guidance you’re receiving about this powerful thing we call home.

As always, I’m sending you so much support and love from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With Love and Gratitude,

I’ve included a picture from my trip, this picture doesn’t have any filters or adjustments made to it, this is how it really looks and the water was really glowing. I hope it helps bring a little joy and magic to your day.

*Wondering about the h.Om.e?
I know this isn’t the correct spelling but this whole theme brought me back to titling my book. It was a 50/50 on the title and that’s why the spelling on the book has one capital and one lower case letter as it’s a play on finding home and finding OM.

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Refocusing, Recalibrating, and Resetting for August

hello-August (2019_01_30 23_54_58 UTC).jpg

I hope this finds you well as we officially move into a brand new month together.


Wow, this time of year usually marks something for me, and maybe you experience this too…even though it’s definitely still hot, there’s a shift that comes with hitting this month on the calendar.

A shift in energy.

A shift in focus.

A shift in readiness.

A shift in knowing that we’re moving back into a time of getting back to school, cooler weather is on the horizon for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and an opportunity to get some things we have on our list front and center before we wrap up the last bit of the year.

It’s like being on the starting line waiting for the go signal to hit the ground running on this last bit of the year.

For me, even though I’m no longer a student, this time of year still stirs and nurtures these experiences for me and I still really love it.

This year, it feels like there’s a bit or a record scratch happening in the background of all of this energy…very loudly I must admit but still in the background.

Can you hear it too?

We may be experiencing similar record scratches or they may be different but we’re collectively hearing this happening and feeling all the feels about it too. We’re collectively having this experience together from our own homes all over the planet.

Maybe your record scratch is about whether or not you’ll still be working from home for the remainder of the year.

Maybe it’s about scrambling to find a way that’s right for you and your family to support your child’s education this back to school season.

Maybe you’re a teacher and you won’t be able to go back to in person classes this fall and you’re grieving being with your students.

Maybe it means more important dates in your life where you have to isolate, social distance, and experience separation from people and experiences which are important for you.

Maybe it’s all the things, and none of the things especially that makes it hard…the I can’t quite put my finger on it feeling.

Maybe you’ve baked all the sourdough you can handle, shared it safely with neighbors, and now don’t really know what to do.

Maybe you got more than 1 BINGO on the lockdown scoreboard you found on the inter-webs and feel you’ve been really upbeat about everything and now you’re burned out and don’t want to play anymore. (that’s okay by the way…totally natural.)

No matter where you’re at with all of this, you’re not alone.

Turning the corner on how we move toward the end of the year with a lot of these issues still part of our day to day can feel heavy, overwhelming, and downright dismal.

I’ve had people tell me that they don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but that they’re really sad and having a hard time because this has been going on longer than they expected.

I’ve had people tell me that they’ve lost momentum, feel disconnected, and that they’re experiencing sadness.

Many people tell me that they feel guilty for feeling this way because they feel grateful for so many other things that they have in their life.

Maybe this resonates for you too.

The truth is that this situation, the things that are happening directly to you within your world and the things happening in the larger outside world around you are impactful, real, and take a toll on you.

They take a toll on all of us.

There is no part of you that is wrong for feeling your feelings.

It’s healthy to feel your full spectrum of emotions, and to allow them to move through you in constructive ways.

You don’t need to hold back or be embarrassed for feeling the way you feel, even if you have happy things happening in your life too. You can be grateful, joyful, and appreciate and still have a hard day or hard moments throughout the day.

As we all lean into this big left turn that is August, let’s take a big deep breath in through our noses, and hold it at the top of the breath, and then exhale for a big clearing. Good….feel free to repeat if you need to.

The truth is that we’re going through a time of deep healing, clearing, and yes…upheaval too.

It looks like we are scheduled for some more bumps ahead; however, that doesn’t mean we can’t also allow this time to be a marker for us.

Maybe your marker will be:

Taking more time for rest

Slowing down a bit

Taking some things off of your list

Asking for help and allowing yourself to Receive it once it’s offered

Choosing 1 thing that’s important to you on a personal level to focus on as we lean into the rest of the year

Acknowledging how you’re doing and letting yourself be where you’re at…also remember to give yourself gold stars on your chart for your wins. (wins are really important no matter how many turns around the sun you’ve made.)

Scheduling support services where you could use it, so you don’t feel like you’re trying to hold everyone and everything up all by yourself all the time.

Just in case no one has told you this in a while, please let me be the person to tell you that you’re doing a really great job.

I can see you.

I see all the effort that you’re making and all the time you put in to keep things going for yourself and others.

You’re doing a really great job!

Thank you so much for all you do. Please make sure you take some time to be as good to yourself as you are to everyone in your world.

You are appreciated.

You are worthy.

You are valuable.

You are loveable.

You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough.

With all my love and gratitude, I’m sending you so much support from my teeny corner of the world to you. I’m wishing you a healthy, happy, August…one with things to look forward to that feel good to you.



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Exhaustion, Fatigue, and Burn Out: How to Reset, Restore, and Replenish from Healer Burn Out

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Hi, I’ve been thinking about you and wondering how you’re doing.

So much has happened since the last time we connected so I thought I would check in with you.

Last week, I hit a wall. You know the feeling right, when all of a sudden your body just says, yep, that’s it that’s all, I need a rest.

Even though you’re doing all the things you’re supposed to do to create a support system for yourself; sometimes you need more rest and genuine respite.

In addition to hitting a wall, I also put my back out, which is super frustrating + not fun at all. I was able to keep working which was great but in between sessions, I was resting and lying flat on the floor and doing all the things. (I’m much better now.)

The theme that kept coming up for my clients last week was deep exhaustion, burnout, and fatigue.

Maybe this resonates for you too.

With everything happening all over the world right now, it’s taking a deep toll on all of us.

No matter what you’ve been called to do on a personal level, you’re still being impacted physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually every single day.

Every single one of us are being called to the actions that are a fit for us and they may look different than someone else’s. However, they are equally important and equally impactful on you and your well-being.

One on the things I’ve been hearing a lot is that people don’t feel like they’re doing as much as someone else they know personally or based on something they’re seeing on the gram.

The overall feeling is that they don’t believe they deserve to feel so exhausted because they perceive their contribution as being less than someone else’s.

This belief can trigger feelings of guilt which can lead to trying to do more even if your body is telling you to take a rest.

This can also lead to worry, anxiety, insomnia, and lowered immune system to name a few symptoms.

Any kind of intensity and trauma is deeply impactful on all areas of our lives; and 2020 has been a nearly non stop influx of intensity. This level of stress is completely depleting for all of us and it’s natural for the body to experience physical signs letting us know we need to genuinely rest.

If you’re experiencing this, you’re not alone; in fact you’re in really good company and you’re right on time. Collectively, it feels like we’re all experiencing this need for deep rest across the board.

Like most things, there’s no one way or right way to experience rest, renewal, and restoration; there’s only the things that resonate for you based on your needs.

I’ve included the messages that I’ve received about this for you below so you can see which ones resonate for you. You’ll find that different things resonate for you on different days depending on your energy level and personal needs. However, what I know for sure is that this need for a deep rest is something we all need to honor.

Physical Support:

  • Increase Hydration + Water
    Stress increases dehydration in the body so if you’ve been feeling parched, increase your H2O

  • Move your Body
    Gentle movement is what’s been showing up, walking, stretching, and low impact activities

  • Light Foods and Beverages
    Light, gentle, and cooling foods are showing up to help the body process + work more easily. Heavy foods, alcohol, and sugars can create inflammation in the body which can make you feel sluggish and fatigued.

  • Vitamins
    Vitamin D from the sunshine is a big support system. There’s an overall message about increasing your vitamins and minerals so that you keep your immune system strong. (Especially because stress depletes the immune system.)

  • Grounding
    Get your bare feet on the soil, sod, or sand as often as you can so you can absorb the negative ions and electrons from the earth and offload any surplus of positive ions you may have stored due to living under a tech umbrella. (This is especially important right now since so many people are working from home and their homes are filled with wifi.) Grounding helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

  • Detox
    Infra Red Sauna or Sweating can support clearing away toxins that may be stored in your body contributing to inflammation and feelings of fatigue and exhaustion. Please use Infra Red Sauna according to the safety regulations. (You can detox by moving your body too, this is a natural detox system we have built in which is why we sweat when we exercise.)

  • WiFi
    Turn your router and devices off while you sleep. Keep your phone out of the room or at least away from your head while you sleep. WiFi can lead to sleep disturbances, inflammation, and even intense nightmares especially for highly sensitive people. Turning off your router allows your body to truly rest and drop into deep reparative REM sleep more easily.

  • Sleep
    Increased quality sleep is so important right now. The way the body heals is during sleep, so it’s imperative you’re experiencing deep REM sleep daily. Even if you need to nap and you aren’t a napper, give yourself permission to nap.

Mental and Emotional Support:

  • Talk About Your Feelings
    Find someone you trust you can talk to about how you’re feeling; don’t hold everything inside of you because you don’t want to “burden” someone else. You need to find a way to release and talking is a powerful support system.  You can contact a professional if you don’t have someone in your circle to support you.

  • Write
    Journaling is another powerful way to process your thoughts, feelings, and insights. Even if you aren’t a journaling kind of person, just writing on notebook paper or even post its and then throwing it away can help a lot.

  • Take A Break
    Take a media break. The brain doesn’t differentiate between what you see and what you experience; it thinks it’s all happening to you so it turns on all the chemicals and trauma responses inside your body as a support system for you. We aren’t meant to be flooding our bodies with adrenaline and cortisol all day every day. These stress hormones take a huge toll on our bodies.

  • Boundaries
    Say no to extra demands on your time, including but not limited to picking up the phone when you know that you can’t deal with any more additional stress from others.

  • Lean Into Activities You Love
    Investing time in things that honor you and fill you up are like an elixir for your body, mind, and spirit. So, play music, work in your garden, swim, ride your bike, make art, read a book, color, soak in your tub, or anything else that resonates for you.

  • Let Go of Comparison
    Focus on what you’re being called to do and honor that wisdom. Remember you may be called to something different than someone else and that’s okay. You may Not be called to showcase your efforts online; release the need to explain why you aren’t placing your actions into the public arena. You know what you’re being called to do.

  • Oils + Sense of Smell
    Trauma is stored in the amygdala of our brains. The olfactory system which is also housed there, pairs scent with trauma. So, this is why people have such strong smell memories connected to traumatic events. The power of smell allows us to clear and heal trauma and move it out of the amygdala so we can begin to clear it. Oils, flowers, herbs, and simmer pots can all help to release tension and trauma from your mind and body.

Spiritual Support:

  • Meditation
    5 to 10 minutes of daily meditation will help to reduce the stress and tension in your mind and body and bring you back to a place of balance and feeling more like yourself.

  • Calling on Your Angels and Guides
    You are not alone, even if you feel lonely. Call on your spiritual support team to help you in all areas of your life. You can also ask them to give you a clear sign in your physical world that you’ll easily notice and understand to let you know they’re with you.

  • Tools
    Toning, Smudging, Singing Bowls, Space Clearing etc. have been used throughout time because they work and allow us to clear and connect to our higher selves and spiritual support systems. If you have some tools that resonate for you, get them out and use them.

  • Prayer
    The power of prayer has been documented over and over again and it works. If you’re called to pray for yourself, or someone else, this is a powerful support system. You can also ask to be placed onto a prayer list if you would like to receive prayer.

  • Ask for Support
    Reach out for additional support whether through an intuitive session, an energy treatment, or other kind of spiritual support service that resonates for you. These kinds of sessions create huge shift, clearing, and a deep reset for the body, mind, and spirit.

Creating a recipe of support which resonates for you right now will offer you the extra support you need to begin to truly rest, restore, and replenish. Remember there’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you. Even if you “know” this please remember to implement this so that you can keep your body, mind, and spirit strong and balanced.

We need you.

You’re important, valuable, and seen.

Your contributions matter.

You make the world better by being here.

You deserve to feel healthy, happy, and strong.

Resting is an action.

Healing is an action

Investing in wellness is an action.

Honoring your needs is a healthy and honorable cause which benefits everyone.

I’m sending you love and support from my little corner of the world to yours.
If you’d like to get some oils, click here or send me a note through the contact form.

With love,

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How to Notice and Work Through Feelings of Being Unsettled


I just wanted to check in with you about a strong theme that’s been showing up over the last several days.

There’s this energy that’s been showing up, a feeling of needing to get going. A deep feeling, a pull, and a deep beckoning to get things done and to hit the ground running. While there are changes happening and people going back to work in some places, it’s important to give yourself permission to be where you’re at right now.

You may have inspiration and motivation to get some things done on your lists, which is absolutely wonderful! By all means, get your projects and plans set into motion in the ways that are right for you.

However, you’re not in a race or in a competition with anyone else.

It’s natural to feel the energies around you which may be buzzing with getting back to work and back to all the things. However, this level of intensity may make you feel like you have to play beat the clock or that the stay at home order is running out and you won’t have “enough” to show for your time at home.

If you’re feeling like you wish you could’ve done more during this time at home, please let that go.

If that should’ve done this, or that, or… have found you, please let that go.

You’re doing the best you can. We’re all doing the best we can with where we’re at and that’s all anyone can do. (or expect of you.)

This has been a unique and challenging time and you’ve moved through it in the ways that were right for you. It might not look like someone else’s experience and that’s okay.

Maybe you were baking all the sourdough
Maybe you were doing all the gardening
Maybe you were doing all the meditation and prayer work
Maybe you were doing all the zoom sessions
Maybe you were checking in on the elderly neighbors

Maybe you weren’t

Maybe you were taking things one day at a time
Maybe you were taking things one hour at a time on some days
Maybe you were taking care of yourself and those you’ve been sheltering in place with in the ways that you needed at that particular time.
Maybe you leaned into some much needed rest, quiet, and healing that you’ve needed for quite some time.

No matter what this time has looked like for you, it is Enough.

You are Enough.

Being where you are is important and you’re doing the best you can.

If you’re doing the best you can, that’s all anyone can expect of you. (no matter what you’ve been told by family members, mentors, supervisors, strangers on the gram, and yourself.)

So, breathe, check in with where you are and how your energy feels right now.

Ask yourself:

Am I being guided to do something on my list, today?


Am I being guided to add a bit of rest and self care to my list, today?

Whatever is right for you, right now, in this moment, today; please give yourself permission to go at your own pace and focus on what is right for you, and only you.

So, I’m just checking in to tell you that you are enough today and every day.

Your stay at home time has been what it was meant to be for you, and it will continue do so for as long as you’re at home.

I’m sending you support, comfort, and a high five from my home to yours.

With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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How to Maintain Your Sacred Space While Holding onto Your Sanity...When Your Home is Your Sanctuary…Plus Office, Gym, Movie Theatre, School, etc.

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I was just thinking about you and thought I would drop a line to see how you’re doing.

One of the things that’s been a bit of a struggle for me lately is managing all the new jobs that my home has to do while also finding a way to continue to create a space where my home rises up to greet me and feels like a sanctuary.

Are you finding this to be a bit of a head scratcher too?

Please tell me I’m not alone in this one; it’s been a bit of a one step forward one step back kind of dance during this shelter in place order. I find that like most things right now, there’s this roller coaster of emotions tied into little wins and then little (or larger) setbacks which can feel overwhelming.

A few days ago I decided to sit down and really look at this issue and tune in to see what some of the large issues were that were contributing to this push pull dynamic I was experiencing.

Here’s what showed up for me, I thought maybe it could be helpful and supportive for you too.

The first big issue that I saw was all about Tech.

I know… this is one of those things that’s woven into the fabric of our lives at this point and right now even more so than usual. However, that was the big take away, our homes are literally being filled with wifi, screen energy, and nearly non-stop tech energies pumping into all areas nearly non stop at this point.

For most of us, even those who work from home, this is at another level, especially if you’re home schooling and have a partner working from home too. So, these energies are impacting us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in ways we aren’t used to, all day every day.

This build up if you will, is starting to have an impact on the way we feel, think, and experience our day to day life.

Some of the symptoms showing up include but aren’t limited to:

  • Lethargy

  • Exhaustion

  • Sadness/Meh

  • Cloudy Thinking

  • Inflammation

  • Joint Pain, Strain, or Tension

  • Feeling Intense Swings in Mood

  • Easily Triggered by Current or Past Situations

  • Looped Thinking Cycles, Usually Negative

  • Agitation, Frustration, Anxiousness, Overwhelm

  • Feeling Like You Can’t Pull Yourself Out of a Funk

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Insomnia

  • Night Terrors

If you’re experiencing any of these, please know that you’re not alone. There are simple but significant shifts you can make to help support you in clearing these energies from your home.

The other 2 areas that showed up were:

  • Too Much Time Indoors Breathing Recirculated Air and a Lack of Full Spectrum Sunlight

  • Being Ungrounded

The good news here, is that all 3 of these areas are completely connected to one another which means that we can get some traction and forward motion with all of them with a little bit of effort.

There is no one way or right way to do this, only the ways that are right for you today.

I’ve included some ways that showed up for me and I hope that they will be helpful for you and a jumping off place for you to create some custom support systems for you and your home.

Clear Out the Tech Energy:

Literally Open the Windows and Run Your Ceiling Fans to Clear it Out of Your Home

You will bring fresh air into your home at the same time which helps to clear out that recirculated air you’ve been breathing too. Tech energy creates an energetic woven fabric that holds space like an umbrella and pushes the energy down in your home and it pushes you down too. When you air out your home you’ll literally feel a lightness return to your spaces. Highly sensitive people like yourself can often see that the rooms look lighter, brighter, and larger after being aired out.

If it’s already hot or still cold at your home, either open your home up early in the morning or in the evening or bundle up if you have to so you can clear out this dense and unhealthy energy. A few minutes will make a big difference if that’s all you can do. If you can air out your home longer, great go for it.

Turn Off the Tech Energy:

If you can turn off your wifi or at least place your devices on airplane mode at night, it will make a big difference in the way you think and feel in the morning. You will notice that your sleep will be better too.

If it’s possible to reduce the rooms in your home that are using screens and dedicate it to specific spaces, it will help to keep it from being all over everywhere all day long. If this isn’t possible, that’s okay, just try to remember to turn it off when you’re finished instead of leaving all your devices running 24/7. I know it’s easier to let everything go to sleep mode, but if you turn things off, you’ll notice a palpable difference.

Go Outside:

I know this one seems obvious but with so much added screen time and indoor time, it’s easy to forget to go outside. The I just have to finish one more thing syndrome has been supersized for most of us right now and before we know it, the day has passed and we haven’t gone outdoors at all. Instead, we’ve been inside in front of screens under the tech umbrella. (Don’t judge yourself, this is something we’re all experiencing apart, but together right now.)

Even if you can only go for a 15 minute walk around your block, give yourself permission to do that. Schedule it into your phone if that works for you so you’ll get outside to breathe some fresh air, get some full spectrum sunlight, and stretch your muscles. Our bodies are like sponges so all that tech energy is sitting inside of us too. When we move and sweat, we can get it cleared out.

If you have a fancy home gym and you’re working out regularly, way to go! I still encourage you to get outside even if just for that walk around the block. Getting outside helps us to get grounded and get more connected to our natural rhythms again and feel more like ourselves again too. Getting outside also clears our aura and energy body. Win. Win.

Clean Your Home:

Again, this one seems super obvious, but cleaning is a sacred act (while it may not feel super sacred while scrubbing your tub) it is a powerful way to clear out energies that you don’t want in your home while infusing it with intentions, blessings, and the energy that you want to keep within your home. This is where we get the, your home is your sanctuary, or your home should rise up to greet you when you walk through the door. Both of these adages are true and impact all areas of our lives.

Whether you’re lightly cleaning or you’re giving your sanctuary a deep clean and refresh, know that you’re resetting and rebooting your home back to its factory setting that you’ve chosen for yourself and your family. You can always add upgrades by including new intentions and blessings for your home while you clean.

Work With Your Angels and Guides:

You can ask your angels and your guides to clear your home and property of any energies that are not a fit for you and your home. (This doesn’t exempt you from cleaning.) This is a beautiful way to clear on an even deeper level while also bringing your spiritual support team into your day to day life.


You can smudge and sage your home and property to clear any dense energies that you would like to move along. Research also shows that sage is antibacterial and antimicrobial so it can support clearing the air in your home. Please never leave your sage burning unattended and keep away from little hands and paws.

Essential Oils:

Diffusing essential oils can be a deep emotional support while also filling your home with soothing, uplifting, and calming energies based on the oil you choose to diffuse. There are endless combinations you can choose to nurture a positive environment in your home. There are many oils that are antibacterial and antimicrobial too. Essential oils are made from plants, so bringing them into your home helps with grounding too. (If you’re looking for essential oils, send me a message and I’ll help you.)

Blessing Floor Wash:

I love this one. This one always feels very palpable to me and it makes me feel like I’m bringing something from the ancient past into my current modern life. I also love that you can make it different each time based on the intentions and needs of your current situation. It feels like a blessing, energy treatment, and huge hug for my home all at the same time.

You’ll Need:

  • Your favorite natural hard floor cleaner

  • Mop and Bucket

  • Water

  • Variety of Fresh Picked Herbs from your kitchen garden (or from the farmers market or from your neighbor) Lavender, Rosemary, Mint, and Sage are some great options, but choose whatever calls to you to create your blessing floor wash.

How To:

  • Fill your mop bucket like usual with water and cleaner of your choice

  • Rub the whole fresh herbs between your hands to release the scent and oils and then add them to the water (no need to cut or separate the flowers from the stems)

  • Add intentions and blessings to the water

  • You can ask your angels and guides to bless your water too if you feel guided.

  • Then, mop your home as usual.

The herbaceous water will fill your home while also cleaning and blessing your home and all who live with you.

You will be able to smell all the herbs and feel the shift from the ground up in your home. This is a physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually infused clearing and you will be able to feel it.

I hope these ideas will help you to clear you and your home from these heavy or dense energies that are impacting all of us right now. Please know that you’re not alone even if you’re sheltering in place alone.

Being gentle with yourself is the first and foremost area to focus on right now.

Try to go at your own pace and treat yourself with tender loving care as we all take this one day at a time.

My hope is that some of these ideas will be a fit for you which will support you in feeling more like yourself and support you in treating yourself with kindness and care.

Please know that there’s no one way to do this, there’s only the ways that are right for you today, right now in this moment.

I’m sending you so much support and gentle energy from my little corner of the world.

We’re in this together even though we’re physically apart.

With love,

Kristy~ xoxo

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#30MoreDays: Sheltering In Place 2.0…How To Move Forward Now

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We made it to April! It feels like a big moment to know that it’s officially April and this is a new month and a new beginning. Even though we’re still sheltering in place, apart… but together… it still feels like this new month is a breath of fresh air and an opportunity to tap into a fresh start.

There’s a definitive shift in this energy, you can probably feel it too, it’s almost palpable. While we’re still sheltering in place, the feeling of this #30moredays feels much different than the last several weeks. The issues that were prescient at the beginning of this stay at home order while still on the forefront seem to be impacting us at home in a different way as we move forward. Are you feeling this too?

There’s a feeling now that we’re all in this together, and that we in some way have found a bit of a rhythm in how we move through our day to day life at this time. We can see how neighbors are supporting each other, the kindness of strangers being shared online, and even the human experience of overwhelm and frustration being shared over the inter-webs. This common theme of connection even though we’re apart has helped us to feel less alone and in many ways seen and understood. The irony of finding community while being inside is so surreal but so powerful at the same time.

So many people have some things sorted out that were up in the air 3 weeks ago.

  • Maybe you’re finding your groove as a sudden + unexpected homeschooling professional.

  • Maybe your littles are streaming their classes via zoom and now you’re a zoom expert even if you’ve never heard that word in this context before all of this.

  • Maybe you’ve found or reconnected to your love of cooking, baking, and hanging out in the kitchen.

  • Maybe you’ve made an effort to create and participate in group chat calls, again getting your zoom skills to a professional level!

  • Maybe you’re enjoying being home and really reconnecting to your space, surroundings, and the healing quality of home.

  • Maybe you’re getting some projects and items checked off your to do list.

  • Maybe you’ve picked up your musical instrument, knitting needles or crochet hooks, paintbrush, garden gloves, or a book you’ve been meaning to get to when you had some down time.

  • Maybe you’re still working full time from home and you’ve found a way to adjust to a new normal work wise.

  • Maybe you and your partner are both working from home full time and are finding a way to get into a rhythm in your work space and style.
    (Do you need it silent while your partner works best while blasting music and talking super loud to their clients?.....Does this seem super specific? It is, because this is a peek into my situation, lol)

  • Maybe you (or your loved one) is an essential professional and are working on the front lines at this time. We all see you, yes, all of us, the global community see’s you and we appreciate you!

As we move into this next phase of sheltering in place, I see that a deep focus on self care and gentility is very important.

The first phase focused a great deal on what felt like an overnight adjustment to nearly ever part of our day to day life. A crash course in how to do everything differently beginning now was the overall feeling.

Sheltering In Place 2.0 feels more like a deep call to gentility, slowing down, and being very gentle with ourselves. Yes, all the things still need to be done but this feels different than last month.

The majority of everyone I worked with or talked to last month was scrambling to do all the things they needed to do while also trying to find ways to keep busy since they couldn’t leave the house. One of the biggest themes that showed up for people was an intense level of stress, anxiety, and the biggest one forgetting to breathe.

Yes, forgetting to breathe.

Maybe you’re noticing right now that you’ve been forgetting to breathe too.

When we’re under stress, the body goes into a natural stress response and we begin to either hold our breath or breathe through our mouths. (No, mouth breathing isn’t the natural way the body is set up to breathe.)

It makes perfect sense that during a crisis all of us would experience an increase in stress which turns on our natural stress response.

So, making a concerted effort to remember to breathe right now is very important. You can set an alert on your phone to give you a gentle reminder. You can place a sticky note on your fridge, laptop, or bathroom mirror. You can ask someone you live with to gently remind you to breathe if they notice you’re holding your breath. Any ways that support you in breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth will be very beneficial for you right now.

Even taking 3 deep breaths in through your nose slowly and exhaling out through your mouth will help to reset your body and help to clear away stress and tension from your body and mind.

This month as you set your intentions for April and for your #30moredays maybe you can make the theme about self care and self love.

Sometimes these become buzz words and people think oh yeah I know all about that but they don’t really implement them into their daily lives. This is a perfect time to practice these very important support services for yourself and the people sheltering in place with you.

I’ve included some ideas to support you in slowing down and being gentle with yourself during shelter in place 2.0. This is just a small list to help you generate some of your own ideas, this is by no means a be all end all list.

Quiet Time:
Yes, remember quiet time? Schedule this into your schedule daily this month. A 10 minute block a day will make a huge impact in how you feel. You can practice conscious breathing, meditate, or journal during your quiet time. Please don’t use your quiet time to scroll as it tends to ramp up stress and anxiety and this is time for you to reset, restore, and replenish.

Walk It Out:
Many communities are still allowing walks in your neighborhood; if you’re one of these folks, lace up your shoes and walk it out. You’ll physically move stress out of your mind and body and you’ll increase your endorphins while also getting some much needed fresh air and sunshine.

Music Over Scrolling:
Listening to music soothes and supports the nervous system and actually increases mood.
Scrolling Instagram or whichever platform you love can increase tension, stress, and fear energies. So, opt for listening to music rather than going into a scrolling hole.

Slow is the New Hustle:
Focus on Moving Slower. Breathing Slower. Doing Things Slower.
You may notice that you feel guided to push yourself harder, to go faster, to get it all done, to not stop until everything is finished. When you notice this, breathe and take a moment to refocus. This isn’t a time to be pushing yourself to go against your natural body rhythms but to reconnect and honor your natural pace which is much slower than what you’ve become used to in last 2 decades.

Get Grounded:
When we reconnect to our true selves, our body, and the natural world we become more grounded, focused, and in tune with our real feelings, thoughts, emotions, and sense of self; we feel more like the real us. If you have house plants, water, propagate, and slow down with them. Maybe you can plant a little garden on your balcony or in a patch of dirt in your back yard. Smudge your home, spruce up your space, get outside and if it’s warm enough take off your socks and shoes and put your feet in the grass while you watch the clouds roll by.

Lean Into What Soothes Your Soul:
Choose to do things that you haven’t been able to do but genuinely love. It may be something that you haven’t done in years or it might be something seemingly simple like playing a board game or putting together a puzzle. Make a pot of tea and drink out of your favorite fancy “waiting for the perfect day” tea cup.  Make something, bake something, do the DIY’s, dry flowers and herbs, learn to make those tinctures you’ve been wanting to make, wear your fancy pajamas just because they make you feel good…or anything that soothes your soul.

This is a perfect time to honor and truly practice real self care and self love.

  • Go slow.

  • Do what you can right now but honor your needs at the same time.

  • Breathe.

  • Reconnect to you and honor and invest in your needs, wellbeing, and rest right now.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world!

I’m still working and available to support you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

With so much love and gentility,

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7 Ways to Boost Your Wellness


While we find ourselves in the middle of cold and flu season + inundated with news stories about COVID-19, you may find health and wellness on your mind right now.

I’ve included some powerful + easy ways to boost your wellness this season for you below.

  1. Wash Your Hands:
    This one may seem silly to include but it’s a powerful way to keep you well this season.

  2. Sanitize Your Most Used Items:
    Wipe down your phone, computer, tablet, remotes, ear buds, glasses, steering wheel, key chains, door knobs, counters, faucets, and light switches.

  3. Air Quality:
    Change the Air Filter In Your Home and if possible, in your Office

  4. Increase Vitamin C:
    Add lemon, lime, or grapefruit to your water to give your body a boost of vitamin C. You can also take a high quality vitamin C supplement.

  5. Water:
    Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and to support your body in moving toxins out.

  6. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods:
    Increase green leafy foods, whether you feel guided to eat them or drink them in a green drink.

  7. Sleep:
    We need sleep so that our bodies can restore, replenish, and repair. Take some time to create a gentle space that’s conducive to good solid sleep. If you’re having a hard time getting solid sleep, you may need to take small naps during the day too.

Bonus Tips:

  • Use a Neti Pot or other nasal rinse system to keep your sinuses hydrated and clear of debris or infection. You can find these at any natural food store or online shops.

  • Use a humidifier to help keep the air in your home hydrated so your skin can absorb the moisture to support your hydration. (This is especially important if you’re running your heating and/ or fire place as these heating sources dry out the air.)

  • Stretch your body and do gentle exercise, including walking to help release any toxins that could be holding space within your body.

  • Weather Permitting, air out your home, even for 10 or 15 minutes to bring clean air inside.

  • Avoid places and spaces with large crowds or places with people who are sick; including public transportation.

I’m wishing you a wonderful week and hope this list will support you in boosting your wellness this season. With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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