7 Ways to Boost Your Wellness


While we find ourselves in the middle of cold and flu season + inundated with news stories about COVID-19, you may find health and wellness on your mind right now.

I’ve included some powerful + easy ways to boost your wellness this season for you below.

  1. Wash Your Hands:
    This one may seem silly to include but it’s a powerful way to keep you well this season.

  2. Sanitize Your Most Used Items:
    Wipe down your phone, computer, tablet, remotes, ear buds, glasses, steering wheel, key chains, door knobs, counters, faucets, and light switches.

  3. Air Quality:
    Change the Air Filter In Your Home and if possible, in your Office

  4. Increase Vitamin C:
    Add lemon, lime, or grapefruit to your water to give your body a boost of vitamin C. You can also take a high quality vitamin C supplement.

  5. Water:
    Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and to support your body in moving toxins out.

  6. Eat Nutrient Dense Foods:
    Increase green leafy foods, whether you feel guided to eat them or drink them in a green drink.

  7. Sleep:
    We need sleep so that our bodies can restore, replenish, and repair. Take some time to create a gentle space that’s conducive to good solid sleep. If you’re having a hard time getting solid sleep, you may need to take small naps during the day too.

Bonus Tips:

  • Use a Neti Pot or other nasal rinse system to keep your sinuses hydrated and clear of debris or infection. You can find these at any natural food store or online shops.

  • Use a humidifier to help keep the air in your home hydrated so your skin can absorb the moisture to support your hydration. (This is especially important if you’re running your heating and/ or fire place as these heating sources dry out the air.)

  • Stretch your body and do gentle exercise, including walking to help release any toxins that could be holding space within your body.

  • Weather Permitting, air out your home, even for 10 or 15 minutes to bring clean air inside.

  • Avoid places and spaces with large crowds or places with people who are sick; including public transportation.

I’m wishing you a wonderful week and hope this list will support you in boosting your wellness this season. With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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