Food for Your Soul

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The last couple of weeks a strong message and theme has been showing up for me and I was wondering if you’ve been receiving it too. It’s a message about needing deep genuine true rest, comfort, and care. Not in the sense that I should take a few extra minutes to get up from my desk and stretch between appointments or to make sure that I’m getting outside (when the smoke isn’t too thick), or turning off my screens an hour before I want to sleep at night. The message was about a deep true rest, one that I need to invest in so that I can off load a deep layer of heaviness that is ready to clear. Heaviness from grief over news stories, built up stress, and the day to day intensity of being a highly sensitive person in a not so sensitive world.

Are you receiving this message too?

As a highly sensitive person, (like yourself) it’s imperative that we find ways to take good care of ourselves so that there isn’t a bottoming out of our energy, strength, and sense of joy and life satisfaction. Even if you’ve been doing your daily practice, you may have noticed that there’s something else happening and that you’re in need of something more than your usual recipe of hsp self care.

Please know that if you’re feeling this too, you’re not alone.

Just like you, I have a full schedule of responsibilities and things that need to get done so creating space for a deep rest was an opportunity to stretch my scheduling muscles. Like most things, there’s no one way to honor the divine downloads that you receive. It’s not so much about how you do something, but that you find the ways that are a fit for you and your needs; even if it looks different from someone else.

For me I needed to physically rest my body while also doing something to feed my soul.

I tried to do some things that I really enjoy, so I tried working on an easy knitting project…that didn’t work. I tried to make some fun diy’s that were running low around the house…that didn’t work. I tried to putter around in my garden…that didn’t work.

So, I decided to actually allow myself to lie down and rest and the thing that I did to feed my soul was watch some people I love on youtube cook, bake, and create things. It was really relaxing, soothing, and on a deep level very healing for me. It felt comforting to watch people prepare meals, bake beautiful cakes, preserving food while canning, and making dresses, window boxes, and all kinds of things. This may not seem like a worthwhile investment of my time, but it was exactly what I needed. I could feel that heavy layer that was ready to clear lifting off of me while I truly allowed myself to rest and reset.

No multi tasking, just rest.
No list making, just rest.
No planning, just rest.

Our body and soul knows what we need, but a lot of times we try to work around this wisdom for a variety of reasons. If we can make space, even a small segment of space to honor the messages we’re receiving, we can shift more easily. Maybe the message you’re receiving about rest and feeding your soul will look completely different from my message; the only thing that matters is that you listen to the messages that you’re receiving so you can take good care of yourself right now.

Maybe you’re being guided to:

  • Increase more laughter, so watching something that makes you literally laugh out loud will be on the menu for you.

  • Increase music in your home whether you play it yourself, or by listening to music, or having it on in the background instead of television.

  • Change the foods or beverages you’re eating to something gentler to give your body a rest so it can more easily digest and help increase your energy.

  • Let go of something that has run its course allowing your life to become a little more gentle, calm, and comforting.

  • Read for pleasure, even if that means reading a book you’ve read before, just for fun.

  • Or ________________________________.

You know what kind or rest and care you’re needing right now, please give yourself permission to honor your wisdom.

If you find yourself wondering, “Is this it?”

Take a deep breath, in through your nose, and out through your mouth and then ask yourself,

“What kind of rest and soul support do I need right now?”

Then pay attention to any feelings, ideas or memories, words or sounds, images, tastes and smells you receive. These are messages for you about your personal recipe of soul soothing support right now.

Honoring the messages that you receive even in seemingly small segments of time is a worthwhile investment and it will yield huge dividends for you.
No matter what your personal recipe of support looks like right now, know that it’s the exact right one for you. Just like in *cooking, you can add a bit of this and that to create the perfect dish that’s right for you.

My wish for you is that you will carve out a little bit of time to honor your messages right now and take good care of yourself. We need you! We need that kind, compassionate, beautiful spark that you bring to this world.

Thank you so much for being here, I truly appreciate you!
If you feel guided to work with me this month, I would love to support you whether through and Intuitive Session, Energy Treatment, or a Coaching Session.

I’m sending you love and deepest gratitude from my teeny tiny corner of the world to you.
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

5 Ways to Support Self Care

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Just dropping a quick note to say hi, and to check in with you and see how you’re doing today.

As we continue to move deeper into this Mercury Retrograde cycle and find ourselves moving closer to Valentine’s Day; I thought I would share some of my favorite + fast ways to support self love and self care.

While these terms may have reached buzz word status for us as a culture, their value and level of importance are still significant and worthwhile investments. I find that overall, these areas tend to be sidelined the most by busy, high functioning, and highly sensitive people…like yourself. There’s always something else that tends to be more important for whatever reasons, which often activates the I’ll get it onto my list for tomorrow scenario.

If this resonates for you, take a breath.

It’s okay.

You’re not alone, in fact you’re in really good company.

However, there are lots of ways you can honor your self care while still caring for the other people, projects, and promises on your lists.

You may have noticed that some big themes surrounding healing, relationships, and old patterns have been coming up for you during this retrograde period. Some of the issues showing up may be about taking good care of yourself, holding boundaries with people who need them, and letting go of the past so that it’s no longer weighing you down.

Maybe the themes showing up for you include focusing on wellness, simplicity, or personal peace.

Maybe it’s ________________________.

No matter what your theme is or how it’s showing up for you right now, this is a beautiful time to take good care of yourself while you move through your messages and divine downloads about how this retrograde is supporting you in releasing what is no longer serving you.

Self Care and Self Love can be quick and seemingly simple while also creating a big impact on the way you feel. Below you’ll find some of my favorites which are great for highly sensitive souls who often find themselves with lots of items on their daily to do lists.

I hope you’ll find this supportive while also inspiring you to create your own personal list of quick go to’s so you can cultivate a pattern of self care for this retrograde and long after.

Calm + Comforted

Think about the 5 Senses: Sight, Sound, Scent, Taste, Touch
There’s a reason places that generally focus on creating a relaxing or supportive atmosphere put a lot of emphasis on these aspects. Our nervous system instantly responds to these areas and moves us from a stress state into a resting state.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, I promise. (You can do this almost anywhere.)
At home, you can turn on some gentle music, fill your diffuser with your favorite oils, use warm or relaxing lighting, drink something you love out of your favorite mug or glass, and maybe add in your favorite sweatshirt for a bonus. (you check off touch and taste with your favorite mug plus something yummy to drink but a favorite sweatshirt too, yes please.)

Dry Brushing

This helps to calm and soothe the nervous system and supports overall wellness by moving the lymph system. With so much time being spent at home and often sitting in front of a device, dry brushing can help to move the things that the body is trying to release. This is also a great way to gently exfoliate your skin. This is a great treatment to do before you shower or soak in your bath.


Consciously practicing some deep breathing or belly breathing throughout the day helps to reduce tension and stress inside your body while also supporting your nervous system and helping to clear your mind. (Win. Win. Win.) Set 5 alarms/reminders on your phone throughout your day. When your breathing reminder chimes; stop and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a count of 3 and then exhale. Repeat this breathing technique 3 times; then you can get back to what you were doing before the reminder. You’ll notice a difference even after 1 day of this self care treatment.


Moving your body, even for 5-7 minutes will help to clear your body of tension and stress, increase oxygen to your brain, and help you to clear the meh energy from being in front of your computer and under too much artificial lighting. You can dance around your house while you blast music, you can stretch, go for a quick walk around the block, walk around your kitchen island if you can’t go outside, or anything else that feels like a fit for you.

Bath Time

Pour yourself the kind of bath you would make for someone else you love. All too often, we don’t take the time to indulge in a healing bath treatment for ourselves but will happily create one for someone we love. There’s no right way to do this, but there are some things that really take a bath from good to fantastic.

Focus on the 5 senses to create your bath treatment; use gentle lighting, get those oils out for a nice comforting aromatherapy experience, maybe use your favorite soap or bubbles you’ve been saving, play some gentle music, grab a little snack and something to drink, and make sure the water temperature is to your liking.

Let the bath completely fill before getting in, you don’t need to rush, you can actually enjoy this experience while also bathing.

Spend at least 20 minutes indulging in your bath, remember no need to rush. You’ll find that you relax pretty quickly during this treatment.

Here are some things that you can add to your bath to customize your experience to honor your needs:

Epsom Salt: Soothe sore muscles

Sea Salt: Help clear away energetic energies weighing you down and also support those who are land locked in connecting with salt water.

Lavender Flowers/Essential Oils: Calming, gentle, and can help with winding down for sleep.

Rose Petals and Other Favorite Fragrant Flowers: Infuse your skin with scent and flower properties.

Citrus Rounds and Herbs: These can add comfort and scent to your skin. Citrus is cooling for the skin so this is a great option when the weather is warm. I love a combination of lemon, lime, and grapefruit paired with rosemary and lavender.

Milks and Honey: These can help to slough off dry skin while polishing or fortifying.

ACV: Helps to detox and alkaline

Green, White, and Dandelion Tea: Helps to detox the body, green and white tea have caffeine in them, so use sparingly if you’re caffeine sensitive or before sleeping.

Chamomile Tea/Flowers: Very calming for the skin and body, can help with winding down for sleeping and helps to calm the nervous system and nervous tummies.

If you aren’t a bath person or don’t access to a bath, you can still create a soothing shower treatment.

Focus on the 5 senses, and maybe mix a custom salt scrub for yourself so you can support your skin and infuse it with the treatment that will support your current needs.

Overall, investing in any treatments or self care systems will yield big benefits for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are 100% worth it! I hope this little list will inspire you to try some new ways to take good care of yourself, starting today.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and a very gentle remainder of this Mercury Retrograde cycle.

Sending you a big hug from my little corner of the world to you,

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Lean Into Where You're At, Right Now

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I wanted to send you a little note to let you know that I’m thinking about you and also to remind you that…

It’s okay to be where you’re at right now.

Even if you are feeling meh.

Even if you are feeling all the feels one minute and then not so much the next.

Even if you aren’t sure how to feel or what to do because you’ve kinda done all or most of the things you had on your list.

Even if you just find yourself feeling somewhere between where you were yesterday and where you want to be tomorrow.

It’s okay to be where you’re at right now.

Yep, even in those same sweats, yoga pants, and top knot.

Even in the spaces where you don’t even feel motivated to do anything but watch something you’ve already watched countless times.

Even in…
Yep, even then.

As we move deeper into our time at home; lots of stuff is coming to the surface and we’re all going through it, you’re not alone. Even if you’re physically sheltering at home alone, you’re not alone.

The highs and lows of this experience is no joke and you’re not imagining that it’s like a roller coaster with twists and turns you may not have expected.

Like most things, there’s not one way to move through this time; there’s only the ways that are right for you. However, the more you can allow yourself to be where you’re at, the gentler you’ll be on yourself at this time.

Sometimes, highly sensitive, high functioning, overachievers (like yourself) can tend to put their own needs and feelings on the back burner from time to time. (cough cough…most of the time) During an intense life event like this one for example it can be easy to lean into trying to do more and to keep pushing uphill.

While getting things checked off your list is great, it’s also critical to acknowledge when the thing on your list is to rest, feel the feelings, have a hard day, ask for help, and just be where you’re at right now.

Leaning into where you’re at doesn’t mean that you’re neglecting the things you want to do or need to do during this time. It means that you’re choosing to place yourself on your list too. While self care might look different to you right now than it used to, it’s still care and right now what we all need more of is care.

Tender loving care.

So, take a breath and ask yourself how you’re feeling today and what you need to do for you.

I promise you, you’ll easily hear, see, feel, or know the answer and I encourage you to give yourself permission to honor the answers that you receive.

Without guilt

Without shame

Without judgement

Without compromise

Honor where you’re at right now and lean into it.

Your body knows what it needs.

Your soul knows what it needs.

Your mind and emotions know what they need.

You know what you need.

Take good care of yourself right now in the ways that are right for you.

Right in the middle of this mess.

Right in the middle of where you are right now.

Right in the middle of all the things you have to do.

Right in the middle of all of it, take good care of yourself and lean into where you’re at right now, right this minute, today.

If you could use some support right now, please reach out for support from the people in your circle even if they aren’t sheltering at home with you.

You’re not alone, even if you feel lonely.

I’m sending you so much love from the middle of where I’m at right now, today.

I see you, I’m here for you, we’re in this, together.

With love,

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#30MoreDays: Sheltering In Place 2.0…How To Move Forward Now

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We made it to April! It feels like a big moment to know that it’s officially April and this is a new month and a new beginning. Even though we’re still sheltering in place, apart… but together… it still feels like this new month is a breath of fresh air and an opportunity to tap into a fresh start.

There’s a definitive shift in this energy, you can probably feel it too, it’s almost palpable. While we’re still sheltering in place, the feeling of this #30moredays feels much different than the last several weeks. The issues that were prescient at the beginning of this stay at home order while still on the forefront seem to be impacting us at home in a different way as we move forward. Are you feeling this too?

There’s a feeling now that we’re all in this together, and that we in some way have found a bit of a rhythm in how we move through our day to day life at this time. We can see how neighbors are supporting each other, the kindness of strangers being shared online, and even the human experience of overwhelm and frustration being shared over the inter-webs. This common theme of connection even though we’re apart has helped us to feel less alone and in many ways seen and understood. The irony of finding community while being inside is so surreal but so powerful at the same time.

So many people have some things sorted out that were up in the air 3 weeks ago.

  • Maybe you’re finding your groove as a sudden + unexpected homeschooling professional.

  • Maybe your littles are streaming their classes via zoom and now you’re a zoom expert even if you’ve never heard that word in this context before all of this.

  • Maybe you’ve found or reconnected to your love of cooking, baking, and hanging out in the kitchen.

  • Maybe you’ve made an effort to create and participate in group chat calls, again getting your zoom skills to a professional level!

  • Maybe you’re enjoying being home and really reconnecting to your space, surroundings, and the healing quality of home.

  • Maybe you’re getting some projects and items checked off your to do list.

  • Maybe you’ve picked up your musical instrument, knitting needles or crochet hooks, paintbrush, garden gloves, or a book you’ve been meaning to get to when you had some down time.

  • Maybe you’re still working full time from home and you’ve found a way to adjust to a new normal work wise.

  • Maybe you and your partner are both working from home full time and are finding a way to get into a rhythm in your work space and style.
    (Do you need it silent while your partner works best while blasting music and talking super loud to their clients?.....Does this seem super specific? It is, because this is a peek into my situation, lol)

  • Maybe you (or your loved one) is an essential professional and are working on the front lines at this time. We all see you, yes, all of us, the global community see’s you and we appreciate you!

As we move into this next phase of sheltering in place, I see that a deep focus on self care and gentility is very important.

The first phase focused a great deal on what felt like an overnight adjustment to nearly ever part of our day to day life. A crash course in how to do everything differently beginning now was the overall feeling.

Sheltering In Place 2.0 feels more like a deep call to gentility, slowing down, and being very gentle with ourselves. Yes, all the things still need to be done but this feels different than last month.

The majority of everyone I worked with or talked to last month was scrambling to do all the things they needed to do while also trying to find ways to keep busy since they couldn’t leave the house. One of the biggest themes that showed up for people was an intense level of stress, anxiety, and the biggest one forgetting to breathe.

Yes, forgetting to breathe.

Maybe you’re noticing right now that you’ve been forgetting to breathe too.

When we’re under stress, the body goes into a natural stress response and we begin to either hold our breath or breathe through our mouths. (No, mouth breathing isn’t the natural way the body is set up to breathe.)

It makes perfect sense that during a crisis all of us would experience an increase in stress which turns on our natural stress response.

So, making a concerted effort to remember to breathe right now is very important. You can set an alert on your phone to give you a gentle reminder. You can place a sticky note on your fridge, laptop, or bathroom mirror. You can ask someone you live with to gently remind you to breathe if they notice you’re holding your breath. Any ways that support you in breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth will be very beneficial for you right now.

Even taking 3 deep breaths in through your nose slowly and exhaling out through your mouth will help to reset your body and help to clear away stress and tension from your body and mind.

This month as you set your intentions for April and for your #30moredays maybe you can make the theme about self care and self love.

Sometimes these become buzz words and people think oh yeah I know all about that but they don’t really implement them into their daily lives. This is a perfect time to practice these very important support services for yourself and the people sheltering in place with you.

I’ve included some ideas to support you in slowing down and being gentle with yourself during shelter in place 2.0. This is just a small list to help you generate some of your own ideas, this is by no means a be all end all list.

Quiet Time:
Yes, remember quiet time? Schedule this into your schedule daily this month. A 10 minute block a day will make a huge impact in how you feel. You can practice conscious breathing, meditate, or journal during your quiet time. Please don’t use your quiet time to scroll as it tends to ramp up stress and anxiety and this is time for you to reset, restore, and replenish.

Walk It Out:
Many communities are still allowing walks in your neighborhood; if you’re one of these folks, lace up your shoes and walk it out. You’ll physically move stress out of your mind and body and you’ll increase your endorphins while also getting some much needed fresh air and sunshine.

Music Over Scrolling:
Listening to music soothes and supports the nervous system and actually increases mood.
Scrolling Instagram or whichever platform you love can increase tension, stress, and fear energies. So, opt for listening to music rather than going into a scrolling hole.

Slow is the New Hustle:
Focus on Moving Slower. Breathing Slower. Doing Things Slower.
You may notice that you feel guided to push yourself harder, to go faster, to get it all done, to not stop until everything is finished. When you notice this, breathe and take a moment to refocus. This isn’t a time to be pushing yourself to go against your natural body rhythms but to reconnect and honor your natural pace which is much slower than what you’ve become used to in last 2 decades.

Get Grounded:
When we reconnect to our true selves, our body, and the natural world we become more grounded, focused, and in tune with our real feelings, thoughts, emotions, and sense of self; we feel more like the real us. If you have house plants, water, propagate, and slow down with them. Maybe you can plant a little garden on your balcony or in a patch of dirt in your back yard. Smudge your home, spruce up your space, get outside and if it’s warm enough take off your socks and shoes and put your feet in the grass while you watch the clouds roll by.

Lean Into What Soothes Your Soul:
Choose to do things that you haven’t been able to do but genuinely love. It may be something that you haven’t done in years or it might be something seemingly simple like playing a board game or putting together a puzzle. Make a pot of tea and drink out of your favorite fancy “waiting for the perfect day” tea cup.  Make something, bake something, do the DIY’s, dry flowers and herbs, learn to make those tinctures you’ve been wanting to make, wear your fancy pajamas just because they make you feel good…or anything that soothes your soul.

This is a perfect time to honor and truly practice real self care and self love.

  • Go slow.

  • Do what you can right now but honor your needs at the same time.

  • Breathe.

  • Reconnect to you and honor and invest in your needs, wellbeing, and rest right now.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world!

I’m still working and available to support you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

With so much love and gentility,

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Love, A Powerful Investment

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Happy Belated New Year and Happy February!
I hope this finds you well as we move into the second month of the year and the teeniest month of the year.
(Also my favorite month of the year) 😊

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to focus on this month as I feel like so much has happened since I last checked in with you. You may have been wondering why I didn’t send a Happy New Year message to you in January like usual. Well, it wasn’t that I wasn’t thinking about you or anything like that. A family member passed during the holidays and as you can imagine it’s taken some time for me to get back to my schedule and regular activities.

So here we are in a brand new month and while I’m still taking things day by day, I am back to work and it feels great to be connecting with you. (On a brand new computer no less. In fact, this is my inaugural writing on the new computer. My tried and true old computer decided to retire on me during that big eclipse.)

I was trying to decide what to write about and a really strong theme kept showing up for me over the last several weeks and it was:

Invest in Love, Starting with You.
It sounds so simple, and it is in a way but it’s also really powerful.

As we’ve been moving through grief individually and as a partnership in our home, this theme has shown up over and over again. What I kept being shown was that as we invest in what love means to us, starting with us then we fill our days and lives with love.

Loving Ourselves can sometimes be a challenging task.

  • Maybe you didn’t grow up in a home where loving yourself was a strong value or perhaps you weren’t shown how to love yourself.

  • Maybe you grew up around folks who taught you that loving and taking care of yourself or holding healthy boundaries was selfish or not something to be practiced.

  • Maybe you weren’t encouraged or supported as you invested in the things, ideas, projects, or passions that really spoke to you.

  • Maybe you were coerced or placed in front of things that your loved ones felt would be a more appropriate choice for you and your life.

No matter what may have kept you from investing in Love, Starting with You in the past doesn’t mean you can’t begin to invest in Love now. The great thing about this, is that you can apply it to every area of your life and as you invest in Love, it Grows and fills You with Love too.

This doesn’t have to be some “out there” non tangible concept, you can apply it to your life right now; today.

Ask yourself the following questions; and answer with the very first thing that comes to your mind. There are no wrong answers here, and the answers you receive will give you great insight into how you can Invest in Love, Starting with Yourself. (No one is going to see your answers, ask you to share, or read them aloud; so please give yourself permission to really go for it as you answer.)

  • What Do I love? ______________________________________________

  • What Areas of My Life Would I like to Experience More Love? ________________________________

  • How Can I Love Myself More, Today? ________________________________

  • How Can I Fill My Home with More Love? _____________________________

  • How Can I Fill My Relationships with More Love? _____________________________

  • Who Do I Want To Tell that I love Them? _____________________________

  • What Area of My Life that I Love has been Placed onto the back burner? Why? _____________________________

  • How Can I Invest in Love, Today? _______________________________

  • How Can I Invest in Love, This Year______________________________

Great job, now you have a clear understanding of some places and spaces within your life where you can Invest In Love, Starting with You.

The truth is that Investing in Loving Yourself is a Slam Dunk of an Investment.

You are worthy of loving yourself and investing in yourself, daily.
As you take good care of yourself which includes applying Love Daily you can support, love, and care for others in your world much more completely.

Taking care of yourself is a must and it’s the opposite of selfishness.
Loving Yourself is an act of Service because you automatically bring and share love wherever you go and with everyone who crosses your path.

I’m sending you so much love and intending that you easily Invest in Love, Starting with You, today and all year long.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life, I’m so grateful for you.
If you feel like you could use some additional support through an Intuitive Session or an Energy Treatment I would love to work with you!

With love and gratitude,

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Eucalyptus Spa Treatment


Eucalyptus Spa Treatment

The Eucalyptus plant is naturally:

It also supports:
Respiratory System + Respiratory Health
Stress Management
Mood Elevation

You can create a quick and easy at home spa treatment which will allow you to experience the benefits of Eucalyptus every time you take a shower.

You can find Eucalyptus cuttings at Farmers Markets, Natural Grocery Stores like Whole Foods, and I’ve even seem them at Trader Joe’s.

Simply tie your branches with twine or another natural fiber to your shower head. (Avoid using synthetic fibers like acrylic.) If you don’t have any natural fiber handy, you can use the rubber band that comes with your branches or a hair tie.

Push your branches as far back against your shower wall as possible; this will allow you to keep your branches in the shower for more days before replacing them.

You want the heat from your shower to activate the Eucalyptus so you can give yourself a spa treatment; however you want to try to avoid your branches getting beaten too hard with the water pressure from your shower head.

Honestly there is no “wrong” way to do this and the treatment is wonderful. Plus, it will make your whole bathroom smell incredible. You’ll naturally receive all the benefits from the Eucalyptus plant and you don’t have to “do anything” to make it happen other than enjoy your shower.



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Nutrient Dense Spring Soup Recipe


Nutrient Dense Spring Soup Recipe

This soup is really hearty and filled with nutrient dense foods. This soup also contains a lot of protein since it has both Lentils and Quinoa. The Leeks are anti-inflammatory so this soup also supports your body in moving out excess bloating that could be holding space within your body.
This soup comes together really easily and is great on a cool or rainy Spring Day.
You can pair this with your favorite salad and or bread to make it into an entire meal.

2 Large Leeks
1 Small to Medium Yellow Onion
3-4 Cloves of Garlic
6 Ribs of Celery
2 Large Carrots
1 Small Red Potato
½ Cup of Dry Lentils
½ Cup of Cooked Quinoa
1 Tablespoon of Chili Powder
1 Whole Dried Bay Leaf
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
¼ Cup of Red Wine Vinegar
2 Big Handfuls of Raw Greens (I like Spinach and Arugula)
2 1 Quart Boxes of Vegetable Broth
Salt and Pepper to Taste

Wash, Peel and Chop Leeks, Onion, Garlic, Celery, Carrots, and Potato.
In a pot over medium heat, add your Olive oil, Leeks, Onions, Garlic, Celery, and Carrots
Stir continuously for a few minutes until the onions become translucent
Add the Chili powder and stir for another minute
Add your potato and stir so it gets covered in the chili powder too
Add your Vegetable broth, Lentils, Quinoa, Salt and Pepper to taste
Allow your soup to simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally
(If it starts to pop or move into a rolling boil, turn down the heat a bit.)
Add Red Wine Vinegar and Stir Completely
Add your Whole Dried Bay Leaf
Reduce heat and partially cover with a lid
Allow your soup to slow cook for another 40 minutes, checking and stirring occasionally
Check your potatoes to see if they’re cooked through and taste your broth to see if you’d like more salt and pepper. (Potatoes absorb salt so you may need to add a bit more.)
Remove Bay Leaf Before Serving/Eating
Once your soup is cooked through and seasoned to your personal taste, and you’re ready to eat it (this is really important) then add your Raw Greens to the top of your soup. Allow your Greens to wilt into the soup and you can gently fold them into the soup too.

You want to make sure that you add your Raw Greens right before you serve and eat your soup so they maintain their bright green color. If you add them and then wait to serve your soup, they will look brown, limp, and not so pretty. If you’re prepping this soup ahead of time, wait to add your greens until right before you eat/serve your soup. So if you’re re-heating, wait until your soup is nice and hot all the way through and then toss your greens on top.


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Calming + Restorative Bath Treatment

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I'm a big bath person and this is one of my favorite ways to decompress and clear from the day. This treatment is very calming, restorative, and helps to soothe the nervous system. This bath will also support you in relaxing sore muscles, increase readiness for sleep, and feels very gentle. 

1 Cup Epsom Salt
1 Cup Sea Salt
1 Cup Pink Himalayan Salt
4-5 Large Sprigs of Lavender
3 Large Sprigs of Rosemary
1/4 cup of dried Chamomile Flowers or 3-5 bags of Chamomile tea
1/4 cup of dried Roses or petals from 2 Fresh Roses

Draw bath with hot water to your comfort level, test the heat before entering water.
Dissolve Salts while bath is filling
Add flowers and tea to the top of the water once bath is filled.
Soak in bath water for a minimum of 20 minutes and up to 40 to allow your body to absorb the salt, flowers, and herbs. 

After your bath, drink a lot of water to hydrate your body and try to rest for at least 30 minutes. This bath treatment is great before bed as it helps your body to rest, restore, and renew; and lavender helps to promote good sleep. 

Add On's:
Favorite Crystals (Nothing ending in "ite" like selenite; it will dissolve)
Gentle Music
Cup of Tea
Cucumber or Citrus Water
Cozy Bathrobe and Slippers

Love, Kristy~

Anti-Inflammatory Green Drink Recipe


Anti-Inflammatory Green Drink Recipe

I love green drinks and this is one of my favorite recipes.
This green drink is really easy to make, filled with phyto-nutrients, and it tastes light and refreshing too.

You’ll Need:
1 Washed and Separated Stalk of Celery
1 Large or 2 Small Cucumbers
1 Granny Smith Apple: Washed, Cut, and Cored
2 Big Handfuls of Spinach
1 Large or 2 Small Peeled Lemons
A Juicer (This is not the same thing as a Blender)

Add all ingredients into your juicer
Pour into A Glass
Enjoy your cooling, hydrating, nutrient dense green drink which will help your body to detox, absorb nutrients and minerals, while reducing inflammation all at the same time.


Kristy~ xoxo

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Detox Citrus Bath Treatment

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I'm a big bath person and I believe there's a bath for nearly every life situation. If you're feeling a little sluggish, are getting over something, want to reduce inflammation, or you want to maintain your body's great health, this detox bath recipe is great. This treatment will also help to shine up your skin and scalp while pulling stored toxins from your body. (Yes, you'll need to dunk your head for the scalp treatment.) Because of the detoxifying nature of this particular treatment, you'll want to drink water during your soak, but more on that below. I hope you enjoy this invigorating bath treatment.

2 Cups of Epsom Salt
1 Cup of Baking Soda
1 Cup of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Large handful of Fresh Mint (Peppermint or Spearmint, your choice)
1/4 Cup Dried Green Tea or 4-5 Tea Bags
2 Limes Sliced
1 Large Lemon Sliced
1 Grapefruit Sliced

Draw bath with hot water to your comfort level, test the heat before entering water.
Dissolve Salts while bath is filling
Add Apple Cider Vinegar while bath is filling
Roll or break Mint in your hands to release scent and add while bath is filling
Add Green Tea and Citrus to the top of water once bath is filled

Soak in bath water for a minimum of 20 minutes and up to 40 minutes to allow your body to absorb the salt, baking soda, vinegar, tea, herbs, and citrus. 

Drink Citrus or Cucumber Water while soaking in this Detox bath; this treatment pulls toxins out of your body so you'll want to hydrate during the treatment. You may notice that you sweat during this treatment, it's completely natural as sweating is one of your body's natural detoxifying systems. 

After your bath, continue drinking water to hydrate your body and try to rest for at least 30 minutes. This bath treatment is great before bed or when you have a gentle day of rest and relaxation planned. This detox treatment isn't a great choice for right before work or before running errands. 

Add On's:
Gentle Music
Cozy Bathrobe and Slippers

Love, Kristy~

Are You Full Moon Sensitive?

Are you full moon sensitive? I’m definitely sensitive to the full moon cycle.  I thought that I would share a few ways that I move through this time as a way to offer you some support in case you find this time to be challenging too. I’ve found that some people are more impacted by the full moon than others. It seems to be that the more sensitive someone is, the more they’re effected by full moon symptoms.

So, if you tend to classify yourself as sensitive or especially as a highly sensitive person, you may really resonate with moving through full moon symptoms. However, I’ve found that some people who don’t consider themselves to be sensitive can also be impacted by full moon symptoms. So, if you know someone or live with someone who swears the full moon doesn’t impact them, but you believe otherwise, this could help them too. (You may have to provide the support systems to them discreetly though.)

There are lots of different symptoms associated with the full moon; I’ve included the most common symptoms. These can begin approximately 3 days before the full moon, the day of the full moon, and last approximately 3 days after the full moon.

Sinus Pressure
Feeling “Foggy”
Hyper sensitive skin; your skin may actually ache and or feel uncomfortable in fabrics that aren’t extra soft.
Low grade fever
Upset or sensitive stomach
Need for deep rest
Intense Emotions and or feelings of being on an emotional roller coaster
Frustration and or agitation
Food Cravings

The full moon has historically been a time of releasing and clearing. Even though we’re living in a world where things are moving really quickly and it seems like there’s always something that needs to get done, this is still an important time to acknowledge and to honor. The moon moves the tides in the oceans and since we’re made mostly of water, we’re also impacted by the cycles of the moon. Even if you’re really busy and can’t take a lot of time to treat yourself with a little tlc during the full moon; you may want to incorporate a few of the ideas below to help your full moon cycle be a little more gentle.

Increase H2O

Even if you’re great about getting your daily water intake, try to drink a little bit more. This is especially important if you find yourself feeling parched or bloated during this time. You may want to add a little lemon to your water to help reduce any bloating. Water also seems to help move the physical symptoms along more quickly as well.

Take A Swim In the Tub

Soak in a salt bath to help reduce any tension or stress you may be feeling. Soaking in Epsom and Sea Salt can help to soothe your body and help you feel more relaxed and like yourself again. The Epsom salt will also help to soothe any aches or sensitivities you may be experiencing in your skin or muscles as well. If you aren’t a bath person, you can do a salt scrub in the shower.

Reduce Loud Noises

You may notice that your tolerance for loud noises, crowds, technology, and background noises moves to a near zero tolerance policy. To the best of your ability, try to turn off machines and stay away from loud, crowded places. Depending on your sensitivity level, you may want to listen to nature sounds such as a water fountain to help your body unwind and relax. You can also listen to nature stations on Pandora or Spotify.


This one is really important and tends to cause a little trouble for some people. It’s really important to rest during this time, however many people try to push past their comfort zone and don’t slow down; which can lead to more exhaustion. So, if you can rest or nap (even if you aren’t a napper) give yourself permission to do it. 15-20 minutes of down time can make a big difference.


Many people experience insomnia during the full moon. That’s why it’s even more important to rest during small pockets of time during the day. You may want to have an area in your home set up so you can easily move to it if you can’t sleep. I set out a blanket and pillow, and put a movie into the dvd player before turning in for the night so I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for things when I can’t sleep.

Emotional Release

You may find that you ride a big wave of emotions during this time. You may want to journal, talk to a trusted friend or support person, have a good cry, watch a favorite movie, do something creative, or anything that will help you to feel comforted.

Essential Oils

Using pure high grade essential oils can be a huge support system during the full moon. Whether you feel guided to diffuse them into the room you’re in or apply them to your skin, this can be a big a game changer in helping you feel comforted, relaxed, and balanced.

Gentle Foods

If you tend to have an upset stomach during this time, you may want to drink chamomile and peppermint tea to help soothe your tummy. Green drinks, smoothies, and soups can also be easy on the body and taste really comforting.

Smudging or Releasing Ceremony

You may want to consciously release anything that is no longer a fit for you or your life. There may be things that are changing or leaving your life; this can include people, situations, relationships ways of living, and repeating patterns.  There’s no one way to do this, just the way that feels right for you. You can create a list of the things you’re releasing and burn it (in a well ventilated area), bury it, or even flush it. You can visualize all that you’re releasing and ask your angels and guides to take them away from you and your life. You can set the intention to release everything that’s no longer serving you and then smudge your home with sage to release them and clear your home. You can find sage at most health food stores. Or, you can create your own way to mark and honor what you’re releasing.

Treat Yourself to a Treatment:

You may want to schedule a massage, acupuncture, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, or other self care treatment to help you during this time of deep sensitivity. Sometimes a treatment can help the physical and emotional symptoms move along more quickly.


To me this is the most important aspect of support. Only you will know what you need during this time, and it’s important to treat yourself with the same level of kindness and gentility that you would give to a small child. Treat yourself with kid gloves, move at your own pace, say no to things, situations, and people who aren’t a match for you at this time, and rest when you feel guided. Listen to your body and know that pushing yourself over your limits will only create more stress, strain, and often lead to the task taking much longer than usual.

There are lots of ways to make this time more gentle and supportive, and at the end of the day you’re the very best gauge for what’s right for you. Give yourself permission to listen to what you need and then honor that wisdom.

Please leave a comment sharing a way you move through the full moon energies. Do you have a sensitive friend or family member who could benefit from this list of full moon support tips? Please share it with them so they can get some extra TLC right now too. Thank you! 


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