Schools Out for Summer: Tapping into the Magic of the Season

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome July.

It feels like it’s been so long since we last connected, I don’t know about you but June felt like a really long month this year. We’ve officially arrived to summer here in the Northern hemisphere even though it’s been pretty hot in my little corner of the world for a while now.

When I think about summer I often think about summers as a child and how exciting it was to have time off school, long summer nights, and lots of fun with friends and family. As a grown up, summer can sometimes feel a bit different with most of us working during this time and maybe some extra responsibilities too especially if you have little ones at home. I was thinking about ways to keep that whimsical summer energy woven into the season even with the responsibilities of being an adult. While there are lots of ways to do this, I was thinking that it could be helpful to think about a few of the seemingly simple stand out memories or favorites that you hold dear. You may be able to find a common theme for yourself when you do this. You may find there’s favorite foods you enjoy making because they represent summer to you. Maybe you like to do certain activities like making smores in the back yard because you have fond memories of doing that as a child. Maybe you really look forward to setting up an outdoor movie night with popcorn and other favorite snacks. Maybe for you it’s all about the swimming or maybe you’re already creating piles of summer reading books. The options are endless, it really just matters what stands out to you when you personally think about the energy of summer.

Taking a little time to find the theme or themes that are a fit for you can help you to bring that experience into your summer this year. You don’t need to pack every day with activities or spend lots of time away to enjoy the experience of summer. By choosing your theme and setting the intention to bring your personal brand of summer into your season this year, you will find that it allows you to open the door to the things that feel like summer for you. It can also add a little excitement, whimsy, and magic to your season too. You may find it helps you to tap into that childlike joy you had when you thought about an entire season of time off from school to play and have fun.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help you find a theme that feels like a fit for you this summer. You may want to write down your answers if you feel guided and you can come back to the exercise at any time you choose. There are no wrong answers, so you can just relax and have fun with this process.

Take a couple of deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Good, letting go of any tension, tightness, or stress that you may feel holding space inside your body. Go ahead and take another breath, and let go of any to do lists, or other things that may be holding space around you; knowing that you can go back to them when you’re finished.

  • When I think about my 3 favorite summers; these are the summers that come to mind:_____________________________________________________________

  • Why do these summers stand out as favorites for me? __________________________________

  • How did these experiences make me feel? ___________________________________________

  • Were there similar aspects to these summers or are they special because they are each unique? ___________________________________________________________________________

  • Who was with me during these favorite summers? ______________________________________

  • What kinds of activities did I do?_______________________________________________________

  • What were some stand out moments or aspects that felt special to me? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How would I describe these experiences of my favorite summers? ____________________________

  • What aspects or themes stand out when I look back over those summers? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • If I had to choose 3 words to describe my favorite summers, what would they be? ______________________________________________________________________________

  • How do these words make me feel? ____________________________________________________

  • How can I incorporate these words or themes into my summer season this year? __________________________________________________________________________

  • When I think about using these themes as an intention for this summer, I feel______________________________________________________.

  • My personal theme for the summer of 2022, is the season of _____________________________________.

Great job, now you can take a moment to just sit with any emotions and memories that you’re experiencing around this or you can continue to write down any ideas or inspiration this created for you; whatever feels right for you.

I hope this will help to bring a little spark of excitement, joy, and even some childlike wonder to your new season this year. In any ways that feel like a fit for you I hope that you will enjoy celebrating the themes and aspects of the season that resonate for you and yours this summer.

I look forward to participating in some of my favorite summer activities too; things like riding bikes, early morning hikes, making popsicles, more canning, swimming, and yes, getting through some of my piles of summer reading books. I would love to hear about your personal theme for the season if you feel guided to share it with me. I’m wishing you a wonderful summer!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Preparing to Paddle Out | Watching and Readying for your Wave

Happy March…can you feel it? The waves of change are up on us.
Maybe you can physically feel the energy rising up inside of you and maybe you can see it all around you; but no matter how it’s showing up for you, the energy is officially shifting. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re on the cusp of Spring, new beginnings, and a surge of new energy. You may notice that you’re beginning to feel this building of strength, anticipation, and forward motion with you more and more each day. Maybe your energy and enthusiasm are beginning to rise and you’re being guided to line up some of the plans that have been on your list. This is a powerful time to take a deeper dive into what those priorities are for you and to get ready to paddle out so that you can ride your wave.

Have you ever watched (or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself) people paddling out into the water to catch the wave that is right for them? There’s a clear pattern of preparing, patiently waiting, allowing the timing to be right, and then giving themselves permission to go for it when their wave lines up for them, their personal timing, and skill set. This series of preparation and readiness is something we can apply within our own lives right now too. You don’t have to live near the sea in order to ride the waves of life in a way that supports, soothes, and serves your path, calling, or life purpose.

During this month while we’re continuing to foster our own energy, personal growth, and readiness we can begin to prepare for the wave we’ve been waiting for and working toward riding. This is an exciting time; one that can be a catalyst for forward motion and fun. Sometimes it feels like we have to choose either forward motion or fun, and sometimes that’s true; however, there are ways that we can increase fun, joy, and happiness even when we’re moving toward a goal or moment we’ve been working toward for some time. Each aspect is important, worthwhile, and a contribution to our overall experience.

So, this month as you’re noticing your own shifts, alignments, and opportunities opening up for you, I invite you to take a little time to prioritize your planning and playfulness. Tune into your own messages, divine timing, and inner knowing of what is right for you right now so you can ready yourself to paddle out to catch your wave. Your wave is the one that feels and looks like yours; it’s the wave you’ve been waiting for, the wave that you’ve been working toward, and the one that you’re ready to ride into this next phase of your life. This one is taking you to the next part of your year and into this new energy of fresh starts, new beginnings, and new possibilities. Remember you don’t have to force anything to happen nor do you have to go against your own grain. Seemingly small yet significant shifts lead to big positive change. Focusing on one or two things that you can do right now, today, will help to align you with this shift that is happening all around us and within us.

It’s happening within you…right now, right this very moment.
You’re ready.

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and ask yourself:

  • “What action can I take today to bring me closer to my goal, dream, or calling?”

Give yourself permission to hear, see, feel, or know your answer; and then give yourself permission to go for it.

There’s no right or wrong here. Your message may look similar to someone else you know or it may be something completely unique for you. Your answer is the one that matters, and you get to decide how to integrate your messages into your life right now. Take a minute to write down what’s coming through for you and then grab your board and get into the water; your wave is waiting for you.

I’ve included some ideas that may help you to move through this time, but please feel free to adjust them, personalize, them, and create your own list. This is just a starting place to give you some ideas and inspiration to get going.

Lighten Your Load

  • If there are things that have been weighing you down, this is a great time to let them go. This can be physical items that you clear out of your closets, pantry, garage, or other nooks where things tend to collect. Donate, gift, and release the things that you’re finished with as a way to create and open up space within and around you. You may notice that you physically feel lighter after this clearing which helps to clear any clutter from your thinking space as well. If there are other things weighing you down, including ways of living, relationships, or old dynamics that have come full circle, it may be time to release those as well.

Shift Your Space

  • Sometimes simply moving things around in your home, on your desk, or outside can help you shift the energy in your space. This can help to shake things up and even create a shift in perspective for you and anyone else who lives with you.

Deep Breaths

  • Are you holding your breath throughout the day? Do you find your shoulders up around your ears around 3 pm? Do you find yourself taking mouth breaths? You may be holding your breath when you feel overwhelmed, under pressure, or in stressful situations. When you notice this happening, it’s okay, it’s not a judgement, your body is trying to give you signals that it would like some deep breaths and a little reset. Take a moment and do a few deep breaths and move your shoulders a bit so you can put your body back into a gentler state. You may also feel guided to start or resume a meditation practice which can be very beneficial for your overall health and wellness.

Ask for Help

  • When you feel like you need some insight, support, or additional hands on deck, please ask for help. Asking for help is a strength and not a weakness. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time. Ask people in your inner circle for support or reach out for professional support if you’re being guided to do so.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

  • Your inner voice is rooting for you. The real you is always on your side, in your corner and sounds and feels like love. You’ve been able to overcome all of the challenges in your life up to this point; and even if you’re venturing out on a brand new experience, keep going. Every step forward is still forward motion and you can do it. If you need help, insight, support, or expertise as you’re moving forward, ask for help. Remember you don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month of new beginnings and new opportunities rising to greet you.
I’m sending you oceans of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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Happy New Year: Moving into Your New Year

I hope that 2022 has begun as a gentle and restful beginning for you.

I wanted to wait an extra week before sending you a note at the beginning of the year to support you in easing into the year after the holidays. There’s is a big transition that happens after the holiday season; sometimes this transition time is referred to as the holiday let down or the holiday recovery. No matter what we call it, the shift is real and palpable. Maybe you’ve noticed it in your own life too, the body tends to give us signs and signals letting us know it wants to move a little slower, a little gentler, and a little quieter. This time at the beginning of the year is a gentle reset and we can see and feel this shift happening within and around us in lots of seemingly small, yet significant ways.

With this rhythm of moving slowly into this new year as a guide, you can allow yourself to organically shift into 2022 in the ways that feel right for you. Just like you begin to remove holiday decorations or you reset your home for this new year, you can feel the shift happening in your physical spaces. You may notice that your space feels lighter, more open, and even larger. You may notice that moving through this process of changing things around and putting things away is a gentle and slow process, yet at the same time creates a big impact quickly. You can lean into this same gentle space as you continue to move into this new year in the ways that resonate for you.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re in the season of winter, which is traditionally a season of rest. Even though we don’t take the season off per se, there’s still a pull for us to go within and allow our energy reserves to build up in preparation for spring, just like the plants and animals. This may show up for you as a desire to get to sleep a little bit earlier or to focus on the comforts of being warm and cozy inside your home. You may feel guided to do some introspection, journaling, or reading. Perhaps you feel guided to pick up a creative project that has been waiting for you for a while. No matter how this call to rest, rejuvenation, and renewal shows up for you; please know that it’s feeding your energy stores while also comforting and supporting you.

As you begin to think about what this new year may hold for you and what you may like to bring to it, please give yourself permission to listen to your personal rhythm and allow that to be your personal guide. There are often lots of messages about how to move, jump, or dive into the new year. These are great, if they resonate for you. Only you know what the right timing, energy, and approach is right for you, your year, and this particular season of your life.

So, if you’re feeling a tug or a message to slow down or to be more mindful of how you’re moving into this new year so it feels like a true fit for you, please give yourself permission to hear and honor that soul wisdom you’re receiving.
If you’re being guided to fill up your planner, to make a new vision board, or begin your manifesting work, wonderful, enjoy all the creativity that comes along with that. If you find yourself somewhere in between or a little of this and a lot of that, fantastic, lean into that space. Remembering to listen to your internal guidance, wisdom, and energy stores is a powerful force that will allow you to move through your world in the ways that resonate and work for you.

As we move into this new year together, my wish for you is that you will tap into your personal joy, happiness, and peace while moving forward this year in the ways that resonate for you. Thank you so very much for being here with me, I am so honored to share this time with you.

I’m sending you so much love from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With love and blessings,

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Moving Through + Shifting HSP Burn Out | Tools to Traverse the Turning Tides


I was having a bit of a rough go trying to decide what to write about as we move into this new month. Sometimes it feels like each day and week are so similar to the one before and other times it feels like there’s so much change happening from one day to the next. Are you feeling this way too? One of the things that has really been showing up for me lately has been the repeating theme about Highly Sensitive People (like yourself) experiencing HSP burn out.

I’m definitely feeling it in my own life and I’m finding it showing up for my clients and friends as well. We’re officially nearing the halfway mark of this year and there are still so many places that are under lockdown orders and still experiencing a lot of restrictions to daily life. You may still be moving through some of this too or know people who are.

This in and of itself has definitely taken a toll, not to mention all of the other intensity, changes, and upheaval we’re seeing all over the globe no matter where we live. So many people have told me that they just feel like they are having a hard time finding balance, feeling like themselves, and finding a way to experience some semblance of peace in their day to day life. There’s lots of feelings of overwhelm and not knowing how to help, and also feeling exhausted from all of the information. If you’re experiencing any of this, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re in really good company.

It’s not just you.

You’re not the only one having a tough time moving through this time on our planet.

It is a really difficult time and we’re all in it together.

As a sensitive soul it can feel magnified, and that’s not because you’re not trying hard enough.

It’s because it’s really hard.

Take a breath, a big one, in through your nose, and out through your mouth….good.

One more time.

Good job.

One of the most effective ways we can move through this time is to take a little time to check in with how we’re doing and make some adjustments to things that we can change. Taking good care of yourself will allow you to better know how to help someone else and to be ready to help too.

I’ve included 6 things that have been showing up as deep support systems for Highly Sensitive Souls during this time. Please use these as inspirations and ways to help you, but adjust accordingly to make these a fit for you and your needs. I hope these will inspire you to create some tools that will be helpful for you and for your loved ones too.

Change the Channel, Change Your Frequency, Literally. :

Intense frequencies can drain your energy and can create or lead to exhaustion without even realizing it. Just think about that one family member or colleague who always tells you all of their problems non stop; you may feel drained after interacting with them, while they feel better after taking all your energy from you. Changing the channel can help to reduce or eliminate this issue for you. Turn off your television, especially repeating news about trauma and other negative stories. (you can always set a time to check in on that information but don’t need it on all the time.)

Re-set the frequencies in your space; think about layering sounds that are pleasing and supportive for your nervous system, body, mind, and spirit. If you have a sound machine, get it out and play it in the background quietly. Your body will automatically respond to it and it will help to release and manage stress that could be holding space within you. You may also want to layer another gentle sound over that to help create an even more soothing space for you and the people in your home.

Think of walking into a spa or another relaxing place; you’ll notice there are often layered sounds happening to help you instantly shift into a resting state instead of being in the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn state that most people experience throughout the day.


Increase the amount of water that you’re drinking to help you move stress and tension out of your precious and highly sensitive body. Hydration also helps to increase clear thinking, better quality sleep, reduces cravings for foods and beverages which can have an adverse effect on the body, and helps to keep the organs responsible for cleaning and processing moving and working efficiently.

Pull Your Energy Inward:

You may need to let people know that you’re taking a break from being overly available for all the things. Highly sensitive people like yourself often over extend their energy without realizing they’re doing it, leaving them feeling drained and exhausted. You may need to turn off your phone earlier in the evening, allow some calls to go to voicemail, let emails sit in your inbox, and say no to extra demands on your time so you can find your own footing again and experience some personal life balance. Use this extra time to invest in activities that are restorative and uplifting for you. These things can include creative outlets, reading for pleasure, and yes, even resting.


I know, not the most glamorous thing in the world, but very effective in clearing away intense energies and increasing strength. Moving your body in a way that lets you sweat out any toxins, stress, or repeating scenarios/interactions you’re still thinking about will help you to clear your body and your mind while simultaneously leaving you feeling more like yourself. You’ll also be strengthening your body too which is a win win.

No need to jump into intense workout sessions if this isn’t something you’re already doing; going for a walk is a great full body workout that will allow you to sweat, move, and even get outside. If you’re not able to walk outside, pull out that workout mat, and do some gentle stretching or a gentle workout.

Clear Away the Old:

Let go of the things that are finished for you. Clear up any clutter that could be hanging around, it likes to sneak up when you aren’t looking, often in closets, pantry’s, and well meaning desk piles. That “to be done” stuff adds to the frenetic energy within and around you which over time can make things feel heavy and off. It can lead to overwhelm, feeling frustrated, and that no matter where you look, there’s always something else that needs to get done. Set a timer and do a quick sweep of a room, gathering up anything that is ready to go to the recycle bin, donation station, or to its rightful place in your home.

Cleaning out closets and places where clutter builds can help to lighten your load, literally; while also bringing a sense of peace and calm into your space that translates to more peace and calm in your life too.

Ask for Help:

Let people know what you need. This can be a really tough one for sensitive people, because they don’t want to add anything to anyone else’s plate. However, it’s important to let people who love you know what you need and to ask them for help. It’s also important to ask professional people in your circle for support too. If you need a referral for a service that could help you, ask someone you love and trust who they recommend.  

Schedule the sessions that you need to help you, don’t wait for some elusive time where everything will be easier and you have everything figured out and perfectly balanced. You’re here right now, and asking for help and then receiving that help is part of this whole thing we’re doing called life.

I know you’re more comfortable doing the helping, but helpers need to receive help too. Schedule that reading, massage, babysitter, coaching session, hair appointment, energy treatment, or __________.

Whatever it is that you need right now, you know more than anyone what that thing is, please give yourself permission to honor that message you’re receiving. Allowing yourself to receive is one of the most important and powerful ways to help shift you into a space where you feel more like yourself again while also helping your body to come back to balance and homeostasis.

The waves have been rough out there, and the energy has been a bit of a roller coaster but you know what? You’re still here and you’re doing a great job. As you take a little time today, and tomorrow, and the next day to honor your needs and to pull your energy inward, I think you’re going to find you’re feeling more like yourself again.

Please remember to breathe, to go at your own pace, to treat yourself with the same level of kindness, compassion, and love that you so easily give to everyone else in your life, and to grant yourself a little more grace.

You’re not alone. You’re Doing it. You can Keep Doing It.

If you feel guided to reach out for support from me this month, I look forward to working with you and helping you in any way that I can.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world.

With so much love,

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No Tricks, Just Treats

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it’s a blue full moon tomorrow (2nd full moon this month) and…Halloween!

The energy feels extra big, extra special, and extra ripe for deep healing, releasing, and marking the moment in the ways that feel right for you.

If you’re here in the Northern Hemisphere, then you may or may not have Halloween cancelled where you live. It’s cancelled where I live. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may have Beltane celebrations being cancelled.

No matter what community activities are or aren’t happening, you can still make the most of this time in the ways that speak to you. Let the range of activities slide from the silly to the serious for potential contenders tomorrow.

Movie Marathon with all your favorites from childhood all the way up to now.

  • It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

  • the Garfield Halloween Cartoon (Don’t know the official name, but you know which one I mean, right?)

  • Harry Potter

  • Hocus Pocus

  • Practical Magic

  • Ghostbusters

Any Scary Movies you might like (I have no recommendations for you because I can barely handle the scary scenes in Harry Potter without covering my eyes. Yes, seriously.)


  • Dress Up and give yourself permission to eat your favorite candy and treats

  • Do a Zoom Halloween Party

  • Decorate Your Windows or Front Porch for any littles going to see Halloween decorations while staying in the car.


  • Make a simmer pot filled with all of your favorite fall things.

    • Apples, Pears, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, Cardamom Rosemary, Lemon, and Oranges and then enjoy all the cozy vibes that fill your home.

  • Bake something inspired by the season that’s a fan favorite in your home.

  • Make a special essential oil roller for a theme you want to focus on this season.

    • Manifesting

    • Miracles

    • Meditation

    • Spiritual Gifts

    • Peace

    • Joy

    • Fun

    • Romance

  • Make a special meal that represents this season for you. Set your table in a way that feels uplifting for you and then eat at the table. (Light the candles, or turn on the led’s, play music, and enjoy your meal.)


  • Take some time to do some internal work about what you’re releasing that’s no longer serving you.

  • Do some healing on some old or repeating themes that have been showing up for you.

  • Honor your departed loved ones, guides, angels, and spiritual support team.

  • Take a moon bath and star gaze (maybe while drinking apple cider)

  • Ask for answers to a question or issue that you may be dealing with right now and allow yourself to receive the answers that come through for you.

  • Enjoy some quiet meditation

  • Lean into the gifts that come with the veil being so thin and so gentle


Anything that resonates for you.

This isn’t so much about what you do, but that you do something that resonates for you.
Mark this moment and lean into the energy a bit in whichever ways are right for you.

There’s magic in the air right now, tap into it.
Accio Wand!

With love and magical blessings,


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How to Maintain Your Sacred Space While Holding onto Your Sanity...When Your Home is Your Sanctuary…Plus Office, Gym, Movie Theatre, School, etc.

home sweet home.jpg

I was just thinking about you and thought I would drop a line to see how you’re doing.

One of the things that’s been a bit of a struggle for me lately is managing all the new jobs that my home has to do while also finding a way to continue to create a space where my home rises up to greet me and feels like a sanctuary.

Are you finding this to be a bit of a head scratcher too?

Please tell me I’m not alone in this one; it’s been a bit of a one step forward one step back kind of dance during this shelter in place order. I find that like most things right now, there’s this roller coaster of emotions tied into little wins and then little (or larger) setbacks which can feel overwhelming.

A few days ago I decided to sit down and really look at this issue and tune in to see what some of the large issues were that were contributing to this push pull dynamic I was experiencing.

Here’s what showed up for me, I thought maybe it could be helpful and supportive for you too.

The first big issue that I saw was all about Tech.

I know… this is one of those things that’s woven into the fabric of our lives at this point and right now even more so than usual. However, that was the big take away, our homes are literally being filled with wifi, screen energy, and nearly non-stop tech energies pumping into all areas nearly non stop at this point.

For most of us, even those who work from home, this is at another level, especially if you’re home schooling and have a partner working from home too. So, these energies are impacting us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in ways we aren’t used to, all day every day.

This build up if you will, is starting to have an impact on the way we feel, think, and experience our day to day life.

Some of the symptoms showing up include but aren’t limited to:

  • Lethargy

  • Exhaustion

  • Sadness/Meh

  • Cloudy Thinking

  • Inflammation

  • Joint Pain, Strain, or Tension

  • Feeling Intense Swings in Mood

  • Easily Triggered by Current or Past Situations

  • Looped Thinking Cycles, Usually Negative

  • Agitation, Frustration, Anxiousness, Overwhelm

  • Feeling Like You Can’t Pull Yourself Out of a Funk

  • Sleep Disturbances

  • Insomnia

  • Night Terrors

If you’re experiencing any of these, please know that you’re not alone. There are simple but significant shifts you can make to help support you in clearing these energies from your home.

The other 2 areas that showed up were:

  • Too Much Time Indoors Breathing Recirculated Air and a Lack of Full Spectrum Sunlight

  • Being Ungrounded

The good news here, is that all 3 of these areas are completely connected to one another which means that we can get some traction and forward motion with all of them with a little bit of effort.

There is no one way or right way to do this, only the ways that are right for you today.

I’ve included some ways that showed up for me and I hope that they will be helpful for you and a jumping off place for you to create some custom support systems for you and your home.

Clear Out the Tech Energy:

Literally Open the Windows and Run Your Ceiling Fans to Clear it Out of Your Home

You will bring fresh air into your home at the same time which helps to clear out that recirculated air you’ve been breathing too. Tech energy creates an energetic woven fabric that holds space like an umbrella and pushes the energy down in your home and it pushes you down too. When you air out your home you’ll literally feel a lightness return to your spaces. Highly sensitive people like yourself can often see that the rooms look lighter, brighter, and larger after being aired out.

If it’s already hot or still cold at your home, either open your home up early in the morning or in the evening or bundle up if you have to so you can clear out this dense and unhealthy energy. A few minutes will make a big difference if that’s all you can do. If you can air out your home longer, great go for it.

Turn Off the Tech Energy:

If you can turn off your wifi or at least place your devices on airplane mode at night, it will make a big difference in the way you think and feel in the morning. You will notice that your sleep will be better too.

If it’s possible to reduce the rooms in your home that are using screens and dedicate it to specific spaces, it will help to keep it from being all over everywhere all day long. If this isn’t possible, that’s okay, just try to remember to turn it off when you’re finished instead of leaving all your devices running 24/7. I know it’s easier to let everything go to sleep mode, but if you turn things off, you’ll notice a palpable difference.

Go Outside:

I know this one seems obvious but with so much added screen time and indoor time, it’s easy to forget to go outside. The I just have to finish one more thing syndrome has been supersized for most of us right now and before we know it, the day has passed and we haven’t gone outdoors at all. Instead, we’ve been inside in front of screens under the tech umbrella. (Don’t judge yourself, this is something we’re all experiencing apart, but together right now.)

Even if you can only go for a 15 minute walk around your block, give yourself permission to do that. Schedule it into your phone if that works for you so you’ll get outside to breathe some fresh air, get some full spectrum sunlight, and stretch your muscles. Our bodies are like sponges so all that tech energy is sitting inside of us too. When we move and sweat, we can get it cleared out.

If you have a fancy home gym and you’re working out regularly, way to go! I still encourage you to get outside even if just for that walk around the block. Getting outside helps us to get grounded and get more connected to our natural rhythms again and feel more like ourselves again too. Getting outside also clears our aura and energy body. Win. Win.

Clean Your Home:

Again, this one seems super obvious, but cleaning is a sacred act (while it may not feel super sacred while scrubbing your tub) it is a powerful way to clear out energies that you don’t want in your home while infusing it with intentions, blessings, and the energy that you want to keep within your home. This is where we get the, your home is your sanctuary, or your home should rise up to greet you when you walk through the door. Both of these adages are true and impact all areas of our lives.

Whether you’re lightly cleaning or you’re giving your sanctuary a deep clean and refresh, know that you’re resetting and rebooting your home back to its factory setting that you’ve chosen for yourself and your family. You can always add upgrades by including new intentions and blessings for your home while you clean.

Work With Your Angels and Guides:

You can ask your angels and your guides to clear your home and property of any energies that are not a fit for you and your home. (This doesn’t exempt you from cleaning.) This is a beautiful way to clear on an even deeper level while also bringing your spiritual support team into your day to day life.


You can smudge and sage your home and property to clear any dense energies that you would like to move along. Research also shows that sage is antibacterial and antimicrobial so it can support clearing the air in your home. Please never leave your sage burning unattended and keep away from little hands and paws.

Essential Oils:

Diffusing essential oils can be a deep emotional support while also filling your home with soothing, uplifting, and calming energies based on the oil you choose to diffuse. There are endless combinations you can choose to nurture a positive environment in your home. There are many oils that are antibacterial and antimicrobial too. Essential oils are made from plants, so bringing them into your home helps with grounding too. (If you’re looking for essential oils, send me a message and I’ll help you.)

Blessing Floor Wash:

I love this one. This one always feels very palpable to me and it makes me feel like I’m bringing something from the ancient past into my current modern life. I also love that you can make it different each time based on the intentions and needs of your current situation. It feels like a blessing, energy treatment, and huge hug for my home all at the same time.

You’ll Need:

  • Your favorite natural hard floor cleaner

  • Mop and Bucket

  • Water

  • Variety of Fresh Picked Herbs from your kitchen garden (or from the farmers market or from your neighbor) Lavender, Rosemary, Mint, and Sage are some great options, but choose whatever calls to you to create your blessing floor wash.

How To:

  • Fill your mop bucket like usual with water and cleaner of your choice

  • Rub the whole fresh herbs between your hands to release the scent and oils and then add them to the water (no need to cut or separate the flowers from the stems)

  • Add intentions and blessings to the water

  • You can ask your angels and guides to bless your water too if you feel guided.

  • Then, mop your home as usual.

The herbaceous water will fill your home while also cleaning and blessing your home and all who live with you.

You will be able to smell all the herbs and feel the shift from the ground up in your home. This is a physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually infused clearing and you will be able to feel it.

I hope these ideas will help you to clear you and your home from these heavy or dense energies that are impacting all of us right now. Please know that you’re not alone even if you’re sheltering in place alone.

Being gentle with yourself is the first and foremost area to focus on right now.

Try to go at your own pace and treat yourself with tender loving care as we all take this one day at a time.

My hope is that some of these ideas will be a fit for you which will support you in feeling more like yourself and support you in treating yourself with kindness and care.

Please know that there’s no one way to do this, there’s only the ways that are right for you today, right now in this moment.

I’m sending you so much support and gentle energy from my little corner of the world.

We’re in this together even though we’re physically apart.

With love,

Kristy~ xoxo

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Why Increasing Water Leads to Increased Intuition

People ask me for tips on increasing their intuition all the time. One of my favorite ways to open up those intuitive pathways is by increasing water. I think this one goes under the radar for people sometimes; maybe it’s because it seems so simple that it gets overlooked, but it’s one of my favorite go to ways to fire up the intuitive muscles. There’s several ways to increase water and they all work wonderfully but I suggest using all of them. You may not be able to do all of them all the time but you can mix up the ways you increase water based on what’s right for you and your lifestyle. I’ve included some ways below but please feel free to create your own recipe for increased water in your own life.

Drink More Water:

This one tends to be the most overlooked tip for increasing intuition.
Many people overestimate how much water they’re drinking in a day. Water helps the brain and the body work efficiently and we are interdependent on water to maintain our health and life.
Without drinking water, we can’t live very long. Dehydration contributes to a long list of issues and one of those includes challenges with thinking and focusing. When you’re dehydrated it’s also more challenging to connect with your spiritual gifts and intuition.

Water also helps to move toxins out of the body; allowing the body to physically be more clear, light, and receptive. When the body is weighed down or polluted, the intuitive channels can become cloudy and weighed down too. It’s similar to being in really bad traffic on the freeway because there is an issue up ahead. Everyone and everything becomes impacted by that issue which slows everything down and doesn’t allow for things to move along as smoothly as they should.

Some people count tea and fruit juices as water consumption and add it to their daily amount of water. I’ve found that drinking water and hitting the amount that’s right for your body is a game changer in opening up and increasing your intuition.

If you divide your body weight in half and drink that amount in ounces, you will be drinking the *suggested amount of water for your body.
(If you weigh 120 pounds, you would drink 60 ounces of water each day to reach your daily suggested amount. This measurement may vary depending on your particular situation, please check with your health care professional about what’s right for you.)

Feel free to enjoy other beverages along with your daily water but drinking water in its natural state without tea added to it etc. is the big game changer. It’s fine to infuse your water with cucumber, lemon, or other fruits and veggies that you like. Just avoid counting caffeine and sugar spikes as your daily water intake.

Out of Sight Out of Mind:

If you’re like me and forget to drink water unless it’s right next to you, don’t worry. You can still get your water in for the day, but you’ll have to carry it around with you. The great news is that there’s lots of water bottles on the market now, there’s one for everyone. Go get one that you like or dig yours out from the back of your cupboard and fill it first thing in the morning and carry it around with you. It will make it so much easier to remember to drink your water and you’ll notice that you’ll remember to refill it once it gets low.

Listen to Water:

The sound of water is very calming, clearing, and helps the body to release and relax. Maybe you’ve noticed that when you’re at the beach, lake, or even near a water fountain you begin to let go and feel more relaxed. Some people can physically feel tension or pain reducing when they hear the sound of water.

When we reduce or remove stress we can more easily access our intuition and messages from our angels, guides, and departed loved ones. Whether you have a water fountain in your home or office, live near a large body of water, or you listen to water sounds on a music file; you can increase your intuition by spending time listening to the sounds of water.

Take a Dip:

Getting into water is a quick and effective way to clear away the noise of the world and to calm the mind and the body. Just like listening to water helps the mind, body, and spirit to release and relax; getting into water does the same thing but it’s even more powerful. Swimming in a large body of water, soaking in a bath, and even taking a shower can help to open up your intuition. Many people report coming up with ideas, inspiration, and solutions when they’re in water; maybe you’ve experienced the same thing. I’ve received a lot of intuitive messages and downloads while in and under water and know a lot of intuitive folks who talk about the clarity they receive from being in and under water. All water supports increased intuition but I’ve found that getting into salt water has a super charging effect on the connection and clarity. Any way that you can get into water, including your swimming pool, hot tub, or bath tub will help you to continue to open up and nurture your intuitive muscles.

I hope you’ll enjoy finding ways to increase your connection with water and enjoy opening up your intuition at the same time.


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