And Away We Go...

Hello and Happy April,

I hope this finds you well as we officially move into the waves of the new energy that’s happening right now. You may notice what a big shift there has been since the last time we connected. Do you feel energized, focused, and ready to take on some projects that have been on your list? Do you feel guided to clean out, clear up, or streamline physical items, situations, and relationship dynamics? Do you feel like your body wants to focus on gentle foods, beverages, and even gentle energies? Maybe you’re feeling called to rest and receive? Maybe you’re feeling all of these aspects coming online for you seemingly all at the same time. If you said yes to any or all of these experiences, you’re tuned into the energy that’s coming through for all of us right now.

We’re receiving a big increase in light, energy, inspiration, and support to help us in moving forward in the ways that are aligned for each of us. You may find that the things that you’re being guided to focus on are similar to those of your friends and loved ones and some of you may find that your focus is more singularly focused. You’ll know what you’re being guided to focus on by your natural interest, inclination, and inspiration. As you follow your own divine guidance in regards to what you’re upgrading and shifting right now you’ll find that you begin to move forward and gain traction organically. If you’ve been feeling that this year has been a bit of a slow starter for you, take heart because this surge of energy is offering all of us a huge help in moving out of the winter slumber and into this burst of forward motion and change.
Along with this increase in light and new energy, some highly sensitive people (like yourself) may be experiencing some ascension symptoms. These symptoms can vary in the way they show up for people but some of the experiences can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Headaches

  • Body Aches

  • Low Grade Fever

  • Dehydration

  • Exhaustion and or Fatigue

  • Need for More Sleep

  • Insomnia

  • Ringing and or Pressure in Ears

  • Sinus Pressure

  • Skin Sensitivity

  • Intense Dreams and or Lucid Dreams

  • Old Issues or Memories Coming up for Healing

  • Need for Quiet

  • Need for Strong Boundaries

  • Need for Time in Nature

  • Increased Sensitivity

  • Need for Rest

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, please know that they will pass and the best thing you can do is to give yourself grace and to go at your own pace to the best of your ability. You may find that after the symptoms dissipate for you, you’ll notice an increase in your energy and clarity. You may also find that you feel lighter and more attuned to the new frequencies that are coming through at this time.

Another big theme that’s showing up right now is about big changes and fast changes. You may find that aspects that you felt weren’t shifting at all and maybe you even felt that they were in some way a “lost cause” may change very quickly in ways you may not have been expecting. If there’s been something you’ve been cultivating for some time and in your heart you know that you are being guided to continue to nurture it, please honor that guidance and wisdom. This is powerful time to pour into your dreams, goals, and hopes for yourself. Remember, every step no matter how seemingly small creates momentum and forward motion. If there is someone you need to call, something you need to research, a professional you need to reach out to, or anything at all to support your dream, please give yourself permission to say yes to this wisdom.

Self care often goes hand in hand with themes of big changes and ascension shifts. You may notice this theme showing up for you too. The big take away right now is about gentility. It may seem like a contradiction in terms to focus on forward motion, change, and also gentility; however, this is the big underlying message showing up right now. When you think about ways you can honor your own gentility, what kinds of messages, feelings, images, words, or thoughts come up for you? These are insights into your personal pathway during this time. There’s a big focus on finding ways to honor and balance making changes while also taking care of yourself. There’s a shift away from feeling or believing that only one aspect can be honored at a time. Sometimes, this shift in perception can be an adjustment, especially for highly sensitive people. Often sensitive souls choose to focus on what must be done believing that once the chore chart is complete there will be free time for them to invest in something they want to do just for fun. Often, that isn’t the case and over time it can lead to prolonged enjoyment and then often forced rest in the form of not feeling so great. (no fun at all.) This is a powerful time to practice this balanced approach to blending big changes, a big surge in energy, and honoring gentility and self care simultaneously.

So, for example you may feel inspired to create a garden space this season and begin the process of physically making the space and learning how to sew seeds for your area. You may feel guided to work with the natural rhythm of your body rather than trying to do everything all at once. You may find that you allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying the process rather than pushing yourself to treat this as a job. You may also find that this project helps to calm your nervous system and helps you to slow down. This may also be an activity that allows you to get outside, capture some quiet time, and move into a moving meditation while honing a new skill. All of this allows you to move forward on something you wanted to do while enjoying it at the same time. This quality of balance and gentility mixed in with the energy of big change and forward motion is allowing us to truly take good care of ourselves while also realizing and experiencing changes.

So, as you’re moving through this very exciting time of big changes during the month of April, please give yourself permission to ask how you can add gentility, self care, and enjoyment to the forward motion you’re experiencing right now. It will make this experience that much more positive and supportive for you.

I’m wishing you all of the very best as you honor and nurture the shifts and changes that are happening for you and yours at this time. I would love to support you and take a look at anything showing up for you right now if you feel guided to schedule a session with me.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world, straight to you!
With deepest love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Grace | Gratitude | Grit

Happy November!

I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and officially move into the last couple of months of 2023. This year has been a bumpy one for so many people and as we prepare to start this new month, I wanted to share the messages and themes that I’ve received for November. You may be receiving these messages too because as a highly sensitive soul, you’re aware of the subtle energies and shifts happening around and within you.

In the states, we celebrate Thanksgiving in November and there’s a large focus on the theme of gratitude at this time of year. You don’t need to live in the states to embrace or focus on gratitude in your life, this month or any month. However, this practice can help to shift our focus to a place of reflection on what it is that we’re grateful for and research shows that this practice can reduce stress and increase happiness. These are only a couple of aspects or outcomes that people report when participating in active gratitude activities. I often find that it also increases love and opens the heart chakra for clients. I’ve often found that it can help to clear and open up stagnant or slow energy as well and help to get energy, inspiration, and even creativity moving for people. There are lots of ways to participate in a gratitude practice and there are videos, blog posts, and entire books devoted to the topic. However, what I know for sure is that there are no right ways to do this; there are the ways that work best for you,  your schedule, and personal style. If you feel guided to participate in a gratitude activity throughout the month of November, this is a wonderful day or week to start. You may want to document how you’re feeling on day 1 of your process including stress levels, health, and overall well being so you can reflect back on that at the end of the month to see all the takeaways that you personally receive from the process.

You may be thinking that gratitude seems like a very prescient theme for this time of year and may wonder how it stands out as a specific message for the month. The big themes that have shown up for this month include a deep focus on taking care of the nervous system, immune system, and our inner personal strength or constitution. When we look at these themes, one of the biggest aspects that ties all of them together is stress or stressors. I know, not a very flowery or fun topic. However, this has been the strongest theme for us as we move into this month.

The nervous system is the first line of defense for us as we go about our daily lives and when we are overly stressed we can experience an overwhelm or even an overload on our system. This can create a lot of different experiences for people including but not limited to exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy, and feeling as if you have limited bandwidth for stress. This experience can have an impact on your immune system as well and can lead to feeling off or unwell or even experiencing a lot of the cycles of sniffles and yuck. Both of these can impact your personal strength or constitution by making you feel like you don’t have enough get up and go to get things done. This can lead to feelings of self doubt, worry, or even passing on positive experiences or opportunities.

The good news here is that each of these aspects work together, hand in hand as a team. As we pour into and take care of one of these aspects, we automatically help to support the other aspects at the same time. As we invest in these areas this month, even in seemingly small ways, we’re more easily able to move through the energy, news, and day to day experiences that are happening within and around us. When we look at the overall message, we can see that it’s about taking good care of ourselves.

Another word for Grace is Kindness.
Another word for Gratitude is Appreciation.
Another word for Grit is Determination

  • When you see and feel the impact of these words, and think about how to apply them to yourself, what kinds of images, thoughts, or feelings show up for you?

  • When you think about ways that you could support and honor your own systems and personal well being, what things show up for you right away? Why?

  • Which of these three words do you feel you’re being guided to focus on the most right now? Grace, Gratitude, or Grit? Why?

  • Which of the three words feels the most challenging for you to honor or pour into for yourself?

  • How can you find ways to increase this aspect in your life even in seemingly small ways?

Hopefully by answering these questions, you’ll be able to better understand the areas or themes that are especially prescient for you right now. Like most things, you may find that you share common interests with people in your circle about how to honor these aspects of your life. However, you may have a different style than some of the people in your circle too. This is about finding the ways that work for you because these will be things that resonate with you and your lifestyle and allow you to continue to practice them in your daily life.
I’ve included some items below that can help to support these themes of Grace, Gratitude, and Grit while we work to honor our systems this month. Please remember this is not a be all end all list in any way. This is just a small list to help inspire you to create a practice or system that is right for you.

Grace | Kindness

  • Using positive words to describe yourself to others and to yourself

  • Making space for rest and relaxation even if for only 15-20 minutes each day

  • Treating yourself the way you treat others

  • Watching a favorite movie or show that you love, just because.

  • Reading for pleasure

  • Listening to or playing music

  • Enjoying a creative project

  • Taking a nap or going to sleep early if you feel tired

  • Using the fancy dishes, table linens, or candles that you always save for someone special. (You’re someone special)

  • Make a meal or a special dessert that you really love just for the fun of it.

  • Ask for help when you need it and allow someone to help you when it’s offered.

  • Drink more water

  • Eat nutrient dense foods

  • Add broths, ferments, and other nourishing foods to your meal plan

  • Take vitamins and minerals

  • Learn a new skill or hobby that you’ve been wanting to try

  • Laugh out loud, for real, watch or listen to things that make you laugh

  • Play and have fun

Gratitude | Appreciation

  • Participate in a gratitude practice (in any way that resonates for you)

  • Get outside into nature to see and take in the beauty and changes that are happening all around you.

  • Walk or participate in gentle movement or exercise. Taking care of the body is a deep appreciation practice.

  • Practice something that you love and is intrinsically part
    of who you are

  • Tell someone in your life what they mean to you

  • Read through old letters or look through old pictures of people and places that have deeply impacted your life.

  • Ask someone you trust (or as many people as you feel guided to include) to share 3 aspects about you or 3 words to describe you to help you better understand and appreciate your impact on the people in your world.

  • Focus on increasing the aspects of your life that bring you joy, happiness, glee, and overall peace. (Only you know what these are and any increase in them in any amount counts as an increase.)

Grit | Determination

  • Focusing on one step at a time

  • Having a clear focus on what you’re working toward and continuing to make concerted effort toward that goal.

  • Reaching out for support from people in the area of your focus

  • Saying no to demands on your time and energy if it’s draining you or creating extra strain and stress.

  • Saying yes to positive opportunities and experiences.

  • Celebrating small and big wins

  • Saying yes to support and love from people in your inner circle and even from your outer circle

  • Knowing when to take a break and when to begin again.

  • Resting when you’re guided so you have the energy to cultivate momentum again when you’re ready.

  • Taking inventory of how far you’ve come as a reminder that everything you’ve been through in the past is proof that you’ve gotten to where you are today from determination and taking things one step at a time.

I hope this will inspire and support you as we move through this month, together. Remember, it’s not about how many things you’re doing, it’s about finding the ways that are right for you to honor and support you through this process. It may be 2 or 3 things that you know you’re being guided to do that make you feel great and add value and joy to your life right now. As you pour into any of these aspects, you will automatically support the other aspects as well, cultivating a positive experience for yourself and supporting you as you move through these themes, this month.

As always, I’m sending you love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this month, I’m wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Comes In Like a Lion, Goes Out Like a Lamb

I hope this finds you well as we officially greet March and begin this brand new month, together. As I was sitting down to write this message today, I was thinking about the longtime folklore surrounding this month and I realized that it feels especially prescient right now. One of the big themes that keeps showing up for this month is a deep call, nudge, or feeling to get things done. It feels different than knowing there are things you’re wanting to work on, it feels more like being compelled to get things done and to get to work on them right now. You may be experiencing this in your life too.

For some people it may show up as a to do list that you begin to prioritize and feel drawn to take a closer look at what you’ve compiled since the last time you picked it up. You may have been adding things to your list for several weeks or even several months but all of a sudden you wake up and almost have the feeling that, today is the day, and begin taking action on list. You may notice that you feel inspired, energized, and on some level revitalized as you move through your projects. You may even find yourself wondering why it’s taken you so long to get going because it feels so good to dig in and get things done. If you notice some of those thoughts coming up, please try to be gentle with yourself. For many people, this is the right timing to get things done, so you’re right on time.

For others, this nudge may show up as frustrations, irritation, and even a little bit of discomfort in the body. Sometimes we may feel like no matter where we look there’s something out of place in the room, house, backyard, etc. We may feel that no matter what we’ve been doing, that things are just beginning to pile up and it feels physically uncomfortable to us. Often for highly sensitive people, when our physical surroundings feel a bit heavy or in need of some shifting, we feel discomfort on the inside too. Sometimes, if we live with other people they may not even see or understand what feels overwhelming because in the grand scheme, it’s not that big of a deal. However, it is a clear message that making some time to clear the space or spaces is important. When you honor this call within you to get some things shifted, you will feel a deep off loading of tension and stress and your home will feel lighter, gentler, and more peaceful too. Maybe you’re experiencing a little bit of both of these aspects showing up for you right now.

Maybe you’re physically beginning to feel stronger and ready to hit the ground running on some ideas, projects, or things you haven’t been able to get to because you’ve been in a healing phase for a while. (Raises own hand.) If you’ve been in a healing phase too, please be gentle and let your body tell you when it’s time to move forward and when to take it easy. Even seemingly small projects will feel great and enjoyable, you don’t have to do everything all at once or all on the same day.

No matter how this nudge or surge of energy is showing up for you, it’s a powerful time to harness this momentum so that you can work with the energy coming through right now. I see a clear delineation between the beginning part of the month, often referred to as the Lion aspect of March and after the 20th which is the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere also known as the Lamb aspect of the month. There’s this guidance to get going now during this first part of the month, to make progress, to go for it, to make changes, to create and cultivate solutions and streamline so that we can greet and enjoy the gentler energy when Spring arrives and have a little extra time to play, enjoy, and celebrate the shift from Winter into Spring.

If you’re wondering if this means you must finish everything on your list in the next 20 days, please take  a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Please release any tension or tightness you may be feeling in your neck, shoulders, or tummy. This doesn’t mean that you need to do everything, all at once. It just means that the feelings, messages, and guidance that you’ve been receiving about this new energy coming in right now are accurate. If you’re receiving these messages in any ways, please just let me confirm them for you. I see and feel them too, and in any ways that you feel guided to move forward right now, you’re moving in the right direction. Things that have felt stuck or sidelined may feel like they are getting movement, momentum, and motion again. As you honor this call to action in any of the ways that are right for you, you’ll find that you receive support from this current energy right now too. As you take action, you’ll find that you’re able to get more accomplished than you may have realized. This is a time of opportunity but you get to choose how and what you feel guided to work on during this time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month filled with momentum, magic, and musings. I hope that the Lion and the Lamb aspects are equally rewarding and supportive for you. I’d love to hear what you’re being guided to shift, work on, and enjoy this month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world straight to you!

With all my love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

If you feel guided to work with me, I’m here for you.

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Gratitude Gift

Cultivating a Soul Salve

Happy April,

I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and lean into a new season.
I was trying to find a theme to focus on for this newsletter by tuning into the messages I’ve been receiving, the energies that have been showing up lately, and the recurring issues that seems to be really prescient for people right now and nearly everything was pointing to a deep focus on ways to honor, soothe, and comfort the highly sensitive soul (like yourself). So, grab a cup of tea or something soothing and let’s look at ways that you can cultivate a Soul Salve for yourself this month which you can use at any time when you feel like you could benefit from some extra support.

When things get stressful, overwhelming, or intense; whether these things are coming from within your own personal life or on a larger scale outside of your personal life it can have an impact on the nervous system which can create some additional stress responses. As a highly sensitive person, this natural experience can be felt on what seems like a magnified level. While there are so many wonderful things that come with being highly sensitive, the deep feelings and empathy can make stressful situations well, feel more stressful. (I know that you know this all too well as a fellow HSP.) The good news is that there are things that we can do to honor our sensitivity while also helping to soothe and support ourselves even if we’re experiencing big shifts and intense energies.

The great news is that there’s no right way or one way to do this, there are just the ways that are right for you on any given day. This means you can change, shift, and update your support system at any time which removes any pressure to choose something that you’ll use forever. So, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good, letting go of any stress that you may feel holding space in your chest or stomach, good…remembering, this is something that is personal to you and meant to be a support system, and it can also be fun.

I’ve included a little exercise for you below which can help you to pin point a few things that may want to be added to your personal support system right now. You may want to get some paper and something to write with to jot down the things that come through for you. There’s no wrong answers and I promise you that you will receive messages and answers to the questions below. Just relax and breathe and have fun.

Imagine a space that’s just for you, it can be anything that you want it to be.
Maybe it’s a room that’s just yours, an office, a music space, a sunroom, a garden, an open air building at the sea, or something else completely, but it’s just yours. A space all for you.

Inside, fill it with the things that make you feel uplifted, calm, relaxed, soothed, and like you.
The you that feels peaceful, healthy, focused, happy, and __________________.

  • What does your space look like?

  • What does your space feel like?

  • What sounds do you hear in your space?

  • How does your space make you feel?

  • What items do you have in this space?

  • Why does this space feel calming and supportive for you?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add to this space?

  • How can you integrate these things into your daily life now?

  • What one thing can you do right now which will offer you some additional comfort in your daily life, now?

  • Is there anything else that you feel guided to do to support your overall sensitivity at this time?

Taking a few minutes to go through this exercise can help give you some insight into some things that your soul is personally wanting or needing at this time. You can use it as many times as you feel guided. Remember, seemingly small shifts lead to significant results. There’s no need to do all the things all at once, focusing on one or two things that resonate with you can cultivate a deep support system for you.

Some other things that have been coming up for many people lately and they may resonate with you too include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Needing to drink more water

  • Eating gentler foods, feeling guided to eat lighter and or healthier foods

  • Desire to move the body through gentle exercise

  • Participating in a gentle cleanse or fast (gentle being the key word here) This can include reducing refined sugars and alcohol.

  • Increasing full spectrum sunlight

  • Increasing vitamins and minerals

  • Reducing screen time and increasing listening to music or audio books

  • Beginning or revisiting breathwork whether it’s square breathing, yoga, deep breathing, or any kind of conscious breathing to help soothe and calm the nervous system.

  • Revisiting creative outlets to reduce stress and increase calm, this can also include coloring, gardening, and reading books for pleasure.

  • Removing clutter or items that are ready to be donated or recycled.

  • Increasing salt baths, hot tub time, or swimming

  • Focusing on your personal energy and cycles and honoring them to the best of your ability.

  • Rest and Sleep: if your body needs more of these things right now, please try to honor them to the best of your ability.

  • Journaling to help release and reset

  • Deep focus of making your inner circle and your home a place that’s calm, peaceful, and gentle.

I hope this very prescient theme about taking good care of ourselves is something that resonates with you right now. I know that it really resonates with me. As a deeply sensitive soul, sometimes it can be easy to focus on ways to help, support, and soothe others because it’s so natural for you. Sometimes, during this process, it can be easy to forget to do the same kindness for yourself. Please let this be a gentle and loving reminder that you are worthy of support and care too. I see you. I see you taking care of all the people you love in your world. It’s important to give yourself some grace, love, and care too. This month, please give yourself permission to cultivate your own soul salve in the ways that speak to you.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With all my love and gratitude,


I’ve included a special for you below that will last through Monday the 4th ending at 5pm pacific time. You can schedule your session for any day you choose. (one per person, please.)

Happy April, *|FNAME|*,
I hope this finds you well as we begin a new month and lean into a new season.
I was trying to find a theme to focus on for this newsletter by tuning into the messages I’ve been receiving, the energies that have been showing up lately, and the recurring issues that seems to be really prescient for people right now and nearly everything was pointing to a deep focus on ways to honor, soothe, and comfort the highly sensitive soul (like yourself). So, grab a cup of tea or something soothing and let’s look at ways that you can cultivate a Soul Salve for yourself this month which you can use at any time when you feel like you could benefit from some extra support.

When things get stressful, overwhelming, or intense; whether these things are coming from within your own personal life or on a larger scale outside of your personal life it can have an impact on the nervous system which can create some additional stress responses. As a highly sensitive person, this natural experience can be felt on what seems like a magnified level. While there are so many wonderful things that come with being highly sensitive, the deep feelings and empathy can make stressful situations well, feel more stressful. (I know that you know this all too well as a fellow HSP.) The good news is that there are things that we can do to honor our sensitivity while also helping to soothe and support ourselves even if we’re experiencing big shifts and intense energies.

The great news is that there’s no right way or one way to do this, there are just the ways that are right for you on any given day. This means you can change, shift, and update your support system at any time which removes any pressure to choose something that you’ll use forever. So, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth…good, letting go of any stress that you may feel holding space in your chest or stomach, good…remembering, this is something that is personal to you and meant to be a support system, and it can also be fun.

I’ve included a little exercise for you below which can help you to pin point a few things that may want to be added to your personal support system right now. You may want to get some paper and something to write with to jot down the things that come through for you. There’s no wrong answers and I promise you that you will receive messages and answers to the questions below. Just relax and breathe and have fun.

Imagine a space that’s just for you, it can be anything that you want it to be.
Maybe it’s a room that’s just yours, an office, a music space, a sunroom, a garden, an open air building at the sea, or something else completely, but it’s just yours.
A space all for you.
Inside, fill it with the things that make you feel uplifted, calm, relaxed, soothed, and like you.
The you that feels peaceful, healthy, focused, happy, and __________________.

  • What does your space look like?

  • What does your space feel like?

  • What sounds do you hear in your space?

  • How does your space make you feel?

  • What items do you have in this space?

  • Why does this space feel calming and supportive for you?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add to this space?

  • How can you integrate these things into your daily life now?

  • What one thing can you do right now which will offer you some additional comfort in your daily life?

  • Is there anything else that you feel guided to do to support your overall sensitivity at this time?

Taking a few minutes to go through this exercise can help give you some insight into some things that your soul is personally wanting or needing at this time. You can use it as many times as you feel guided. Remember, seemingly small shifts lead to significant results. There’s no need to do all the things all at once, focusing on one or two things that resonate with you can cultivate a deep support system for you.

Some other things that have been coming up for many people lately and they may resonate with you too include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Needing to drink more water

  • Eating gentler foods, feeling guided to eat lighter and or healthier foods

  • Desire to move the body through gentle exercise

  • Participating in a gentle cleanse or fast (gentle being the key word here)
    (This can include reducing refined sugars and alcohol.)

  • Increasing full spectrum sunlight

  • Increasing vitamins and minerals

  • Reducing screen time and increasing listening to music or audio books

  • Beginning or revisiting breathwork whether it’s square breathing, yoga, deep breathing, or any kind of conscious breathing to help soothe and calm the nervous system.

  • Revisiting creative outlets to reduce stress and increase calm, this can also include coloring, gardening, and reading books for pleasure.

  • Removing clutter or items that are ready to be donated or recycled.

  • Increasing salt baths, hot tub time, or swimming

  • Focusing on your personal energy and cycles and honoring them to the best of your ability.

  • Rest and Sleep: if your body needs more of these things right now, please try to honor them to the best of your ability.

  • Journaling to help release and reset

  • Deep focus of making your inner circle and your home a place that’s calm, peaceful, and gentle.

I hope this very prescient theme about taking good care of ourselves is something that resonates with you right now. I know that it really resonates with me. As a deeply sensitive soul, sometimes it can be easy to focus on ways to help, support, and soothe others because it’s so natural for you. Sometimes, during this process, it can be easy to forget to do the same kindness for yourself. Please let this be a gentle and loving reminder that you are worthy of support and care too. I see you. I see you taking care of all the people you love in your world. It’s important to give yourself some grace, love, and care too. This month, please give yourself permission to cultivate your own soul salve in the ways that speak to you.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!
With all my love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Preparing to Paddle Out | Watching and Readying for your Wave

Happy March…can you feel it? The waves of change are up on us.
Maybe you can physically feel the energy rising up inside of you and maybe you can see it all around you; but no matter how it’s showing up for you, the energy is officially shifting. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re on the cusp of Spring, new beginnings, and a surge of new energy. You may notice that you’re beginning to feel this building of strength, anticipation, and forward motion with you more and more each day. Maybe your energy and enthusiasm are beginning to rise and you’re being guided to line up some of the plans that have been on your list. This is a powerful time to take a deeper dive into what those priorities are for you and to get ready to paddle out so that you can ride your wave.

Have you ever watched (or maybe you’ve experienced this yourself) people paddling out into the water to catch the wave that is right for them? There’s a clear pattern of preparing, patiently waiting, allowing the timing to be right, and then giving themselves permission to go for it when their wave lines up for them, their personal timing, and skill set. This series of preparation and readiness is something we can apply within our own lives right now too. You don’t have to live near the sea in order to ride the waves of life in a way that supports, soothes, and serves your path, calling, or life purpose.

During this month while we’re continuing to foster our own energy, personal growth, and readiness we can begin to prepare for the wave we’ve been waiting for and working toward riding. This is an exciting time; one that can be a catalyst for forward motion and fun. Sometimes it feels like we have to choose either forward motion or fun, and sometimes that’s true; however, there are ways that we can increase fun, joy, and happiness even when we’re moving toward a goal or moment we’ve been working toward for some time. Each aspect is important, worthwhile, and a contribution to our overall experience.

So, this month as you’re noticing your own shifts, alignments, and opportunities opening up for you, I invite you to take a little time to prioritize your planning and playfulness. Tune into your own messages, divine timing, and inner knowing of what is right for you right now so you can ready yourself to paddle out to catch your wave. Your wave is the one that feels and looks like yours; it’s the wave you’ve been waiting for, the wave that you’ve been working toward, and the one that you’re ready to ride into this next phase of your life. This one is taking you to the next part of your year and into this new energy of fresh starts, new beginnings, and new possibilities. Remember you don’t have to force anything to happen nor do you have to go against your own grain. Seemingly small yet significant shifts lead to big positive change. Focusing on one or two things that you can do right now, today, will help to align you with this shift that is happening all around us and within us.

It’s happening within you…right now, right this very moment.
You’re ready.

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and ask yourself:

  • “What action can I take today to bring me closer to my goal, dream, or calling?”

Give yourself permission to hear, see, feel, or know your answer; and then give yourself permission to go for it.

There’s no right or wrong here. Your message may look similar to someone else you know or it may be something completely unique for you. Your answer is the one that matters, and you get to decide how to integrate your messages into your life right now. Take a minute to write down what’s coming through for you and then grab your board and get into the water; your wave is waiting for you.

I’ve included some ideas that may help you to move through this time, but please feel free to adjust them, personalize, them, and create your own list. This is just a starting place to give you some ideas and inspiration to get going.

Lighten Your Load

  • If there are things that have been weighing you down, this is a great time to let them go. This can be physical items that you clear out of your closets, pantry, garage, or other nooks where things tend to collect. Donate, gift, and release the things that you’re finished with as a way to create and open up space within and around you. You may notice that you physically feel lighter after this clearing which helps to clear any clutter from your thinking space as well. If there are other things weighing you down, including ways of living, relationships, or old dynamics that have come full circle, it may be time to release those as well.

Shift Your Space

  • Sometimes simply moving things around in your home, on your desk, or outside can help you shift the energy in your space. This can help to shake things up and even create a shift in perspective for you and anyone else who lives with you.

Deep Breaths

  • Are you holding your breath throughout the day? Do you find your shoulders up around your ears around 3 pm? Do you find yourself taking mouth breaths? You may be holding your breath when you feel overwhelmed, under pressure, or in stressful situations. When you notice this happening, it’s okay, it’s not a judgement, your body is trying to give you signals that it would like some deep breaths and a little reset. Take a moment and do a few deep breaths and move your shoulders a bit so you can put your body back into a gentler state. You may also feel guided to start or resume a meditation practice which can be very beneficial for your overall health and wellness.

Ask for Help

  • When you feel like you need some insight, support, or additional hands on deck, please ask for help. Asking for help is a strength and not a weakness. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time. Ask people in your inner circle for support or reach out for professional support if you’re being guided to do so.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

  • Your inner voice is rooting for you. The real you is always on your side, in your corner and sounds and feels like love. You’ve been able to overcome all of the challenges in your life up to this point; and even if you’re venturing out on a brand new experience, keep going. Every step forward is still forward motion and you can do it. If you need help, insight, support, or expertise as you’re moving forward, ask for help. Remember you don’t have to do everything all by yourself all of the time.

I’m wishing you a wonderful month of new beginnings and new opportunities rising to greet you.
I’m sending you oceans of love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you.

With love and gratitude,

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Gratitude Gift

Finding h.Om.e

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I hope this finds you well and enjoying the energy of a brand new month and all that it holds for you. I just got home after a little respite away. It was my first break since January 2020 and it was really great to have a little breather and some time for rest and relaxation.

While I was away the big theme that kept coming up for me was about home. The irony of having a theme about home showing up while traveling away from home is not lost on me. While I’m a native southern California kid who’s currently living in the golden state, I’ve been blessed to live in lots of towns, cities, and states. I think that when you’ve lived in several places you tend to live by the home is where you hang your hat philosophy. (at least for the most part.)

Home is where we are, and investing in making your home a place that rises up to greet you is a powerful and worthwhile investment. That being said, while I was away; I was in a place that was one of my former homes and there is something very special, even magical about going back to a place that you loved to live. The coastline of my childhood, the sounds, sights, and even the salty air brought me back to days of laughing and playing on that beach as well as enjoying it in real time now. There’s a slipping in and out of time that happens when you go home, to a place that is no longer your home but still feels like home in your heart. Maybe you’ve experienced this too and can feel that experience replaying for you right now.

One of the cool things about living in lots of places is that you understand and experience how you can create these new chapters for your life filled with new people, places, and qualities of life by shifting into a new space. You don’t have to physically move to a new town, city, or state to experience this, even shifting the energy, items, and sometimes people in your home can create a shift in other areas of your life too. If you think about a place you lived, even if it was just on the other side of town several years ago and you think about what that chapter of your life looked and felt like and then you think about where you are now, you can notice the change of one of your life chapters.

So, if home is where we are, and we make a conscious effort to create a home that resonates and honors us to the best of our ability then why all the fuss about moving here or there? Sometimes, as things shift and the story of our lives takes on new tasks, themes, and character arcs, we begin to be guided to new places. It’s like a little beacon or lighthouse turns on, helping to guide us to the next place we’re meant to be. Sometimes, we feel like we’ve been looking for that guiding light for a really long time while other times we think uh oh, nope not now. No matter how we feel about that internal nudge preparing us for the changes that are happening, it’s important to know that inside we can feel and we know when it’s time to make a change. We know when things are shifting and we know that when we honor that inner guidance to the best of our ability, we’ll be able to lean into home wherever that may be.

The truth is that there are places that are better suited for us based on who we are and the values we have about the kind of life that we want to live. Being honest with ourselves about what those things are and where they rank on our lists of joy, happiness, and life satisfaction are big indicators of where we are now and where we’re being guided to go next. Sometimes these values change based on the different chapters of our lives. I definitely wouldn’t choose to move back to the studio I lived in while I was a student but man, I loved that place while I lived there and it holds so many great memories for me. It’s a little time capsule of that time of my life and I’m so grateful for it.

There’s a lot of change happening around home, moving, and shifting gears right now. Maybe you can feel it too. Maybe you’re in the process of moving, just moved, or you’re feeling that lighthouse beginning to flash for you, letting you know that you’re being directed home, to your next home, wherever that may be. However this powerful theme of home and change is showing up for you right now, please give yourself permission to move through it and feel all the feelings that come up for you around this big shift.

While surrendering to change can be challenging sometimes, the more we can let go and allow ourselves to receive the support that’s all around and within us, the easier it is to allow the tide to take us to the next space, place, and calling. As a highly sensitive person, you’re really gifted at finding ways to get things done, create solutions, and quietly manage the things going on in your life while also lending a helping hand to those that you love. Please remember that it’s safe for you to ask for and receive help and support too. Sometimes, we could all use a little tow line to get us out of bumpy waters and I promise you that there are kind loving people who would love to help you move through the changes that are showing up for you right now.

Home is where the heart is and finding h.Om.e is a constant opportunity for us to lean into where we are right now and where we’re being guided to go next. While change is the only constant in our lives, our true north is always within us, gently (sometimes not so gently) leading us home. Our job is to make the journey. My wish for you this month as this theme is really strong, is to take a little time to connect with the energy of what home means for you and how you can lean into the guidance you’re receiving about this powerful thing we call home.

As always, I’m sending you so much support and love from my teeny tiny corner of the world, right to you.

With Love and Gratitude,

I’ve included a picture from my trip, this picture doesn’t have any filters or adjustments made to it, this is how it really looks and the water was really glowing. I hope it helps bring a little joy and magic to your day.

*Wondering about the h.Om.e?
I know this isn’t the correct spelling but this whole theme brought me back to titling my book. It was a 50/50 on the title and that’s why the spelling on the book has one capital and one lower case letter as it’s a play on finding home and finding OM.

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Reflecting + Retrograding = Reprioritizing

Can you believe it’s officially June and we’re halfway through the year? I don’t know about you, but this year has felt like a wave of repeats in so many ways. Some days feel like they’re happening over and over again while other days and weeks just seem to meld into one another and it feels like I can’t believe another month has passed.

Are you feeling this too?
It’s like we’re collectively and individually getting to experience the malleability of time.

Here we are, halfway through the year, with an equal amount of time ahead of us as the amount of time that is behind us. This is an opportunity to create a marker for ourselves and for the projects or aspects of our lives that we’ve been working through so far in 2021. Maybe you’re like me and really love these kinds of markers because it gives us a chance to do some review, some planning, and some opportunities to see where there’s room for streamlining as well as doubling down on some of the things that are on our list for the year.

If this isn’t really your cup of tea, that’s okay too, even taking a few minutes to think about what your themes for the year have been so far and what kinds of things or aspects you’d like to have more of in the next 6 months (or maybe not so much of) still counts as honoring this 6 month marker. It’s a palpable shift for us no matter which ways we choose to move through this doorway of the year.

In addition to this halfway energy that’s happening for us this month, we’re also moving through Mercury Retrograde right now. Isn’t that perfect timing for a little review of our year so far? During these times we’re often given opportunities to rework, redo, reveal, review, etc. during these retrograde cycles. You can think of the re words that are showing up for you right now; and begin to see some themes that you are personally working through during this retrograde cycle in addition to the things you’re experiencing in your day to day life.

Some of these themes can include but aren’t limited to:

  • Rest

  • Restore

  • Renew

  • Replenish

  • Reset

  • Rejuvenate

  • Relaxation

  • Reinvent

  • Reestablish

  • Regenerate

  • Research

  • Revisit

  • Return

  • Rejoice

  • Revoke

  • Refuse

  • Re____

If you’ve been part of the Chloe Ting sensation over the past year or so, you may actually hear the words and music “rewind time everybody” playing in your head right now when you think about re words and that would be a great example of this energy.

Not only are we being given a chance to review, readjust, and reset our personal plans right now, we’re also experiencing some repeating themes on a larger scale that we’ve all moved through together over the last year and a half too. We’re already seeing severe lockdowns again in the UK, parts of Canada, and there are messages about other locations experiencing similar regulations soon. Even among smaller regions like counties and states there are varying degrees of orders and regulations being implemented at this time.

Some of the things that I’ve seen around this issue include some similar pinches in availability of products and goods that we’ve seen in the last 16 months or so. Depending on where you live, you may have been experiencing some grid and communication issues, especially in the last few weeks. I see more of these kinds of things popping up for many places. Again, we see this is a big theme when we move into a Mercury Retrograde time in any year; so it’s a great time to make sure you’re saving your work, backing up, and keeping your devices charged to the best of your ability.

You may feel inclined to pick up a few extra things you may need from the store, or fill up your gas tank in your vehicle, and have some extra water on hand too. I’m a native southern California kid so we always had earthquake kits set up just in case, and this is a good time to set up some things that you may need or that seem to be running low just in case there’s a pinch in the supply chains.

This is also a good time to do some clearing up around your home and property especially if you live in a state that has fire issues when the weather heats up; and to have things on hand if there are repeats with the grid powering down during the fire season.

As you can see, this is a big moment we’re moving through right now and as a highly sensitive person, I know you’re feeling this big energy too. Please remember that as we continue to move through this time, it’s really important to make sure you’re taking good care of yourself and that you’re building in some quiet recharge time for yourself so you can come back into balance throughout the day. You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this, and there’s no one way or right way, just the ways that are right for you on any particular day.

It isn’t so much about what you do to honor your needs as a gentle soul but that you do something each day, even if only for a few minutes here and a few minutes there. All of the investments you make to honor your needs and the messages you’re receiving about taking good care of yourself, add up to big positive shifts for you and the way you feel. Yes, you’re worth it!

I’m so looking forward to working with you this month whether you schedule a reading, energy treatment, or coaching session.

I’m wishing you a very gentle and restorative Mercury Retrograde cycle and a wonderful month.

I’m sending you so much love and support from my teeny tiny corner of the world right to you!

With love and gratitude,

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Simplify. Streamline. Stillness


Happy September!

I don’t know about you, but August felt almost as long as March did and I’m so grateful for a new calendar month. September always seems to mark a significant shift for me as we officially move into the “ber” months and can see the end of the year in sight even though we still have a way to go…it’s definitely in sight. For many this also creates excitement for a new season and all that it brings with it, cozy vibes here in the northern hemisphere and all the spring energy for the southern hemisphere. (Plus… it’s officially canning season…if you know, you know. wink)

This year though…it feels a little different.

2020, it’s still bringing so much tumultuous energy and ups and downs. September marks 6 months of lock down for me here in California and for many other states too. There’s a variety of closures and lock down levels all over the globe still happening combined with a lot of intensity. However, that being said there’s also a great deal of love, support, and service showing up in the middle of everything happening.

Maybe you’re experiencing this.

Maybe you’re creating this experience for someone else. (Parents + Teachers I’m looking at you)

Maybe you’re experiencing a bit of both.

One of the big themes that keeps showing up as we move into this new month is all about taking good care of ourselves and getting things back down to the basics.

I keep seeing this is especially important for highly sensitive people, like yourself.

The key words that came through for September were: Simplify. Streamline. Stillness

Even when I look at those words, I can feel a level of calm and comfort wash over me.

I hope that you can feel that gentility too.

I could clearly see this message as creating a calm in the eye of the storm.

Even with so many things happening around us, reaching for these themes this month will be a deep support system for highly sensitive souls.

This theme is not something to add to your to do list or make you feel like you have to find yet more energy or extra minutes in your day to experience this support.

It’s the exact opposite.

This is all about clearing away the things that aren’t needed right now to create space for you to be supported. Taking a few minutes today to mentally check in with yourself about what isn’t needed will allow you to begin this process of simplifying and streamlining.

You can probably think of several things right out of the gate that are not needed and not happening this month. Great job! Let them go and feel yourself feeling lighter already. Choosing to let things go this month doesn’t mean you can’t circle back to them at another time, it just means that you’re not going to add stress to your plate thinking about it, it’s off the menu completely.


I keep seeing an image of space, empty space. When you walk into a home, shop, office, or physical place (remember going into places?) that feels light, uplifting, and clear; you’re feeling space. You can physically feel open space and it feels good to us because it allows for breathing room and room to decompress.

So, think of this letting go as a way to create space for you this month. As you let go of extra things to do and you make your priorities the basics of what you need and want to focus on, you automatically get the calm and breathing room.

Now, you may be thinking “what if I can’t figure out what to let go and how to bring things back to the basics?” Just take a breath for me, you can do this.

There’s no one way or right way to do this and your way may look different than mine and that’s okay. The only thing that matters here is that you listen to the messages you’re receiving about how to move into the theme of Simplify. Streamline. Stillness.

You may decide that decluttering and donating is a must to get things out that need to go.

You may cut back your plants and put your gardens to bed or prepare them for cooler weather plants.

You may organize the piles of stuff for all the zoom calls and move all the things into their officially organized places so you can use your dining table for eating again.

You may put a stop to a project that needs to become a lower priority so you can do something more pressing.

You may feel guided to _______________________.

As you take action on the things that are showing up for you to simplify your life, you’ll also receive messages about how you can streamline your systems and day to day life too.

That’s the really cool and even magical thing about simplifying, you open up to solutions, and create space for the ways to implement processes that are going to be supportive for you.

These processes can be as simple and significant as setting up your coffee pot before you go to sleep so you wake up to fresh coffee.

Doing a quick pick up before going to sleep so you wake up to a space the feels good to you.

Laying out your things for the next day of zoom calls, phone calls, or whatever is on deck for you.

Prepping some food, snacks, or green drinks for a few days.

Setting out your workout stuff so you can get up and get it done right away.

These are just a few things that can help you to streamline and support your own wellbeing more easily.

As you focus on simplifying and streamlining you move into the stillness piece.

Getting into that quiet space that helps you to feel fulfilled and supported comes more easily when excess, white noise, and chaos energy is reduced to the best of our ability. When you clear away the things that aren’t needed you make space to lean into the things that fill you up allowing you to enjoy that stillness.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean silence.

Stillness doesn’t have to mean sitting on your meditation pillow.

You may find that stillness and connection through music, or through creativity. That stillness inside of us is stirred and nurtured when we do things that resonate with our souls. When we’re under great amounts of stress we need this connection even more and it often becomes one of the things that goes onto the back burner.

As you clear away the stuff that isn’t a focus this month, you make space for the things that do matter.

You matter.

Taking good care of yourself matters.

Investing time, even seemingly small amounts of time into the things that soothe your soul are worthwhile investments.

You are a worthwhile investment.

Creating space for breathing room is a gift that keeps on giving.

You are deserving of this gift.

So, at the beginning of this new month, please take a few minutes today to think about and connect with the ways that you can honor this theme of Simplify, Streamline, and Stillness for yourself and your home.

Trust the messages that come through for you, you know what is right for you.

As we buckle in for a month that feels like it’s bringing with it some intense energies and experiences, and as you choose to take good care of yourself, you’ll move through September more easily.

Focus on honoring your sensitivity by making some small but significant shifts this month.

You can do it and it will be worth it. Yes, you are worth it!

I’m sending you so much support as we walk through this time, together. We may not be able to see each other in person but I’m still here to support you over the phone, skype, or through distance sessions.

With deepest love and gratitude,
Kristy~ xoxo

P.S. In case you were wondering or if you’ve seen some of my Instagram stories; yes, I’m canning every little free minute that I can get and setting things up before I go to sleep and getting up really early to get a few more jars filled and a few more recipes off my check list.

Like most things this year, 2020 has made canning season a little more challenging too. There’s an aluminum shortage in the US, so there aren’t many lids or bands available which has forced me to choose only a fraction of what I usually put up each season. That’s okay, I’m so grateful that I’m able to do what I can and have been enjoying making jams, sauces, mustards, and more. I’m going to keep going until my last jar is filled and enjoy every minute of canning season even if it’s a little different this year. :)

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Working through Highs + Lows + Feelings of Being Stuck

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I can’t believe it’s already May; can you? I feel like this year has been such a combination of slow, slow quick, quick. (If you ever took ballroom dance and that made you think of dance class, me too.)

I’ve talked to so many people recently whether it’s clients, friends, family, or colleagues who’ve told me they feel like they’re in some kind of holding pattern and it’s been challenging trying to balance that feeling while also staying motivated. If you resonate with this feeling, you’re not alone. In addition to this feeling of waiting there are lots of people going through big changes, big shifts, and big stuff too.

Maybe you find yourself raising your hand for both groups.
Standing in a waiting room + Moving through all the stuff.

Like you and so many people this seems to be the general consensus for folks. I’ve also found myself raising my hand for both groups as of late. So, when life gets into these cycles of big changes and the waiting that comes along with perfect timing; how do we move with the cycles instead of feeling like a wheel is rolling over us?

The truth is that there is no one way to do this and there is no one right way to do this; there are just the ways that are right for you on any particular day. However; I thought that I would share some of my favorites with you in case you could use some extra support as you move through some big shifts right now too.

Change of Scenery

Sometimes simply getting outside and away from your home or office to take a breather can be a huge help in releasing the tension or stress that you’re carrying around with you. If you can go to a favorite park, the beach, a hiking trail you love, or simply a walk around the neighborhood; you’ll find that you can let down and get back to your center more easily. If you’re able to take a little trip out of town, even someplace not too far away it can help you to physically get some space so you can decompress and focus on something fun, uplifting, and hopefully relaxing.

Change the Energy

Stress has a huge impact on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Often, we’re not even aware of the impact it’s having on us because we build up a tolerance to it as it’s woven into the fabric of our daily lives. However, when we’re under a lot of stress, we often notice a difference in the way we feel. As stress increases, our energy decreases.

You can increase your energy by listening to or playing music. You’ll feel your energy begin to shift right away, find some music that feels good and uplifting to you and let it move you back to a place that feels more like you. Changing your food by eating lighter and gentler foods and increasing your water can also support your energy management. Things like Smudging your home and office also help to shift your energy and the energy of your spaces. Receiving a Chakra Balancing or Energy treatment will help to move out the heavy energy and help you feel more like yourself again. Saying no to things, people, and situations which don’t feel supportive to you and instead creating a gentle space for yourself will help you find more balance.

Self Soothe

Think about all the self care things that you’ve put on a shelf for whatever reason. This is the time to get them down and start applying daily. Things like, Epsom Salt Baths, your favorite DIY treatments, watching your favorite movie, or taking time to invest in your creative outlet. Maybe you have a stack of books on your bed side table just waiting for you to begin reading. Maybe what you really want is to put on your favorite jammies, get into bed early, and watch old reruns of your favorite Friends episodes. It isn’t so much about what you do, it’s that you’re doing something consistently. If you need to get your stuff out where you can see it so you’ll be more likely to use it, by all means get your stuff out where you can reach it.

Move Your Body

When we move our body, we release and remove stress. This is why so many people get a workout in when they’re feeling overwhelmed because they can leave it on their mat when they’re finished working out. You don’t have to go to the gym or to a yoga studio to do this; any way that you can get some exercise will leave you feeling lighter and more like yourself again. Go for a bike ride, walk around your block, do a YouTube workout in your living room, get up a good sweat while you’re mopping your floors, or washing your own vehicle, or working in your garden. Just find ways to keep moving your body.

Be Prepared

Okay, for all of you that feel like you’re in a waiting room waiting for a new doorway to open, this one is for you. This is such a specific feeling that everyone knows what it feels like to have a combination of anticipation, excitement, anxiety, and frustration all at the same time because you know you’re about to go through a big change but you’re still in the waiting room. Get as prepared as you can to walk directly through that door when your name is called. What does that mean? It means to do things that may not be super fun but are very necessary to set you up for success and a smooth transition when it’s your turn. Things like: Updating your resume and cover letter, updating your media kit, updating your website, looking for new places to live, getting in contact with your mortgage lender or real estate agent, researching programs, classes, or universities that may be a fit for the direction in which you are moving. In whatever area you know that you’re about to experience a change, start to tick off all the things that you’ll need to do to be prepared when your door open to you. If you feel unsure of how to do any of those things, reach out for help from someone who can help you whether that is a friend or a professional. Don’t wait until your time arrives to scramble and try to throw everything together at the last minute. Prepare for a smooth transition.

Ask for Help

Whether you ask for help from people and professionals in your real life or you’re googling all the info and insight that you can find on the inter-webs, reach out for help. If you feel stuck and you ask for help, you’ll notice that you can shift the way you feel plus gain insight that will help you move forward. I call that a win win.

In addition to asking for help from people and the google, I encourage you to ask for help from your angels, guides, and anyone you feel aligned with spiritually. If you are like me and you love to receive physical signs letting you know that you’ve been heard and are being helped, just ask. I like to ask for a physical sign in my real life that I easily notice and understand to let me know that I’ve been heard and that I’m being helped. Feel free to use this one too if it resonates for you. I like big, bright, bold signs so I know right away it’s for me and this works well.

I know this was a long message this time, but I know that you’re going through a lot or you know someone who’s going through a lot. I hope this will offer you some support and comfort as we all collectively move through this time of great change.

I’m sending you lots of love and support,
Kristy~ xoxo

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3 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive People Benefit From Energy Treatments

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If you’re anything like me, you’re a highly sensitive person who tends to be really good at multi-tasking and getting a lot of things done every single day.

One of the biggest challenges for people who tend to be empathetic, highly sensitive, and introverted is that they tend to take on other people’s emotions, thoughts, feelings and experiences as their own as they go about their day.

When someone is really great at getting a lot of things done, and tends to have a lot of things on their list they’re often exposed to lots of people places and things that can feel intense, overwhelming, and even challenging.

If you think about how a sponge picks up water as it moves across a surface, you can better understand how sensitive people feel at the end of the day. Full, tired, and heavy…

Now, imagine doing that over and over again every day without clearing out that sponge.
Yep, if you’re imagining a sponge you wouldn’t want to use to clean anything, you’re on the right track.

This is what happens to people like yourself who are constantly going, going, going but that often don’t have the time or energy to clear out from everything that’s happening in and around them.
Over time some of the things that can show up for highly sensitive people include but aren’t limited to:

  • Exhaustion

  • Burn out

  • Trouble Sleeping

  • Brain Fog

  • Low Energy

  • Sadness

  • Feeling of Heaviness (within and around you)

  • Bloating

  • Weight Gain

  • Lethargy

  • Loss of Joy and or Happiness

  • Feelings of being separated from Sense of Self

  • Feeling like there is not enough time for the things that make you feel like "yourself"

  • Feeling compartmentalized within your own life

  • Feeling marginalized by the people in your life (Friends, Family, Colleagues)

  • Sickness/Dis-ease in the body

Just like that sponge; the body, mind, and spirit need to be cleared on a regular basis so that you can maintain optimum health and wellness.

Below are 3 of the Main Reasons Energy Treatments are a Powerful Way to Support Highly Sensitive People

1. Always Helping Others, But Need Help For Yourself Too:
One of the biggest issues for highly sensitive people is that they’re hard wired to support, help, and intervene in people’s lives.

They often tend to be the “Go To Person” within their world; which leads them to having lots of people who come to them for extra support, guidance, and direct help.
They gladly help the people in their world every day.

However this person feels like they don’t have anyone to help or support them.
Most of the time, this is 100% true.

  • Energy Treatments allow the helping person to receive direct help from a professional they trust so they can literally release all the stuff they’ve been carrying around for weeks, months, and in some cases even years.

  • Energy treatments move that heaviness out of the body and mental space so that the person feels like themselves again.

  • Many times, the person will literally look different when they leave than when they arrived because they let go of so much heaviness. Most people will also feel like they let go of a huge weight and that they feel back to their true self.

2. The Catch 22:
Most highly sensitive people have lots of things that they want to get done in their own lives but don’t have the energy to implement them by the time they’re finished with their day. 

This can contribute to or create a deep sense of sadness, heaviness, and even loneliness.
Highly sensitive people are compelled to honor the ideas, inspiration, and calling of their hearts or inner knowing.

If this calling is placed onto the back burner for too long, challenges come up for these sensitive souls.

  • Energy treatments can help to release that feeling of exhaustion and heaviness so there’s more energy and clarity to take guided action toward personal projects and passions.

  • This creates a cyclical effect which leads to more joy, happiness, and life satisfaction.

3. Self Care/True Rest:
Because Highly Sensitive People tend to have a lot going on, they often report:

  • Burning the candle at both ends

  • High levels of stress

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Problems quieting their brain

  • Never finishing everything on their lists

As you can imagine, this can lead to a lot of physical stress in the body as well as self induced pressure.

  • Many of these folks report feeling like they are always playing “catch up” and feel bad about themselves because they are always chasing lists which never end.

  • This can create a feeling of not being enough which creates more tension and stress.

Energy treatments allow the mind and the body to rest and get quiet so the sensitive person can experience true rest, relaxation, and respite.

  • This true rest is what’s needed to help bring all the other pieces together allowing the sensitive person to feel renewed, relaxed, and more like themselves again.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms of being a highly sensitive person, you’re not alone nor are you imagining any of these things. 

Your sensitivity is a gift to everyone but it's important to take good care of yourself so you can live the life that's right for you. 

Please give yourself permission to reach out for some Direct Action for yourself in the form of an Energy Treatment if you're so inclined.

I’m wishing you a gentle day and just sending you a gentle reminder that yes, you’re worth it and you’re deserving of taking care of yourself too.
With love,
Kristy~ xoxo

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Anti-Inflammatory + Metabolism Boosting ACV Drink Recipe


Anti-Inflammatory + Metabolism Boosting ACV Drink Recipe

The causes of inflammation in the body can vary greatly; however inflammation is an issue that most if not all of us are experiencing in some capacity or another.
We can experience inflammation from but not limited to:

  • Food and Drinks

  • Sugar

  • Eectro-Magnetic Frequencies

  • Lack of Exposure to/ Time Spent in Nature

  • Too much Acid in the Body (Acidity vs. Alkalinity)

  • Barometric/Atmospheric Pressure Changes

  • Elevation Changes

  • And even Tension, Stress, and Anger can increase inflammation in the body

Inflammation in the body leads to things that end in “ITIS” including but not limited to:

  • Arthritis

  • Bronchitis

  • Colitis

  • Dermatitis

  • Sinusitis

  • etc.

Finding ways to support the body in reducing or removing inflammation can help your overall health and wellness. This is just one way (out of many ways) that can help to reduce inflammation and acidity in the body.

Depending on what you prefer, I’ve included two recipes below which will support your body in reducing bloating and inflammation while also boosting your metabolism.
They both work really well and I use them both regularly. The only difference between them is the taste profiles; the cinnamon is a spicy and heavier taste so if that’s not your cup of tea, no worries at all, the second recipe has a lighter taste.

You Will Need:
Bragg’s Brand Apple Cider Vinegar
Ground Cinnamon
Ground Cayenne Pepper
Lemon Juice

Recipe #1
1 Tablespoon Braggs ACV
1 Teaspoon Cinnamon
2 Small Shakes of Cayenne Pepper
8 Ounces of Water
Gently still all ingredients and drink.

Recipe #2
1 Tablespoon Braggs ACV
1 Teaspoon Fresh Lemon Juice
2 Small Shakes of Cayenne Pepper
8 Ounces of Water
Gently still all ingredients and drink.


Kristy~ xoxo

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Smudging 101


Smudging 101

Smudging is a form of space clearing that’s been used for generations to cleanse, uplift, and shift physical spaces, outdoor spaces, people, pets, and objects. Smudging with Sage helps to move out stale dense, or negative energy. It can also be used to purify air and to clear away germs and bacteria.

Space clearing helps to move out stale or dense energy and makes space for the new to come into our lives. Space clearing helps to lighten and brighten the feeling, vibration, and quality of the space and it's something that you, your loved ones, and pets will feel and benefit from.

  • If you or a loved one who lives with you suffers from Asthma or other breathing issues, Smudging is NOT the best Space Clearing option for you and you should use a different method to clear your home.

  • If you live in an apartment, you may need to check your building regulations to check to see if you’re allowed to burn sage. If not, you should use a different method to clear your home.

You can find sage bundles at most health food stores or you can make your own.
You can add a rosemary bundle to your sage, lavender, or roses if you feel guided.
If you want to create your own bundles just make sure to use natural fibers to wrap your herbs.
Do Not use acrylic or other synthetics fibers to wrap your sage bundles.
If you want to add additional herbs or flowers to your sage bundle you may want to research the meaning for each flower you choose. You can easily find the flower meanings with a quick internet search. Each flower or herb that you choose has its own special clearing and healing element supporting a deep clearing of your home and or office space. 

Choose a non-flammable dish to rest under your bundle so you don't get embers on your furniture or flooring. (Some people use abalone shells but you can choose whatever is right for you.)

Then open all your windows so the old energy can move out when you begin smudging.
This is also important because your space will be filling with smoke and you want to avoid your smoke alarm being activated.
You may also want to turn on any ceiling fans to help circulate the air.

Before you begin you can set intentions for your space and your clearing; you can ask your angels to be with you and support the clearing process, or anything that feels right for you.

Then light your sage bundle carefully, it may take a minute to light and begin to produce smoke.

Begin moving throughout your home, office, or other space allowing your sage to waft. Make sure that you smudge behind doors, in corners, under furniture if possible, and in places or spaces that aren’t used very often. If there are any rooms or areas that feel off to you, spend more time in there allowing the sage to clear and waft over the entire space. Walk into and around every room you’re clearing.

Smudge electronics, televisions, routers, cell phones, websites, social media accounts etc.
You can bring the online accounts or websites you would like to clear up on your device and clear them with the smoke.

Continue smudging until you’ve cleared every space. If you’re clearing your home, make sure that you clear the front and back doors, and every door leading to the outside especially well. Clear both sides of the doors, so you’ll have to go outside to do this.

Clear your property and any out buildings you have including garages and sheds.
If there are weird spots on your property, spend more time clearing those areas.

You'll feel the space shift and snap, similar to snapping a sheet as the space clears of old energy.
You may notice a deep calm come over the space, you, and anyone else in the space. Sometimes the space will feel and even look bigger after it’s been cleared. There is a palpable shift and you'll feel it. When you're finished make sure you stop your bundle from burning, you may want to use some water to ensure that it's out. Place your smudge bundle and your dish somewhere that it will be safe so you can smudge again when you feel guided. You can continue to use the same smudge bundle until it’s completely gone.

Smudging is a powerful tool to keep your spaces uplifted, supportive, and feeling like you.
I hope you’ll enjoy this method of space clearing as much as I do.

Kristy~ xoxo

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