Cool, Calm, and Collected

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we move into May.

One of the biggest themes that has been coming through lately has been about finding ways to reduce stress and increase calm and gentility. Have you been noticing this theme showing up in your day to day life too? If so, you’re not alone; you’re not imagining it, and it’s not just you. This is a theme that I’m finding across the board for people, even people who traditionally have been able to consistently manage their stress levels. Stress has in many ways become a buzz word in our modern culture and can sometimes be used as a catch all for many life scenarios that we may be experiencing. However, that being said, I am finding this increase in stress to be a prescient theme right now and wanted to share some ways that you can reduce your stress as we move through this theme together.

As a highly sensitive person, sometimes an increase in stress, tension, or feelings of overwhelm can feel magnified. When you use techniques to support an increase of calm and comfort as a highly sensitive person, you can experience those results more quickly and on a deep or palpable level. As you integrate practices that you enjoy on a consistent basis, you’ll find that you’re more easily able to move through times of increased stress while also maintaining a level of peace, happiness, and calm. You’ll also notice that you feel more like yourself and that you’re able to find and maintain your balance. Does that mean that you won’t have some days that are tough? No, however it will allow you to move through those bumpy days a little bit easier while also increasing your good days.

One of the biggest things to remember here is that there is no one way or right way to do this work. There are only the ways that are right for you and those may change from day to day. Choosing to try a few things that you feel attracted to naturally will be a great place to start so you can find the ways or methods that work best for you. Finding what works best for you is the “right way” for you. Again, you can choose to change things up at any time you choose based on your needs and situation.

Please know this is not a be all end all list, think of this as inspiration and please add to this list with activities that work well for you. If there’s things on this list that are a fit for you great, give them a try and see how you feel. If there are things that aren’t a fit, great, let those go. Please feel free to combine techniques and make them your own. This is meant to be a support system for you so you get to decide how to work with the suggestions below so they best honor you and your life.

  • Sleep
    Quality sleep is important for our overall health and well being. Making time for sleep is imperative especially when you’re experiencing increased stress. If you’re having sleep disturbances, check to make sure you aren’t being exposed to blue light before and during your sleep. Even if you enjoy falling asleep with your device on, it will prevent you from experiencing REM sleep and can interfere with serotonin and melatonin which we need. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you may be guided to nap during the day, and even 30 minutes can make a positive impact. Going to sleep earlier, creating a relaxing space for sleep, and removing technology from your sleeping space can support you in experiencing quality sleep.

  • Movement
    Any movement that you enjoy will allow your body to decompress from the stress that may be holding space within you. Going for a walk, riding your bike, going for a swim or any kind of movement you enjoy will help you reduce and manage your stress levels. Movement also helps your body get into a moving meditation which allows you to receive secondary benefits at the same time.

  • Sunshine
    Getting outside into the sunshine even if you have to bundle up is very important. In addition to vitamin D, full spectrum sunlight helps to produce and regulate melatonin and serotonin which we need. Sunshine also helps us to increase energy, just think about the solar panels supporting the grid. We benefit from solar power too. You don’t need to overexpose yourself to the sun to receive its benefits.

  • Gentle Foods and Beverages
    As the weather begins to warm up you may notice your body naturally gravitating toward lighter foods like salads, soups, smoothies, and juices just to name a few. When we’re experiencing stress, it can be easy to reach for things that can actually make us feel worse like processed foods and snacks. The more you can fuel your body with gentle foods and beverages, the easier it will be for your body to maintain a strong immune system which is taxed when exposed to prolonged stress.

  • Hydration
    You may notice that stress impacts your hydration. If you notice you’re feeling parched, you may want to increase your water intake to help your body stay hydrated. There is no need to increase your hydration to the point of rinsing out your electrolytes. Just pay attention to your body so you find the right amount of water for you each day. If your lips are chapped, your scalp, sinuses, and skin are dry, and/or you feel thirsty, increase your water.

  • Music
    Listening to music can uplift and shift your mood and energy quickly. Listening to music in the background rather than tv or streaming services can help you to feel better while also uplifting the energy in your home while positively impacting the people in your home too. If you are a musician, playing and practicing your instrument/s will support you and your home in multiple ways.

  • Creativity
    Participating in any creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to reduce your stress levels while also nurturing your love and enjoyment for the activity. Creativity also sparks inspiration and moves you into a moving meditation which are powerful secondary benefits. You will also have something to show for your time and you will notice that you feel more relaxed and at ease during and after your creative experience. You don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in creativity to receive the benefits. You may want take a little time to place your tools, projects, or accoutrements into an easily accessible place.

  • Meditation
    Any kind of meditation will support you in reducing stress and increasing calm, clarity, focus, and gentility. Whether you prefer guided meditation, traditional styles of meditation and mindfulness, or moving meditation, you will receive benefits from that practice. If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to mediation and mindfulness, I recommend guided meditation. You can find free guided meditations on YouTube or you can use things like the calm app. There are a lot of free resources out there for you and you’ll find the right method once you get started.

  • Reading Physical Books
    Physical books will give you a break from screen time and allow you to slow down while also experiencing the tactile quality that comes with reading an actual book. You will also notice your nervous system begin to relax while you enjoy your book.

  • Increasing Quiet Time
    Allowing yourself to be in a quiet state allows your body and mind to rest while simultaneously calming your nervous system. It can also allow issues or themes sitting under the surface to come up so they can clear. In a world of overstimulation this simple act of quiet time is powerful.

  • Cleaning Out Clutter/Cleaning Your Home
    Whether it’s cleaning out your closet, cleaning your floors, or getting to that shred pile; you will feel a lightening of your physical and mental state by attending to your physical space. Stuff out of place has an impact on our environment and our health. If you need help with this, please consider reaching out for help. If you live with other people, ask for their help so you aren’t trying to do everything all by yourself. A peaceful home supports a peaceful life.

  • Avoiding Challenging or Upsetting News Stories
    It’s important to be informed and aware of what’s happening, however being inundated with bad news and negativity isn’t helpful or necessary. Reducing your exposure to upsetting news stories and social media feeds that make you feel drained or upset is important. Set aside a predetermined amount of time for information and then turn it off and move onto something else.

  • Avoiding or Reducing Challenging or Upsetting People/Dynamics
    To the best of your ability, saying no to people and dynamics which are upsetting, hurtful, and draining for you is important. It’s important to guard your time and energy from those who aren’t helpful or supportive for you. It’s okay and often necessary to say no to people and situations that make you feel worse after engaging. Saying no to the best of your ability allows you to say yes to taking good care of yourself and your quality of life.

As you read through this list, you’ll notice that some of the categories can be grouped together for win wins; and in some cases: win, win, win. Yes, those groupings are a great way in increase your calm, comfort, and gentility all at once and yes, they count. For example, if you feel guided to read a physical book, you’ll be simultaneously reducing screen time, and increasing quiet time too. Please give yourself permission to enjoy the combinations that speak to you and make them your own. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing these things, a little bit goes a long way in supporting your overall stress levels and well being. Carving out 10 minutes a day will have a significant impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Some days you may be able to do more than 10 minutes which is wonderful but start with 10 and notice how you feel. Some of the activities like clearing out clutter or cleaning may take more than 10 minutes but their impact on you and the people who live in your home will be significant and well worth your time and effort.

I hope this will inspire you to know that you’re not alone and you can make simple but significant shifts in your daily life to support you in feeling more peaceful, grounded, and like your true self. I know you can do it, and every step counts. I’m joining you in this process as we move through these intense times together.

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.
As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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