The Quickening is Here...

Hello and welcome to March,
I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and the big shift that is happening right now. You may be able to feel the quickening happening within and around you. This little window that we’re in right now before we officially meet the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere is where the magic happens. You may notice that you’re experiencing an uptick in inspiration, ideas, energy, and excitement about projects or things on your list that you feel ready to begin. You may notice that you’re feeling more like yourself or perhaps you’re feeling a shift in perspective or a sense that things are beginning to come into alignment for you. Any of these experiences are right on time for the shift that’s happening right now. In fact, even if it’s still cold and rainy where you are, (like it is where I am) we can still see signs of the quickening happening around us too. Flowers are beginning to bloom, grasses and other plants are beginning to wake up, and trees are even beginning to break bud. These seemingly small signs of new life here and there remind us that new life is happening around us and that same surge of energy is happening within us as well.

This unfurling or awakening process is a natural one that we experience together. This is a powerful time to capitalize on your own personal experience and inspiration to support you in moving with this energy in the ways that speak to you. Like most things, there are no right ways nor is there only one way to make the most of this positive shift that’s happening right now. There are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. Taking a little time to check in with yourself to see what things have been showing up for you can help you to better understand how you’re being guided to invest your energy and inspiration at this time. You can also take a look back at some things that you’ve found interesting or intriguing lately. Are there some things that you’ve enjoyed learning, watching, or reading about this winter season that you feel guided to try your hand at now that you’re feeling a shift in your energy? Sometimes, we can find answers to what we’re being guided to work on, learn more about, or invest our time in by paying attention to what we’re enjoying right now. If you’re still not sure exactly what you’re being guided to focus on, you can ask for a clear sign in your physical world that you’ll easily notice and understand. Then, pay attention to the messages that you start to receive. You’ll find that you start to receive repeating messages as answers to your questions. You can work with your angels, guides, or any spiritual support system that resonates for you.

Some of the themes that have been coming through include but are not limited to the list I’ve included below. You may find that these themes and messages are showing up for you too. However, this is not an end all be all list and you may be receiving guidance about something different which is fantastic and completely personal to you.

  • Nurturing and cultivating a gentle home environment

  • Deep calling to make food from scratch and from gentle or basic ingredients

  • Guidance to learn new skills or practice current skills with food including baking, making food from scratch, preservation methods etc.

  • Gardening and seed storage

  • Increasing immune health

  • Detoxing or Eating nurtrient dense foods

  • Gentle Exercise

  • Meditation or mindfulness practice

  • Increasing or nurturing spiritual gifts

  • Writing and or journaling

  • Creative pursuits either learning something new or picking up something you have enjoyed in the past

  • Taking steps toward starting or making progress on a project that’s important to you

  • Streamlining aspects of your life that need to be simplified

  • Decluttering

  • Letting go of things that are finished

  • Daydreaming

  • Increasing joy and laughter

  • Moving at your own pace

  • Making time to do something for yourself each day

  • _________________________________________

As we move into this new energy, you may notice that you feel a sense of increased sensitivity and you may be experiencing some ascension symptoms as well. You can think of yourself as a beautiful flower blooming in this in between time that’s happening right now. You may find that you need a little extra tlc on some days as you’re adjusting to this shift that’s happening. This is one of the reasons the messages and insights that you’re receiving about what to focus on right now is so important. These insights will add support for you as we move through this energy shift and as we prepare for a new season which is right around the corner. This is a really special time of the year filled with possibility and new beginnings, and you get to enjoy and experience this in your life too. To the best of your ability honor the messages and inspiration you’re receiving and take action steps in the ways that are a fit for you. And all the while, enjoy this process, it’s filled with magic and beauty and it’s happening right now. You’re part of it! It’s happening within you, so please give yourself permission to enjoy this quickening while it’s here and create some magic in your daily life this month.

If you’d like to schedule a session with me to look at some specific things showing up for you; I’d love to support you. Or if you want to focus on something totally different, that’s great too. I’m here for you.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

3 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive People Benefit From Energy Treatments

relaxing water.jpg

If you’re anything like me, you’re a highly sensitive person who tends to be really good at multi-tasking and getting a lot of things done every single day.

One of the biggest challenges for people who tend to be empathetic, highly sensitive, and introverted is that they tend to take on other people’s emotions, thoughts, feelings and experiences as their own as they go about their day.

When someone is really great at getting a lot of things done, and tends to have a lot of things on their list they’re often exposed to lots of people places and things that can feel intense, overwhelming, and even challenging.

If you think about how a sponge picks up water as it moves across a surface, you can better understand how sensitive people feel at the end of the day. Full, tired, and heavy…

Now, imagine doing that over and over again every day without clearing out that sponge.
Yep, if you’re imagining a sponge you wouldn’t want to use to clean anything, you’re on the right track.

This is what happens to people like yourself who are constantly going, going, going but that often don’t have the time or energy to clear out from everything that’s happening in and around them.
Over time some of the things that can show up for highly sensitive people include but aren’t limited to:

  • Exhaustion

  • Burn out

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Brain Fog

  • Low Energy

  • Sadness

  • Feeling of Heaviness (within and around you)

  • Bloating

  • Weight Gain

  • Lethargy

  • Loss of Joy and or Happiness

  • Feelings of being separated from Sense of Self

  • Feeling like there is not enough time for the things that make you feel like "yourself"

  • Feeling compartmentalized within your own life

  • Feeling marginalized by the people in your life (Friends, Family, Colleagues)

  • Sickness/Dis-ease in the body

Just like that sponge; the body, mind, and spirit need to be cleared on a regular basis so that you can maintain optimum health and wellness.

Below are 3 of the Main Reasons Energy Treatments are a Powerful Way to Support Highly Sensitive People

1. Always Helping Others, But Need Help For Yourself Too:
One of the biggest issues for highly sensitive people is that they’re hard wired to support, help, and intervene in people’s lives.

They often tend to be the “Go To Person” within their world; which leads them to having lots of people who come to them for extra support, guidance, and direct help.
They gladly help the people in their world every day.

However this person feels like they don’t have anyone to help or support them.
Most of the time, this is 100% true.

  • Energy Treatments allow the helping person to receive direct help from a professional they trust so they can literally release all the stuff they’ve been carrying around for weeks, months, and in some cases even years.

  • Energy treatments move that heaviness out of the body and mental space so that the person feels like themselves again.

  • Many times, the person will literally look different when they leave than when they arrived because they let go of so much heaviness. Most people will also feel like they let go of a huge weight and that they feel back to their true self.

2. The Catch 22:
Most highly sensitive people have lots of things that they want to get done in their own lives but don’t have the energy to implement them by the time they’re finished with their day. 

This can contribute to or create a deep sense of sadness, heaviness, and even loneliness.
Highly sensitive people are compelled to honor the ideas, inspiration, and calling of their hearts or inner knowing.

If this calling is placed onto the back burner for too long, challenges come up for these sensitive souls.

  • Energy treatments can help to release that feeling of exhaustion and heaviness so there’s more energy and clarity to take guided action toward personal projects and passions.

  • This creates a cyclical effect which leads to more joy, happiness, and life satisfaction.

3. Self Care/True Rest:
Because Highly Sensitive People tend to have a lot going on, they often report:

  • Burning the candle at both ends

  • High levels of stress

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Problems quieting their brain

  • Never finishing everything on their lists

As you can imagine, this can lead to a lot of physical stress in the body as well as self induced pressure.

  • Many of these folks report feeling like they are always playing “catch up” and feel bad about themselves because they are always chasing lists which never end.

  • This can create a feeling of not being enough which creates more tension and stress.

Energy treatments allow the mind and the body to rest and get quiet so the sensitive person can experience true rest, relaxation, and respite.

  • This true rest is what’s needed to help bring all the other pieces together allowing the sensitive person to feel renewed, relaxed, and more like themselves again.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms of being a highly sensitive person, you’re not alone nor are you imagining any of these things. 

Your sensitivity is a gift to everyone but it's important to take good care of yourself so you can live the life that's right for you. 

Please give yourself permission to reach out for some Direct Action for yourself in the form of an Energy Treatment if you're so inclined.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and just sending you a gentle reminder that yes, you’re worth it and you’re deserving of taking care of yourself too.
With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Anti-Inflammatory + Metabolism Boosting ACV Drink Recipe


Anti-Inflammatory + Metabolism Boosting ACV Drink Recipe

The causes of inflammation in the body can vary greatly; however inflammation is an issue that most if not all of us are experiencing in some capacity or another.
We can experience inflammation from but not limited to:

  • Food and Drinks

  • Sugar

  • Eectro-Magnetic Frequencies

  • Lack of Exposure to/ Time Spent in Nature

  • Too much Acid in the Body (Acidity vs. Alkalinity)

  • Barometric/Atmospheric Pressure Changes

  • Elevation Changes

  • And even Tension, Stress, and Anger can increase inflammation in the body

Inflammation in the body leads to things that end in “ITIS” including but not limited to:

  • Arthritis

  • Bronchitis

  • Colitis

  • Dermatitis

  • Sinusitis

  • etc.

Finding ways to support the body in reducing or removing inflammation can help your overall health and wellness. This is just one way (out of many ways) that can help to reduce inflammation and acidity in the body.

Depending on what you prefer, I’ve included two recipes below which will support your body in reducing bloating and inflammation while also boosting your metabolism.
They both work really well and I use them both regularly. The only difference between them is the taste profiles; the cinnamon is a spicy and heavier taste so if that’s not your cup of tea, no worries at all, the second recipe has a lighter taste.

You Will Need:
Bragg’s Brand Apple Cider Vinegar
Ground Cinnamon
Ground Cayenne Pepper
Lemon Juice

Recipe #1
1 Tablespoon Braggs ACV
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Small Shakes of Cayenne Pepper
8 Ounces of Water
Gently still all ingredients and drink.

Recipe #2
1 Tablespoon Braggs ACV
1 Teaspoon Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Small Shakes of Cayenne Pepper
8 Ounces of Water
Gently still all ingredients and drink.


Kristy~ xoxo

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Smudging 101


Smudging 101

Smudging is a form of space clearing that’s been used for generations to cleanse, uplift, and shift physical spaces, outdoor spaces, people, pets, and objects. Smudging with Sage helps to move out stale dense, or negative energy. It can also be used to purify air and to clear away germs and bacteria.

Space clearing helps to move out stale or dense energy and makes space for the new to come into our lives. Space clearing helps to lighten and brighten the feeling, vibration, and quality of the space and it's something that you, your loved ones, and pets will feel and benefit from.

  • If you or a loved one who lives with you suffers from Asthma or other breathing issues, Smudging is NOT the best Space Clearing option for you and you should use a different method to clear your home.

  • If you live in an apartment, you may need to check your building regulations to check to see if you’re allowed to burn sage. If not, you should use a different method to clear your home.

You can find sage bundles at most health food stores or you can make your own.
You can add a rosemary bundle to your sage, lavender, or roses if you feel guided.
If you want to create your own bundles just make sure to use natural fibers to wrap your herbs.
Do Not use acrylic or other synthetics fibers to wrap your sage bundles.
If you want to add additional herbs or flowers to your sage bundle you may want to research the meaning for each flower you choose. You can easily find the flower meanings with a quick internet search. Each flower or herb that you choose has its own special clearing and healing element supporting a deep clearing of your home and or office space. 

Choose a non-flammable dish to rest under your bundle so you don't get embers on your furniture or flooring. (Some people use abalone shells but you can choose whatever is right for you.)

Then open all your windows so the old energy can move out when you begin smudging.
This is also important because your space will be filling with smoke and you want to avoid your smoke alarm being activated.
You may also want to turn on any ceiling fans to help circulate the air.

Before you begin you can set intentions for your space and your clearing; you can ask your angels to be with you and support the clearing process, or anything that feels right for you.

Then light your sage bundle carefully, it may take a minute to light and begin to produce smoke.

Begin moving throughout your home, office, or other space allowing your sage to waft. Make sure that you smudge behind doors, in corners, under furniture if possible, and in places or spaces that aren’t used very often. If there are any rooms or areas that feel off to you, spend more time in there allowing the sage to clear and waft over the entire space. Walk into and around every room you’re clearing.

Smudge electronics, televisions, routers, cell phones, websites, social media accounts etc.
You can bring the online accounts or websites you would like to clear up on your device and clear them with the smoke.

Continue smudging until you’ve cleared every space. If you’re clearing your home, make sure that you clear the front and back doors, and every door leading to the outside especially well. Clear both sides of the doors, so you’ll have to go outside to do this.

Clear your property and any out buildings you have including garages and sheds.
If there are weird spots on your property, spend more time clearing those areas.

You'll feel the space shift and snap, similar to snapping a sheet as the space clears of old energy.
You may notice a deep calm come over the space, you, and anyone else in the space. Sometimes the space will feel and even look bigger after it’s been cleared. There is a palpable shift and you'll feel it. When you're finished make sure you stop your bundle from burning, you may want to use some water to ensure that it's out. Place your smudge bundle and your dish somewhere that it will be safe so you can smudge again when you feel guided. You can continue to use the same smudge bundle until it’s completely gone.

Smudging is a powerful tool to keep your spaces uplifted, supportive, and feeling like you.
I hope you’ll enjoy this method of space clearing as much as I do.

Kristy~ xoxo

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