Back to Basics

Hello, I hope this finds you well as we welcome July.
This year is moving right along, isn’t it? Time feels as if it’s speeding up, you have probably noticed this in your own life too. If it feels like you’re trying to get to all the things on your list each day but find that the days are getting away from you, you’re not alone. There’s a slipping and sliding that’s happening and we feel it in different ways. Sometimes we notice this shift happening when the days just seem to fly by or to slip through our fingers. Other times we notice it when we can’t remember what we were doing 5 minutes earlier or why we walked into a room even though we know it was for something important. Sometimes we notice this experience when we find our days get a bit derailed for one reason or another and we can’t quite put our finger on what happened. Often in the middle of all of these experiences, you may find yourself feeling tired, exhausted, or just in need of more sleep than usual. All of these themes have been showing up lately, and if you’re experiencing them, you’re in good company.

Sometimes highly sensitive people, like yourself can feel nervous, overwhelmed, or uncomfortable with these kinds of shifts. Some may feel that they are dropping the ball, or need to get it together, or believe that their tried-and-true organization system is no longer working and in need of a tune up. Sometimes, this is a good time to shake things up and to try something new but sometimes it’s a message about getting back to basics. This message about getting things paired back has been coming through a lot lately, maybe you’ve been receiving this message too. Getting back to basics is often confused with not having any fun or not getting to try new things. While I understand the misconception that back to basics may seem to mean no frills or no fun, I promise that’s not the case here.

This shift can create more space in your day-to-day life that will allow you to create or experience more frills or fun in ways that feel like a fit for you. By clearing away the excess noise, pressure, stuff, and sometimes even people or situations that make you feel overwhelmed or bogged down you more easily create room to live in ways that are meaningful for you. Sometimes it feels like we don’t have places where we can pair things back, but the more that we focus on one area at a time, we find things that we can clear away. It’s similar to clearing out a closet. At first it may seem that you need to keep every item you have tucked away but the more you look at what’s actually in there, the more you realize there’s room to make edits and decide to let some things go. Afterward, it feels so much lighter, you may actually find things you forgot about, and you feel refreshed and excited about enjoying what you decided to keep.

This month, I invite you to take a little inventory of the areas within your life that may have spaces where you can pair back, and make some edits. These don’t have to be huge things; every little action adds up to big change. You can give yourself permission to take one thing off your list each day to free up some space so you can choose to do something that brings you joy. You can say no to an invitation that doesn’t work for you and your schedule this month. You can ask for help or support in an area of your life where you feel like you’re doing all the heavy lifting and need a helping hand. You can prioritize an activity that you genuinely love which feeds your soul, even if it doesn’t check a box on your to do list. Taking good care of yourself is very important and is often the one item not on the to do list. It’s often relegated to the alternate list, under the guise that if everything is completed on the daily list, it will have a chance. However, it’s often not picked or other things seem to take priority pushing it further and further down the alternate list. This month, while we focus on getting back to basics, I want to gently remind you that you’re valuable and important. Taking good care of yourself and honoring your needs and limits are priorities and deserving of being on the daily list, not the alternate list.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month, filled with kind, loving, and positive people and experiences. If you’re celebrating the 4th of the July, I’m wishing you a very happy holiday!

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Simplicity and Streamlining as We Meet the Middle of the Year

Hello, welcome to June
I hope this finds you well as we meet the middle of the year.  This time of year provides us a beautiful opportunity to take a personal inventory so we can make some shifts and adjustments if needed as we move forward. Some questions that may be coming up for you right now may include things like: How has my year been so far? How do I feel about the themes and cycles that I’ve been moving through this year? What kinds of things would I like to increase moving into this next 6 months? What kinds of things would I like to release in the next 6 months? This opportunity to reflect and adjust is a gift we give to ourselves. This process is not something to be nervous about but rather something that can offer support, insight, and positive changes.

One of the biggest themes that I’ve seen coming up for people recently is a sense of overwhelm, challenges in focusing on tasks or goals, and a deep calling to clean out things that have run their course. At first glance these may not seem related to one another, but the truth is they are deeply connected. Sometimes, when these themes start showing up, it’s a message for us to take a look at what areas of our life could use some simplicity and some streamlining. If you’ve ever walked into a home that’s filled with things that are out of place and chaotic, you probably remember the impact it made on your physical body and your mental state immediately. You may have noticed that you felt the need to get out of there as quickly as possible because it created a lot of stress and overwhelm for you. Our environment whether physically or the circle of people we interact with on a regular basis contributes to our overall health and wellbeing. Sometimes, without realizing it, things begin to tuck into the corners of our homes, work spaces, and vehicles creating and contributing to feelings of overwhelm, lack of focus, and a feeling that something needs to change. Sometimes these “things” are old ways of living and even some relationships that have run their course. The good news is that when we realize this theme is showing up for us, we have the ability to make some simple but significant changes so we can make space to move forward.

I’ve included an exercise below that can support you in taking an inventory of how things are going for you right now so you will have a clear picture of what you’re being guided to simplify and streamline this month. There are no wrong answers here and no one is going to ask you to share what you write down, so please give yourself permission to let your answers move through you organically. You may want to take a couple of deep breaths, turn off notifications on your device, and when you feel ready, you can move through the exercise. (You can come back to this at any time you choose if you feel guided to work through it again.)

  • If I had to choose one word to describe my year this far it would be__________________.

  • My overall energy level this year has been_______________________.

  • I’ve spent most of my free time this year doing ____________________________.

  • I wanted to make more time for ___________________ this year but I haven’t gotten around to it due to _________________________.

  • The new skills I’ve been working on this year include___________________________________.

  • I’ve taken time to nurture and care for myself this year by regularly investing in ____________________.

  • My overall health this year has been___________________________.

  • My favorite memories from this year have been__________________________________.

  • If I had to choose one word to describe my work/career so far this year it would be_________________.

  • Investing in my spiritual wellbeing is ___________________ for me.

  • I honor my spiritual practice by___________________________ and it makes me feel_______________.

  • My home makes me feel __________________________.

  • It feels ________________ to be at home because__________________________.

  • My home would feel better if _____________________________.

  • Making time for myself is ______________________ because___________________.

  • I feel drained, exhausted, or hurt after interacting with ______________________________.

  • I feel happy, excited, and uplifted after interacting with ______________________________.

  • I’d like to have relationships that feel ______________________ because ____________________.

  • It may be time to distance myself from _____________________ because__________________.

  • It may be time for me to reach out to ________________ because______________________.

  • I’ve gotten back into the habit of _________________and it makes me feel ______________________.

  • I want to increase ______________________ because I feel better when I make this a priority in my life.

  • Making time for ________________ helps me to feel more like myself again.

  • I want to let go of ________________________ because it doesn’t help me or feel like it’s a fit for me anymore.

  • I’m ready to release__________________________.

  • I can lighten my load today by____________________________.

  • I’ve made progress on some of the things that were on my list for 2023, including __________________________________.

  • I’m still working on these things on my list for 2023 ________________________________.

  • I’ve decided to let go of these things from my list for 2023_______________________ because____________________.

  • Which area of my life needs to be simplified right now?

  • Which area of my life needs to be nurtured right now?

  • Which area of my life do I need to ask for help or support to move forward right now?

  • Which word do I want to choose as a theme for the remainder of 2023?

Okay, great job! I hope this helped you to gain some insight into the places and spaces where you’re personally being guided to make some shifts and changes. Remember that any and all change makes an impact in the way that you feel and move through your world.

You may find that some of the changes you’re being guided to make you can do by yourself while others may require help from someone else. I encourage you to start with a seemingly small action and allow the momentum to move you forward. You’ll notice that as you address the areas that need attention in your life, you’ll feel happier, healthier, and more at peace. If you need support, please ask for help. You can ask for help from a loved one, a friend, or a professional support person.

I’ve included a few areas that may support you as you move forward this month. Please know this is not an end all be all list but simply a jumping off place for you to get inspired. Please feel free to create your own ideas and ways to simplify and streamline.

  • Clean out your closets, pantry, cupboards, or other storage spaces.

  • Let go of things that are broken, ill fitting, stained, or damaged.

  • Put things away where they belong.

  • Put some space between yourself and challenging people in your life to the best of your ability.

  • Say yes to things and people that are uplifting and positive for you.

  • Make your priorities a priority in your day, even if only for 15 minutes.

  • Move your body in ways that feel good to, you even if only for 15 minutes.

  • Place helpful items and things you enjoy where you can enjoy and use them easily.

  • Ask for help and support when you need it.

  • Take good care of yourself and treat yourself with tender loving care.

I hope this has helped you gain some insight into how you’re being guided to move into this next half of the year. I look forward to hearing about the shifts and streamlining you’re doing to help you get back into the flow of your year. I am here for you if you feel guided to work with me this month whether through an intuitive session, energy treatment, or a coaching session.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!
With love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

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