Harvest Full Moon

We’re welcoming the Harvest Full Moon today and you’re probably already feeling its big energy. While all full moon cycles are healing and impactful, this one felt very prescient. I wanted to send you a message with some tips to help you move through this energy this weekend which will also bring the beginning of a new month on Sunday. We’re moving through some really big shifts in the next few days so I hope you will find some messages below that will support you and offer you some additional comfort this weekend.

When we think about the harvest season, you may think about bringing in the literal fruits of your labor that you planted in the spring and summer seasons. For many, this is absolutely the case and if you’ve planted a physical garden, you’ve probably been very busy bringing in and putting up your harvest for the winter. This is also a time to think about the other aspects you’ve sewn in the Spring and Summer seasons that are coming in during this time of harvest. This is a powerful time to look back over your journal entries, goals, or themes that you’ve been working on since the beginning of Spring, back in March. Maybe you don’t have a physical record of your intentions but you’ve been holding them close to your heart for safe keeping. In any ways that you’ve been keeping track of your dreams, intentions, or goals during this time, taking some time to reflect on what has shifted, what has come through for you, what is still shifting, and what has cleared is a powerful way to gain insight into your personal harvest season. Maybe you’ll find some blessings that you weren’t expecting when you look back, and maybe you’ll find that there are things that you feel guided to let go as we continue to move through this Autumn season.

Highly sensitive people (like yourself) may experience an increased sensitivity during the Full Moon cycle and may also experience Full Moon symptoms. The Full Moon cycle gives us an opportunity to release, rest, and heal. There aren’t any right ways to do this, in fact, honoring the process that matches your rhythm will be the best way for you to move through the energy. I’ve included some things below that may offer you additional support, please see this list as inspiration or a jumping off point for you to curate a support system that works best for you.

  • Drink More Water: You may notice that you feel parched or that you need more water than usual at this time.

  • Get Into Water: You can take a Bath or Shower or get into your Hot Tub, or go for a Swim. Being in water can help your body to decompress and relax. You can also add Epsom or sea salt to your bath if you feel guided.

  • Be Near Water: Take a walk next to the beach, creek, or lake. Listening to the sound of water helps your body decompress and relax. You can listen to sound files of water and you’ll notice your body automatically releasing stress. You don’t have to physically go to a water source if that’s not possible for you at this time.

  • Slow Down (to the best of your ability) Even if this means winding down a bit earlier than usual, or taking one thing off your list.

  • Naps: Even if you aren’t a napper, if you feel like you need to take a nap and you can, please take a nap.

  • Eat Gentle Foods: Some people experience sensitivity to foods at this time and feel guided to eat gentle foods and drink gentle beverages. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

  • Avoid Intense Places (to the best of your ability) This may not be the very best time for you to go to Costco, the DMV, or places where there are lots of people and lots of things happening everywhere.

  • Avoid Intense People (to the best of your ability) Give yourself permission to say no to people who drain your energy and drain your time.

  • Say Yes to Gentle Environments and Gentle Sounds in your Home (to the best of your ability) Listening to music or watching something that is soothing or supportive for you can be very helpful at this time. You may feel guided to take a little break from news and social media feeds so you can let down and truly rest.

  • Gentle Clothes: Some highly sensitive people find their already sensitive skin becomes even more sensitive at this time. You may want to wear super soft fabrics, and use your favorite blanket, and softest sheets. Some people experience a low grade pain under their skin at this time, so focus on cozy, soft, and loose clothing if you experience this symptom.

  • Bloating, Headaches, Low Grade Fever, and Body Aches: If you experience any of these symptoms during the full moon cycle, you may want to try to rest, get as much sleep as you can, and try to be very good to yourself. You may find that drinking extra water can help to alleviate some of the symptoms. These symptoms usually shift pretty quickly but if they persist, contact your health care professional.

  • Sleep Disturbances: Some sensitive souls find they experience insomnia or other sleep disturbances during the Full Moon cycle. You may want to set up your sleeping space for success by removing devices including tv’s, phones, tablets etc so you can remove blue light from your space. You may also want to avoid harsh or intense news stories, shows, or movies before sleeping. You may want to listen to a guided meditation, set up your diffuser, or read from a physical book to help you wind down for sleeping.

  • Say Yes to Things that Bring You Comfort and Joy: Focusing on taking good care of yourself, resting when you’re guided, and doing things that feel uplifting, joyful, and supportive are important at this time.

I hope this will give you some support and inspiration as to how you can best honor yourself during this Harvest Full Moon cycle. I encourage you to take a little time to look over your own personal harvest for this year as well as taking good care of yourself during this prescient Full Moon cycle. I’m wishing you a very gentle, restorative, and positive Full Moon experience.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Back to Basics

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome July.
This year is moving right along, isn’t it? Time feels as if it’s speeding up, you have probably noticed this in your own life too. If it feels like you’re trying to get to all the things on your list each day but find that the days are getting away from you, you’re not alone. There’s a slipping and sliding that’s happening and we feel it in different ways. Sometimes we notice this shift happening when the days just seem to fly by or to slip through our fingers. Other times we notice it when we can’t remember what we were doing 5 minutes earlier or why we walked into a room even though we know it was for something important. Sometimes we notice this experience when we find our days get a bit derailed for one reason or another and we can’t quite put our finger on what happened. Often in the middle of all of these experiences, you may find yourself feeling tired, exhausted, or just in need of more sleep than usual. All of these themes have been showing up lately, and if you’re experiencing them, you’re in good company.

Sometimes highly sensitive people, like yourself can feel nervous, overwhelmed, or uncomfortable with these kinds of shifts. Some may feel that they are dropping the ball, or need to get it together, or believe that their tried-and-true organization system is no longer working and in need of a tune up. Sometimes, this is a good time to shake things up and to try something new but sometimes it’s a message about getting back to basics. This message about getting things paired back has been coming through a lot lately, maybe you’ve been receiving this message too. Getting back to basics is often confused with not having any fun or not getting to try new things. While I understand the misconception that back to basics may seem to mean no frills or no fun, I promise that’s not the case here.

This shift can create more space in your day-to-day life that will allow you to create or experience more frills or fun in ways that feel like a fit for you. By clearing away the excess noise, pressure, stuff, and sometimes even people or situations that make you feel overwhelmed or bogged down you more easily create room to live in ways that are meaningful for you. Sometimes it feels like we don’t have places where we can pair things back, but the more that we focus on one area at a time, we find things that we can clear away. It’s similar to clearing out a closet. At first it may seem that you need to keep every item you have tucked away but the more you look at what’s actually in there, the more you realize there’s room to make edits and decide to let some things go. Afterward, it feels so much lighter, you may actually find things you forgot about, and you feel refreshed and excited about enjoying what you decided to keep.

This month, I invite you to take a little inventory of the areas within your life that may have spaces where you can pair back, and make some edits. These don’t have to be huge things; every little action adds up to big change. You can give yourself permission to take one thing off your list each day to free up some space so you can choose to do something that brings you joy. You can say no to an invitation that doesn’t work for you and your schedule this month. You can ask for help or support in an area of your life where you feel like you’re doing all the heavy lifting and need a helping hand. You can prioritize an activity that you genuinely love which feeds your soul, even if it doesn’t check a box on your to do list. Taking good care of yourself is very important and is often the one item not on the to do list. It’s often relegated to the alternate list, under the guise that if everything is completed on the daily list, it will have a chance. However, it’s often not picked or other things seem to take priority pushing it further and further down the alternate list. This month, while we focus on getting back to basics, I want to gently remind you that you’re valuable and important. Taking good care of yourself and honoring your needs and limits are priorities and deserving of being on the daily list, not the alternate list.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month, filled with kind, loving, and positive people and experiences. If you’re celebrating the 4th of the July, I’m wishing you a very happy holiday!

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

With love and gratitude,

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A Shift In Season | A Shift Within You

Happy June!
I hope this finds you well as we round the corner on the middle of the year. I hope that this retrograde cycle has been gentle to you and has given you some time to rest, reflect, and reprioritize. We have two more days of this cycle plus the little after period which is sometimes called the shadow, haze, or the whip; but we’re almost there.  This month also brings us into a new season; in the Northern Hemisphere we’re moving into summer on June 21st and will experience the longest day of the year.

As we move through this remaining retrograde energy and closer to the summer solstice you may notice that you have an increase in your personal energy and enthusiasm. You may also notice that projects, plans, and priorities that felt stalled, slowed, or stunted begin to pick up traction for you and gain momentum. This is an exciting experience because you can almost feel a surge of energy within you that gets you excited to get going on the things that have been on your list. One of the things that can show up for people at this time is analysis paralysis. This feeling of not knowing which action to take because you aren’t sure which thing you should start with or which task is the most prescient for you. While knowing that something needs to come first, the sensitive soul (like yourself) can sometimes get bogged down with not making the wrong choice. If this resonates with you, take a breath…you’re not alone. Sometimes this will show up as needing to over research what needs to be done, other times it shows up as distractions keeping you from sitting down and making a choice, and sometimes it can show up as good old fashioned fear or nervousness. All of these experiences are natural and nothing to feel bad about.

The great news is that you can move through this experience and begin taking action on your priorities. There’s no one way to do this, it’s a personal process for everyone. However, often the project that is most important to you is the one that has been on your list the longest or that you hold close to your heart. It can be something seemingly small or big; it’s not about what it looks like to someone else, only how it measures up for you. As you begin by acknowledging what that project is for you, you can begin moving forward. You may notice that by just saying it out loud or in your journal you’ll feel a wave of relief and for some people even a decompression from within and around their body.

Here's some things to ask yourself to help you get clear on what may be a great starting place for you right now. There are no wrong answers here and no one is going to see what your write and no one is going to ask you to tell them what you wrote down for your answers.

Take a moment to breathe, and if you feel guided to write your answers down, great but you don’t have to do that. You can come back to this exercise anytime you choose.

  • When you think about goals or dreams you have for yourself this year, where do you notice any pressure or energy holding space within your body? _______________________

  • How has your progress been going so far this year in the direction of your goals or dreams for 2022? ____________________________

  • What actions have moved you forward and worked out well for you this year? ______________________________

  • What did you notice about the situations as things came together, worked out, or made forward motion? _______________________

  • How did you feel? ____________________________

  • Which things, if any seem to have been stalled or gone off course a bit? _________________________________________

  • Are any of these items still on your list or have they been shelved? _________________________________

  • If so, why? __________________________________

  • How does this make you feel? _____________________________

  • If you could make a significant impact on one area, project, or dream on your list this year, which one would you choose? _______________________________________

  • Why? ___________________________________

  • How would this forward motion impact your life in 2022? ______________________________________

  • How would it impact you on a personal level? ________________________________

  • What kinds of feelings would you attribute to this experience? ___________________________

  • Take a moment to visualize yourself experiencing this achievement…good. How do you feel when you visualize yourself taking action on your dream, goal, or project? ________________________________________

  • Take a breath and focus on where you feel any pressure or energy holding space within your body. Where do you feel or see this energy holding space for you? ______________________________________________

  • Does it feel different than at the beginning of this exercise? _________

  • If yes, how? ________________________________________________

  • Ask yourself: What is one action step I can take now to begin making forward motion on my dream, goal, or project ________________________________________

  • Do I need to contact anyone to receive help or support to take this first step? ___________________________________

  • Can I begin today with the resources that I have around me right now? _________________________

  • Can I invest 15-20 minutes toward the realization of my goal, today? _____________

  • What can I do today to move forward? ___________________________________

Okay, great job!
You may notice that you feel a bit of an energy release just from moving through this exercise. Taking a few moments to connect with our own higher self about what’s important to us can help us to get clarity while also releasing stored tension or stress in the body we may not realize is there.

Hopefully this also helped you to focus in on an area that is really meaningful to you right now and gave you some insight on how to begin moving forward in the ways that are right for you. Sometimes I think that we believe we have to do all the steps all at once when we’re starting something new and it can feel overwhelming, especially as highly sensitive souls. The truth is that we only need to start with one step, even if it feels seemingly small, it gets us moving forward and begins to create traction for us.

Highly sensitive people (like yourself) can sometimes experience elements of perfectionism which can exacerbate feelings of analysis paralysis. Take a breath if this resonates for you. If you notice this showing up or any style of delay tactics, simply acknowledge it, breathe, and when you feel ready continue taking action on that first step. The magical aspects of getting started on something is that once you take action on the first step, you’ll be given the next step and so on. You only have to focus on doing one thing at a time. If you feel like you need a little refocus, or some insight into the next step, you can return to this exercise if you feel guided. If you need support or help from someone else, you’ll be guided to reach out for help.

As we move into this new month, new season, and new surge of energy I hope you find yourself enjoying forward motion and momentum with the things that are important to you. Just focus on one thing and go at your own pace. It’s not a race or a competition, and forward motion is still forward motion even if it seems like 15-20 minutes here and there isn’t a lot; I promise you, it adds up quickly.

I hope that you’re able to make some time for joy this month too. Leaning into things that bring you joy also fills your well, allowing you to make progress on your dreams and goals.

I’m wishing you a wonderful new month and I look forward to working with you if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

This month, in between work I’ll be making jams, jellies, sauces, mustards, and all the things as I eagerly await the fruit season all year and look forward to spending some time in the kitchen canning my little heart out. All you fellow canners out there, I see you!

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Cultivating a Soul Salve

Happy April,

I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and lean into a new season.
I was trying to find a theme to focus on for this newsletter by tuning into the messages I’ve been receiving, the energies that have been showing up lately, and the recurring issues that seems to be really prescient for people right now and nearly everything was pointing to a deep focus on ways to honor, soothe, and comfort the highly sensitive soul (like yourself). So, grab a cup of tea or something soothing and let’s look at ways that you can cultivate a Soul Salve for yourself this month which you can use at any time when you feel like you could benefit from some extra support.

When things get stressful, overwhelming, or intense; whether these things are coming from within your own personal life or on a larger scale outside of your personal life it can have an impact on the nervous system which can create some additional stress responses. As a highly sensitive person, this natural experience can be felt on what seems like a magnified level. While there are so many wonderful things that come with being highly sensitive, the deep feelings and empathy can make stressful situations well, feel more stressful. (I know that you know this all too well as a fellow HSP.) The good news is that there are things that we can do to honor our sensitivity while also helping to soothe and support ourselves even if we’re experiencing big shifts and intense energies.

The great news is that there’s no right way or one way to do this, there are just the ways that are right for you on any given day. This means you can change, shift, and update your support system at any time which removes any pressure to choose something that you’ll use forever. So, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good, letting go of any stress that you may feel holding space in your chest or stomach, good…remembering, this is something that is personal to you and meant to be a support system, and it can also be fun.

I’ve included a little exercise for you below which can help you to pin point a few things that may want to be added to your personal support system right now. You may want to get some paper and something to write with to jot down the things that come through for you. There’s no wrong answers and I promise you that you will receive messages and answers to the questions below. Just relax and breathe and have fun.

Imagine a space that’s just for you, it can be anything that you want it to be.
Maybe it’s a room that’s just yours, an office, a music space, a sunroom, a garden, an open air building at the sea, or something else completely, but it’s just yours. A space all for you.

Inside, fill it with the things that make you feel uplifted, calm, relaxed, soothed, and like you.
The you that feels peaceful, healthy, focused, happy, and __________________.

  • What does your space look like?

  • What does your space feel like?

  • What sounds do you hear in your space?

  • How does your space make you feel?

  • What items do you have in this space?

  • Why does this space feel calming and supportive for you?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add to this space?

  • How can you integrate these things into your daily life now?

  • What one thing can you do right now which will offer you some additional comfort in your daily life, now?

  • Is there anything else that you feel guided to do to support your overall sensitivity at this time?

Taking a few minutes to go through this exercise can help give you some insight into some things that your soul is personally wanting or needing at this time. You can use it as many times as you feel guided. Remember, seemingly small shifts lead to significant results. There’s no need to do all the things all at once, focusing on one or two things that resonate with you can cultivate a deep support system for you.

Some other things that have been coming up for many people lately and they may resonate with you too include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Needing to drink more water

  • Eating gentler foods, feeling guided to eat lighter and or healthier foods

  • Desire to move the body through gentle exercise

  • Participating in a gentle cleanse or fast (gentle being the key word here) This can include reducing refined sugars and alcohol.

  • Increasing full spectrum sunlight

  • Increasing vitamins and minerals

  • Reducing screen time and increasing listening to music or audio books

  • Beginning or revisiting breathwork whether it’s square breathing, yoga, deep breathing, or any kind of conscious breathing to help soothe and calm the nervous system.

  • Revisiting creative outlets to reduce stress and increase calm, this can also include coloring, gardening, and reading books for pleasure.

  • Removing clutter or items that are ready to be donated or recycled.

  • Increasing salt baths, hot tub time, or swimming

  • Focusing on your personal energy and cycles and honoring them to the best of your ability.

  • Rest and Sleep: if your body needs more of these things right now, please try to honor them to the best of your ability.

  • Journaling to help release and reset

  • Deep focus of making your inner circle and your home a place that’s calm, peaceful, and gentle.

I hope this very prescient theme about taking good care of ourselves is something that resonates with you right now. I know that it really resonates with me. As a deeply sensitive soul, sometimes it can be easy to focus on ways to help, support, and soothe others because it’s so natural for you. Sometimes, during this process, it can be easy to forget to do the same kindness for yourself. Please let this be a gentle and loving reminder that you are worthy of support and care too. I see you. I see you taking care of all the people you love in your world. It’s important to give yourself some grace, love, and care too. This month, please give yourself permission to cultivate your own soul salve in the ways that speak to you.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With all my love and gratitude,


I’ve included a special for you below that will last through Monday the 4th ending at 5pm pacific time. You can schedule your session for any day you choose. (one per person, please.)

Happy April, *|FNAME|*,
I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and lean into a new season.
I was trying to find a theme to focus on for this newsletter by tuning into the messages I’ve been receiving, the energies that have been showing up lately, and the recurring issues that seems to be really prescient for people right now and nearly everything was pointing to a deep focus on ways to honor, soothe, and comfort the highly sensitive soul (like yourself). So, grab a cup of tea or something soothing and let’s look at ways that you can cultivate a Soul Salve for yourself this month which you can use at any time when you feel like you could benefit from some extra support.

When things get stressful, overwhelming, or intense; whether these things are coming from within your own personal life or on a larger scale outside of your personal life it can have an impact on the nervous system which can create some additional stress responses. As a highly sensitive person, this natural experience can be felt on what seems like a magnified level. While there are so many wonderful things that come with being highly sensitive, the deep feelings and empathy can make stressful situations well, feel more stressful. (I know that you know this all too well as a fellow HSP.) The good news is that there are things that we can do to honor our sensitivity while also helping to soothe and support ourselves even if we’re experiencing big shifts and intense energies.

The great news is that there’s no right way or one way to do this, there are just the ways that are right for you on any given day. This means you can change, shift, and update your support system at any time which removes any pressure to choose something that you’ll use forever. So, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good, letting go of any stress that you may feel holding space in your chest or stomach, good…remembering, this is something that is personal to you and meant to be a support system, and it can also be fun.

I’ve included a little exercise for you below which can help you to pin point a few things that may want to be added to your personal support system right now. You may want to get some paper and something to write with to jot down the things that come through for you. There’s no wrong answers and I promise you that you will receive messages and answers to the questions below. Just relax and breathe and have fun.

Imagine a space that’s just for you, it can be anything that you want it to be.
Maybe it’s a room that’s just yours, an office, a music space, a sunroom, a garden, an open air building at the sea, or something else completely, but it’s just yours.
A space all for you.
Inside, fill it with the things that make you feel uplifted, calm, relaxed, soothed, and like you.
The you that feels peaceful, healthy, focused, happy, and __________________.

  • What does your space look like?

  • What does your space feel like?

  • What sounds do you hear in your space?

  • How does your space make you feel?

  • What items do you have in this space?

  • Why does this space feel calming and supportive for you?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add to this space?

  • How can you integrate these things into your daily life now?

  • What one thing can you do right now which will offer you some additional comfort in your daily life?

  • Is there anything else that you feel guided to do to support your overall sensitivity at this time?

Taking a few minutes to go through this exercise can help give you some insight into some things that your soul is personally wanting or needing at this time. You can use it as many times as you feel guided. Remember, seemingly small shifts lead to significant results. There’s no need to do all the things all at once, focusing on one or two things that resonate with you can cultivate a deep support system for you.

Some other things that have been coming up for many people lately and they may resonate with you too include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Needing to drink more water

  • Eating gentler foods, feeling guided to eat lighter and or healthier foods

  • Desire to move the body through gentle exercise

  • Participating in a gentle cleanse or fast (gentle being the key word here)
    (This can include reducing refined sugars and alcohol.)

  • Increasing full spectrum sunlight

  • Increasing vitamins and minerals

  • Reducing screen time and increasing listening to music or audio books

  • Beginning or revisiting breathwork whether it’s square breathing, yoga, deep breathing, or any kind of conscious breathing to help soothe and calm the nervous system.

  • Revisiting creative outlets to reduce stress and increase calm, this can also include coloring, gardening, and reading books for pleasure.

  • Removing clutter or items that are ready to be donated or recycled.

  • Increasing salt baths, hot tub time, or swimming

  • Focusing on your personal energy and cycles and honoring them to the best of your ability.

  • Rest and Sleep: if your body needs more of these things right now, please try to honor them to the best of your ability.

  • Journaling to help release and reset

  • Deep focus of making your inner circle and your home a place that’s calm, peaceful, and gentle.

I hope this very prescient theme about taking good care of ourselves is something that resonates with you right now. I know that it really resonates with me. As a deeply sensitive soul, sometimes it can be easy to focus on ways to help, support, and soothe others because it’s so natural for you. Sometimes, during this process, it can be easy to forget to do the same kindness for yourself. Please let this be a gentle and loving reminder that you are worthy of support and care too. I see you. I see you taking care of all the people you love in your world. It’s important to give yourself some grace, love, and care too. This month, please give yourself permission to cultivate your own soul salve in the ways that speak to you.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With all my love and gratitude,

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Happy New Year: Moving into Your New Year

I hope that 2022 has begun as a gentle and restful beginning for you.

I wanted to wait an extra week before sending you a note at the beginning of the year to support you in easing into the year after the holidays. There’s is a big transition that happens after the holiday season; sometimes this transition time is referred to as the holiday let down or the holiday recovery. No matter what we call it, the shift is real and palpable. Maybe you’ve noticed it in your own life too, the body tends to give us signs and signals letting us know it wants to move a little slower, a little gentler, and a little quieter. This time at the beginning of the year is a gentle reset and we can see and feel this shift happening within and around us in lots of seemingly small, yet significant ways.

With this rhythm of moving slowly into this new year as a guide, you can allow yourself to organically shift into 2022 in the ways that feel right for you. Just like you begin to remove holiday decorations or you reset your home for this new year, you can feel the shift happening in your physical spaces. You may notice that your space feels lighter, more open, and even larger. You may notice that moving through this process of changing things around and putting things away is a gentle and slow process, yet at the same time creates a big impact quickly. You can lean into this same gentle space as you continue to move into this new year in the ways that resonate for you.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the season of winter, which is traditionally a season of rest. Even though we don’t take the season off per se, there’s still a pull for us to go within and allow our energy reserves to build up in preparation for spring, just like the plants and animals. This may show up for you as a desire to get to sleep a little bit earlier or to focus on the comforts of being warm and cozy inside your home. You may feel guided to do some introspection, journaling, or reading. Perhaps you feel guided to pick up a creative project that has been waiting for you for a while. No matter how this call to rest, rejuvenation, and renewal shows up for you; please know that it’s feeding your energy stores while also comforting and supporting you.

As you begin to think about what this new year may hold for you and what you may like to bring to it, please give yourself permission to listen to your personal rhythm and allow that to be your personal guide. There are often lots of messages about how to move, jump, or dive into the new year. These are great, if they resonate for you. Only you know what the right timing, energy, and approach is right for you, your year, and this particular season of your life.

So, if you’re feeling a tug or a message to slow down or to be more mindful of how you’re moving into this new year so it feels like a true fit for you, please give yourself permission to hear and honor that soul wisdom you’re receiving.
If you’re being guided to fill up your planner, to make a new vision board, or begin your manifesting work, wonderful, enjoy all the creativity that comes along with that. If you find yourself somewhere in between or a little of this and a lot of that, fantastic, lean into that space. Remembering to listen to your internal guidance, wisdom, and energy stores is a powerful force that will allow you to move through your world in the ways that resonate and work for you.

As we move into this new year together, my wish for you is that you will tap into your personal joy, happiness, and peace while moving forward this year in the ways that resonate for you. Thank you so very much for being here with me, I am so honored to share this time with you.

I’m sending you so much love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and blessings,

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Looking Forward, Looking Back

Happy Anniversary.jpg

Well, we made it to March 2021 which means we’re officially closing in on the 1 year anniversary of the first round of shelter in place orders. Can you believe it’s been a whole year? Some months felt like an entire year on their own while others seemed to move along a little more quickly.

Who knew that March would become a global anniversary for all of us to take a little time to reflect on the past year... #2020. Most people have celebrated their at home birthday, (mine was yesterday) some will have theirs in the next 2 weeks; but overall we’ve experienced a lot of changes in this trip around the sun.

I was thinking about some of the big themes that showed up for me during this time and how I feel about them now, a year into this process. It’s hard to choose just one aspect because so much has changed, yet so much is still very similar. Are you finding that too?

My big themes were:

  • Streamlining

  • Simplicity

  • Surrender

When I was thinking about this, I could see how they all fit nicely under a larger umbrella of letting go but at the same time, they each feel like they had their own moment and focus during different phases of the past year.

Maybe you can see how your personal themes have a common denominator too.

For me, a huge focus was on trying to get things as smooth and simplified as possible and to keep pivoting when and where I needed to so that I could make space for the unexpected. (to the best of my ability.)

I feel like there’s almost a quality about this year that feels similar to wrapping up a school year. As a student you can look back and point to so many specific things that you accomplished, learned, overcame, and the insane hours of the non-stop getting it done-ness that comes from being a student. As adults, it seems like the growth curve tends to look and feel less severe as it did as a student. However, this past year was a lesson in what seemed like near constant growth.

If you find yourself feeling tired or a bit like you’re crawling over the one year anniversary mark, you’re not alone. We’ve been going through it, simultaneously, even if in our own homes with varying degrees and decrees of lock down orders.

I wish that I could give you a gold star, a certificate of achievement, and a huge high five to help mark all that you’ve been through and how well you handled all this constant and unexpected change handed to you.

I was thinking about the opportunity I’ve had to support people who’ve worked with me during this past year and how incredibly people were rising to the occasion in so many aspects of their lives. Often times, when things get tough we just start where we’re standing and then when we get a little reprieve we almost forget how much we’ve done because we just kept going day after day.

Maybe you:

  • Became an expert at zoom

  • Created a home office and officially joined the working from home community

  • Became a Homeschooling professional or a Distance Learning Wiz

  • Became an expert at managing multiple schedules, including your own so everyone had a place to work, study, and have some down time.

  • Became an expert at maximizing small spaces, organizing everything so your space was efficient in setting everyone up for success.

  • Became really good at capturing small but significant windows of time for yourself so you could decompress.

  • Became interested in something new like making sourdough starters, canning, gardening, meal prepping, house plants, or _______________.

  • Became interested in something that you have been meaning to get back to again like playing an instrument, pulling out that sewing machine, or actually writing pages for your book, song, or screenplay.

  • Became more clear about yourself, your needs, and the direction that you want for your life.

  • Became more connected to the real you again. Maybe you could more easily hear that small still voice inside letting you know which things were on your list of values and which things had been moved to your list of letting go.

  • Maybe you’ve fostered deeper relationships with the people in your inner circle.

  • Maybe you’ve become crystal clear about the way you want to feel, and the way you want to move forward now at this one year anniversary.

  • Maybe you can see how this time has shaken loose some of the things that were on their way out and you may not have known it at the time, but now you feel much lighter.

  • Maybe you can see how far you’ve come.

  • Maybe you can see all the progress you’ve made.

  • Maybe you can feel an increased sense of self worth and self reliance.

  • Maybe you can see actual proof in your own life reminding you that you can move toward the things that are calling you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for and you do have what it takes to make big changes, even when they’re unexpected. Not only did you keep moving forward this past year, but you thrived while taking each step.

I think this is an important moment to stop and reflect on your own personal experiences as well as the overall impact, changes, and shifts that you’ve been a part of for someone else this past year.

None of us arrive at this anniversary alone, we arrive together even if we can only connect via technology, we’re still having this experience together.

Going forward from here, there will be more changes and shifts…more pivots and adjustments. However, it feels like the big stuff is behind us and now we can fine tune depending on where we live and the degrees and decrees of varying lock down orders.

I think two of the most important take-aways from this experience includes remembering to reach out for support when we need it; (yes, that means asking for help.) and letting the people in our lives know that we love them and are here for them even if we don’t live in the same home, community, state, or country.

Save some of that love and support for yourself too. You deserve it and you’re doing a great job!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

With so much love and gratitude, from my teeny corner of the world to you,


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Rewind. Reset. Refocus


Are you feeling that very specific feeling that sounds a bit like a record scratch? Yes, that is the sound of Mercury going into Retrograde…no need to panic but yes for a few weeks we’ll be receiving an opportunity to practice our Re’s. This retrograde is happening in the sign of Aquarius and will be with us until February 20th.

We’re just now coming off of that big full moon we had last week and are now riding the wave that is Mercury Retrograde, the first one for 2021. Some people get nervous about this time of year while others don’t really let it phase them. I think it’s a good idea to be aware that we’ve moved into the energy and have an idea of what to expect and some ways to add some extra support if we feel like we need it. You know, a little plan with some support systems built in, just in case…it feels like it’s a good idea overall.

One of the easiest ways to think about this time is in terms of the Re’s at least this is a really useful way for me, maybe it will be for you too.

So, think of or even make a little list of the Re’s that are showing up for you right now.

Here are a few to get you started:


If you’ve been working on healing you may find several of these Re’s on your list:


If you’ve been to my office in the past, you may recognize this list as the message on the welcome board as you walked in for your session.

This is a time of slowing down and getting clear on what we’re needing to re-do so we’re ready to move or launch forward after this time is complete. So, if you can think of this as a time to double check what you’re working on and wrapping up what may be sitting on your to do list pile, you can more easily move into the slow flow of this energy.

Some of the more challenging aspects of this time can be having to actually go back and deal with the stuff that’s been put off for whatever reasons. This isn’t something that only you may not be fond of experiencing, it’s one of those things we can find a common ground on with other people in our circle.


It’s okay, sometimes we need a little push to get things going, including the things we wish someone else would tackle for us.

Another big area that shows up at this time is Confusion with Communication.
Imagine if you will the impact of your communications if everything you wrote and said was autocorrected like your phone tries to do to your text messages.

Yes, seriously.

So, a way to work around this fun little foible is to double and triple check the things you send out via email, text, voicemail, and yes even real life, real time talking. I know…so annoying, but it’s one of the fan favorites of Mercury Retrograde, giving us lots of opportunities to review our communications during this time.

Sometimes, even if you check and recheck, you may still find yourself in a situation where someone misunderstands you and you’ll be given an opportunity to repeat yourself in a way that the other person can actually hear you.

This brings me to the next big area which is Technology. Since most of us use tech for the majority of our communications, it makes sense that we’d be guided to do extra backing up, storage, and safety measures just for good housekeeping at this time.

I find the more that you can create a safety net for yourself at this time while simultaneously giving yourself some extra grace and building in extra cushion for yourself timewise, the gentler this time can be.

Some things to think about when creating the support system that’s right for you can include but isn’t limited to the following.

What kinds of themes have been showing up for me over the last several months?
What kinds of things have I been putting off due to whatever issues/reasons?
What frustrations or repeating challenges have been showing up in different areas of my life?
What issue/s do I want to be done with or clear out at this time?
What old habits or ways of living feel like they’re no longer serving me?
What do I know I need to be paying attention to right now?

As you tune into your stuff, you can find some ways to help yourself move through the areas that are requiring your attention right now.

I find that it helps to build in white space, don’t try to overpack your schedule right now.
Make room for the repeat, the review, and the restarts.

Think Grace, Space, and Pace

Treat yourself the same way you treat others you love, make space for yourself, and go slowly.

Retrogrades can be healing times, and opportunities for Renewal and Reawakening.

While we’re at the beginning of this time together, I hope that you’ll find this little message to be a supportive and gentle nudge to make this retrograde a time of respite and receptivity in the ways that resonate for you.

Even though we’re watching and experiencing another round of varying degrees of lockdowns and restrictions, I’m here for you and would love to work with you if you feel guided to receive some extra support from me at this time.

As part of my retrograde review, I’ll be remembering all of the wonderful times and experiences that I’ve had in my downtown offices over the last nearly 15 years. As just one of the many of people who’ve been professionally impacted by the lockdown orders in my home state; I’m sad to say that I’m another person who’s lost their physical location. I’ve been so blessed to be able to continue working with so many amazing people like yourself through distance sessions. I’ve been paying through my lease this whole time and while my lease is officially up in 60 days; I’ve already dismantled my office and released the things that didn’t come home with me to my home office.

If you came to see me at either of my downtown offices, thank you! If you’ve had a phone or distance session with me, thank you! If you read my last book which was almost exclusively written at my 3rd street office, thank you! I loved creating a space to help you rest, restore, and replenish and I’ve loved being able to give you real in person hugs too.

I continue to look forward to working with you in the same way we’ve been working together over the last 10 months, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny corner of the world to you.

With love,

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No Tricks, Just Treats

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it’s a blue full moon tomorrow (2nd full moon this month) and…Halloween!

The energy feels extra big, extra special, and extra ripe for deep healing, releasing, and marking the moment in the ways that feel right for you.

If you’re here in the Northern Hemisphere, then you may or may not have Halloween cancelled where you live. It’s cancelled where I live. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may have Beltane celebrations being cancelled.

No matter what community activities are or aren’t happening, you can still make the most of this time in the ways that speak to you. Let the range of activities slide from the silly to the serious for potential contenders tomorrow.

Movie Marathon with all your favorites from childhood all the way up to now.

  • It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

  • the Garfield Halloween Cartoon (Don’t know the official name, but you know which one I mean, right?)

  • Harry Potter

  • Hocus Pocus

  • Practical Magic

  • Ghostbusters

Any Scary Movies you might like (I have no recommendations for you because I can barely handle the scary scenes in Harry Potter without covering my eyes. Yes, seriously.)


  • Dress Up and give yourself permission to eat your favorite candy and treats

  • Do a Zoom Halloween Party

  • Decorate Your Windows or Front Porch for any littles going to see Halloween decorations while staying in the car.


  • Make a simmer pot filled with all of your favorite fall things.

    • Apples, Pears, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, Cardamom Rosemary, Lemon, and Oranges and then enjoy all the cozy vibes that fill your home.

  • Bake something inspired by the season that’s a fan favorite in your home.

  • Make a special essential oil roller for a theme you want to focus on this season.

    • Manifesting

    • Miracles

    • Meditation

    • Spiritual Gifts

    • Peace

    • Joy

    • Fun

    • Romance

  • Make a special meal that represents this season for you. Set your table in a way that feels uplifting for you and then eat at the table. (Light the candles, or turn on the led’s, play music, and enjoy your meal.)


  • Take some time to do some internal work about what you’re releasing that’s no longer serving you.

  • Do some healing on some old or repeating themes that have been showing up for you.

  • Honor your departed loved ones, guides, angels, and spiritual support team.

  • Take a moon bath and star gaze (maybe while drinking apple cider)

  • Ask for answers to a question or issue that you may be dealing with right now and allow yourself to receive the answers that come through for you.

  • Enjoy some quiet meditation

  • Lean into the gifts that come with the veil being so thin and so gentle


Anything that resonates for you.

This isn’t so much about what you do, but that you do something that resonates for you.
Mark this moment and lean into the energy a bit in whichever ways are right for you.

There’s magic in the air right now, tap into it.
Accio Wand!

With love and magical blessings,


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Changing Seasons | Changing Energies

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Happy 1st day of Autumn, or 1st day of Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere!

It feels like a huge shift by moving into this new season; the last one felt so long and drawn out. I don’t know about you but 2020 has left me feeling a bit exhausted and at times feeling weary. However, this shift in season even though it’s still hot where I am, feels like a palpable shift in more ways than one.

One of the ways I like to welcome a new season or a significant shift is by doing something that feels like it marks the moment. It doesn’t really matter what it is per se, just that it’s something that feels meaningful to me.

Yesterday, I smudged my home and then did an intentional mopping of my home with fresh rosemary and lavender from my garden to help prepare for the shift in season and as a marker for the last day of summer. I set intentions to clear away anything lingering that wasn’t positive, helpful, or needed as we move into a new season.

Today, I’m making a meal that feels aligned with the season as a way to welcome or mark the day. I also put out some things around my home that feel more cozy, calm, and aligned with the seasonal shift. Hopefully it will be here soon, because for one of the first times ever in my life, I’m looking forward to the cooler weather…I’m not usually a big “ber” person…I prefer longer days and flip flops.

There are lots of ways to mark a moment to make it feel special and anything that shows up for you or that feels like a fit is perfect. There’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

  • Today is a great day to set some intentions for your new season.

  • This is also a powerful time to reflect back on things that are coming into a harvest or collection space for you.

This has been a strange and intense year with lots of challenges, however it’s still an opportunity to see what things you’ve accomplished, achieved, moved through, and learned over the last 9 and a half months.

  • Give yourself some gold stars on your star chart for the wins you’ve had this year.
    (Including perseverance)

  • Focus on some things that you’re releasing and why you’re ready to let them go.

  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to make some space for your personal joy, peace, and needs in this new season.

I’m wishing you a beautiful and gentle new season, filled with kindness, calm, and support.

I’ve included a New Season Flash Sale for you Below.
You can schedule for any day you choose, but you must place your order today; sale ends at 5 pm pacific time.

With love from my teeny corner of the world,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. A huge thank you for the messages, good vibes, and prayers you’ve sent to me about the fires, I am so appreciative! We’re still dealing with the fires, however I’m still in my home which I’m incredibly grateful for every single day. Our go bags are still packed, but we’re praying the fires will be out soon.

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Empath Elixir

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Empath Elixir

This is my go-to roller recipe for my empathic lief. For all of you highly sensitive souls out there who are balancing all the things + all of your intense emotions + absorbing other people’s emotions + energies all day, this is for you. Like you, it can take a lot out of me going through my day to day life feeling all the feelings + balancing my energy throughout the day. A day in the life of a highly sensitive soul can sometimes feel a little like riding a never ending roller coaster ride. I have to make my emotional support a priority in my life, every single day.

If you’re a highly sensitive person, give this a try and see if it helps you as much as it helps me.

Empath Elixir:

You’ll Need:
10 ml roller ball
5 Drops Valor
5 Drops Peace and Calming
5 Drops Frankincense
3 Drops Stress Away

Fill bottle the rest of the way with your favorite carrier oil
Roll onto your Wrists and over your Heart Chakra
You can also breathe this in to get a quick tension release + emotional support boost.

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3 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive People Benefit From Energy Treatments

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If you’re anything like me, you’re a highly sensitive person who tends to be really good at multi-tasking and getting a lot of things done every single day.

One of the biggest challenges for people who tend to be empathetic, highly sensitive, and introverted is that they tend to take on other people’s emotions, thoughts, feelings and experiences as their own as they go about their day.

When someone is really great at getting a lot of things done, and tends to have a lot of things on their list they’re often exposed to lots of people places and things that can feel intense, overwhelming, and even challenging.

If you think about how a sponge picks up water as it moves across a surface, you can better understand how sensitive people feel at the end of the day. Full, tired, and heavy…

Now, imagine doing that over and over again every day without clearing out that sponge.
Yep, if you’re imagining a sponge you wouldn’t want to use to clean anything, you’re on the right track.

This is what happens to people like yourself who are constantly going, going, going but that often don’t have the time or energy to clear out from everything that’s happening in and around them.
Over time some of the things that can show up for highly sensitive people include but aren’t limited to:

  • Exhaustion

  • Burn out

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Brain Fog

  • Low Energy

  • Sadness

  • Feeling of Heaviness (within and around you)

  • Bloating

  • Weight Gain

  • Lethargy

  • Loss of Joy and or Happiness

  • Feelings of being separated from Sense of Self

  • Feeling like there is not enough time for the things that make you feel like "yourself"

  • Feeling compartmentalized within your own life

  • Feeling marginalized by the people in your life (Friends, Family, Colleagues)

  • Sickness/Dis-ease in the body

Just like that sponge; the body, mind, and spirit need to be cleared on a regular basis so that you can maintain optimum health and wellness.

Below are 3 of the Main Reasons Energy Treatments are a Powerful Way to Support Highly Sensitive People

1. Always Helping Others, But Need Help For Yourself Too:
One of the biggest issues for highly sensitive people is that they’re hard wired to support, help, and intervene in people’s lives.

They often tend to be the “Go To Person” within their world; which leads them to having lots of people who come to them for extra support, guidance, and direct help.
They gladly help the people in their world every day.

However this person feels like they don’t have anyone to help or support them.
Most of the time, this is 100% true.

  • Energy Treatments allow the helping person to receive direct help from a professional they trust so they can literally release all the stuff they’ve been carrying around for weeks, months, and in some cases even years.

  • Energy treatments move that heaviness out of the body and mental space so that the person feels like themselves again.

  • Many times, the person will literally look different when they leave than when they arrived because they let go of so much heaviness. Most people will also feel like they let go of a huge weight and that they feel back to their true self.

2. The Catch 22:
Most highly sensitive people have lots of things that they want to get done in their own lives but don’t have the energy to implement them by the time they’re finished with their day. 

This can contribute to or create a deep sense of sadness, heaviness, and even loneliness.
Highly sensitive people are compelled to honor the ideas, inspiration, and calling of their hearts or inner knowing.

If this calling is placed onto the back burner for too long, challenges come up for these sensitive souls.

  • Energy treatments can help to release that feeling of exhaustion and heaviness so there’s more energy and clarity to take guided action toward personal projects and passions.

  • This creates a cyclical effect which leads to more joy, happiness, and life satisfaction.

3. Self Care/True Rest:
Because Highly Sensitive People tend to have a lot going on, they often report:

  • Burning the candle at both ends

  • High levels of stress

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Problems quieting their brain

  • Never finishing everything on their lists

As you can imagine, this can lead to a lot of physical stress in the body as well as self induced pressure.

  • Many of these folks report feeling like they are always playing “catch up” and feel bad about themselves because they are always chasing lists which never end.

  • This can create a feeling of not being enough which creates more tension and stress.

Energy treatments allow the mind and the body to rest and get quiet so the sensitive person can experience true rest, relaxation, and respite.

  • This true rest is what’s needed to help bring all the other pieces together allowing the sensitive person to feel renewed, relaxed, and more like themselves again.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms of being a highly sensitive person, you’re not alone nor are you imagining any of these things. 

Your sensitivity is a gift to everyone but it's important to take good care of yourself so you can live the life that's right for you. 

Please give yourself permission to reach out for some Direct Action for yourself in the form of an Energy Treatment if you're so inclined.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and just sending you a gentle reminder that yes, you’re worth it and you’re deserving of taking care of yourself too.
With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Honoring Your Sensitivity During Stressful Situations

With all of the intense news stories over the last couple of weeks, energies have been running high. I’ve definitely found myself deeply impacted by the global and national news and have found my heart weighing heavy. I’m sure that you as a highly sensitive person have felt it too.

It seems that nearly every client I’ve worked with in the last couple of weeks has felt a heavy heart, a bit of pain in their neck and shoulders, a feeling of heaviness or lethargy, and a deep sadness about the recent events.

As a sensitive person, not only do you move through your own personal feelings about any kind of challenging or painful situation but you’re also impacted by the global thoughts, feelings, and overall impact as well. This can create another layer of heaviness and or pain in addition to the feelings and emotions that you’re already working through.

When intense or deeply painful feelings are being experienced it’s even more important to take really good care of yourself. It can feel like a bit of a challenging cycle when you’re feeling overwhelmed or lethargic and trying to manage a really busy schedule. Often times, the thing that gets put onto the back burner during highly stressful times is self care. This can then lead to a whole other ball of wax that can lead to getting sick and exhaustion.
Not a good thing.

I wanted to share some of my favorite quick ways to foster self care as a way to offer you some extra support right now.

Please know this is not an end all be all list, it’s just a jumping off place for you to get some ideas and try different things to see what works for you.

What I know for sure is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in self care to make a positive impact in your day.

However, you do have to do something.

Small segments of time invested in your self care adds up and is worth every moment of your time. I promise you, You Are Worth the investment. All the people within your world will benefit from you taking time for yourself, including you.

Burning Sage to clear yourself and your home or office helps to clear away heavy and dense energies that have built up within and around you. This method is a powerful way to completely clear your environment and it quickly shifts the energy. Smudging electronics is also very helpful especially since so much of our information and communication is transmitted through our devices. This method does have a strong smell and creates smoke so you’ll need to open your windows while you sage your home or office. If you aren’t able to burn sage do to an allergy or building codes you can also use the sage spray. (Don’t spray water directly onto electronics or fabrics.) You can find sage at most health food stores and it’s very affordable. You don’t have to use the entire sage stick or spray bottle to clear your home or office; one sage stick or bottle provide many clearings.

Breath Work
Breathe. During stressful situations, people begin to mouth breathe which turns up the stress response in the body including increasing stress hormones which then flood the body creating a stress cycle. Breathe in through your nose, hold the breath for a count of 2 and then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 2. Repeat this breathing technique 3 to 4 times through. This works like a control alt delete for the body and helps to reset your central nervous system to rest and restore which is your natural state.

Turn off your phone, computer, tablet, and any other device for 10-15 minutes. Yes, you can do it. Then physically move into a quiet space and breathe. If you can physically move your body even if it’s a walk around the office, house, or block do it. The body holds onto the electromagnetic frequencies from your devices and it’s physically draining on the body. Disconnecting allows you to recharge your battery.

Go Outside
Getting outside allows your body to breathe fresh uncirculated air while also decompressing from the energies which have build up inside your home or office. It also exposes you to sunlight which is good for your health, allows you to physically slow down and get back onto your natural body clock which is very different from your digital clock. 5-10 minutes makes a huge difference. Try not to take your devices outside with you if possible.

Essential Oils
Pure essential oils are a wonderful support system physically, emotionally and mentally, and spiritually. You can mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil and rub it onto your wrists, chest, and bottoms of your feet to help soothe, comfort, and relax you. Some relaxing and soothing oils include:
You can also diffuse them into your home or office to help create a soothing environment for yourself and others. This is a diffuser that I’ve used and really like. (But there are endless choices available.)

Now Foods Ultrasonic Real Bamboo Diffuser
NOW Foods- Nutrition and Wellness

Yep, sweating literally moves heavy and stressful energies out of your physical body which helps you to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually too. It doesn’t matter how you work up a sweat. You can sit in a sauna or steam room, workout, lay out, garden, build something, dance, or any way that works for you.

Even if you aren’t a napper, resting or closing your eyes for 15 minutes or longer allows your body to go into rest and restore. During sleep the body repairs itself so investing in sleep helps your body to heal, clear, and come back to balance.

I’m not affiliated with Spook but I love their mats and they really work. This mat puts pressure on the meridians in the body releasing the comfort, restore, and renew hormones in the body while moving out stress and tension. This mat also helps to decrease pain and pressure that comes from sitting at a computer for long periods of time and has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. (Inflammation leads to pain.) 

Energy Work/Body Work
If you enjoy energy work or body work, this helps to clear away heaviness, tension, stress, grief, and or pain from the body. When you’re feeling like something is off or you know that you are carrying around extra stuff that you want to release, working with a trusted healer is a great way to honor your self care.

Any kind of creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to clear, self soothe, and move into a place that feels nurturing to you. Make things, play music, decorate, write, create, color in a coloring book, or cook a delicious meal. The options here are endless, the big shift is the doing part. Make time to do your creative outlet and don’t talk yourself out of it because it will take too long to get started or because__________. Invest in your creativity.

Talk It Out
Sometimes talking about how you’re feeling allows you to open a floodgate you may not have even realized was closed. A trusted friend, family member, partner, coach, or therapist can be a powerful source of support for you.

Highly sensitive people often bottle up their feelings because they don’t want to burden their loved ones or add anything to someone else’s already overflowing plate. They often tend to be the person that others come to for help which can compound their situation.

If you find yourself in this group, the group who feels guilty talking about your feelings, needs, or stressors, I recommend working with a counselor, coach, or therapist rather than a loved one. They have time to talk to you and you aren’t bothering them or adding too much to their list or load. It’s important for you to release your feelings as well as the feelings and conversations you’re carrying around with you from your loved ones.

I hope this helps to give you some ideas of how to increase self care in your day to day schedule.

P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who’s also highly sensitive? If so, please share this with them so they can invest in their self care and decompress from stress too. Thank you! 

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