Looking Forward, Looking Back

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Well, we made it to March 2021 which means we’re officially closing in on the 1 year anniversary of the first round of shelter in place orders. Can you believe it’s been a whole year? Some months felt like an entire year on their own while others seemed to move along a little more quickly.

Who knew that March would become a global anniversary for all of us to take a little time to reflect on the past year... #2020. Most people have celebrated their at home birthday, (mine was yesterday) some will have theirs in the next 2 weeks; but overall we’ve experienced a lot of changes in this trip around the sun.

I was thinking about some of the big themes that showed up for me during this time and how I feel about them now, a year into this process. It’s hard to choose just one aspect because so much has changed, yet so much is still very similar. Are you finding that too?

My big themes were:

  • Streamlining

  • Simplicity

  • Surrender

When I was thinking about this, I could see how they all fit nicely under a larger umbrella of letting go but at the same time, they each feel like they had their own moment and focus during different phases of the past year.

Maybe you can see how your personal themes have a common denominator too.

For me, a huge focus was on trying to get things as smooth and simplified as possible and to keep pivoting when and where I needed to so that I could make space for the unexpected. (to the best of my ability.)

I feel like there’s almost a quality about this year that feels similar to wrapping up a school year. As a student you can look back and point to so many specific things that you accomplished, learned, overcame, and the insane hours of the non-stop getting it done-ness that comes from being a student. As adults, it seems like the growth curve tends to look and feel less severe as it did as a student. However, this past year was a lesson in what seemed like near constant growth.

If you find yourself feeling tired or a bit like you’re crawling over the one year anniversary mark, you’re not alone. We’ve been going through it, simultaneously, even if in our own homes with varying degrees and decrees of lock down orders.

I wish that I could give you a gold star, a certificate of achievement, and a huge high five to help mark all that you’ve been through and how well you handled all this constant and unexpected change handed to you.

I was thinking about the opportunity I’ve had to support people who’ve worked with me during this past year and how incredibly people were rising to the occasion in so many aspects of their lives. Often times, when things get tough we just start where we’re standing and then when we get a little reprieve we almost forget how much we’ve done because we just kept going day after day.

Maybe you:

  • Became an expert at zoom

  • Created a home office and officially joined the working from home community

  • Became a Homeschooling professional or a Distance Learning Wiz

  • Became an expert at managing multiple schedules, including your own so everyone had a place to work, study, and have some down time.

  • Became an expert at maximizing small spaces, organizing everything so your space was efficient in setting everyone up for success.

  • Became really good at capturing small but significant windows of time for yourself so you could decompress.

  • Became interested in something new like making sourdough starters, canning, gardening, meal prepping, house plants, or _______________.

  • Became interested in something that you have been meaning to get back to again like playing an instrument, pulling out that sewing machine, or actually writing pages for your book, song, or screenplay.

  • Became more clear about yourself, your needs, and the direction that you want for your life.

  • Became more connected to the real you again. Maybe you could more easily hear that small still voice inside letting you know which things were on your list of values and which things had been moved to your list of letting go.

  • Maybe you’ve fostered deeper relationships with the people in your inner circle.

  • Maybe you’ve become crystal clear about the way you want to feel, and the way you want to move forward now at this one year anniversary.

  • Maybe you can see how this time has shaken loose some of the things that were on their way out and you may not have known it at the time, but now you feel much lighter.

  • Maybe you can see how far you’ve come.

  • Maybe you can see all the progress you’ve made.

  • Maybe you can feel an increased sense of self worth and self reliance.

  • Maybe you can see actual proof in your own life reminding you that you can move toward the things that are calling you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for and you do have what it takes to make big changes, even when they’re unexpected. Not only did you keep moving forward this past year, but you thrived while taking each step.

I think this is an important moment to stop and reflect on your own personal experiences as well as the overall impact, changes, and shifts that you’ve been a part of for someone else this past year.

None of us arrive at this anniversary alone, we arrive together even if we can only connect via technology, we’re still having this experience together.

Going forward from here, there will be more changes and shifts…more pivots and adjustments. However, it feels like the big stuff is behind us and now we can fine tune depending on where we live and the degrees and decrees of varying lock down orders.

I think two of the most important take-aways from this experience includes remembering to reach out for support when we need it; (yes, that means asking for help.) and letting the people in our lives know that we love them and are here for them even if we don’t live in the same home, community, state, or country.

Save some of that love and support for yourself too. You deserve it and you’re doing a great job!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

With so much love and gratitude, from my teeny corner of the world to you,


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5 Ways to Support Self Care

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Just dropping a quick note to say hi, and to check in with you and see how you’re doing today.

As we continue to move deeper into this Mercury Retrograde cycle and find ourselves moving closer to Valentine’s Day; I thought I would share some of my favorite + fast ways to support self love and self care.

While these terms may have reached buzz word status for us as a culture, their value and level of importance are still significant and worthwhile investments. I find that overall, these areas tend to be sidelined the most by busy, high functioning, and highly sensitive people…like yourself. There’s always something else that tends to be more important for whatever reasons, which often activates the I’ll get it onto my list for tomorrow scenario.

If this resonates for you, take a breath.

It’s okay.

You’re not alone, in fact you’re in really good company.

However, there are lots of ways you can honor your self care while still caring for the other people, projects, and promises on your lists.

You may have noticed that some big themes surrounding healing, relationships, and old patterns have been coming up for you during this retrograde period. Some of the issues showing up may be about taking good care of yourself, holding boundaries with people who need them, and letting go of the past so that it’s no longer weighing you down.

Maybe the themes showing up for you include focusing on wellness, simplicity, or personal peace.

Maybe it’s ________________________.

No matter what your theme is or how it’s showing up for you right now, this is a beautiful time to take good care of yourself while you move through your messages and divine downloads about how this retrograde is supporting you in releasing what is no longer serving you.

Self Care and Self Love can be quick and seemingly simple while also creating a big impact on the way you feel. Below you’ll find some of my favorites which are great for highly sensitive souls who often find themselves with lots of items on their daily to do lists.

I hope you’ll find this supportive while also inspiring you to create your own personal list of quick go to’s so you can cultivate a pattern of self care for this retrograde and long after.

Calm + Comforted

Think about the 5 Senses: Sight, Sound, Scent, Taste, Touch
There’s a reason places that generally focus on creating a relaxing or supportive atmosphere put a lot of emphasis on these aspects. Our nervous system instantly responds to these areas and moves us from a stress state into a resting state.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, I promise. (You can do this almost anywhere.)
At home, you can turn on some gentle music, fill your diffuser with your favorite oils, use warm or relaxing lighting, drink something you love out of your favorite mug or glass, and maybe add in your favorite sweatshirt for a bonus. (you check off touch and taste with your favorite mug plus something yummy to drink but a favorite sweatshirt too, yes please.)

Dry Brushing

This helps to calm and soothe the nervous system and supports overall wellness by moving the lymph system. With so much time being spent at home and often sitting in front of a device, dry brushing can help to move the things that the body is trying to release. This is also a great way to gently exfoliate your skin. This is a great treatment to do before you shower or soak in your bath.


Consciously practicing some deep breathing or belly breathing throughout the day helps to reduce tension and stress inside your body while also supporting your nervous system and helping to clear your mind. (Win. Win. Win.) Set 5 alarms/reminders on your phone throughout your day. When your breathing reminder chimes; stop and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a count of 3 and then exhale. Repeat this breathing technique 3 times; then you can get back to what you were doing before the reminder. You’ll notice a difference even after 1 day of this self care treatment.


Moving your body, even for 5-7 minutes will help to clear your body of tension and stress, increase oxygen to your brain, and help you to clear the meh energy from being in front of your computer and under too much artificial lighting. You can dance around your house while you blast music, you can stretch, go for a quick walk around the block, walk around your kitchen island if you can’t go outside, or anything else that feels like a fit for you.

Bath Time

Pour yourself the kind of bath you would make for someone else you love. All too often, we don’t take the time to indulge in a healing bath treatment for ourselves but will happily create one for someone we love. There’s no right way to do this, but there are some things that really take a bath from good to fantastic.

Focus on the 5 senses to create your bath treatment; use gentle lighting, get those oils out for a nice comforting aromatherapy experience, maybe use your favorite soap or bubbles you’ve been saving, play some gentle music, grab a little snack and something to drink, and make sure the water temperature is to your liking.

Let the bath completely fill before getting in, you don’t need to rush, you can actually enjoy this experience while also bathing.

Spend at least 20 minutes indulging in your bath, remember no need to rush. You’ll find that you relax pretty quickly during this treatment.

Here are some things that you can add to your bath to customize your experience to honor your needs:

Epsom Salt: Soothe sore muscles

Sea Salt: Help clear away energetic energies weighing you down and also support those who are land locked in connecting with salt water.

Lavender Flowers/Essential Oils: Calming, gentle, and can help with winding down for sleep.

Rose Petals and Other Favorite Fragrant Flowers: Infuse your skin with scent and flower properties.

Citrus Rounds and Herbs: These can add comfort and scent to your skin. Citrus is cooling for the skin so this is a great option when the weather is warm. I love a combination of lemon, lime, and grapefruit paired with rosemary and lavender.

Milks and Honey: These can help to slough off dry skin while polishing or fortifying.

ACV: Helps to detox and alkaline

Green, White, and Dandelion Tea: Helps to detox the body, green and white tea have caffeine in them, so use sparingly if you’re caffeine sensitive or before sleeping.

Chamomile Tea/Flowers: Very calming for the skin and body, can help with winding down for sleeping and helps to calm the nervous system and nervous tummies.

If you aren’t a bath person or don’t access to a bath, you can still create a soothing shower treatment.

Focus on the 5 senses, and maybe mix a custom salt scrub for yourself so you can support your skin and infuse it with the treatment that will support your current needs.

Overall, investing in any treatments or self care systems will yield big benefits for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are 100% worth it! I hope this little list will inspire you to try some new ways to take good care of yourself, starting today.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and a very gentle remainder of this Mercury Retrograde cycle.

Sending you a big hug from my little corner of the world to you,

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Rewind. Reset. Refocus


Are you feeling that very specific feeling that sounds a bit like a record scratch? Yes, that is the sound of Mercury going into Retrograde…no need to panic but yes for a few weeks we’ll be receiving an opportunity to practice our Re’s. This retrograde is happening in the sign of Aquarius and will be with us until February 20th.

We’re just now coming off of that big full moon we had last week and are now riding the wave that is Mercury Retrograde, the first one for 2021. Some people get nervous about this time of year while others don’t really let it phase them. I think it’s a good idea to be aware that we’ve moved into the energy and have an idea of what to expect and some ways to add some extra support if we feel like we need it. You know, a little plan with some support systems built in, just in case…it feels like it’s a good idea overall.

One of the easiest ways to think about this time is in terms of the Re’s at least this is a really useful way for me, maybe it will be for you too.

So, think of or even make a little list of the Re’s that are showing up for you right now.

Here are a few to get you started:


If you’ve been working on healing you may find several of these Re’s on your list:


If you’ve been to my office in the past, you may recognize this list as the message on the welcome board as you walked in for your session.

This is a time of slowing down and getting clear on what we’re needing to re-do so we’re ready to move or launch forward after this time is complete. So, if you can think of this as a time to double check what you’re working on and wrapping up what may be sitting on your to do list pile, you can more easily move into the slow flow of this energy.

Some of the more challenging aspects of this time can be having to actually go back and deal with the stuff that’s been put off for whatever reasons. This isn’t something that only you may not be fond of experiencing, it’s one of those things we can find a common ground on with other people in our circle.


It’s okay, sometimes we need a little push to get things going, including the things we wish someone else would tackle for us.

Another big area that shows up at this time is Confusion with Communication.
Imagine if you will the impact of your communications if everything you wrote and said was autocorrected like your phone tries to do to your text messages.

Yes, seriously.

So, a way to work around this fun little foible is to double and triple check the things you send out via email, text, voicemail, and yes even real life, real time talking. I know…so annoying, but it’s one of the fan favorites of Mercury Retrograde, giving us lots of opportunities to review our communications during this time.

Sometimes, even if you check and recheck, you may still find yourself in a situation where someone misunderstands you and you’ll be given an opportunity to repeat yourself in a way that the other person can actually hear you.

This brings me to the next big area which is Technology. Since most of us use tech for the majority of our communications, it makes sense that we’d be guided to do extra backing up, storage, and safety measures just for good housekeeping at this time.

I find the more that you can create a safety net for yourself at this time while simultaneously giving yourself some extra grace and building in extra cushion for yourself timewise, the gentler this time can be.

Some things to think about when creating the support system that’s right for you can include but isn’t limited to the following.

What kinds of themes have been showing up for me over the last several months?
What kinds of things have I been putting off due to whatever issues/reasons?
What frustrations or repeating challenges have been showing up in different areas of my life?
What issue/s do I want to be done with or clear out at this time?
What old habits or ways of living feel like they’re no longer serving me?
What do I know I need to be paying attention to right now?

As you tune into your stuff, you can find some ways to help yourself move through the areas that are requiring your attention right now.

I find that it helps to build in white space, don’t try to overpack your schedule right now.
Make room for the repeat, the review, and the restarts.

Think Grace, Space, and Pace

Treat yourself the same way you treat others you love, make space for yourself, and go slowly.

Retrogrades can be healing times, and opportunities for Renewal and Reawakening.

While we’re at the beginning of this time together, I hope that you’ll find this little message to be a supportive and gentle nudge to make this retrograde a time of respite and receptivity in the ways that resonate for you.

Even though we’re watching and experiencing another round of varying degrees of lockdowns and restrictions, I’m here for you and would love to work with you if you feel guided to receive some extra support from me at this time.

As part of my retrograde review, I’ll be remembering all of the wonderful times and experiences that I’ve had in my downtown offices over the last nearly 15 years. As just one of the many of people who’ve been professionally impacted by the lockdown orders in my home state; I’m sad to say that I’m another person who’s lost their physical location. I’ve been so blessed to be able to continue working with so many amazing people like yourself through distance sessions. I’ve been paying through my lease this whole time and while my lease is officially up in 60 days; I’ve already dismantled my office and released the things that didn’t come home with me to my home office.

If you came to see me at either of my downtown offices, thank you! If you’ve had a phone or distance session with me, thank you! If you read my last book which was almost exclusively written at my 3rd street office, thank you! I loved creating a space to help you rest, restore, and replenish and I’ve loved being able to give you real in person hugs too.

I continue to look forward to working with you in the same way we’ve been working together over the last 10 months, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny corner of the world to you.

With love,

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Full Moon Must Have's

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Full Moon Must Have’s

If you’re a highly sensitive person, you may find that you’re impacted by the cycle of the full moon.

If you find that you experience physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual shifts during the full moon, then you’re not alone.

Below you’ll find some common Full Moon Symptoms.

These symptoms can show up a few days before the full moon, the day of the full moon cycle, and continue for a few days following the full moon as well; leading to around 7 days of potential symptoms and full moon experiences.

 Common Full Moon Symptoms:

  • I find that Empath’s, HSP’s, and Intuitives experience these symptoms more than those who don’t identify as sensitive.

  1. Slight Fever

  2. Headache

  3. Achy or Highly Sensitive Skin

  4. Increased Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Crowds

  5. Pressure in the Head and or Body

  6. Feeling Lethargic or in Slow Motion

  7. Feeling Foggy or Find it Hard to Focus

  8. Bloating

  9. Nausea

  10. Clumsiness

  11. Intense Emotions and or Deep Feelings

  12. Find Old Issues Resurfacing for Another Layer of Healing or Clearing

  13. Need to be Alone or to be Quiet

  14. Need More Sleep than Usual, Including Naps

  15. Exhaustion

  16. Insomnia

  17. Dehydration

  18. Upset or Sensitive Stomach

  19. Food Cravings

Here are My Must Have’s For This Time:

Please just use this little list as a jumping off place for you to create your must have list or your own Full Moon Kit so you can take good care of yourself during this cycle. I’ve found that once Highly Sensitive People like yourself understand that these symptoms are real, they aren’t imagining it, and they’re connected to a 28 day moon cycle; there’s a feeling of relief. I’ve also found that by understanding how to work with this cycle, sensitive souls can experience a gentler full moon cycle and even glean positives and productive experiences during this time.

Extra Water:

Drinking more water than usual is really important to help with any clearing or releasing you may do during this time. It also helps with bloating or physical discomfort that can show up for you, including dehydration headaches. If you have trouble remembering to drink water when you’re cold like me, you may want to place it in several places where you can easily access it throughout the day.

Epsom Salt + Sea Salt:

More water again, if you have access to a bath tub, I would encourage you to take a salt bath daily during the seven days of the moon cycle. This is one of my favorite ways to add comfort during this time, I find it really helps me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It can help reduce swelling, tense muscles, and support you in releasing anything that’s trying to move on during this time. It’s also very soothing and relaxing. If you have trouble sleeping during this time, an evening salt bath can help you to relax.

If you don’t have a tub or aren’t a bath person, you can do a gentle salt scrub in the shower to help your muscles and clearing process. Be gentle during this process, no need to scrub really hard, you’re just trying to receive support from the salts, not scrape away your top layer of skin.

Comfortable Clothing + Accessories:

I’m one of the people who has a significant skin reaction and increased skin sensitivity during the full moon. I only wear the softest clothing I have during this time, including cozy socks, and layering pieces. When I’m home, I exclusively wear cozy house clothes, fuzzy socks, and use my favorite and softest blanket. I even change my sheets to my favorite set during this cycle because my skin goes to a whole other level of sensitive.

Heat Pad:

Sometimes, the body aches will be uncomfortable for me so I’ll use my favorite heating pad to help soothe any aches, or weird cold bones that can show up for me during this time. This can also help me rest and sleep if I’m experiencing insomnia too.

Favorite Movies + Favorite Snacks:

I like to have my favorite soul soothing movies and snacks on hand in case I feel like I want to slip into another world as part of my full moon self care routine. (Hogwarts Express, here I come.) Food Cravings are a common symptom that can show up and I like to have a few of my favorites available so I can enjoy them if I feel the craving coming on…you’ll find popcorn, salt and vinegar potato chips, and vegan oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies in my snack pack.


I like to be able to write down my thoughts and feelings when those big emotional waves show up for me. I like to look back to see what I’m working through and how it shifts and changes and works out throughout the course of the year.

Essential Oils:

I’m a big oil lover, and if you ever come over to my home or to my professional office, you’ll be greeted by oils. It’s really hard for me to choose a favorite oil, which is a question I get often. I don’t even know if it’s possible to choose just one, so I’ll give you my favorite full moon oil list so you can see which ones are your favorite.

Lavender: It really is the swiss army knife of the oil world and it’s so great for calm, soothing, ang healing support. Drop a few drops in your salt bath for all the calming vibes. Diffuse when you need extra emotional support or add a drop to your favorite carrier oil and rub over your heart chakra for emotional soothing.

Bergamot: Bright, uplifting but also simultaneously soothing, supportive, and calming. This one is so great for so many things plus it’s a member of the citrus family and pairs beautifully with so many oils….for instance like Lavender.  

Frankincense: I mean, it’s such a powerhouse and all time favorite for a reason, it does so much and I don’t even know if there are enough words to explain how incredible this plant oil is when thinking about it’s potential for support. It’s calming, soothing, allows for an easier transition into meditation and prayer, and it helps to clear the air with its natural properties. I always diffuse this during a workshop because it has such a multifaceted support for participants. I love diffusing this during the full moon cycle because it helps me to see the big picture and receive messages and take aways for the issues showing up for me.

Tree Oils: All The Tree Oils Please. I think you either are or aren’t a tree oil person; in the same way that you either are or aren’t an ocean or a lake person. I think that you can appreciate both, the lakes and the ocean but usually people feel more drawn to one over the other and will swim in one over the other and have strong feelings about their reasons why. I digress, so if you are someone who naturally loves being around trees and feel called to be near them and even feel a clearing, and more like yourself when you’re near them, then there’s a good chance you’ll love tree oils.

I’m one of these people, and like other Tree Oil People, I can’t get enough of them. I adore them and really do feel called to use them, especially when I could use some extra comfort, clearing, and emotional support. There are so many tree oils to choose from as you can imagine as there are so many trees. (Thankfully!)

Here are some of my Tree Oil Favorites:

Northern Lights Black Spruce
Idaho Blue Spruce
Idaho Grand Fir
Palo Santo


I find I need more quiet at this time and will give myself permission to turn off my devices early when I need to and will create a quiet environment for myself so I can just be. During this quiet time, I may read a physical hard copy book, knit or stitch, bead, journal, or just watch the flicker of the candlelight mode on my diffusers which are all over my home. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk around my neighborhood and just listen to the birds or just sit and watch the clouds go by. I find that it’s not about a specific amount of time that I need this quiet, my body just knows what it needs and I try to honor that in the ways that feel right for me on any particular day.

I hope this will help you to find some Support Systems that are a great fit for you and your Full Moon Experience. Remember there’s no one way or right way to move through this powerful time; there’s just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. I hope that by leaning into your own personal Must Have list and creating your own Full Moon Kit you’ll be able to experience a more gentle cycle and maybe even experience some positives and some self care too.


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