The Quickening is Here...

Hello and welcome to March,
I hope this finds you well as we move into a new month and the big shift that is happening right now. You may be able to feel the quickening happening within and around you. This little window that we’re in right now before we officially meet the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere is where the magic happens. You may notice that you’re experiencing an uptick in inspiration, ideas, energy, and excitement about projects or things on your list that you feel ready to begin. You may notice that you’re feeling more like yourself or perhaps you’re feeling a shift in perspective or a sense that things are beginning to come into alignment for you. Any of these experiences are right on time for the shift that’s happening right now. In fact, even if it’s still cold and rainy where you are, (like it is where I am) we can still see signs of the quickening happening around us too. Flowers are beginning to bloom, grasses and other plants are beginning to wake up, and trees are even beginning to break bud. These seemingly small signs of new life here and there remind us that new life is happening around us and that same surge of energy is happening within us as well.

This unfurling or awakening process is a natural one that we experience together. This is a powerful time to capitalize on your own personal experience and inspiration to support you in moving with this energy in the ways that speak to you. Like most things, there are no right ways nor is there only one way to make the most of this positive shift that’s happening right now. There are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. Taking a little time to check in with yourself to see what things have been showing up for you can help you to better understand how you’re being guided to invest your energy and inspiration at this time. You can also take a look back at some things that you’ve found interesting or intriguing lately. Are there some things that you’ve enjoyed learning, watching, or reading about this winter season that you feel guided to try your hand at now that you’re feeling a shift in your energy? Sometimes, we can find answers to what we’re being guided to work on, learn more about, or invest our time in by paying attention to what we’re enjoying right now. If you’re still not sure exactly what you’re being guided to focus on, you can ask for a clear sign in your physical world that you’ll easily notice and understand. Then, pay attention to the messages that you start to receive. You’ll find that you start to receive repeating messages as answers to your questions. You can work with your angels, guides, or any spiritual support system that resonates for you.

Some of the themes that have been coming through include but are not limited to the list I’ve included below. You may find that these themes and messages are showing up for you too. However, this is not an end all be all list and you may be receiving guidance about something different which is fantastic and completely personal to you.

  • Nurturing and cultivating a gentle home environment

  • Deep calling to make food from scratch and from gentle or basic ingredients

  • Guidance to learn new skills or practice current skills with food including baking, making food from scratch, preservation methods etc.

  • Gardening and seed storage

  • Increasing immune health

  • Detoxing or Eating nurtrient dense foods

  • Gentle Exercise

  • Meditation or mindfulness practice

  • Increasing or nurturing spiritual gifts

  • Writing and or journaling

  • Creative pursuits either learning something new or picking up something you have enjoyed in the past

  • Taking steps toward starting or making progress on a project that’s important to you

  • Streamlining aspects of your life that need to be simplified

  • Decluttering

  • Letting go of things that are finished

  • Daydreaming

  • Increasing joy and laughter

  • Moving at your own pace

  • Making time to do something for yourself each day

  • _________________________________________

As we move into this new energy, you may notice that you feel a sense of increased sensitivity and you may be experiencing some ascension symptoms as well. You can think of yourself as a beautiful flower blooming in this in between time that’s happening right now. You may find that you need a little extra tlc on some days as you’re adjusting to this shift that’s happening. This is one of the reasons the messages and insights that you’re receiving about what to focus on right now is so important. These insights will add support for you as we move through this energy shift and as we prepare for a new season which is right around the corner. This is a really special time of the year filled with possibility and new beginnings, and you get to enjoy and experience this in your life too. To the best of your ability honor the messages and inspiration you’re receiving and take action steps in the ways that are a fit for you. And all the while, enjoy this process, it’s filled with magic and beauty and it’s happening right now. You’re part of it! It’s happening within you, so please give yourself permission to enjoy this quickening while it’s here and create some magic in your daily life this month.

If you’d like to schedule a session with me to look at some specific things showing up for you; I’d love to support you. Or if you want to focus on something totally different, that’s great too. I’m here for you.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

February | A Month of Love

Hello and Happy February~

I hope this finds you well as we officially welcome this new month and new energy too. If you’ve been here for a while, you may know that this is my favorite month of the year. As the teeniest month of the year, there’s something special about setting intentions or curating a daily practice throughout the month of February. If it takes 21 days to create a healthy new habit; this month with 29 days (this year) gives us all an opportunity to invest in something we feel called to shift or nurture.

Have you been fine tuning your goals or intentions for this new year? Sometimes it takes a little while to shift into the new year energy and feel ready to begin moving through the themes or dreams you feel called to work on this year. What are some of the things that have been showing up for you? Have you been noticing any messages or nudges about what start with or how to begin? We often receive signs about what we’re being guided to focus on or work on but we may not notice that they’re actually messages or answers to questions we’ve been asking. Sometimes these messages show up as thoughts, or actual words or conversations you may hear over and over again from people you know or from people you pass on the street or in a movie or thread you read online.  Sometimes they may show up as memories or a deep knowingness of what to invest your attention in next. Sometimes you may see pictures, literal signs, or other things like book titles that resonate for you or meaningful songs that are all messages supporting you in this next phase of your life. If you feel like you could use some extra support in receiving your messages, all you have to do is ask your guides and angels for some clear signs in your physical world and you’ll begin to receive your messages in your day-to-day life.

One of the big themes that has been showing up for me lately, and maybe this will resonate for you too is a message about calm, care, and comfort. I think this is a very timely message, especially in a month that has a big theme about love baked right into it. When I think about February, one of the first things that shows up is love. Taking good care of oneself and the people in our lives is a very loving and worthwhile investment, don’t you think? Something that I find over and over for highly sensitive people (like yourself) however, is that it’s often much easier and more natural for sensitive souls to take good care of loved ones and to put themselves on the back burner. A very clear message that I’ve been receiving is about taking good care of ourselves first so that we can be a source of comfort, calm, and support for the people in our lives without burning ourselves out in the process.

As you’re streamlining your intentions for your new year, could you maybe include taking good care of yourself and making self love a healthy new habit during the month of February? If the thought of this makes you hold your breath, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good. (repeat if necessary) Like any new habit, you may feel a little wobbly at first but each day will get a little easier and before you know it, you’ll find that this is easier than you anticipated. I think you’ll find the benefits of taking good care of yourself will be exponential and a win for the people in your life too. You can choose one thing each day throughout the month that fills you up and makes you feel loved and taken care of and you can choose something different each day if you’d like. You get to decide how to honor this nudge to make this month of love a month that also focuses on loving yourself.

Loving yourself is the best gift you can give to yourself and the people you love. You may also find that you feel more grounded, focused, and clear when you begin this practice. This can help you to feel more centered in your life even when things get a bit stormy. Investing in this practice can help you to move through the changing tides with more flexibility and increased stability too. You may also inspire people around you to take better care of themselves as well.

With so much happening in the world around us that it can feel like one day is the equivalent of what once felt like a week of happenings; this theme is not only timely and supportive but it also feels like a salve to the soul. You don’t have to spend any money to honor this call to invest in self love throughout February. Choose to invest in things that support you that are readily available to you right now, today. There’s no one way to do this, only that ways that are right for you. Perhaps you’re receiving some messages and nudges about what some of these things might be right now as you’re reading this message. Trust the divine guidance that you’re receiving and allow yourself to say yes to investing in taking good care of yourself this month and making February a month of self love and the beginning of a healthy habit for you that you can enjoy for years to come. I promise, you’re 100% worth the investment!

If you feel guided to work with me this month, I would love to offer you some support; I’m here for you. I’ve included a special for you below starting today and going through the weekend, ending Sunday night 5 pm pacific time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month filled with kind and loving people, experiences, and opportunities.

As always, I’m sending you so much support and love from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
Thank you so much for being here with me.
With deepest gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

February, Tapping Into the Magic

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome February and a brand-new energy.
This is one of my favorite times of the year because even though it’s still technically winter in the Northern Hemisphere, signs of new life and new energy begin to make themselves known every day. You may already feel the palpable energy that is happening all around you and within you too. As the days continue to get longer and the bulbs begin to bloom, you may notice that you have a renewed energy, inspiration, and excitement about your life. This increase in momentum, joy, or energy is mirrored back to us by Mother Nature as we all collectively move toward the quickening and into Spring.

This month is like magic because while it’s the shortest month of the year it provides us so much change in such a small amount of time. Each day of this little month will increasingly offer us more of this renewed energy and spirit as we move though this last part of the winter season. You can tap into this energy and February magic simply by allowing yourself to notice and enjoy this shift that is happening right now within and around you. There is no one way or right way to enjoy or work with this energy, it’s just about finding the ways that resonate for you.

This month is also noted for its themes around love, friendship, and kindness. I think these two seemingly different themes work beautifully together. You see, as you naturally lean into this energy of forward motion, you’ll automatically be connecting to this February magic. As you take good care of yourself, you’ll also be loving and honoring yourself too. As we take good care of ourselves, we have more energy which allows us to take good care of the people in our lives that we love, too.

I encourage you to have fun tapping into this new energy this month, even for a few minutes each day and see how it makes you feel. Maybe you’ll feel guided to begin this new month with a few goals in mind and invest a little bit of time each day to working on them. Maybe this month you’ll feel guided to do something kind or thoughtful for someone you know, even if that means sending them a note letting them know you’re thinking about them. Maybe you’ll feel guided to make time for a quiet cup of tea each day and a little self-reflection. Maybe you enjoy looking for signs of the quickening like I do and make an effort to look for the subtle but real signs that things are waking up all around us each day. I like to go for walks even if I have to bundle up and look for new bulbs, birds, and grasses showing up in places they weren’t only a few days before. This month always feels like it’s holding onto a little secret somehow and it’s filled with gifts for each of us in infinite ways as long as we allow ourselves the chance to see and receive them.

If I had to choose a theme for this month, I would choose, expect miracles. It may seem like a big theme for such a little month, however miracles happen every day. This is a month that can breathe new life into the places and spaces which may have felt stagnant for you; allowing for shifts and changes that you can see and experience. My wish for you is that you’ll allow yourself to open up to all of the gifts that are available to you during this magical month of February. I hope you’ll enjoy every single day of the teeniest month of the new year. If you feel guided to share how you’re tapping into this energy, I would love to hear from you!

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
All my love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Reflecting + Retrograding = Reprioritizing

Can you believe it’s officially June and we’re halfway through the year? I don’t know about you, but this year has felt like a wave of repeats in so many ways. Some days feel like they’re happening over and over again while other days and weeks just seem to meld into one another and it feels like I can’t believe another month has passed.

Are you feeling this too?
It’s like we’re collectively and individually getting to experience the malleability of time.

Here we are, halfway through the year, with an equal amount of time ahead of us as the amount of time that is behind us. This is an opportunity to create a marker for ourselves and for the projects or aspects of our lives that we’ve been working through so far in 2021. Maybe you’re like me and really love these kinds of markers because it gives us a chance to do some review, some planning, and some opportunities to see where there’s room for streamlining as well as doubling down on some of the things that are on our list for the year.

If this isn’t really your cup of tea, that’s okay too, even taking a few minutes to think about what your themes for the year have been so far and what kinds of things or aspects you’d like to have more of in the next 6 months (or maybe not so much of) still counts as honoring this 6 month marker. It’s a palpable shift for us no matter which ways we choose to move through this doorway of the year.

In addition to this halfway energy that’s happening for us this month, we’re also moving through Mercury Retrograde right now. Isn’t that perfect timing for a little review of our year so far? During these times we’re often given opportunities to rework, redo, reveal, review, etc. during these retrograde cycles. You can think of the re words that are showing up for you right now; and begin to see some themes that you are personally working through during this retrograde cycle in addition to the things you’re experiencing in your day to day life.

Some of these themes can include but aren’t limited to:

  • Rest

  • Restore

  • Renew

  • Replenish

  • Reset

  • Rejuvenate

  • Relaxation

  • Reinvent

  • Reestablish

  • Regenerate

  • Research

  • Revisit

  • Return

  • Rejoice

  • Revoke

  • Refuse

  • Re____

If you’ve been part of the Chloe Ting sensation over the past year or so, you may actually hear the words and music “rewind time everybody” playing in your head right now when you think about re words and that would be a great example of this energy.

Not only are we being given a chance to review, readjust, and reset our personal plans right now, we’re also experiencing some repeating themes on a larger scale that we’ve all moved through together over the last year and a half too. We’re already seeing severe lockdowns again in the UK, parts of Canada, and there are messages about other locations experiencing similar regulations soon. Even among smaller regions like counties and states there are varying degrees of orders and regulations being implemented at this time.

Some of the things that I’ve seen around this issue include some similar pinches in availability of products and goods that we’ve seen in the last 16 months or so. Depending on where you live, you may have been experiencing some grid and communication issues, especially in the last few weeks. I see more of these kinds of things popping up for many places. Again, we see this is a big theme when we move into a Mercury Retrograde time in any year; so it’s a great time to make sure you’re saving your work, backing up, and keeping your devices charged to the best of your ability.

You may feel inclined to pick up a few extra things you may need from the store, or fill up your gas tank in your vehicle, and have some extra water on hand too. I’m a native southern California kid so we always had earthquake kits set up just in case, and this is a good time to set up some things that you may need or that seem to be running low just in case there’s a pinch in the supply chains.

This is also a good time to do some clearing up around your home and property especially if you live in a state that has fire issues when the weather heats up; and to have things on hand if there are repeats with the grid powering down during the fire season.

As you can see, this is a big moment we’re moving through right now and as a highly sensitive person, I know you’re feeling this big energy too. Please remember that as we continue to move through this time, it’s really important to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself and that you’re building in some quiet recharge time for yourself so you can come back into balance throughout the day. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, and there’s no one way or right way, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

It isn’t so much about what you do to honor your needs as a gentle soul but that you do something each day, even if only for a few minutes here and a few minutes there. All of the investments you make to honor your needs and the messages you’re receiving about taking good care of yourself, add up to big positive shifts for you and the way you feel. Yes, you’re worth it!

I’m so looking forward to working with you this month whether you schedule a reading, energy treatment, or coaching session.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative Mercury Retrograde cycle and a wonderful month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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