Circling Back

Happy August! I hope this finds you well as move into the final full month of Summer here in the Northern Hemisphere. Does it feel like this season has been moving really quickly? It does to me; it feels like before we know it the season is going to be shifting and the summer will be behind us. I hope that your summer has been good to you so far and that you’re enjoying these long sunny days.

In addition to the feeling of the summer moving right along I’ve also noticed a strong theme showing up for me and for other people that I’ve been talking to, maybe you’re noticing it too. The theme of things circling back. Are you finding this theme showing up in your life right now, too? This theme is showing up in all different shapes and sizes. For some people, it may be things that they’ve expected, tasks, projects, or issues that have been shelved for whatever reasons. For others it may be things they haven’t thought about in a long time showing back up for an opportunity for a refresh or a reframe. This theme is also showing up in ways that can feel like a nudge that we may be trying to put off for another day or even telling ourselves that a particular area of our lives is behind us for whatever reasons. This circling back theme is showing up in all different forms and all different levels of intensity. Some of the ways it’s making itself known can feel really fun, exciting, and even very nostalgic while others can show up as opportunities for personal growth, healing, and letting go of things that are finished. Some of these themes contain all of these feelings, experiences, and opportunities all at once. No matter how this theme is showing up for you right now, allowing yourself to notice, honor, and to the best of your ability lean into it can be very supportive for you.

When themes show up in our lives, we’re being given an opportunity to focus our energy on that experience and allow it to support us as we move through the theme for as long as it’s with us. Sometimes this theme is an opportunity for us to get back to a part of ourselves that we’ve been separated from for whatever reason. It can help us to heal and to reconnect to an aspect of ourselves and our lives that we want to nurture and fold back into the fabric of our daily lives. Sometimes the theme helps us to achieve or move through a personal challenge or goal that we’ve been guided to pursue. Sometimes, we’re given an opportunity to fix, finish, or finalize some things we’ve been putting off which allows us to feel a sense of accomplishment, relief, and to enjoy the experience of finishing what was started. While other times the theme helps us to cement into our being that releasing and closing a chapter or making space for healthier and more peaceful people, places, and situations is the right choice.

Sometimes when themes show up, we know how to honor them, we feel called, compelled, or committed to taking action in concert with them. We use the nudge or repeating signs that we’re receiving to help us move through the experience. Other times we may feel confused or unsure why we’re receiving this opportunity to redo or rework through something we thought we were finished with for whatever reason. In this case, you can reach out for support from a trusted support person, or you can journal about it to try to get a better understanding of the situation. If you’re in a place where you aren’t sure if you’re understanding the theme that you’re experiencing, you’re not alone. In this situation, you can ask for clear signs that will help you to know which theme is showing up for you right now. There’s no “right way” to ask for this support, you can say it out loud, you can think it, you can write it in your journal, whatever feels right for you, is the “right” way. Then, you’ll start to notice signs in your life about your theme. You may start to see physical signs out in the world about your theme, you may overhear conversations that apply to your theme, you may find books or perhaps a dear friend will send you a book that supports your theme. Songs on the radio, movies, magazine articles, it will feel like all things are pointing to the same themes, and the theme is about helping you to know what you’re being called to circle back to in your life.

When you realize what your theme or themes are, you can begin to move through them in the ways that feel like a fit for you. Sometimes, we can move through these opportunities for growth by ourselves but most of the time, we need support from other people. Giving yourself permission to ask for help when you’re guided will help you move through these themes more gently. Telling people that you know and trust that you’re working on something that’s important to you and letting them know how they can support you can be very powerful for both of you. Sometimes, you may need someone to listen to what you’re experiencing. Maybe you’ll need help physically moving something or another set of eyes looking at what you’re working on to offer you suggestions, insight, or support. Sometimes, you may want to talk to a professional in the area of your theme. Any ways that you feel guided to reach out for support will be helpful for you as you move through your personal circling back experience.

When we take some time to honor, accept, and work through our themes to the best of our ability, we’re able to make space in our lives for healing, joy, and opportunities we may not have realized were available to us. We add more light into our lives by doing this work while lightening our load at the same time. I look forward to supporting you in any way that I can as you work through this time. You’re not alone, we’re all working through this circling back process together.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

With love and gratitude,


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Gratitude Gift

Simplicity and Streamlining as We Meet the Middle of the Year

Hello, welcome to June
I hope this finds you well as we meet the middle of the year.  This time of year provides us a beautiful opportunity to take a personal inventory so we can make some shifts and adjustments if needed as we move forward. Some questions that may be coming up for you right now may include things like: How has my year been so far? How do I feel about the themes and cycles that I’ve been moving through this year? What kinds of things would I like to increase moving into this next 6 months? What kinds of things would I like to release in the next 6 months? This opportunity to reflect and adjust is a gift we give to ourselves. This process is not something to be nervous about but rather something that can offer support, insight, and positive changes.

One of the biggest themes that I’ve seen coming up for people recently is a sense of overwhelm, challenges in focusing on tasks or goals, and a deep calling to clean out things that have run their course. At first glance these may not seem related to one another, but the truth is they are deeply connected. Sometimes, when these themes start showing up, it’s a message for us to take a look at what areas of our life could use some simplicity and some streamlining. If you’ve ever walked into a home that’s filled with things that are out of place and chaotic, you probably remember the impact it made on your physical body and your mental state immediately. You may have noticed that you felt the need to get out of there as quickly as possible because it created a lot of stress and overwhelm for you. Our environment whether physically or the circle of people we interact with on a regular basis contributes to our overall health and wellbeing. Sometimes, without realizing it, things begin to tuck into the corners of our homes, work spaces, and vehicles creating and contributing to feelings of overwhelm, lack of focus, and a feeling that something needs to change. Sometimes these “things” are old ways of living and even some relationships that have run their course. The good news is that when we realize this theme is showing up for us, we have the ability to make some simple but significant changes so we can make space to move forward.

I’ve included an exercise below that can support you in taking an inventory of how things are going for you right now so you will have a clear picture of what you’re being guided to simplify and streamline this month. There are no wrong answers here and no one is going to ask you to share what you write down, so please give yourself permission to let your answers move through you organically. You may want to take a couple of deep breaths, turn off notifications on your device, and when you feel ready, you can move through the exercise. (You can come back to this at any time you choose if you feel guided to work through it again.)

  • If I had to choose one word to describe my year this far it would be__________________.

  • My overall energy level this year has been_______________________.

  • I’ve spent most of my free time this year doing ____________________________.

  • I wanted to make more time for ___________________ this year but I haven’t gotten around to it due to _________________________.

  • The new skills I’ve been working on this year include___________________________________.

  • I’ve taken time to nurture and care for myself this year by regularly investing in ____________________.

  • My overall health this year has been___________________________.

  • My favorite memories from this year have been__________________________________.

  • If I had to choose one word to describe my work/career so far this year it would be_________________.

  • Investing in my spiritual wellbeing is ___________________ for me.

  • I honor my spiritual practice by___________________________ and it makes me feel_______________.

  • My home makes me feel __________________________.

  • It feels ________________ to be at home because__________________________.

  • My home would feel better if _____________________________.

  • Making time for myself is ______________________ because___________________.

  • I feel drained, exhausted, or hurt after interacting with ______________________________.

  • I feel happy, excited, and uplifted after interacting with ______________________________.

  • I’d like to have relationships that feel ______________________ because ____________________.

  • It may be time to distance myself from _____________________ because__________________.

  • It may be time for me to reach out to ________________ because______________________.

  • I’ve gotten back into the habit of _________________and it makes me feel ______________________.

  • I want to increase ______________________ because I feel better when I make this a priority in my life.

  • Making time for ________________ helps me to feel more like myself again.

  • I want to let go of ________________________ because it doesn’t help me or feel like it’s a fit for me anymore.

  • I’m ready to release__________________________.

  • I can lighten my load today by____________________________.

  • I’ve made progress on some of the things that were on my list for 2023, including __________________________________.

  • I’m still working on these things on my list for 2023 ________________________________.

  • I’ve decided to let go of these things from my list for 2023_______________________ because____________________.

  • Which area of my life needs to be simplified right now?

  • Which area of my life needs to be nurtured right now?

  • Which area of my life do I need to ask for help or support to move forward right now?

  • Which word do I want to choose as a theme for the remainder of 2023?

Okay, great job! I hope this helped you to gain some insight into the places and spaces where you’re personally being guided to make some shifts and changes. Remember that any and all change makes an impact in the way that you feel and move through your world.

You may find that some of the changes you’re being guided to make you can do by yourself while others may require help from someone else. I encourage you to start with a seemingly small action and allow the momentum to move you forward. You’ll notice that as you address the areas that need attention in your life, you’ll feel happier, healthier, and more at peace. If you need support, please ask for help. You can ask for help from a loved one, a friend, or a professional support person.

I’ve included a few areas that may support you as you move forward this month. Please know this is not an end all be all list but simply a jumping off place for you to get inspired. Please feel free to create your own ideas and ways to simplify and streamline.

  • Clean out your closets, pantry, cupboards, or other storage spaces.

  • Let go of things that are broken, ill fitting, stained, or damaged.

  • Put things away where they belong.

  • Put some space between yourself and challenging people in your life to the best of your ability.

  • Say yes to things and people that are uplifting and positive for you.

  • Make your priorities a priority in your day, even if only for 15 minutes.

  • Move your body in ways that feel good to, you even if only for 15 minutes.

  • Place helpful items and things you enjoy where you can enjoy and use them easily.

  • Ask for help and support when you need it.

  • Take good care of yourself and treat yourself with tender loving care.

I hope this has helped you gain some insight into how you’re being guided to move into this next half of the year. I look forward to hearing about the shifts and streamlining you’re doing to help you get back into the flow of your year. I am here for you if you feel guided to work with me this month whether through an intuitive session, energy treatment, or a coaching session.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Changing Seasons | Changing Energies

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Happy 1st day of Autumn, or 1st day of Spring if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere!

It feels like a huge shift by moving into this new season; the last one felt so long and drawn out. I don’t know about you but 2020 has left me feeling a bit exhausted and at times feeling weary. However, this shift in season even though it’s still hot where I am, feels like a palpable shift in more ways than one.

One of the ways I like to welcome a new season or a significant shift is by doing something that feels like it marks the moment. It doesn’t really matter what it is per se, just that it’s something that feels meaningful to me.

Yesterday, I smudged my home and then did an intentional mopping of my home with fresh rosemary and lavender from my garden to help prepare for the shift in season and as a marker for the last day of summer. I set intentions to clear away anything lingering that wasn’t positive, helpful, or needed as we move into a new season.

Today, I’m making a meal that feels aligned with the season as a way to welcome or mark the day. I also put out some things around my home that feel more cozy, calm, and aligned with the seasonal shift. Hopefully it will be here soon, because for one of the first times ever in my life, I’m looking forward to the cooler weather…I’m not usually a big “ber” person…I prefer longer days and flip flops.

There are lots of ways to mark a moment to make it feel special and anything that shows up for you or that feels like a fit is perfect. There’s no one way or right way to do this, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

  • Today is a great day to set some intentions for your new season.

  • This is also a powerful time to reflect back on things that are coming into a harvest or collection space for you.

This has been a strange and intense year with lots of challenges, however it’s still an opportunity to see what things you’ve accomplished, achieved, moved through, and learned over the last 9 and a half months.

  • Give yourself some gold stars on your star chart for the wins you’ve had this year.
    (Including perseverance)

  • Focus on some things that you’re releasing and why you’re ready to let them go.

  • Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to make some space for your personal joy, peace, and needs in this new season.

I’m wishing you a beautiful and gentle new season, filled with kindness, calm, and support.

I’ve included a New Season Flash Sale for you Below.
You can schedule for any day you choose, but you must place your order today; sale ends at 5 pm pacific time.

With love from my teeny corner of the world,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. A huge thank you for the messages, good vibes, and prayers you’ve sent to me about the fires, I am so appreciative! We’re still dealing with the fires, however I’m still in my home which I’m incredibly grateful for every single day. Our go bags are still packed, but we’re praying the fires will be out soon.

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Refocusing, Recalibrating, and Resetting for August

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I hope this finds you well as we officially move into a brand new month together.


Wow, this time of year usually marks something for me, and maybe you experience this too…even though it’s definitely still hot, there’s a shift that comes with hitting this month on the calendar.

A shift in energy.

A shift in focus.

A shift in readiness.

A shift in knowing that we’re moving back into a time of getting back to school, cooler weather is on the horizon for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and an opportunity to get some things we have on our list front and center before we wrap up the last bit of the year.

It’s like being on the starting line waiting for the go signal to hit the ground running on this last bit of the year.

For me, even though I’m no longer a student, this time of year still stirs and nurtures these experiences for me and I still really love it.

This year, it feels like there’s a bit or a record scratch happening in the background of all of this energy…very loudly I must admit but still in the background.

Can you hear it too?

We may be experiencing similar record scratches or they may be different but we’re collectively hearing this happening and feeling all the feels about it too. We’re collectively having this experience together from our own homes all over the planet.

Maybe your record scratch is about whether or not you’ll still be working from home for the remainder of the year.

Maybe it’s about scrambling to find a way that’s right for you and your family to support your child’s education this back to school season.

Maybe you’re a teacher and you won’t be able to go back to in person classes this fall and you’re grieving being with your students.

Maybe it means more important dates in your life where you have to isolate, social distance, and experience separation from people and experiences which are important for you.

Maybe it’s all the things, and none of the things especially that makes it hard…the I can’t quite put my finger on it feeling.

Maybe you’ve baked all the sourdough you can handle, shared it safely with neighbors, and now don’t really know what to do.

Maybe you got more than 1 BINGO on the lockdown scoreboard you found on the inter-webs and feel you’ve been really upbeat about everything and now you’re burned out and don’t want to play anymore. (that’s okay by the way…totally natural.)

No matter where you’re at with all of this, you’re not alone.

Turning the corner on how we move toward the end of the year with a lot of these issues still part of our day to day can feel heavy, overwhelming, and downright dismal.

I’ve had people tell me that they don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but that they’re really sad and having a hard time because this has been going on longer than they expected.

I’ve had people tell me that they’ve lost momentum, feel disconnected, and that they’re experiencing sadness.

Many people tell me that they feel guilty for feeling this way because they feel grateful for so many other things that they have in their life.

Maybe this resonates for you too.

The truth is that this situation, the things that are happening directly to you within your world and the things happening in the larger outside world around you are impactful, real, and take a toll on you.

They take a toll on all of us.

There is no part of you that is wrong for feeling your feelings.

It’s healthy to feel your full spectrum of emotions, and to allow them to move through you in constructive ways.

You don’t need to hold back or be embarrassed for feeling the way you feel, even if you have happy things happening in your life too. You can be grateful, joyful, and appreciate and still have a hard day or hard moments throughout the day.

As we all lean into this big left turn that is August, let’s take a big deep breath in through our noses, and hold it at the top of the breath, and then exhale for a big clearing. Good….feel free to repeat if you need to.

The truth is that we’re going through a time of deep healing, clearing, and yes…upheaval too.

It looks like we are scheduled for some more bumps ahead; however, that doesn’t mean we can’t also allow this time to be a marker for us.

Maybe your marker will be:

Taking more time for rest

Slowing down a bit

Taking some things off of your list

Asking for help and allowing yourself to Receive it once it’s offered

Choosing 1 thing that’s important to you on a personal level to focus on as we lean into the rest of the year

Acknowledging how you’re doing and letting yourself be where you’re at…also remember to give yourself gold stars on your chart for your wins. (wins are really important no matter how many turns around the sun you’ve made.)

Scheduling support services where you could use it, so you don’t feel like you’re trying to hold everyone and everything up all by yourself all the time.

Just in case no one has told you this in a while, please let me be the person to tell you that you’re doing a really great job.

I can see you.

I see all the effort that you’re making and all the time you put in to keep things going for yourself and others.

You’re doing a really great job!

Thank you so much for all you do. Please make sure you take some time to be as good to yourself as you are to everyone in your world.

You are appreciated.

You are worthy.

You are valuable.

You are loveable.

You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough.

With all my love and gratitude, I’m sending you so much support from my teeny corner of the world to you. I’m wishing you a healthy, happy, August…one with things to look forward to that feel good to you.



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Home + Healing + Holidays


This month brings with it so many feelings as we officially greet the last 8 weeks of 2018. Maybe you’re feelings some of the feels too; some of the ones that really stand out to me are things like…

  • How is it already, November?

  • What things did I get off my list this year and which things are still sitting on the back burner and why?

  • How will I spend the holiday season and with whom?

  • How will I make time for the things that are important to me and graciously say no to the things that don’t make the list this year?

  • Why am I feeling a tinge (or tidal wave) of sadness show up for loved ones that have passed even though it’s been many years since they went home?

Are any of these things showing up for you right now?
If so, know that you’re not alone.

A pre-wrap up for the year plus home stuff, healing, and holidays all begin to swim around at this time. Because so many big themes seem to come to the surface at this time, it’s natural to feel lots of deep feelings.

I find that the combination of the days getting darker and shorter (here in the Northern Hemisphere) and all the themes showing up at this time force us to pull inward and dig deep on how we’re feeling and focus on how we want to wrap up the year.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy, celebrate, and create joy during this season. Celebration is part of the holiday season but it’s also important to give yourself permission to tend to your emotional needs too.

Finding a balance between the joy and moving through your feelings is very important. Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, this balancing process allows you to move into the celebration experience more fully.

Giving yourself permission to be where you’re at allows you to move through the wave of emotions so you can move to the next space organically; rather than forcing festivities.

There’s no one way or right way to honor this season, there are only the ways that feel right for you at this time.

  • You may feel guided to participate in a special tradition that allows you to connect to something special from your childhood.

  • Maybe you want to make something that a departed loved one always made at this time of year.

  • Maybe for you, creating a new tradition will support you in feeling more connected to this time of year and your own personal love of the season.

  • You may also feel guided to take a little time this month to gently go over the goals or intentions you've created for yourself.

  • You may want to update your vision board or pull out that list that you’ve been ticking away at during 2018.

Taking a little time to honor all that you’ve accomplished and experienced this year is equally important as focusing on what comes next for you.

This is a great time to do a little rewind on your year and really take it all in along with the accolades that you would give to someone else who accomplished what you’ve done this year.

Some of the things that can add additional support for you this month is focusing on themes that feel supportive.
Things like:

  • Calm

  • Quiet

  • Gentle

  • Cozy

  • Rest

Getting into your favorite jammies or sweats a little bit earlier in the evening, enjoying a warm cup of tea or cider, and snuggling under your favorite blanket can make a huge difference in the way that you feel.

As this season can tend to increase the things that need to get done and the places that you may need to be, making a conscious effort to slow down in seemingly small ways can help you to find that balance that’s right for you.

  • What is something that really makes you feel comforted and supported?  _________________

  • What is something that you absolutely love to do that really feels like fall to you? __________________

  • How can you add more of these things into your days this month? ________________________

When you say yes to your own personal boundaries and needs you more easily move into that place of personal balance. Finding your balance will allow you to experience the kind of season that fills you with joy, happiness, and peace.

You’re absolutely worth investing the time to honor the things that soothe and support you. You don’t have to invest a ton of time in doing this, but you’ll receive so much from this investment and it will be well worth your time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful and gentle month filled with things and people that rise up to greet you! For those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, I’m wishing you a wonderful holiday!

With love and support,


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