Recalibrating and Realigning: Remaining Calm In the Storm

Hello and Happy May,
I hope this finds you well as we welcome a new month. Are you feeling the need to stop and remember to breathe as often as I am? The energy has been moving and shifting so much since we last connected and I wanted to share some messages of support with you as we move through these big shifts together. If you’ve been feeling like there’s been a combination of life experiences, life lessons, changes, unexpected shifts, energies, and increased sensitivity happening for you; you’re not alone. If you pair these experiences with the information we see on the news, it can be a lot for anyone to take in, especially for a highly sensitive soul like yourself. You may feel like you’ve been taking one step forward and one step back. I want to gently remind you to take a moment and breathe…scan your body for any tension or tightness that may be holding space within you and let it go. Just for this moment, let yourself breathe and release anything that’s holding space within you….good. It’s important to take these small moments throughout the day to breathe and reset. You don’t have to take a lot of time out of your day to do this, but it does help and it’s very important. Even taking one or two minutes a couple times a day can help to clear out stress, tension, and tightness from your body and mind.

Like you, I’m moving through these big shifts too. When I asked for some messages about this, the biggest theme that came through was about pulling our energy inward and focusing on the basics. As we move through our day to day life, our energy is spread out here and there as we do all the things on our lists. You may notice that as you move through your day, you feel your energy dwindle and you may even feel exhausted by late afternoon. Sometimes, this can lead highly sensitive people to feel like they aren’t trying hard enough to get things done or that they don’t measure up to their colleagues and tend to push themselves even harder. This overextending can increase these experiences of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and tense. By shifting a few things, we can support ourselves in feeling better while also managing the changing energies and big life changes too. (without overextending)

One of the biggest themes that came through about the importance of getting back to basics was about taking good care of our body. You may be receiving this message right now too. This may show up in different ways for different people. Some people may feel guided to start or return to an exercise routine that they used to enjoy. Some people may feel like their body wants to eat and drink gentler foods and beverages. Some people may be guided to increase peace in their lives right now and feel guided to say no to certain invitations or demands on their time. Some people may be receiving guidance about starting or returning to a meditation practice. Some people may be receiving messages about many or all of these things as they are all very prescient right now. Maybe you’re receiving messages about something different but also something that honors your overall wellbeing.

Focusing on taking good care of ourselves so that we can maximize calm, comfort, and focus is the big take away right now. By taking care of the basics, we allow ourselves to move throughout our days in ways that better support and honor our wellbeing which allows us to take better care of the people and callings in our world as well. You can think of the example of being the calm inside the storm. As you honor the messages you’re personally receiving about how to take good care of yourself, you’ll be able to anchor more calm, clarity, and comfort within you and around you. It’s similar to increasing strength or building muscle memory. In the beginning it’s a conscious choice but after a while you’ll find that you’re integrating these positive changes and that the people around you are benefiting from your calm and your focus too.

Sometimes people get nervous about shifting their priorities to taking good care of themselves first as it may not feel natural to them and it may make other people in their lives uncomfortable. This is a real issue and it may feel like an adjustment at first, but taking care of yourself allows you to increase your strength, focus, and ability to do the things that you enjoy without depleting yourself in the process. You may also find that you inspire the people around you to make some changes and to focus on how they can take better care of themselves as well. If there are people who try to discourage you from taking care of yourself, you may want to take a little break from spending time with them if possible. If these people live with you, you may want to reach out for some extra support to help you move through this situation so you can increase healthy boundaries and communication.

Even seemingly small steps lead to big changes when we focus on taking care of ourselves. Investing time in taking care of yourself right now will continue to yield positive results for you going forward. Some of the additional benefits you’ll receive from this process includes but isn’t limited to: increased self confidence, increased self love, and increased self awareness. You may also find that you’re more grounded and focused throughout your day and can more easily move with the changes that are happening. You may also find that you strengthen your ability to hear, see, feel, and know the messages that are showing up for you. Overall, a win-win. No matter where you are right now, you can start by remembering to breathe. Taking a moment to breathe and reset is always beneficial and you can do this practice anywhere and at any time. With the changing world we’re living in right now, focusing on the basics is a powerful way to navigate our lives in a healthy way while also being prepared for the changes that are happening all around us.

I would love to support you during a session if you feel guided to work with me.
I’m wishing you and yours a very happy new month and a very Happy Mother’s Day if you’re celebrating this year.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Cool, Calm, and Collected

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we move into May.

One of the biggest themes that has been coming through lately has been about finding ways to reduce stress and increase calm and gentility. Have you been noticing this theme showing up in your day to day life too? If so, you’re not alone; you’re not imagining it, and it’s not just you. This is a theme that I’m finding across the board for people, even people who traditionally have been able to consistently manage their stress levels. Stress has in many ways become a buzz word in our modern culture and can sometimes be used as a catch all for many life scenarios that we may be experiencing. However, that being said, I am finding this increase in stress to be a prescient theme right now and wanted to share some ways that you can reduce your stress as we move through this theme together.

As a highly sensitive person, sometimes an increase in stress, tension, or feelings of overwhelm can feel magnified. When you use techniques to support an increase of calm and comfort as a highly sensitive person, you can experience those results more quickly and on a deep or palpable level. As you integrate practices that you enjoy on a consistent basis, you’ll find that you’re more easily able to move through times of increased stress while also maintaining a level of peace, happiness, and calm. You’ll also notice that you feel more like yourself and that you’re able to find and maintain your balance. Does that mean that you won’t have some days that are tough? No, however it will allow you to move through those bumpy days a little bit easier while also increasing your good days.

One of the biggest things to remember here is that there is no one way or right way to do this work. There are only the ways that are right for you and those may change from day to day. Choosing to try a few things that you feel attracted to naturally will be a great place to start so you can find the ways or methods that work best for you. Finding what works best for you is the “right way” for you. Again, you can choose to change things up at any time you choose based on your needs and situation.

Please know this is not a be all end all list, think of this as inspiration and please add to this list with activities that work well for you. If there’s things on this list that are a fit for you great, give them a try and see how you feel. If there are things that aren’t a fit, great, let those go. Please feel free to combine techniques and make them your own. This is meant to be a support system for you so you get to decide how to work with the suggestions below so they best honor you and your life.

  • Sleep
    Quality sleep is important for our overall health and well being. Making time for sleep is imperative especially when you’re experiencing increased stress. If you’re having sleep disturbances, check to make sure you aren’t being exposed to blue light before and during your sleep. Even if you enjoy falling asleep with your device on, it will prevent you from experiencing REM sleep and can interfere with serotonin and melatonin which we need. If you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, you may be guided to nap during the day, and even 30 minutes can make a positive impact. Going to sleep earlier, creating a relaxing space for sleep, and removing technology from your sleeping space can support you in experiencing quality sleep.

  • Movement
    Any movement that you enjoy will allow your body to decompress from the stress that may be holding space within you. Going for a walk, riding your bike, going for a swim or any kind of movement you enjoy will help you reduce and manage your stress levels. Movement also helps your body get into a moving meditation which allows you to receive secondary benefits at the same time.

  • Sunshine
    Getting outside into the sunshine even if you have to bundle up is very important. In addition to vitamin D, full spectrum sunlight helps to produce and regulate melatonin and serotonin which we need. Sunshine also helps us to increase energy, just think about the solar panels supporting the grid. We benefit from solar power too. You don’t need to overexpose yourself to the sun to receive its benefits.

  • Gentle Foods and Beverages
    As the weather begins to warm up you may notice your body naturally gravitating toward lighter foods like salads, soups, smoothies, and juices just to name a few. When we’re experiencing stress, it can be easy to reach for things that can actually make us feel worse like processed foods and snacks. The more you can fuel your body with gentle foods and beverages, the easier it will be for your body to maintain a strong immune system which is taxed when exposed to prolonged stress.

  • Hydration
    You may notice that stress impacts your hydration. If you notice you’re feeling parched, you may want to increase your water intake to help your body stay hydrated. There is no need to increase your hydration to the point of rinsing out your electrolytes. Just pay attention to your body so you find the right amount of water for you each day. If your lips are chapped, your scalp, sinuses, and skin are dry, and/or you feel thirsty, increase your water.

  • Music
    Listening to music can uplift and shift your mood and energy quickly. Listening to music in the background rather than tv or streaming services can help you to feel better while also uplifting the energy in your home while positively impacting the people in your home too. If you are a musician, playing and practicing your instrument/s will support you and your home in multiple ways.

  • Creativity
    Participating in any creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to reduce your stress levels while also nurturing your love and enjoyment for the activity. Creativity also sparks inspiration and moves you into a moving meditation which are powerful secondary benefits. You will also have something to show for your time and you will notice that you feel more relaxed and at ease during and after your creative experience. You don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in creativity to receive the benefits. You may want take a little time to place your tools, projects, or accoutrements into an easily accessible place.

  • Meditation
    Any kind of meditation will support you in reducing stress and increasing calm, clarity, focus, and gentility. Whether you prefer guided meditation, traditional styles of meditation and mindfulness, or moving meditation, you will receive benefits from that practice. If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to mediation and mindfulness, I recommend guided meditation. You can find free guided meditations on YouTube or you can use things like the calm app. There are a lot of free resources out there for you and you’ll find the right method once you get started.

  • Reading Physical Books
    Physical books will give you a break from screen time and allow you to slow down while also experiencing the tactile quality that comes with reading an actual book. You will also notice your nervous system begin to relax while you enjoy your book.

  • Increasing Quiet Time
    Allowing yourself to be in a quiet state allows your body and mind to rest while simultaneously calming your nervous system. It can also allow issues or themes sitting under the surface to come up so they can clear. In a world of overstimulation this simple act of quiet time is powerful.

  • Cleaning Out Clutter/Cleaning Your Home
    Whether it’s cleaning out your closet, cleaning your floors, or getting to that shred pile; you will feel a lightening of your physical and mental state by attending to your physical space. Stuff out of place has an impact on our environment and our health. If you need help with this, please consider reaching out for help. If you live with other people, ask for their help so you aren’t trying to do everything all by yourself. A peaceful home supports a peaceful life.

  • Avoiding Challenging or Upsetting News Stories
    It’s important to be informed and aware of what’s happening, however being inundated with bad news and negativity isn’t helpful or necessary. Reducing your exposure to upsetting news stories and social media feeds that make you feel drained or upset is important. Set aside a predetermined amount of time for information and then turn it off and move onto something else.

  • Avoiding or Reducing Challenging or Upsetting People/Dynamics
    To the best of your ability, saying no to people and dynamics which are upsetting, hurtful, and draining for you is important. It’s important to guard your time and energy from those who aren’t helpful or supportive for you. It’s okay and often necessary to say no to people and situations that make you feel worse after engaging. Saying no to the best of your ability allows you to say yes to taking good care of yourself and your quality of life.

As you read through this list, you’ll notice that some of the categories can be grouped together for win wins; and in some cases: win, win, win. Yes, those groupings are a great way in increase your calm, comfort, and gentility all at once and yes, they count. For example, if you feel guided to read a physical book, you’ll be simultaneously reducing screen time, and increasing quiet time too. Please give yourself permission to enjoy the combinations that speak to you and make them your own. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing these things, a little bit goes a long way in supporting your overall stress levels and well being. Carving out 10 minutes a day will have a significant impact on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well being. Some days you may be able to do more than 10 minutes which is wonderful but start with 10 and notice how you feel. Some of the activities like clearing out clutter or cleaning may take more than 10 minutes but their impact on you and the people who live in your home will be significant and well worth your time and effort.

I hope this will inspire you to know that you’re not alone and you can make simple but significant shifts in your daily life to support you in feeling more peaceful, grounded, and like your true self. I know you can do it, and every step counts. I’m joining you in this process as we move through these intense times together.

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.
As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Food for Your Soul

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The last couple of weeks a strong message and theme has been showing up for me and I was wondering if you’ve been receiving it too. It’s a message about needing deep genuine true rest, comfort, and care. Not in the sense that I should take a few extra minutes to get up from my desk and stretch between appointments or to make sure that I’m getting outside (when the smoke isn’t too thick), or turning off my screens an hour before I want to sleep at night. The message was about a deep true rest, one that I need to invest in so that I can off load a deep layer of heaviness that is ready to clear. Heaviness from grief over news stories, built up stress, and the day to day intensity of being a highly sensitive person in a not so sensitive world.

Are you receiving this message too?

As a highly sensitive person, (like yourself) it’s imperative that we find ways to take good care of ourselves so that there isn’t a bottoming out of our energy, strength, and sense of joy and life satisfaction. Even if you’ve been doing your daily practice, you may have noticed that there’s something else happening and that you’re in need of something more than your usual recipe of hsp self care.

Please know that if you’re feeling this too, you’re not alone.

Just like you, I have a full schedule of responsibilities and things that need to get done so creating space for a deep rest was an opportunity to stretch my scheduling muscles. Like most things, there’s no one way to honor the divine downloads that you receive. It’s not so much about how you do something, but that you find the ways that are a fit for you and your needs; even if it looks different from someone else.

For me I needed to physically rest my body while also doing something to feed my soul.

I tried to do some things that I really enjoy, so I tried working on an easy knitting project…that didn’t work. I tried to make some fun diy’s that were running low around the house…that didn’t work. I tried to putter around in my garden…that didn’t work.

So, I decided to actually allow myself to lie down and rest and the thing that I did to feed my soul was watch some people I love on youtube cook, bake, and create things. It was really relaxing, soothing, and on a deep level very healing for me. It felt comforting to watch people prepare meals, bake beautiful cakes, preserving food while canning, and making dresses, window boxes, and all kinds of things. This may not seem like a worthwhile investment of my time, but it was exactly what I needed. I could feel that heavy layer that was ready to clear lifting off of me while I truly allowed myself to rest and reset.

No multi tasking, just rest.
No list making, just rest.
No planning, just rest.

Our body and soul knows what we need, but a lot of times we try to work around this wisdom for a variety of reasons. If we can make space, even a small segment of space to honor the messages we’re receiving, we can shift more easily. Maybe the message you’re receiving about rest and feeding your soul will look completely different from my message; the only thing that matters is that you listen to the messages that you’re receiving so you can take good care of yourself right now.

Maybe you’re being guided to:

  • Increase more laughter, so watching something that makes you literally laugh out loud will be on the menu for you.

  • Increase music in your home whether you play it yourself, or by listening to music, or having it on in the background instead of television.

  • Change the foods or beverages you’re eating to something gentler to give your body a rest so it can more easily digest and help increase your energy.

  • Let go of something that has run its course allowing your life to become a little more gentle, calm, and comforting.

  • Read for pleasure, even if that means reading a book you’ve read before, just for fun.

  • Or ________________________________.

You know what kind or rest and care you’re needing right now, please give yourself permission to honor your wisdom.

If you find yourself wondering, “Is this it?”

Take a deep breath, in through your nose, and out through your mouth and then ask yourself,

“What kind of rest and soul support do I need right now?”

Then pay attention to any feelings, ideas or memories, words or sounds, images, tastes and smells you receive. These are messages for you about your personal recipe of soul soothing support right now.

Honoring the messages that you receive even in seemingly small segments of time is a worthwhile investment and it will yield huge dividends for you.
No matter what your personal recipe of support looks like right now, know that it’s the exact right one for you. Just like in *cooking, you can add a bit of this and that to create the perfect dish that’s right for you.

My wish for you is that you will carve out a little bit of time to honor your messages right now and take good care of yourself. We need you! We need that kind, compassionate, beautiful spark that you bring to this world.

Thank you so much for being here, I truly appreciate you!
If you feel guided to work with me this month, I would love to support you whether through and Intuitive Session, Energy Treatment, or a Coaching Session.

I’m sending you love and deepest gratitude from my teeny tiny corner of the world to you.
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. I’ve had a lot of requests for an opportunity to offer a gratitude gift through patreon or a smiliar platform. I’ve added this option here and on the home page for those of you who feel guided to support my work in this way. If you feel guided to offer a gratitude gift, please click below with my deepest thanks and love. I’m continually humbled by your generosity of spirit, kindness, and support. xoxo

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Gratitude Gift

Reflecting + Retrograding = Reprioritizing

Can you believe it’s officially June and we’re halfway through the year? I don’t know about you, but this year has felt like a wave of repeats in so many ways. Some days feel like they’re happening over and over again while other days and weeks just seem to meld into one another and it feels like I can’t believe another month has passed.

Are you feeling this too?
It’s like we’re collectively and individually getting to experience the malleability of time.

Here we are, halfway through the year, with an equal amount of time ahead of us as the amount of time that is behind us. This is an opportunity to create a marker for ourselves and for the projects or aspects of our lives that we’ve been working through so far in 2021. Maybe you’re like me and really love these kinds of markers because it gives us a chance to do some review, some planning, and some opportunities to see where there’s room for streamlining as well as doubling down on some of the things that are on our list for the year.

If this isn’t really your cup of tea, that’s okay too, even taking a few minutes to think about what your themes for the year have been so far and what kinds of things or aspects you’d like to have more of in the next 6 months (or maybe not so much of) still counts as honoring this 6 month marker. It’s a palpable shift for us no matter which ways we choose to move through this doorway of the year.

In addition to this halfway energy that’s happening for us this month, we’re also moving through Mercury Retrograde right now. Isn’t that perfect timing for a little review of our year so far? During these times we’re often given opportunities to rework, redo, reveal, review, etc. during these retrograde cycles. You can think of the re words that are showing up for you right now; and begin to see some themes that you are personally working through during this retrograde cycle in addition to the things you’re experiencing in your day to day life.

Some of these themes can include but aren’t limited to:

  • Rest

  • Restore

  • Renew

  • Replenish

  • Reset

  • Rejuvenate

  • Relaxation

  • Reinvent

  • Reestablish

  • Regenerate

  • Research

  • Revisit

  • Return

  • Rejoice

  • Revoke

  • Refuse

  • Re____

If you’ve been part of the Chloe Ting sensation over the past year or so, you may actually hear the words and music “rewind time everybody” playing in your head right now when you think about re words and that would be a great example of this energy.

Not only are we being given a chance to review, readjust, and reset our personal plans right now, we’re also experiencing some repeating themes on a larger scale that we’ve all moved through together over the last year and a half too. We’re already seeing severe lockdowns again in the UK, parts of Canada, and there are messages about other locations experiencing similar regulations soon. Even among smaller regions like counties and states there are varying degrees of orders and regulations being implemented at this time.

Some of the things that I’ve seen around this issue include some similar pinches in availability of products and goods that we’ve seen in the last 16 months or so. Depending on where you live, you may have been experiencing some grid and communication issues, especially in the last few weeks. I see more of these kinds of things popping up for many places. Again, we see this is a big theme when we move into a Mercury Retrograde time in any year; so it’s a great time to make sure you’re saving your work, backing up, and keeping your devices charged to the best of your ability.

You may feel inclined to pick up a few extra things you may need from the store, or fill up your gas tank in your vehicle, and have some extra water on hand too. I’m a native southern California kid so we always had earthquake kits set up just in case, and this is a good time to set up some things that you may need or that seem to be running low just in case there’s a pinch in the supply chains.

This is also a good time to do some clearing up around your home and property especially if you live in a state that has fire issues when the weather heats up; and to have things on hand if there are repeats with the grid powering down during the fire season.

As you can see, this is a big moment we’re moving through right now and as a highly sensitive person, I know you’re feeling this big energy too. Please remember that as we continue to move through this time, it’s really important to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself and that you’re building in some quiet recharge time for yourself so you can come back into balance throughout the day. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, and there’s no one way or right way, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

It isn’t so much about what you do to honor your needs as a gentle soul but that you do something each day, even if only for a few minutes here and a few minutes there. All of the investments you make to honor your needs and the messages you’re receiving about taking good care of yourself, add up to big positive shifts for you and the way you feel. Yes, you’re worth it!

I’m so looking forward to working with you this month whether you schedule a reading, energy treatment, or coaching session.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative Mercury Retrograde cycle and a wonderful month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Moving Through + Shifting HSP Burn Out | Tools to Traverse the Turning Tides


I was having a bit of a rough go trying to decide what to write about as we move into this new month. Sometimes it feels like each day and week are so similar to the one before and other times it feels like there’s so much change happening from one day to the next. Are you feeling this way too? One of the things that has really been showing up for me lately has been the repeating theme about Highly Sensitive People (like yourself) experiencing HSP burn out.

I’m definitely feeling it in my own life and I’m finding it showing up for my clients and friends as well. We’re officially nearing the halfway mark of this year and there are still so many places that are under lockdown orders and still experiencing a lot of restrictions to daily life. You may still be moving through some of this too or know people who are.

This in and of itself has definitely taken a toll, not to mention all of the other intensity, changes, and upheaval we’re seeing all over the globe no matter where we live. So many people have told me that they just feel like they are having a hard time finding balance, feeling like themselves, and finding a way to experience some semblance of peace in their day to day life. There’s lots of feelings of overwhelm and not knowing how to help, and also feeling exhausted from all of the information. If you’re experiencing any of this, I want you to know that you’re not alone.

In fact, you’re in really good company.

It’s not just you.

You’re not the only one having a tough time moving through this time on our planet.

It is a really difficult time and we’re all in it together.

As a sensitive soul it can feel magnified, and that’s not because you’re not trying hard enough.

It’s because it’s really hard.

Take a breath, a big one, in through your nose, and out through your mouth….good.

One more time.

Good job.

One of the most effective ways we can move through this time is to take a little time to check in with how we’re doing and make some adjustments to things that we can change. Taking good care of yourself will allow you to better know how to help someone else and to be ready to help too.

I’ve included 6 things that have been showing up as deep support systems for Highly Sensitive Souls during this time. Please use these as inspirations and ways to help you, but adjust accordingly to make these a fit for you and your needs. I hope these will inspire you to create some tools that will be helpful for you and for your loved ones too.

Change the Channel, Change Your Frequency, Literally. :

Intense frequencies can drain your energy and can create or lead to exhaustion without even realizing it. Just think about that one family member or colleague who always tells you all of their problems non stop; you may feel drained after interacting with them, while they feel better after taking all your energy from you. Changing the channel can help to reduce or eliminate this issue for you. Turn off your television, especially repeating news about trauma and other negative stories. (you can always set a time to check in on that information but don’t need it on all the time.)

Re-set the frequencies in your space; think about layering sounds that are pleasing and supportive for your nervous system, body, mind, and spirit. If you have a sound machine, get it out and play it in the background quietly. Your body will automatically respond to it and it will help to release and manage stress that could be holding space within you. You may also want to layer another gentle sound over that to help create an even more soothing space for you and the people in your home.

Think of walking into a spa or another relaxing place; you’ll notice there are often layered sounds happening to help you instantly shift into a resting state instead of being in the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn state that most people experience throughout the day.


Increase the amount of water that you’re drinking to help you move stress and tension out of your precious and highly sensitive body. Hydration also helps to increase clear thinking, better quality sleep, reduces cravings for foods and beverages which can have an adverse effect on the body, and helps to keep the organs responsible for cleaning and processing moving and working efficiently.

Pull Your Energy Inward:

You may need to let people know that you’re taking a break from being overly available for all the things. Highly sensitive people like yourself often over extend their energy without realizing they’re doing it, leaving them feeling drained and exhausted. You may need to turn off your phone earlier in the evening, allow some calls to go to voicemail, let emails sit in your inbox, and say no to extra demands on your time so you can find your own footing again and experience some personal life balance. Use this extra time to invest in activities that are restorative and uplifting for you. These things can include creative outlets, reading for pleasure, and yes, even resting.


I know, not the most glamorous thing in the world, but very effective in clearing away intense energies and increasing strength. Moving your body in a way that lets you sweat out any toxins, stress, or repeating scenarios/interactions you’re still thinking about will help you to clear your body and your mind while simultaneously leaving you feeling more like yourself. You’ll also be strengthening your body too which is a win win.

No need to jump into intense workout sessions if this isn’t something you’re already doing; going for a walk is a great full body workout that will allow you to sweat, move, and even get outside. If you’re not able to walk outside, pull out that workout mat, and do some gentle stretching or a gentle workout.

Clear Away the Old:

Let go of the things that are finished for you. Clear up any clutter that could be hanging around, it likes to sneak up when you aren’t looking, often in closets, pantry’s, and well meaning desk piles. That “to be done” stuff adds to the frenetic energy within and around you which over time can make things feel heavy and off. It can lead to overwhelm, feeling frustrated, and that no matter where you look, there’s always something else that needs to get done. Set a timer and do a quick sweep of a room, gathering up anything that is ready to go to the recycle bin, donation station, or to its rightful place in your home.

Cleaning out closets and places where clutter builds can help to lighten your load, literally; while also bringing a sense of peace and calm into your space that translates to more peace and calm in your life too.

Ask for Help:

Let people know what you need. This can be a really tough one for sensitive people, because they don’t want to add anything to anyone else’s plate. However, it’s important to let people who love you know what you need and to ask them for help. It’s also important to ask professional people in your circle for support too. If you need a referral for a service that could help you, ask someone you love and trust who they recommend.  

Schedule the sessions that you need to help you, don’t wait for some elusive time where everything will be easier and you have everything figured out and perfectly balanced. You’re here right now, and asking for help and then receiving that help is part of this whole thing we’re doing called life.

I know you’re more comfortable doing the helping, but helpers need to receive help too. Schedule that reading, massage, babysitter, coaching session, hair appointment, energy treatment, or __________.

Whatever it is that you need right now, you know more than anyone what that thing is, please give yourself permission to honor that message you’re receiving. Allowing yourself to receive is one of the most important and powerful ways to help shift you into a space where you feel more like yourself again while also helping your body to come back to balance and homeostasis.

The waves have been rough out there, and the energy has been a bit of a roller coaster but you know what? You’re still here and you’re doing a great job. As you take a little time today, and tomorrow, and the next day to honor your needs and to pull your energy inward, I think you’re going to find you’re feeling more like yourself again.

Please remember to breathe, to go at your own pace, to treat yourself with the same level of kindness, compassion, and love that you so easily give to everyone else in your life, and to grant yourself a little more grace.

You’re not alone. You’re Doing it. You can Keep Doing It.

If you feel guided to reach out for support from me this month, I look forward to working with you and helping you in any way that I can.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world.

With so much love,

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Refresh. Revitalize. Reprioritize


We made it to a new month, a new season, and a new beginning!

If you live in the Northern Hemisphere like I do, then you’re in the beginnings of the spring season and if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, then it’s all things autumn for you.

No matter where you live, there is a deep message, theme, and undercurrent coming in right now that’s inviting all of us to use this new season as an opportunity to Refresh, Revitalize, and Reprioritize.

You might be receiving this message too and might be feeling like the timing is right for you to take action on some of the things that have been showing up for you. There’s an energy happening about getting things going and gaining traction on ideas, inspiration, and projects that have been on your mind or on the simmer phase so to speak. Get ready to increase the heat, because this is a powerful time to see some of your visions begin to take shape and get going.

  • Maybe you’re feeling a deep desire to clear clutter and organize so you can have a bright and refreshed space that feels more functional and streamlined.

  • Maybe you’re being guided to start a new workout routine or to pull out your walking shoes and make a commitment to getting your steps in again each day.

  • Maybe you’re ready to start looking for a new place to live and you’re taking action to get in contact with the right professionals to support your dream of a new home.

  • Maybe you’re being guided to change your eating habits and feel a gentle cleanse or lighter eating style coming into your life.

  • Maybe you’ve been working on a pivot or shift to your business and you’re feeling ready to implement the changes you’ve been working on behind the scenes.

  • Maybe you’re finally ready to launch your new website or publish your new blog post and put yourself out there to the inter-webs.

  • Or Maybe….

  • You’re ready to __________________________.

Pay attention to the messages you’re receiving right now about making changes and implementing shifts to help your vision gain traction and momentum. Sometimes those messages will show up as ideas, inspiration, images, hearing someone talk about your idea, a gut feeling, or other forms of divine guidance. These messages are there to support you in moving in the direction of your goals.

You may find that part of your message includes reaching out for support from a professional, a mentor, or someone in the field or area that you’re interested in too.

One of the other themes that’s coming through right now is about Reprioritizing the things that are really important to us. There’s almost this positive negative charge thing happening where we’re being given an opportunity to comb through our day to day life and our values to see which ones are creating a positive charge and which ones are creating a negative charge.

Things that may have been lighting up on the positive side a few months ago may not be contributing that same charge anymore, and that’s okay. In fact, this checking in process is very helpful and important in reassessing where you are right now, what’s important, and what’s shifting for you.

If you can take some time to check in with the things in your life to gage the positive and negative charges, you’ll be able to more easily see where your priorities are changing and move in the direction that’s aligned for you right now.

Sometimes, it can help to write these things down so you can see what they look like visually. Or you may find that talking about it out loud helps you to clarify the shifts happening for you; or maybe you know what is taking precedence in your life right now and what has come full circle for you. There’s no one way to do this, there’s only the ways that feel right for you on any particular day.

However, making time for this exercise can be very enlightening and very supportive in gaining a clear understanding of what actions and areas to invest in right now and how to approach and work with this new energy in the ways that are right for you.

Can this kind of shift and reprioritizing bring some big emotions or feelings up for you?

Yes, of course it can and allowing yourself to really feel the cycles and shifts in your life are all part and parcel of this thing we call change.

Feeling the emotions that come up for you is part of the process and a very cathartic part of this process. So, when emotions come up for you, breathe, and to the best of your ability allow yourself to feel how you’re feeling. Of course, reach out for support when you feel guided, as that’s part of this process too.

This time is ripe for forward motion and actually creating some traction on the ideas and projects that you’ve been working on behind the scenes so far this year. If you’ve been feeling the energy building to a shift, then you’ve been feeling this energy building, and now it’s here.

This month, take some time to invest in the things that will allow you to Refresh, Revitalize, and Reprioritize so you’re moving in alignment with the values and inspiration that is important for you right now.

Please know that I’m cheering you on as you continue to lean into the divine guidance you’re receiving and I’m here to support you if you feel you could use some support from me whether it’s an Intuitive Session, Energy Treatment, or a Coaching Session.

With love from my teeny corner of the world to you,

P.S. I’ve been enjoying this new energy too and have been taking some time to plant my garden, rearrange my home office, read for pleasure, and I’ve been doing a green juice cleanse too. This is one of my favorite times of year where I live because the weather is getting nice, the flowers are waking up and it’s not triple digit heat so I can actually open my windows. (yay) I hope that you’ll enjoy working with this new energy too and I look forward to supporting you and hearing all about how this new energy is moving you forward.

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Looking Forward, Looking Back

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Well, we made it to March 2021 which means we’re officially closing in on the 1 year anniversary of the first round of shelter in place orders. Can you believe it’s been a whole year? Some months felt like an entire year on their own while others seemed to move along a little more quickly.

Who knew that March would become a global anniversary for all of us to take a little time to reflect on the past year... #2020. Most people have celebrated their at home birthday, (mine was yesterday) some will have theirs in the next 2 weeks; but overall we’ve experienced a lot of changes in this trip around the sun.

I was thinking about some of the big themes that showed up for me during this time and how I feel about them now, a year into this process. It’s hard to choose just one aspect because so much has changed, yet so much is still very similar. Are you finding that too?

My big themes were:

  • Streamlining

  • Simplicity

  • Surrender

When I was thinking about this, I could see how they all fit nicely under a larger umbrella of letting go but at the same time, they each feel like they had their own moment and focus during different phases of the past year.

Maybe you can see how your personal themes have a common denominator too.

For me, a huge focus was on trying to get things as smooth and simplified as possible and to keep pivoting when and where I needed to so that I could make space for the unexpected. (to the best of my ability.)

I feel like there’s almost a quality about this year that feels similar to wrapping up a school year. As a student you can look back and point to so many specific things that you accomplished, learned, overcame, and the insane hours of the non-stop getting it done-ness that comes from being a student. As adults, it seems like the growth curve tends to look and feel less severe as it did as a student. However, this past year was a lesson in what seemed like near constant growth.

If you find yourself feeling tired or a bit like you’re crawling over the one year anniversary mark, you’re not alone. We’ve been going through it, simultaneously, even if in our own homes with varying degrees and decrees of lock down orders.

I wish that I could give you a gold star, a certificate of achievement, and a huge high five to help mark all that you’ve been through and how well you handled all this constant and unexpected change handed to you.

I was thinking about the opportunity I’ve had to support people who’ve worked with me during this past year and how incredibly people were rising to the occasion in so many aspects of their lives. Often times, when things get tough we just start where we’re standing and then when we get a little reprieve we almost forget how much we’ve done because we just kept going day after day.

Maybe you:

  • Became an expert at zoom

  • Created a home office and officially joined the working from home community

  • Became a Homeschooling professional or a Distance Learning Wiz

  • Became an expert at managing multiple schedules, including your own so everyone had a place to work, study, and have some down time.

  • Became an expert at maximizing small spaces, organizing everything so your space was efficient in setting everyone up for success.

  • Became really good at capturing small but significant windows of time for yourself so you could decompress.

  • Became interested in something new like making sourdough starters, canning, gardening, meal prepping, house plants, or _______________.

  • Became interested in something that you have been meaning to get back to again like playing an instrument, pulling out that sewing machine, or actually writing pages for your book, song, or screenplay.

  • Became more clear about yourself, your needs, and the direction that you want for your life.

  • Became more connected to the real you again. Maybe you could more easily hear that small still voice inside letting you know which things were on your list of values and which things had been moved to your list of letting go.

  • Maybe you’ve fostered deeper relationships with the people in your inner circle.

  • Maybe you’ve become crystal clear about the way you want to feel, and the way you want to move forward now at this one year anniversary.

  • Maybe you can see how this time has shaken loose some of the things that were on their way out and you may not have known it at the time, but now you feel much lighter.

  • Maybe you can see how far you’ve come.

  • Maybe you can see all the progress you’ve made.

  • Maybe you can feel an increased sense of self worth and self reliance.

  • Maybe you can see actual proof in your own life reminding you that you can move toward the things that are calling you. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for and you do have what it takes to make big changes, even when they’re unexpected. Not only did you keep moving forward this past year, but you thrived while taking each step.

I think this is an important moment to stop and reflect on your own personal experiences as well as the overall impact, changes, and shifts that you’ve been a part of for someone else this past year.

None of us arrive at this anniversary alone, we arrive together even if we can only connect via technology, we’re still having this experience together.

Going forward from here, there will be more changes and shifts…more pivots and adjustments. However, it feels like the big stuff is behind us and now we can fine tune depending on where we live and the degrees and decrees of varying lock down orders.

I think two of the most important take-aways from this experience includes remembering to reach out for support when we need it; (yes, that means asking for help.) and letting the people in our lives know that we love them and are here for them even if we don’t live in the same home, community, state, or country.

Save some of that love and support for yourself too. You deserve it and you’re doing a great job!

Happy One Year Anniversary!

With so much love and gratitude, from my teeny corner of the world to you,


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5 Ways to Support Self Care

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Just dropping a quick note to say hi, and to check in with you and see how you’re doing today.

As we continue to move deeper into this Mercury Retrograde cycle and find ourselves moving closer to Valentine’s Day; I thought I would share some of my favorite + fast ways to support self love and self care.

While these terms may have reached buzz word status for us as a culture, their value and level of importance are still significant and worthwhile investments. I find that overall, these areas tend to be sidelined the most by busy, high functioning, and highly sensitive people…like yourself. There’s always something else that tends to be more important for whatever reasons, which often activates the I’ll get it onto my list for tomorrow scenario.

If this resonates for you, take a breath.

It’s okay.

You’re not alone, in fact you’re in really good company.

However, there are lots of ways you can honor your self care while still caring for the other people, projects, and promises on your lists.

You may have noticed that some big themes surrounding healing, relationships, and old patterns have been coming up for you during this retrograde period. Some of the issues showing up may be about taking good care of yourself, holding boundaries with people who need them, and letting go of the past so that it’s no longer weighing you down.

Maybe the themes showing up for you include focusing on wellness, simplicity, or personal peace.

Maybe it’s ________________________.

No matter what your theme is or how it’s showing up for you right now, this is a beautiful time to take good care of yourself while you move through your messages and divine downloads about how this retrograde is supporting you in releasing what is no longer serving you.

Self Care and Self Love can be quick and seemingly simple while also creating a big impact on the way you feel. Below you’ll find some of my favorites which are great for highly sensitive souls who often find themselves with lots of items on their daily to do lists.

I hope you’ll find this supportive while also inspiring you to create your own personal list of quick go to’s so you can cultivate a pattern of self care for this retrograde and long after.

Calm + Comforted

Think about the 5 Senses: Sight, Sound, Scent, Taste, Touch
There’s a reason places that generally focus on creating a relaxing or supportive atmosphere put a lot of emphasis on these aspects. Our nervous system instantly responds to these areas and moves us from a stress state into a resting state.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, I promise. (You can do this almost anywhere.)
At home, you can turn on some gentle music, fill your diffuser with your favorite oils, use warm or relaxing lighting, drink something you love out of your favorite mug or glass, and maybe add in your favorite sweatshirt for a bonus. (you check off touch and taste with your favorite mug plus something yummy to drink but a favorite sweatshirt too, yes please.)

Dry Brushing

This helps to calm and soothe the nervous system and supports overall wellness by moving the lymph system. With so much time being spent at home and often sitting in front of a device, dry brushing can help to move the things that the body is trying to release. This is also a great way to gently exfoliate your skin. This is a great treatment to do before you shower or soak in your bath.


Consciously practicing some deep breathing or belly breathing throughout the day helps to reduce tension and stress inside your body while also supporting your nervous system and helping to clear your mind. (Win. Win. Win.) Set 5 alarms/reminders on your phone throughout your day. When your breathing reminder chimes; stop and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a count of 3 and then exhale. Repeat this breathing technique 3 times; then you can get back to what you were doing before the reminder. You’ll notice a difference even after 1 day of this self care treatment.


Moving your body, even for 5-7 minutes will help to clear your body of tension and stress, increase oxygen to your brain, and help you to clear the meh energy from being in front of your computer and under too much artificial lighting. You can dance around your house while you blast music, you can stretch, go for a quick walk around the block, walk around your kitchen island if you can’t go outside, or anything else that feels like a fit for you.

Bath Time

Pour yourself the kind of bath you would make for someone else you love. All too often, we don’t take the time to indulge in a healing bath treatment for ourselves but will happily create one for someone we love. There’s no right way to do this, but there are some things that really take a bath from good to fantastic.

Focus on the 5 senses to create your bath treatment; use gentle lighting, get those oils out for a nice comforting aromatherapy experience, maybe use your favorite soap or bubbles you’ve been saving, play some gentle music, grab a little snack and something to drink, and make sure the water temperature is to your liking.

Let the bath completely fill before getting in, you don’t need to rush, you can actually enjoy this experience while also bathing.

Spend at least 20 minutes indulging in your bath, remember no need to rush. You’ll find that you relax pretty quickly during this treatment.

Here are some things that you can add to your bath to customize your experience to honor your needs:

Epsom Salt: Soothe sore muscles

Sea Salt: Help clear away energetic energies weighing you down and also support those who are land locked in connecting with salt water.

Lavender Flowers/Essential Oils: Calming, gentle, and can help with winding down for sleep.

Rose Petals and Other Favorite Fragrant Flowers: Infuse your skin with scent and flower properties.

Citrus Rounds and Herbs: These can add comfort and scent to your skin. Citrus is cooling for the skin so this is a great option when the weather is warm. I love a combination of lemon, lime, and grapefruit paired with rosemary and lavender.

Milks and Honey: These can help to slough off dry skin while polishing or fortifying.

ACV: Helps to detox and alkaline

Green, White, and Dandelion Tea: Helps to detox the body, green and white tea have caffeine in them, so use sparingly if you’re caffeine sensitive or before sleeping.

Chamomile Tea/Flowers: Very calming for the skin and body, can help with winding down for sleeping and helps to calm the nervous system and nervous tummies.

If you aren’t a bath person or don’t access to a bath, you can still create a soothing shower treatment.

Focus on the 5 senses, and maybe mix a custom salt scrub for yourself so you can support your skin and infuse it with the treatment that will support your current needs.

Overall, investing in any treatments or self care systems will yield big benefits for you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You are 100% worth it! I hope this little list will inspire you to try some new ways to take good care of yourself, starting today.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and a very gentle remainder of this Mercury Retrograde cycle.

Sending you a big hug from my little corner of the world to you,

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Rewind. Reset. Refocus


Are you feeling that very specific feeling that sounds a bit like a record scratch? Yes, that is the sound of Mercury going into Retrograde…no need to panic but yes for a few weeks we’ll be receiving an opportunity to practice our Re’s. This retrograde is happening in the sign of Aquarius and will be with us until February 20th.

We’re just now coming off of that big full moon we had last week and are now riding the wave that is Mercury Retrograde, the first one for 2021. Some people get nervous about this time of year while others don’t really let it phase them. I think it’s a good idea to be aware that we’ve moved into the energy and have an idea of what to expect and some ways to add some extra support if we feel like we need it. You know, a little plan with some support systems built in, just in case…it feels like it’s a good idea overall.

One of the easiest ways to think about this time is in terms of the Re’s at least this is a really useful way for me, maybe it will be for you too.

So, think of or even make a little list of the Re’s that are showing up for you right now.

Here are a few to get you started:


If you’ve been working on healing you may find several of these Re’s on your list:


If you’ve been to my office in the past, you may recognize this list as the message on the welcome board as you walked in for your session.

This is a time of slowing down and getting clear on what we’re needing to re-do so we’re ready to move or launch forward after this time is complete. So, if you can think of this as a time to double check what you’re working on and wrapping up what may be sitting on your to do list pile, you can more easily move into the slow flow of this energy.

Some of the more challenging aspects of this time can be having to actually go back and deal with the stuff that’s been put off for whatever reasons. This isn’t something that only you may not be fond of experiencing, it’s one of those things we can find a common ground on with other people in our circle.


It’s okay, sometimes we need a little push to get things going, including the things we wish someone else would tackle for us.

Another big area that shows up at this time is Confusion with Communication.
Imagine if you will the impact of your communications if everything you wrote and said was autocorrected like your phone tries to do to your text messages.

Yes, seriously.

So, a way to work around this fun little foible is to double and triple check the things you send out via email, text, voicemail, and yes even real life, real time talking. I know…so annoying, but it’s one of the fan favorites of Mercury Retrograde, giving us lots of opportunities to review our communications during this time.

Sometimes, even if you check and recheck, you may still find yourself in a situation where someone misunderstands you and you’ll be given an opportunity to repeat yourself in a way that the other person can actually hear you.

This brings me to the next big area which is Technology. Since most of us use tech for the majority of our communications, it makes sense that we’d be guided to do extra backing up, storage, and safety measures just for good housekeeping at this time.

I find the more that you can create a safety net for yourself at this time while simultaneously giving yourself some extra grace and building in extra cushion for yourself timewise, the gentler this time can be.

Some things to think about when creating the support system that’s right for you can include but isn’t limited to the following.

What kinds of themes have been showing up for me over the last several months?
What kinds of things have I been putting off due to whatever issues/reasons?
What frustrations or repeating challenges have been showing up in different areas of my life?
What issue/s do I want to be done with or clear out at this time?
What old habits or ways of living feel like they’re no longer serving me?
What do I know I need to be paying attention to right now?

As you tune into your stuff, you can find some ways to help yourself move through the areas that are requiring your attention right now.

I find that it helps to build in white space, don’t try to overpack your schedule right now.
Make room for the repeat, the review, and the restarts.

Think Grace, Space, and Pace

Treat yourself the same way you treat others you love, make space for yourself, and go slowly.

Retrogrades can be healing times, and opportunities for Renewal and Reawakening.

While we’re at the beginning of this time together, I hope that you’ll find this little message to be a supportive and gentle nudge to make this retrograde a time of respite and receptivity in the ways that resonate for you.

Even though we’re watching and experiencing another round of varying degrees of lockdowns and restrictions, I’m here for you and would love to work with you if you feel guided to receive some extra support from me at this time.

As part of my retrograde review, I’ll be remembering all of the wonderful times and experiences that I’ve had in my downtown offices over the last nearly 15 years. As just one of the many of people who’ve been professionally impacted by the lockdown orders in my home state; I’m sad to say that I’m another person who’s lost their physical location. I’ve been so blessed to be able to continue working with so many amazing people like yourself through distance sessions. I’ve been paying through my lease this whole time and while my lease is officially up in 60 days; I’ve already dismantled my office and released the things that didn’t come home with me to my home office.

If you came to see me at either of my downtown offices, thank you! If you’ve had a phone or distance session with me, thank you! If you read my last book which was almost exclusively written at my 3rd street office, thank you! I loved creating a space to help you rest, restore, and replenish and I’ve loved being able to give you real in person hugs too.

I continue to look forward to working with you in the same way we’ve been working together over the last 10 months, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I’m sending you lots of love and support from my teeny corner of the world to you.

With love,

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Happy New Year 2021!

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Happy New Year,

We made it to January and to a brand new year, and I hope that you had a peaceful and happy holiday season.

The energy this year already feels so much more fast paced and intense, you may already be feeling it too. There’s this little push pull situation that often happens at this time of the year. There’s so much excitement for the new year and all of the potential it brings with it. (Plus, saying goodbye to 2020 feels pretty great, am I right?) However, there’s also this energy of slowly coming out of the holiday energy, which is sometimes referred to as the holiday hangover. (I know, not the best term.) If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re also experiencing winter which is a time of rest, restore, and replenish.

So, if you’re feeling a mix of big energies to get up and go and hit the ground running, and also to take it easy and to go at your own pace, and also a bit of sadness that all the pretty lights and bobbles are put away…guess what? You’re right on time!

The energy is all of these things right now plus all of the things that are happening around us locally and globally.

If you’re still feeling your way through how you’re adjusting to this new year and still setting intentions, or planning out some of your goals for this year; again, you’re right on time.

  • Take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth

  • Good

  • Again

  • Take a moment to notice any places or spaces where you may be holding onto tension, tightness, or pressure. Give yourself permission to release that energy as you continue to breathe.

  • Good

Sometimes, we don’t even notice how much pressure we’re putting on ourselves while trying to get all the things lined up for the year and planning how to get all these things checked off our many lists.

You do have what it takes to create and enjoy this new year in the way that resonates for you.

You do have the ability to create a vision for what you want and to take daily action steps toward that dream and vision.

You do have what it takes to remove the things, people, and situations which are no longer a fit for you.

You do have what it takes to honor the true calling and guidance within you as you look ahead into your 2021.

You are not alone; even if you feel lonely.

You are enough.
You are enough.
You are enough.

You do have the ability to dream bigger this year and to release and or break any glass ceilings that are no longer serving you so you can expand into the life that truly calls to you.

It’s safe for you to lean into the calling of your soul this year, in any and all the ways that you’re being guided to become more of the real and authentic you.

I see you
I see the real you
I believe in you

I know that you can move forward this year in the ways that are a genuine fit for you while also honoring your balance, energy levels, personal happiness, and joy.

I know that you can maintain your healthy boundaries this year while also creating time and space for self care and self love.

I know that you have the ability to love and support yourself in the same ways that you so easily help and encourage the other people in your life each and every day.

Today is a fresh start
This month is a fresh start
This year is a fresh start

And I know that you can prioritize the things that are genuinely important to you as you begin to dream and plan for your new year.

Whether you feel guided to create a vison board, monthly or quarterly goals, lists,  ____________ or a combination of ways to honor and support your year...please know that you’re capable of making this a wonderful year.

Last year was tough for everyone, this year will have its own challenges, like each year.

However, this is a time to lean into the spaces and places where you are being called to honor your desires while focusing on what brings you joy, happiness, and peace.

If you feel so inclined, today happens to be 1.11 which is a really powerful day for manifesting and anchoring things into our lives. In angel numbers 111 means “Your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focused upon your desires and give all your fearful thoughts to heaven for transmutation.”

Maybe take a few minutes today to think about all of the beautiful possibilities you would like to bring into your life this year and then do something that makes you happy.

Joy is a light, bright, and fast energy which opens our hearts in powerful ways.

I’m wishing you a fresh start and a new beginning that is filled with joy, happiness, peace, and unlimited kindness and opportunities this year.

If you are an oil lover like me and could use some oil blend ideas for this new energy, I have a blog post for you here; enjoy!
With love from my teeny corner of the world to you,

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New Year Essential Oil Blends for All the Things

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| Fresh Start |

3 Citrus Fresh
2 Grapefruit
1 Peppermint

| New Beginnings |

2 Frankincense
4 Stress Away
2 Patchouli

| Manifesting + Dreaming |

3 Abundance
3 Into the Future
4 Frankincense

| So Fresh and So Clean |

3 Lemon
4 Thieves
1 Peppermint

| Calm + Comforted |

3 Lavender
2 Peace and Calming
2 Stress Away

| Cabin Fever |

3 Northern Lights Black Spruce
3 Idaho Grand Fir
2 Idaho Blue Spruce
3 Sacred Mountain

| Zen Den |

4 Frankincense
2 White Angelica
3 Cedarwood
4 Patchouli

Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Enjoy these blends and please let me know what your favorites are in the comments below.


To Purchase Your Own Essential Oils From Me, Please Click Here

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No Tricks, Just Treats

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it’s a blue full moon tomorrow (2nd full moon this month) and…Halloween!

The energy feels extra big, extra special, and extra ripe for deep healing, releasing, and marking the moment in the ways that feel right for you.

If you’re here in the Northern Hemisphere, then you may or may not have Halloween cancelled where you live. It’s cancelled where I live. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you may have Beltane celebrations being cancelled.

No matter what community activities are or aren’t happening, you can still make the most of this time in the ways that speak to you. Let the range of activities slide from the silly to the serious for potential contenders tomorrow.

Movie Marathon with all your favorites from childhood all the way up to now.

  • It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

  • the Garfield Halloween Cartoon (Don’t know the official name, but you know which one I mean, right?)

  • Harry Potter

  • Hocus Pocus

  • Practical Magic

  • Ghostbusters

Any Scary Movies you might like (I have no recommendations for you because I can barely handle the scary scenes in Harry Potter without covering my eyes. Yes, seriously.)


  • Dress Up and give yourself permission to eat your favorite candy and treats

  • Do a Zoom Halloween Party

  • Decorate Your Windows or Front Porch for any littles going to see Halloween decorations while staying in the car.


  • Make a simmer pot filled with all of your favorite fall things.

    • Apples, Pears, Cinnamon, Cloves, Allspice, Cardamom Rosemary, Lemon, and Oranges and then enjoy all the cozy vibes that fill your home.

  • Bake something inspired by the season that’s a fan favorite in your home.

  • Make a special essential oil roller for a theme you want to focus on this season.

    • Manifesting

    • Miracles

    • Meditation

    • Spiritual Gifts

    • Peace

    • Joy

    • Fun

    • Romance

  • Make a special meal that represents this season for you. Set your table in a way that feels uplifting for you and then eat at the table. (Light the candles, or turn on the led’s, play music, and enjoy your meal.)


  • Take some time to do some internal work about what you’re releasing that’s no longer serving you.

  • Do some healing on some old or repeating themes that have been showing up for you.

  • Honor your departed loved ones, guides, angels, and spiritual support team.

  • Take a moon bath and star gaze (maybe while drinking apple cider)

  • Ask for answers to a question or issue that you may be dealing with right now and allow yourself to receive the answers that come through for you.

  • Enjoy some quiet meditation

  • Lean into the gifts that come with the veil being so thin and so gentle


Anything that resonates for you.

This isn’t so much about what you do, but that you do something that resonates for you.
Mark this moment and lean into the energy a bit in whichever ways are right for you.

There’s magic in the air right now, tap into it.
Accio Wand!

With love and magical blessings,


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Just For Today

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As we begin to round the corner on the end of 2020, with the finish line in sight, sometimes it’s this last bit where we need a little more energy to get through the last lap.

If you’re feeling a little meh or a little burned out, trust me you’re not alone.

You know everyone is collectively feeling this way when as a planet we are fine with not knowing what day it is or what time it is and we’re all just riding this wave of one day transitioning into the next.

Most people I talk to are ready for restrictions and lock downs to be finished while we’re simultaneously hearing about the next round coming up; and watching second rounds already happening for people in other countries.

All of this intensity takes a huge toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Even if you’re doing all the things and taking great care of yourself and your loved ones. (Awesome job by the way!) This still takes a toll on all of us.

So, if you’re feeling a bit beleaguered today, please know that you’re not alone.

Please know that it doesn’t mean that you need to push harder, do more, or that you’re aren’t trying hard enough to make things better.

  • It means that your soul is tired

  • It means that your body could use a bit of genuine rest

  • It means that you are emotionally taxed

  • It means that you are mentally at your capacity and could use some self care

It means that you’re going through an extraordinary experience and it’s a lot, a whole lot, and you’re doing an incredible job.

A powerful way to shift some of the heaviness you may be feeling individually and collectively as a highly sensitive person is Counting Your Blessings.

While this may seem too simplistic to make a shift or impact at the level you want or need; I promise you, it will create a shift for you.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make this most significant shifts.

When we focus on our blessings, even 1 thing, anything, we open ourselves up to grace, receiving, and gratitude.

We automatically shift into our heart center and this helps us to shift to a place of gentility, love, and healing.

Sometimes it can be easy to get stuck in the thinking, fixing, and problem solving space. There’s a time and a place for that, absolutely; however, staying in that energy can disconnect us from feeling and noticing what is working, what is good, and what we do have in our life that we consider a blessing.

This isn’t a Pollyanna painting over our reality type of thing.
It’s an opportunity to name and feel grateful for our blessings which helps us to come into our heart center, to lighten our load, to reset, and to have more insight when we go back to solving a problem and creating solutions.

This exercise is like a breath of fresh air.

It literally lightens our load and allows us to come back into our heart, even if only for a few moments throughout the day.

Just for today, try to find and name 5 blessings in your life.

You can choose anything you want, only you know what your blessings are for you.

  • Pay attention to the way you feel when you find and name a blessing.

  • Pay attention to the things that it makes you think about.

  • Pay attention to the memories, insights, and ideas connected to this particular blessing.

  • Pay attention to all the messages that come flooding through for you, today.

Just focus on today.

Be where you’re at right now.

In the middle of the stuff, in the middle of the all the feels, right now, just for today.

Try to find and name 5

Even if you can only find and name 1, it’s still a win!

I’m sending you love and I want you to know that I’m supporting you and cheering you on as we continue to round the corner of this last lap of 2020 together.

With love from my teeny corner of the world ,


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Finding the Magic in This Moment

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Happy Full Moon, and Happy first day of October!

I really don’t understand how it’s already October but at the same time the months seem to be flying by so here we are knee deep in the kick off to the festive holiday season.

This month has 2 full moons, today the first day of the month and the second on the last day of the month, Halloween. If you’re a Halloween person, this might make it feel even more fun and in the spirit of things so to speak. If you’re living somewhere like me where Halloween has been cancelled due to regulations, that’s okay you can still get into the spirit of the festivities at home in ways that feel like a fit for you.

Some people have told me they’re going all in on decorating and doing all the things because they haven’t been able to go anywhere or do anything and decorating feels uplifting for them. Other people have told me they’re putting out some pumpkins and putting up their trees so they can get it all going at the same time. While yet another group has told me they just don’t have the energy for it.

No matter where you fall in these groups or somewhere in between or a totally unique hybrid; I think that 2020 has really shown us where we are and what is important to us right now. It doesn’t matter if what’s a fit for you is the same thing as someone else you know and love. Lean into where you are from a place that feels supportive, comforting, and nurturing for you.

If you feel like going all in, great!

If you feel like putting the entire holiday season on blast at the same time, great!

If you feel like this year you need to establish calm and not add additional work to your plate, great!

If this has never been your thing and you just don’t feel like doing it, great!

As we move into the holiday season, schedules traditionally tend to get busier with more things to get done and more places to be. This year however, even though we haven’t been going anywhere it feels like we all could use a collective respite.

More than ever, this is a time to honor what you know you need to do to give yourself some extra tlc. Pay attention to how you feel about leaning into this seasonal shift as it’s a great litmus test for the things that your soul is longing for.

Do you feel like you need more…

  • Joy

  • Fun

  • Play

  • Laughter

  • Imagination

  • Magic

  • Nostalgia

  • Sentiment

  • Family Tradition

  • Connection

  • Comfort

  • Healing

  • Calm

  • Quiet

  • Peace

  • Rest

  • Gentility

  • Introspection

  • Self Care

  • Or __________________

Tuning into the areas that speak or resonate for you will help you to know where you’re at right now and what your spirit is asking you to increase or decrease to create the recipe that’s right for you, right now.

This is a big spirit month too, this is a time when the veil gets thinner and we’re able to connect more easily with our higher self, guides, angels, and departed loved ones. As you take a little time to invest in the areas where you can use some extra support, you’ll find these other connections are stronger for you too.

In the Northern Hemisphere we’ll begin having shorter days and longer evenings, and cooler weather which will bring people inside even more than we’re already doing. The quiet, the darker days, and the time doing gentler or inside activities quiets the mind of too much chatter which also increases the connection to spirit.

You can also strengthen that connection through meditation, creativity, play, intention, prayer, practice, and formal training.

If 2020 has been a crash course in getting clear on what is and isn’t working, let this month be a time where you fine tune what your soul has been trying to tell you for some time, maybe more than just this year.

Lean into the energy of this month, take time to turn inward.

Look over your list of what your soul would like more of and take action on those things to the best of your ability.

You may find a connection back to the real you, even though you were never gone, the connection may become clear and open as you give yourself permission to honor the places and spaces of yourself that want some attention and tender loving care.

I love that this month has full moons on the first and last days, they feel like book ends to me; marking important work and insights that will happen between them while also moving into some kind of portal. Lean into this time in the ways that are right for you. October is giving us a gift and an opportunity to do some important work on ourselves and our spaces so we can prepare to move through the end of 2020.

I’m wishing you a powerful and supportive month filled with the things that soothe and speak to your soul.

With love from my teeny corner of the world,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. There are still fires where I am and for so many others throughout the west. Thank you so much for your heartfelt thoughts, notes, prayers, and good vibes that you’ve been sending; it’s very appreciated!

If you’ve been here for a while you may know that in, October I give myself the soup, stew, and chili challenge where I make something under that umbrella every single day for the entire month. I was going back and forth about it this year because you know…all the things. However, I’ve decided to do it so I’ll try to keep you updated on my progress and will share through stories on the gram.

Okay…I’m signing off for now because one of the things my soul needs is more magic, whimsy, quidditch, and butter beers. I’m going to get out my Harry Potter stuff and set it up so I can watch the movies whenever I feel guided this month.

Until then…Mischief Managed.

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Simplify. Streamline. Stillness


Happy September!

I don’t know about you, but August felt almost as long as March did and I’m so grateful for a new calendar month. September always seems to mark a significant shift for me as we officially move into the “ber” months and can see the end of the year in sight even though we still have a way to go…it’s definitely in sight. For many this also creates excitement for a new season and all that it brings with it, cozy vibes here in the northern hemisphere and all the spring energy for the southern hemisphere. (Plus… it’s officially canning season…if you know, you know. wink)

This year though…it feels a little different.

2020, it’s still bringing so much tumultuous energy and ups and downs. September marks 6 months of lock down for me here in California and for many other states too. There’s a variety of closures and lock down levels all over the globe still happening combined with a lot of intensity. However, that being said there’s also a great deal of love, support, and service showing up in the middle of everything happening.

Maybe you’re experiencing this.

Maybe you’re creating this experience for someone else. (Parents + Teachers I’m looking at you)

Maybe you’re experiencing a bit of both.

One of the big themes that keeps showing up as we move into this new month is all about taking good care of ourselves and getting things back down to the basics.

I keep seeing this is especially important for highly sensitive people, like yourself.

The key words that came through for September were: Simplify. Streamline. Stillness

Even when I look at those words, I can feel a level of calm and comfort wash over me.

I hope that you can feel that gentility too.

I could clearly see this message as creating a calm in the eye of the storm.

Even with so many things happening around us, reaching for these themes this month will be a deep support system for highly sensitive souls.

This theme is not something to add to your to do list or make you feel like you have to find yet more energy or extra minutes in your day to experience this support.

It’s the exact opposite.

This is all about clearing away the things that aren’t needed right now to create space for you to be supported. Taking a few minutes today to mentally check in with yourself about what isn’t needed will allow you to begin this process of simplifying and streamlining.

You can probably think of several things right out of the gate that are not needed and not happening this month. Great job! Let them go and feel yourself feeling lighter already. Choosing to let things go this month doesn’t mean you can’t circle back to them at another time, it just means that you’re not going to add stress to your plate thinking about it, it’s off the menu completely.


I keep seeing an image of space, empty space. When you walk into a home, shop, office, or physical place (remember going into places?) that feels light, uplifting, and clear; you’re feeling space. You can physically feel open space and it feels good to us because it allows for breathing room and room to decompress.

So, think of this letting go as a way to create space for you this month. As you let go of extra things to do and you make your priorities the basics of what you need and want to focus on, you automatically get the calm and breathing room.

Now, you may be thinking “what if I can’t figure out what to let go and how to bring things back to the basics?” Just take a breath for me, you can do this.

There’s no one way or right way to do this and your way may look different than mine and that’s okay. The only thing that matters here is that you listen to the messages you’re receiving about how to move into the theme of Simplify. Streamline. Stillness.

You may decide that decluttering and donating is a must to get things out that need to go.

You may cut back your plants and put your gardens to bed or prepare them for cooler weather plants.

You may organize the piles of stuff for all the zoom calls and move all the things into their officially organized places so you can use your dining table for eating again.

You may put a stop to a project that needs to become a lower priority so you can do something more pressing.

You may feel guided to _______________________.

As you take action on the things that are showing up for you to simplify your life, you’ll also receive messages about how you can streamline your systems and day to day life too.

That’s the really cool and even magical thing about simplifying, you open up to solutions, and create space for the ways to implement processes that are going to be supportive for you.

These processes can be as simple and significant as setting up your coffee pot before you go to sleep so you wake up to fresh coffee.

Doing a quick pick up before going to sleep so you wake up to a space the feels good to you.

Laying out your things for the next day of zoom calls, phone calls, or whatever is on deck for you.

Prepping some food, snacks, or green drinks for a few days.

Setting out your workout stuff so you can get up and get it done right away.

These are just a few things that can help you to streamline and support your own wellbeing more easily.

As you focus on simplifying and streamlining you move into the stillness piece.

Getting into that quiet space that helps you to feel fulfilled and supported comes more easily when excess, white noise, and chaos energy is reduced to the best of our ability. When you clear away the things that aren’t needed you make space to lean into the things that fill you up allowing you to enjoy that stillness.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean silence.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean sitting on your meditation pillow.

You may find that stillness and connection through music, or through creativity. That stillness inside of us is stirred and nurtured when we do things that resonate with our souls. When we’re under great amounts of stress we need this connection even more and it often becomes one of the things that goes onto the back burner.

As you clear away the stuff that isn’t a focus this month, you make space for the things that do matter.

You matter.

Taking good care of yourself matters.

Investing time, even seemingly small amounts of time into the things that soothe your soul are worthwhile investments.

You are a worthwhile investment.

Creating space for breathing room is a gift that keeps on giving.

You are deserving of this gift.

So, at the beginning of this new month, please take a few minutes today to think about and connect with the ways that you can honor this theme of Simplify, Streamline, and Stillness for yourself and your home.

Trust the messages that come through for you, you know what is right for you.

As we buckle in for a month that feels like it’s bringing with it some intense energies and experiences, and as you choose to take good care of yourself, you’ll move through September more easily.

Focus on honoring your sensitivity by making some small but significant shifts this month.

You can do it and it will be worth it. Yes, you are worth it!

I’m sending you so much support as we walk through this time, together. We may not be able to see each other in person but I’m still here to support you over the phone, skype, or through distance sessions.

With deepest love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. In case you were wondering or if you’ve seen some of my Instagram stories; yes, I’m canning every little free minute that I can get and setting things up before I go to sleep and getting up really early to get a few more jars filled and a few more recipes off my check list.

Like most things this year, 2020 has made canning season a little more challenging too. There’s an aluminum shortage in the US, so there aren’t many lids or bands available which has forced me to choose only a fraction of what I usually put up each season. That’s okay, I’m so grateful that I’m able to do what I can and have been enjoying making jams, sauces, mustards, and more. I’m going to keep going until my last jar is filled and enjoy every minute of canning season even if it’s a little different this year. :)

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