Cool, Calm, and Collected

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we move into May.

One of the biggest themes that has been coming through lately has been about finding ways to reduce stress and increase calm and gentility. Have you been noticing this theme showing up in your day to day life too? If so, you’re not alone; you’re not imagining it, and it’s not just you. This is a theme that I’m finding across the board for people, even people who traditionally have been able to consistently manage their stress levels. Stress has in many ways become a buzz word in our modern culture and can sometimes be used as a catch all for many life scenarios that we may be experiencing. However, that being said, I am finding this increase in stress to be a prescient theme right now and wanted to share some ways that you can reduce your stress as we move through this theme together.

As a highly sensitive person, sometimes an increase in stress, tension, or feelings of overwhelm can feel magnified. When you use techniques to support an increase of calm and comfort as a highly sensitive person, you can experience those results more quickly and on a deep or palpable level. As you integrate practices that you enjoy on a consistent basis, you’ll find that you’re more easily able to move through times of increased stress while also maintaining a level of peace, happiness, and calm. You’ll also notice that you feel more like yourself and that you’re able to find and maintain your balance. Does that mean that you won’t have some days that are tough? No, however it will allow you to move through those bumpy days a little bit easier while also increasing your good days.

One of the biggest things to remember here is that there is no one way or right way to do this work. There are only the ways that are right for you and those may change from day to day. Choosing to try a few things that you feel attracted to naturally will be a great place to start so you can find the ways or methods that work best for you. Finding what works best for you is the “right way” for you. Again, you can choose to change things up at any time you choose based on your needs and situation.

Please know this is not a be all end all list, think of this as inspiration and please add to this list with activities that work well for you. If there’s things on this list that are a fit for you great, give them a try and see how you feel. If there are things that aren’t a fit, great, let those go. Please feel free to combine techniques and make them your own. This is meant to be a support system for you so you get to decide how to work with the suggestions below so they best honor you and your life.

  • Sleep
    Quality sleep is important for our overall health and well being. Making time for sleep is imperative especially when you’re experiencing increased stress. If you’re having sleep disturbances, check to make sure you aren’t being exposed to blue light before and during your sleep. Even if you enjoy falling asleep with your device on, it will prevent you from experiencing REM sleep and can interfere with serotonin and melatonin which we need. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you may be guided to nap during the day, and even 30 minutes can make a positive impact. Going to sleep earlier, creating a relaxing space for sleep, and removing technology from your sleeping space can support you in experiencing quality sleep.

  • Movement
    Any movement that you enjoy will allow your body to decompress from the stress that may be holding space within you. Going for a walk, riding your bike, going for a swim or any kind of movement you enjoy will help you reduce and manage your stress levels. Movement also helps your body get into a moving meditation which allows you to receive secondary benefits at the same time.

  • Sunshine
    Getting outside into the sunshine even if you have to bundle up is very important. In addition to vitamin D, full spectrum sunlight helps to produce and regulate melatonin and serotonin which we need. Sunshine also helps us to increase energy, just think about the solar panels supporting the grid. We benefit from solar power too. You don’t need to overexpose yourself to the sun to receive its benefits.

  • Gentle Foods and Beverages
    As the weather begins to warm up you may notice your body naturally gravitating toward lighter foods like salads, soups, smoothies, and juices just to name a few. When we’re experiencing stress, it can be easy to reach for things that can actually make us feel worse like processed foods and snacks. The more you can fuel your body with gentle foods and beverages, the easier it will be for your body to maintain a strong immune system which is taxed when exposed to prolonged stress.

  • Hydration
    You may notice that stress impacts your hydration. If you notice you’re feeling parched, you may want to increase your water intake to help your body stay hydrated. There is no need to increase your hydration to the point of rinsing out your electrolytes. Just pay attention to your body so you find the right amount of water for you each day. If your lips are chapped, your scalp, sinuses, and skin are dry, and/or you feel thirsty, increase your water.

  • Music
    Listening to music can uplift and shift your mood and energy quickly. Listening to music in the background rather than tv or streaming services can help you to feel better while also uplifting the energy in your home while positively impacting the people in your home too. If you are a musician, playing and practicing your instrument/s will support you and your home in multiple ways.

  • Creativity
    Participating in any creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to reduce your stress levels while also nurturing your love and enjoyment for the activity. Creativity also sparks inspiration and moves you into a moving meditation which are powerful secondary benefits. You will also have something to show for your time and you will notice that you feel more relaxed and at ease during and after your creative experience. You don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in creativity to receive the benefits. You may want take a little time to place your tools, projects, or accoutrements into an easily accessible place.

  • Meditation
    Any kind of meditation will support you in reducing stress and increasing calm, clarity, focus, and gentility. Whether you prefer guided meditation, traditional styles of meditation and mindfulness, or moving meditation, you will receive benefits from that practice. If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to mediation and mindfulness, I recommend guided meditation. You can find free guided meditations on YouTube or you can use things like the calm app. There are a lot of free resources out there for you and you’ll find the right method once you get started.

  • Reading Physical Books
    Physical books will give you a break from screen time and allow you to slow down while also experiencing the tactile quality that comes with reading an actual book. You will also notice your nervous system begin to relax while you enjoy your book.

  • Increasing Quiet Time
    Allowing yourself to be in a quiet state allows your body and mind to rest while simultaneously calming your nervous system. It can also allow issues or themes sitting under the surface to come up so they can clear. In a world of overstimulation this simple act of quiet time is powerful.

  • Cleaning Out Clutter/Cleaning Your Home
    Whether it’s cleaning out your closet, cleaning your floors, or getting to that shred pile; you will feel a lightening of your physical and mental state by attending to your physical space. Stuff out of place has an impact on our environment and our health. If you need help with this, please consider reaching out for help. If you live with other people, ask for their help so you aren’t trying to do everything all by yourself. A peaceful home supports a peaceful life.

  • Avoiding Challenging or Upsetting News Stories
    It’s important to be informed and aware of what’s happening, however being inundated with bad news and negativity isn’t helpful or necessary. Reducing your exposure to upsetting news stories and social media feeds that make you feel drained or upset is important. Set aside a predetermined amount of time for information and then turn it off and move onto something else.

  • Avoiding or Reducing Challenging or Upsetting People/Dynamics
    To the best of your ability, saying no to people and dynamics which are upsetting, hurtful, and draining for you is important. It’s important to guard your time and energy from those who aren’t helpful or supportive for you. It’s okay and often necessary to say no to people and situations that make you feel worse after engaging. Saying no to the best of your ability allows you to say yes to taking good care of yourself and your quality of life.

As you read through this list, you’ll notice that some of the categories can be grouped together for win wins; and in some cases: win, win, win. Yes, those groupings are a great way in increase your calm, comfort, and gentility all at once and yes, they count. For example, if you feel guided to read a physical book, you’ll be simultaneously reducing screen time, and increasing quiet time too. Please give yourself permission to enjoy the combinations that speak to you and make them your own. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing these things, a little bit goes a long way in supporting your overall stress levels and well being. Carving out 10 minutes a day will have a significant impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Some days you may be able to do more than 10 minutes which is wonderful but start with 10 and notice how you feel. Some of the activities like clearing out clutter or cleaning may take more than 10 minutes but their impact on you and the people who live in your home will be significant and well worth your time and effort.

I hope this will inspire you to know that you’re not alone and you can make simple but significant shifts in your daily life to support you in feeling more peaceful, grounded, and like your true self. I know you can do it, and every step counts. I’m joining you in this process as we move through these intense times together.

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.
As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Working through Highs + Lows + Feelings of Being Stuck

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I can’t believe it’s already May; can you? I feel like this year has been such a combination of slow, slow quick, quick. (If you ever took ballroom dance and that made you think of dance class, me too.)

I’ve talked to so many people recently whether it’s clients, friends, family, or colleagues who’ve told me they feel like they’re in some kind of holding pattern and it’s been challenging trying to balance that feeling while also staying motivated. If you resonate with this feeling, you’re not alone. In addition to this feeling of waiting there are lots of people going through big changes, big shifts, and big stuff too.

Maybe you find yourself raising your hand for both groups.
Standing in a waiting room + Moving through all the stuff.

Like you and so many people this seems to be the general consensus for folks. I’ve also found myself raising my hand for both groups as of late. So, when life gets into these cycles of big changes and the waiting that comes along with perfect timing; how do we move with the cycles instead of feeling like a wheel is rolling over us?

The truth is that there is no one way to do this and there is no one right way to do this; there are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. However; I thought that I would share some of my favorites with you in case you could use some extra support as you move through some big shifts right now too.

Change of Scenery

Sometimes simply getting outside and away from your home or office to take a breather can be a huge help in releasing the tension or stress that you’re carrying around with you. If you can go to a favorite park, the beach, a hiking trail you love, or simply a walk around the neighborhood; you’ll find that you can let down and get back to your center more easily. If you’re able to take a little trip out of town, even someplace not too far away it can help you to physically get some space so you can decompress and focus on something fun, uplifting, and hopefully relaxing.

Change the Energy

Stress has a huge impact on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Often, we’re not even aware of the impact it’s having on us because we build up a tolerance to it as it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. However, when we’re under a lot of stress, we often notice a difference in the way we feel. As stress increases, our energy decreases.

You can increase your energy by listening to or playing music. You’ll feel your energy begin to shift right away, find some music that feels good and uplifting to you and let it move you back to a place that feels more like you. Changing your food by eating lighter and gentler foods and increasing your water can also support your energy management. Things like Smudging your home and office also help to shift your energy and the energy of your spaces. Receiving a Chakra Balancing or Energy treatment will help to move out the heavy energy and help you feel more like yourself again. Saying no to things, people, and situations which don’t feel supportive to you and instead creating a gentle space for yourself will help you find more balance.

Self Soothe

Think about all the self care things that you’ve put on a shelf for whatever reason. This is the time to get them down and start applying daily. Things like, Epsom Salt Baths, your favorite DIY treatments, watching your favorite movie, or taking time to invest in your creative outlet. Maybe you have a stack of books on your bed side table just waiting for you to begin reading. Maybe what you really want is to put on your favorite jammies, get into bed early, and watch old reruns of your favorite Friends episodes. It isn’t so much about what you do, it’s that you’re doing something consistently. If you need to get your stuff out where you can see it so you’ll be more likely to use it, by all means get your stuff out where you can reach it.

Move Your Body

When we move our body, we release and remove stress. This is why so many people get a workout in when they’re feeling overwhelmed because they can leave it on their mat when they’re finished working out. You don’t have to go to the gym or to a yoga studio to do this; any way that you can get some exercise will leave you feeling lighter and more like yourself again. Go for a bike ride, walk around your block, do a YouTube workout in your living room, get up a good sweat while you’re mopping your floors, or washing your own vehicle, or working in your garden. Just find ways to keep moving your body.

Be Prepared

Okay, for all of you that feel like you’re in a waiting room waiting for a new doorway to open, this one is for you. This is such a specific feeling that everyone knows what it feels like to have a combination of anticipation, excitement, anxiety, and frustration all at the same time because you know you’re about to go through a big change but you’re still in the waiting room. Get as prepared as you can to walk directly through that door when your name is called. What does that mean? It means to do things that may not be super fun but are very necessary to set you up for success and a smooth transition when it’s your turn. Things like: Updating your resume and cover letter, updating your media kit, updating your website, looking for new places to live, getting in contact with your mortgage lender or real estate agent, researching programs, classes, or universities that may be a fit for the direction in which you are moving. In whatever area you know that you’re about to experience a change, start to tick off all the things that you’ll need to do to be prepared when your door open to you. If you feel unsure of how to do any of those things, reach out for help from someone who can help you whether that is a friend or a professional. Don’t wait until your time arrives to scramble and try to throw everything together at the last minute. Prepare for a smooth transition.

Ask for Help

Whether you ask for help from people and professionals in your real life or you’re googling all the info and insight that you can find on the inter-webs, reach out for help. If you feel stuck and you ask for help, you’ll notice that you can shift the way you feel plus gain insight that will help you move forward. I call that a win win.

In addition to asking for help from people and the google, I encourage you to ask for help from your angels, guides, and anyone you feel aligned with spiritually. If you are like me and you love to receive physical signs letting you know that you’ve been heard and are being helped, just ask. I like to ask for a physical sign in my real life that I easily notice and understand to let me know that I’ve been heard and that I’m being helped. Feel free to use this one too if it resonates for you. I like big, bright, bold signs so I know right away it’s for me and this works well.

I know this was a long message this time, but I know that you’re going through a lot or you know someone who’s going through a lot. I hope this will offer you some support and comfort as we all collectively move through this time of great change.

I’m sending you lots of love and support,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Home for the Holidays

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Welcome to December and the home stretch as we embrace the holiday season, and the end of the year.

I want to thank you for the thoughts, prayers, notes, and check in’s over the last few weeks as my community was impacted by the camp fire. It’s been a really intense time but my little community has rallied around our neighbors as we all deal with the aftermath of the fire and the flooding. Your kindness and support has meant so much to me.

One of the things that has been prescient for me at this time is that no matter where we are, we bring the holidays with us. Home is within us, it’s not necessarily one particular place, but rather home is in our hearts. We can create and celebrate the holiday season no matter where we are as long as we focus on the love that’s already within us.

I know that this time of year can bring up a lot of emotions, feelings, and memories. You may be separated from your loved ones, or you may be someplace that doesn’t necessarily feel like home. However, you can create a feeling of home by investing in the activities or experiences that feel like home for you.

  • Maybe it means spending time with your Framily, the friends that you consider family.

  • Maybe it means making a special meal or dessert which really anchors the holiday spirit for you.

  • Maybe it means volunteering or supporting someone who could use help this holiday season.

  • Maybe it means listening to a special record that makes you think about a loved one who is no longer here.

  • Maybe it’s wearing festive jammies and watching movies while eating popcorn.

  • Maybe it’s _____________________________.

The truth is that there’s no one way or right way to celebrate the holiday season. There are lots of ways to honor the traditions, joys, and special moments this month. By taking time to do a few things that fill you with love, you’ll bring the holiday’s home no matter where you are or who you’re with.

Please remember that while this month is often filled with hustle and bustle, and places to go and people to see; that it’s equally important to take some time to slow down. I know it seems counter intuitive to slow down during a busy season. However, it’s in the slowing down and paring down your list of to do’s that you’ll more easily enjoy the parts of the season that speak to you. The slowing down allows you to more fully experience the season.

It’s okay to pass on the activities that don’t feel like a fit this year and to embrace the ones that are genuinely right for you. You don’t have to explain why something isn’t a fit, you’ll know it in your heart and that’s more than enough of a reason.

So, this season, no matter where you are or who you’re with, I’m wishing you a gentle, supportive, and joyful season. Let being home for the holidays mean being filled with the joy and love that’s with you right now, inside your heart.

I’m sending you so much love and I’m wishing you a very peaceful and blessed holiday season.
With gratitude and love,

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Honoring Your Sensitivity During Stressful Situations

With all of the intense news stories over the last couple of weeks, energies have been running high. I’ve definitely found myself deeply impacted by the global and national news and have found my heart weighing heavy. I’m sure that you as a highly sensitive person have felt it too.

It seems that nearly every client I’ve worked with in the last couple of weeks has felt a heavy heart, a bit of pain in their neck and shoulders, a feeling of heaviness or lethargy, and a deep sadness about the recent events.

As a sensitive person, not only do you move through your own personal feelings about any kind of challenging or painful situation but you’re also impacted by the global thoughts, feelings, and overall impact as well. This can create another layer of heaviness and or pain in addition to the feelings and emotions that you’re already working through.

When intense or deeply painful feelings are being experienced it’s even more important to take really good care of yourself. It can feel like a bit of a challenging cycle when you’re feeling overwhelmed or lethargic and trying to manage a really busy schedule. Often times, the thing that gets put onto the back burner during highly stressful times is self care. This can then lead to a whole other ball of wax that can lead to getting sick and exhaustion.
Not a good thing.

I wanted to share some of my favorite quick ways to foster self care as a way to offer you some extra support right now.

Please know this is not an end all be all list, it’s just a jumping off place for you to get some ideas and try different things to see what works for you.

What I know for sure is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in self care to make a positive impact in your day.

However, you do have to do something.

Small segments of time invested in your self care adds up and is worth every moment of your time. I promise you, You Are Worth the investment. All the people within your world will benefit from you taking time for yourself, including you.

Burning Sage to clear yourself and your home or office helps to clear away heavy and dense energies that have built up within and around you. This method is a powerful way to completely clear your environment and it quickly shifts the energy. Smudging electronics is also very helpful especially since so much of our information and communication is transmitted through our devices. This method does have a strong smell and creates smoke so you’ll need to open your windows while you sage your home or office. If you aren’t able to burn sage do to an allergy or building codes you can also use the sage spray. (Don’t spray water directly onto electronics or fabrics.) You can find sage at most health food stores and it’s very affordable. You don’t have to use the entire sage stick or spray bottle to clear your home or office; one sage stick or bottle provide many clearings.

Breath Work
Breathe. During stressful situations, people begin to mouth breathe which turns up the stress response in the body including increasing stress hormones which then flood the body creating a stress cycle. Breathe in through your nose, hold the breath for a count of 2 and then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 2. Repeat this breathing technique 3 to 4 times through. This works like a control alt delete for the body and helps to reset your central nervous system to rest and restore which is your natural state.

Turn off your phone, computer, tablet, and any other device for 10-15 minutes. Yes, you can do it. Then physically move into a quiet space and breathe. If you can physically move your body even if it’s a walk around the office, house, or block do it. The body holds onto the electromagnetic frequencies from your devices and it’s physically draining on the body. Disconnecting allows you to recharge your battery.

Go Outside
Getting outside allows your body to breathe fresh uncirculated air while also decompressing from the energies which have build up inside your home or office. It also exposes you to sunlight which is good for your health, allows you to physically slow down and get back onto your natural body clock which is very different from your digital clock. 5-10 minutes makes a huge difference. Try not to take your devices outside with you if possible.

Essential Oils
Pure essential oils are a wonderful support system physically, emotionally and mentally, and spiritually. You can mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil and rub it onto your wrists, chest, and bottoms of your feet to help soothe, comfort, and relax you. Some relaxing and soothing oils include:
You can also diffuse them into your home or office to help create a soothing environment for yourself and others. This is a diffuser that I’ve used and really like. (But there are endless choices available.)

Now Foods Ultrasonic Real Bamboo Diffuser
NOW Foods- Nutrition and Wellness

Yep, sweating literally moves heavy and stressful energies out of your physical body which helps you to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually too. It doesn’t matter how you work up a sweat. You can sit in a sauna or steam room, workout, lay out, garden, build something, dance, or any way that works for you.

Even if you aren’t a napper, resting or closing your eyes for 15 minutes or longer allows your body to go into rest and restore. During sleep the body repairs itself so investing in sleep helps your body to heal, clear, and come back to balance.

I’m not affiliated with Spook but I love their mats and they really work. This mat puts pressure on the meridians in the body releasing the comfort, restore, and renew hormones in the body while moving out stress and tension. This mat also helps to decrease pain and pressure that comes from sitting at a computer for long periods of time and has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. (Inflammation leads to pain.) 

Energy Work/Body Work
If you enjoy energy work or body work, this helps to clear away heaviness, tension, stress, grief, and or pain from the body. When you’re feeling like something is off or you know that you are carrying around extra stuff that you want to release, working with a trusted healer is a great way to honor your self care.

Any kind of creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to clear, self soothe, and move into a place that feels nurturing to you. Make things, play music, decorate, write, create, color in a coloring book, or cook a delicious meal. The options here are endless, the big shift is the doing part. Make time to do your creative outlet and don’t talk yourself out of it because it will take too long to get started or because__________. Invest in your creativity.

Talk It Out
Sometimes talking about how you’re feeling allows you to open a floodgate you may not have even realized was closed. A trusted friend, family member, partner, coach, or therapist can be a powerful source of support for you.

Highly sensitive people often bottle up their feelings because they don’t want to burden their loved ones or add anything to someone else’s already overflowing plate. They often tend to be the person that others come to for help which can compound their situation.

If you find yourself in this group, the group who feels guilty talking about your feelings, needs, or stressors, I recommend working with a counselor, coach, or therapist rather than a loved one. They have time to talk to you and you aren’t bothering them or adding too much to their list or load. It’s important for you to release your feelings as well as the feelings and conversations you’re carrying around with you from your loved ones.

I hope this helps to give you some ideas of how to increase self care in your day to day schedule.

P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who’s also highly sensitive? If so, please share this with them so they can invest in their self care and decompress from stress too. Thank you! 

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