Happy New Year: Moving into Your New Year

I hope that 2022 has begun as a gentle and restful beginning for you.

I wanted to wait an extra week before sending you a note at the beginning of the year to support you in easing into the year after the holidays. There’s is a big transition that happens after the holiday season; sometimes this transition time is referred to as the holiday let down or the holiday recovery. No matter what we call it, the shift is real and palpable. Maybe you’ve noticed it in your own life too, the body tends to give us signs and signals letting us know it wants to move a little slower, a little gentler, and a little quieter. This time at the beginning of the year is a gentle reset and we can see and feel this shift happening within and around us in lots of seemingly small, yet significant ways.

With this rhythm of moving slowly into this new year as a guide, you can allow yourself to organically shift into 2022 in the ways that feel right for you. Just like you begin to remove holiday decorations or you reset your home for this new year, you can feel the shift happening in your physical spaces. You may notice that your space feels lighter, more open, and even larger. You may notice that moving through this process of changing things around and putting things away is a gentle and slow process, yet at the same time creates a big impact quickly. You can lean into this same gentle space as you continue to move into this new year in the ways that resonate for you.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the season of winter, which is traditionally a season of rest. Even though we don’t take the season off per se, there’s still a pull for us to go within and allow our energy reserves to build up in preparation for spring, just like the plants and animals. This may show up for you as a desire to get to sleep a little bit earlier or to focus on the comforts of being warm and cozy inside your home. You may feel guided to do some introspection, journaling, or reading. Perhaps you feel guided to pick up a creative project that has been waiting for you for a while. No matter how this call to rest, rejuvenation, and renewal shows up for you; please know that it’s feeding your energy stores while also comforting and supporting you.

As you begin to think about what this new year may hold for you and what you may like to bring to it, please give yourself permission to listen to your personal rhythm and allow that to be your personal guide. There are often lots of messages about how to move, jump, or dive into the new year. These are great, if they resonate for you. Only you know what the right timing, energy, and approach is right for you, your year, and this particular season of your life.

So, if you’re feeling a tug or a message to slow down or to be more mindful of how you’re moving into this new year so it feels like a true fit for you, please give yourself permission to hear and honor that soul wisdom you’re receiving.
If you’re being guided to fill up your planner, to make a new vision board, or begin your manifesting work, wonderful, enjoy all the creativity that comes along with that. If you find yourself somewhere in between or a little of this and a lot of that, fantastic, lean into that space. Remembering to listen to your internal guidance, wisdom, and energy stores is a powerful force that will allow you to move through your world in the ways that resonate and work for you.

As we move into this new year together, my wish for you is that you will tap into your personal joy, happiness, and peace while moving forward this year in the ways that resonate for you. Thank you so very much for being here with me, I am so honored to share this time with you.

I’m sending you so much love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and blessings,

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