Are You Choosing You? How To Get Back to the Path that's Right for Your Life

As I sit here at my desk in my professional office I can see students coming and going to campus and going about their day. This time of year always makes me think about fresh starts, new beginnings, and feelings of hope. While we begin to round the corner on the last big push for the end of the year, we’re also in this time of back to school. There’s a push pull that happens at this time where we get an opportunity to look back on the year and see how far we’ve come. We also get a change to either recommit to some things we really want to do before the end of the year or let go of some stuff that we don’t feel aligned with while moving toward something that feels more like us.
This is a really powerful cycle because not only do we have the beginning of a new season coming up in a few weeks, back to school, and the final push toward the end of the year, but we also have Mercury Retrograde with us until the 22nd of September. There seem to be a lot of factors supporting us in taking a look at what’s important to us and supporting us in getting back to these things.
Getting Back Into Alignment with Your True Self
has been a common theme that keeps coming up over the last couple of months
Here are some ways that you can tell if something is out of alignment for you.

  • Feeling Disconnected From Yourself and Your Life
  • Feelings or Experiences of Emptiness
  • Feeling Fractured, Compartmentalized, or Out Of Touch with Yourself
  • Wondering When it Will be Your Turn to Enjoy Your Own Life
  • Knowing or Feeling that Things Should Have Been Different by Now
  • Deep feelings of Angst, Frustration, or Irritation a Large Part of Each Day
  • Escaping from Your Life through Internet use, Substance abuse, Shopping, Food Additions, or other Numbing Behaviors
  • Avoiding Quiet or Down Time
  • Noticing You Feel Like Yourself When You’re Away from Your Day to Day Life but Can’t Hold onto that Feeling Once you Return Home
  • Feeling like an Outsider Within Your Own Life

If you identify with any of these feelings or thoughts, please take a nice long deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Good.

This isn’t a judgement nor does it mean that something is wrong with you. These are messages letting you know that somewhere along the line you stepped away from the path that resonates with you. Sometimes, these feelings show up when a particular lifestyle or relationship has come full circle. When we listen to these important messages from the soul it allows us to take action. Taking action brings us back home, back to center, and back to ourselves.
Sometimes people tell me that they think it’s too late to make important life changes for ____________ reason.

The truth is that it’s never too late and choosing to honor yourself is the biggest gift you can give to yourself and to those in your world. Living a life that feels uninspired or unfulfilling to you because you are nervous about making changes doesn’t allow room for joy to bloom. In fact, it intensifies the feelings that things are off as a way to nudge you to make important life changes.

Change is a natural part of life, it’s the one constant that we have while we’re here on this planet. When we try to keep things the same, we bump into feelings of being stuck. Isn’t that a strange paradox? The way to open up the flow to more happiness, joy, and feeling like yourself is to move toward change. You can move toward change by leaning into the places and spaces that feel a little or a lot uncomfortable and to listen to the whispers of your soul.
The truth is that you know what’s right for you. You can feel it in your heart and you know your truth in the core of your being. For most people, it comes down to giving themselves permission to honor that voice they hear which tells them to:

  • Move
  • Leave Their Jobs
  • Get Into Counseling
  • Stop Drinking and or Using Drugs
  • Go Back to School
  • End Their Relationship
  • Create Healthy Boundaries
  • Start Saying No
  • Exercise
  • Take Back Their Life

As adults, there tends to be less and less people who tell us that we’re doing a good job, that we’re making the right choices, and that honoring ourselves brings blessings to everyone around us. So, that means that we have to be that person for ourselves.

One of the ways to honor your inner knowing is by giving yourself permission to move toward the calling of your own heart.
It may feel awkward or uncomfortable at first, but like anything new, the more that you do it, the easier it will become. As you continue this new path of self love and self respect you’ll find that your life begins to shift in ways that you may not have believed were possible for you. As you honor your true self you’ll find that your joy, happiness, and personal peace begin to increase too.
No matter what it is that you’re being called to do, begin, shift, or release within your life right now, please know that you’re deserving of making these important changes. You don’t need permission or anyone else to tell you that you’re ready. The message, knowing, or feeling that you have within you is authority enough. You are the only person who knows what’s best for you. Your true north sits inside your heart, and the more you can honor that space within, the easier it will be for you to stay on your path.
As we move through this time of reflection, restructuring, and renewal I hope that you will take some time to get clear about what you want to experience as we move closer to the end of this year. There’s still time to get some things done that you said you wanted to do this year. Please give yourself permission to go for it. I promise, you’re worth it.

P.S. Do you have a friend who could use some support in making important life changes? Please pass this on to them so they know they aren't alone and that they're worthy of making important changes. Thank you so much! 

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The Power of the Pause | Making the Most of Your Time

I’ve just returned home from my annual summer trip. Each year at the end of July I travel for a bit and over the last few years I’ve made these travel trips “off the grid trips.” I travel to places where there’s no wifi and no television and just connect to a slower life and truly decompress. Last year I stayed somewhere that didn’t even have clocks anywhere at all. This year there were clocks but for some reason they were all set at the wrong time which was strange and so it felt like there weren’t any clocks around since they were all wrong.

Some of the things that really stood out to me while on this trip included how long it actually took me to get out from under the feeling of needing to be somewhere, and needing to do something. I also quickly realized how often I check my email. When there’s no way to check email, it’s easy to recognize how often you try to check it. Talk about a reality check.

The first three days were a bit of a transition for me because I could feel a push pull happening within my body and my brain. My body said, “Hey relax, you’re on vacation and you’re 30 minutes from the closest wifi zone.” By brain kept trying to give me reminders about things that I needed to do as soon as I returned home or at least once I got back into a place where I could connect with the rest of the digital world. The opportunity to breathe, reset, and be present was very palpable. I was doing a lot of refocusing and reframing those first few days.

Being physically away from home gave me an opportunity to experience distance from my day to day life but it was really in making a conscious effort to slow down the mental lists and reminders which became the game changer for me.  It was almost as if I could feel my body and brain unwinding little by little each hour. Each of those first three days I felt more and more like myself and more and more present. By day 3, I was completely in the zone and on my own body clock time. I noticed that I kept forgetting what day it was and found myself asking, “what day is it?” pretty often. That was a great feeling because it meant that I was just in the moment and enjoying what was happening around me even if that was simply listening the waves on the shore.

One of the side benefits on being off the grid is there’s a quiet that comes over you without you even trying. I spend a good amount of time each day carving out quiet for meditation and reflection. However, there was no need for carving that time out when the distractions of technology were no longer there. It was incredible how quickly I was able to just be in a reflective state naturally and how many insights and ideas made themselves available to me. I also had a lot of memories of how I spent my time prior to 1995-1997 when the majority of American households were welcoming the internet into their lives with open arms.

While I love technology and feel grateful for all it does to connect us to our modern world and new normal; there’s something to be said about down time. I think there’s something valuable in having time throughout the day where you’re present with how you’re feeling and can’t distract yourself by using one of the many devices available to us on regular basis.

There’s a powerful opportunity to feel our feelings and to get to the heart of what we need to know by sitting with ourselves. I think this downtime or void in the day can actually lead to a lot of personal growth in addition to other things like creativity, ideas, inspiration, self actualizing, and yes feeling the hurt or pain that may be holding space within or around us. However, even if the down time doesn’t feel comfortable at first, it will become easier and even something to look forward to the more that it’s invested in and nurtured.

While I was off the grid I asked how I could translate this experience into my day to day life once I got back into the grid. Below you’ll see what I received; I hope this will help you create some downtime in your daily life as well.

Create Tech Free Zones and Times Within Your Home

  • No devices during meal times, not even at the table turned on silent is an easy way to incorporate a tech free time.
  • Creating a tech free zone in your bedroom and in the bathroom/s is an easy way to add tech free spaces.
  • You can add other areas/rooms as well based on what feels like a fit for you.

Avoid “Multi-Tasking” With Multiple Devices

  • If you’re watching a movie, don’t answer emails or scroll social media feeds at the same time. Be present and place your other devices in another room where you can’t see or hear them.
  • *Research shows it’s not possible to multi task and that the brain can only focus on one task at a time even though we may believe we’re able to do many things at once, we’re actually turning on to one task while turning off to another.
  • *Fragmenting your time can lead to low grade anxiety, frustration, irritability, shortened attention spans and lack of focus.

Call It A Day

  • Shut your laptop and notebook off when you’re finished working. Don’t leave them on just in case you might need to send one more email or check one more thing. This creates a low grade anxiety which keeps you plugged into the energy of something outside of what you’re doing, creating distractions.

Take 10

  • Step away from your devices and if possible go outside and decompress from the constant stimulation and interruptions from your devices. If you can walk or move your body you’ll be able to decompress and clear your mind and body more quickly and effectively.

Power Down

  • Turn off your devices. You’ll feel a shift happen for you and you’ll become aware of any patterns or habits you’ve created around your devices. The more power down’s you take, even in small amounts of time, the easier it will be for you to be present, reduce low grade tech induced anxiety, and increase your attention span and focus.

Get Outside

  • Being outside and off your device allows you to let down and get back to your own body clock and natural rhythm. Mother Nature will support you in slowing down and clearing away any residue that you may have collected from being indoors and around electro magnetic frequencies (EMF’s). Placing your bare feet on soil, sod, or sand will help to clear your body of EMF’s which cause inflammation. (Things that end in “itis” are inflammation related. Colitis, Arthritis, Sinusitis, etc.)
  • Being outside will help you to feel more like yourself again and support you in having clearer thinking, less stress, and increased energy.

Since being home I’ve been incorporating these techniques into my day and they’re really helping me to create balance as I reintegrate back into my work schedule.

This is helping me to create a sweet spot between work, rest, and play.
I hope these support tools will help you too!

P.S. Do you have a friend, family member, or colleague who could use some support in decompressing from the intensity of our modern digital world? Please pass this on to them for me, thank you so much! 

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Honoring Your Sensitivity During Stressful Situations

With all of the intense news stories over the last couple of weeks, energies have been running high. I’ve definitely found myself deeply impacted by the global and national news and have found my heart weighing heavy. I’m sure that you as a highly sensitive person have felt it too.

It seems that nearly every client I’ve worked with in the last couple of weeks has felt a heavy heart, a bit of pain in their neck and shoulders, a feeling of heaviness or lethargy, and a deep sadness about the recent events.

As a sensitive person, not only do you move through your own personal feelings about any kind of challenging or painful situation but you’re also impacted by the global thoughts, feelings, and overall impact as well. This can create another layer of heaviness and or pain in addition to the feelings and emotions that you’re already working through.

When intense or deeply painful feelings are being experienced it’s even more important to take really good care of yourself. It can feel like a bit of a challenging cycle when you’re feeling overwhelmed or lethargic and trying to manage a really busy schedule. Often times, the thing that gets put onto the back burner during highly stressful times is self care. This can then lead to a whole other ball of wax that can lead to getting sick and exhaustion.
Not a good thing.

I wanted to share some of my favorite quick ways to foster self care as a way to offer you some extra support right now.

Please know this is not an end all be all list, it’s just a jumping off place for you to get some ideas and try different things to see what works for you.

What I know for sure is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time investing in self care to make a positive impact in your day.

However, you do have to do something.

Small segments of time invested in your self care adds up and is worth every moment of your time. I promise you, You Are Worth the investment. All the people within your world will benefit from you taking time for yourself, including you.

Burning Sage to clear yourself and your home or office helps to clear away heavy and dense energies that have built up within and around you. This method is a powerful way to completely clear your environment and it quickly shifts the energy. Smudging electronics is also very helpful especially since so much of our information and communication is transmitted through our devices. This method does have a strong smell and creates smoke so you’ll need to open your windows while you sage your home or office. If you aren’t able to burn sage do to an allergy or building codes you can also use the sage spray. (Don’t spray water directly onto electronics or fabrics.) You can find sage at most health food stores and it’s very affordable. You don’t have to use the entire sage stick or spray bottle to clear your home or office; one sage stick or bottle provide many clearings.

Breath Work
Breathe. During stressful situations, people begin to mouth breathe which turns up the stress response in the body including increasing stress hormones which then flood the body creating a stress cycle. Breathe in through your nose, hold the breath for a count of 2 and then breathe out through your mouth for a count of 2. Repeat this breathing technique 3 to 4 times through. This works like a control alt delete for the body and helps to reset your central nervous system to rest and restore which is your natural state.

Turn off your phone, computer, tablet, and any other device for 10-15 minutes. Yes, you can do it. Then physically move into a quiet space and breathe. If you can physically move your body even if it’s a walk around the office, house, or block do it. The body holds onto the electromagnetic frequencies from your devices and it’s physically draining on the body. Disconnecting allows you to recharge your battery.

Go Outside
Getting outside allows your body to breathe fresh uncirculated air while also decompressing from the energies which have build up inside your home or office. It also exposes you to sunlight which is good for your health, allows you to physically slow down and get back onto your natural body clock which is very different from your digital clock. 5-10 minutes makes a huge difference. Try not to take your devices outside with you if possible.

Essential Oils
Pure essential oils are a wonderful support system physically, emotionally and mentally, and spiritually. You can mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil and rub it onto your wrists, chest, and bottoms of your feet to help soothe, comfort, and relax you. Some relaxing and soothing oils include:
You can also diffuse them into your home or office to help create a soothing environment for yourself and others. This is a diffuser that I’ve used and really like. (But there are endless choices available.)

Now Foods Ultrasonic Real Bamboo Diffuser
NOW Foods- Nutrition and Wellness

Yep, sweating literally moves heavy and stressful energies out of your physical body which helps you to feel better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually too. It doesn’t matter how you work up a sweat. You can sit in a sauna or steam room, workout, lay out, garden, build something, dance, or any way that works for you.

Even if you aren’t a napper, resting or closing your eyes for 15 minutes or longer allows your body to go into rest and restore. During sleep the body repairs itself so investing in sleep helps your body to heal, clear, and come back to balance.

I’m not affiliated with Spook but I love their mats and they really work. This mat puts pressure on the meridians in the body releasing the comfort, restore, and renew hormones in the body while moving out stress and tension. This mat also helps to decrease pain and pressure that comes from sitting at a computer for long periods of time and has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. (Inflammation leads to pain.) 

Energy Work/Body Work
If you enjoy energy work or body work, this helps to clear away heaviness, tension, stress, grief, and or pain from the body. When you’re feeling like something is off or you know that you are carrying around extra stuff that you want to release, working with a trusted healer is a great way to honor your self care.

Any kind of creative outlet that you enjoy will help you to clear, self soothe, and move into a place that feels nurturing to you. Make things, play music, decorate, write, create, color in a coloring book, or cook a delicious meal. The options here are endless, the big shift is the doing part. Make time to do your creative outlet and don’t talk yourself out of it because it will take too long to get started or because__________. Invest in your creativity.

Talk It Out
Sometimes talking about how you’re feeling allows you to open a floodgate you may not have even realized was closed. A trusted friend, family member, partner, coach, or therapist can be a powerful source of support for you.

Highly sensitive people often bottle up their feelings because they don’t want to burden their loved ones or add anything to someone else’s already overflowing plate. They often tend to be the person that others come to for help which can compound their situation.

If you find yourself in this group, the group who feels guilty talking about your feelings, needs, or stressors, I recommend working with a counselor, coach, or therapist rather than a loved one. They have time to talk to you and you aren’t bothering them or adding too much to their list or load. It’s important for you to release your feelings as well as the feelings and conversations you’re carrying around with you from your loved ones.

I hope this helps to give you some ideas of how to increase self care in your day to day schedule.

P.S. Do you have a friend or family member who’s also highly sensitive? If so, please share this with them so they can invest in their self care and decompress from stress too. Thank you! 

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Summer's Here, Time For A Change In Direction

Well, it’s officially summer in the northern hemisphere and it’s super hot in my teeny corner of the world. Whether you are sipping iced tea trying to keep cool like I am or if you live somewhere where the weather is more comfortable; one thing is sure we are into a brand new season. A new season always brings with it change, new energy, and new “tasks.”

The long summer days, the heat, and the break from school give us a clear message about the tasks on deck for this particular season. This season is all about slowing down, getting outside, and getting some warm sunshine on your skin. While you may not be out of school or off work for the summer (I’m not either) the message about slowing down is still really strong.

A couple of weeks ago I participated in an event that was dedicated to celebrating fun, self care, and a little bit of pampering.  I was working as one of the vendors and offered small complimentary sessions to participants throughout the entire event. The number one message that came through during the event was a need for more:

  • Self Care
  • Down Time
  • Fun
  • Restructuring of Day to Day Activities to Create More Balance

This message was not only a strong theme during that event but I’ve seen it continue over the last couple of weeks with clients and friends. Whenever there’s a big wave of any messages coming through I know that people are feeling it across the board.

  • How about you?
  • Are you feeling the need for some deep self care?
  • Some real rest?
  • The ability to walk away from your technology and communication devices and just breathe without worrying about what you need to do next?

Does just thinking about having a little more time for yourself make your body relax?
Well, if so, you’re not alone.

And, the great news is that this season is the perfect time for you to actually enjoy more time for yourself, time with loved ones, and time doing things that you love… even if that means simply sitting in your garden or on your front porch listening to the bees working.

The long hot days impact the way that our physical bodies feel making us slow down which helps us to rest, restore, and renew. This is also a time where excess stuff seems to feel even more overwhelming than usual. This feeling of wanting to streamline helps to eliminate excess distractions which contribute to more tension and stress within and around us. If you’re thinking about having a yard sale or donating a lot of belongings you are no longer using, then you are right on the mark for this clearing away task that is happening right now.

This is also a big travel time and an opportunity to get outside even if the only traveling you can do right now is day trips to places within your local area. Getting outside regularly will help you to unwind from stress or pressure, get back to your natural body clock, (which most likely doesn’t match your daily agenda or to do lists) and drink in the healing power of the sun. Being outside in the sun is really beneficial mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Yes, of course responsible sun exposure is important but like all living beings on this planet, we need sun. The sun actually gives us energy and helps to balance us while clearing away tension. If you think about the sun’s ability to power vehicles, homes, and office buildings, you can see that the sun also powers us. Not to mention the beneficial vitamin D that we receive from being in the sun. Those who have seasonal affective disorder (raising hand) know first hand how challenging it is to live somewhere with limited sunlight a large portion of the year. The sun literally helps to increase happiness, energy, and clear thinking.

Think back to a time when you were younger, maybe after swimming and then laying on the concrete to warm up and feeling the warm summer sunshine soaking into your pores. This is a quintessential childhood summer feeling to me and a great one to use as a guide as you move through this season.

You don’t literally have to lie out on the concrete, maybe a nice lounge chair instead. Give yourself permission to bask in the warm and comforting energy of the sun. Pay attention to the way that your body feels, the way that your racing thoughts become quieted, the deep breathing you’re able to experience, and your overall relaxation level.

This feeling is a good barometer of the season. See how many ways you can create this experience for yourself throughout the day. You don’t need a lot of time to move into a place which feels supportive of you. Simply stopping and walking away from the computer for a few minutes, sitting in your backyard and having a glass of lemonade, going to a movie in the park or anything that allows you to slow down and shift your focus from doing to receiving will do. The more of these shifts to receiving you can build into your long summer days, the more you will feel like yourself again. Give yourself permission to build in a little bit of that childhood freedom and fun that comes with summer into your “grown up” summer too.

Enjoy the energy of this season, slow way down, do things that make you feel like a kid again. Let go of the extraneous whether it’s physical stuff, an overbooked schedule of things that don’t make your heart sing or a combination of both.

Host a porch party, garden party, or a game night. Drink in the summer air and walk around your home without shoes on. Drink iced tea out of a mason jar, make some homemade popsicles, and play tourist in your own town.

This is a season all about getting back to fun and you my dear, are worth it!

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Fresh Season, Fresh Start

Here we are at a brand new month, and creeping up on a brand new season.
For me, even though I’m no longer in school, I still connect June with school getting out for the summer. The energy feels lighter somehow, even though there’s still ‘adulting’ to do and work to be done, something feels different. The lighter energy feels like a well deserved gift after the intensity and rough patches that have shown up this year. If you’re thinking over some of the challenges you’ve experienced so far, trust me when I say you’re not alone. Clients, friends, and family have all told me that they’ve experienced a bit of a one step forward two steps back experience during the first half of 2016. I’ve definitely had my fair share of the same experience. We’ve all been riding this roller coaster together.
The great news is that as we step into the second half of 2016 ( I know, crazy right?!) things feel like they’re going to move more easily and organically. So, this is a great time to get back to your to do lists, projects, and partially started things that have been on hiatus for you. You may find that some of the things you wanted to work on at the beginning of the year aren’t as prescient for you now. Other ideas and inspiration may be in the forefront for you now. Great, this is a perfect time to re-prioritize what you want to do and how you want to spend the last half of 2016.
Give yourself permission to be really honest with yourself about what you want to do and what you want to release. Sometimes it can be easy to feel obligated to keep things on the list that you feel should be there even though you have no desire to do them. Depending on what’s on your list there’s always more than one option in dealing with the less than fun items.

  • You can ask someone to help you
  • You can hire it out
  • Or, you can literally cross it off your list and say no thank you.

Sometimes things that were a fit at one time are no longer a fit now; and that’s okay. In fact I think that’s a huge take away that’s come through from the first part of the year. There’s been a lot of opportunity to reflect on what’s important, what’s worth investing in and what’s ready to be released.
Add some things to your list that feel really good to you, things that get you excited, and things that will bring you joy. Think about how you can include fun to your daily life while moving toward the goals and dreams that you want to accomplish during the rest of the year. I think summer is a great season to support this balance between work and play. The weather is warm, the days are long and it seems easier to make fun a priority.

Use this season as a way to cultivate the healthy habit of sprinkling fun and joy into your day to day life. Give yourself permission to invest in the life that you want to live and let go of the stuff that doesn’t match up to that life.

This is your life and you have full permission to live it your way.
How can you add more fun, joy, and playtime to your schedule this month?

Leave a message in the comment section so we can share ideas. 
Wishing you a wonderful transition into summer which officially happens on Monday, June 20th. There’s a full moon on that day too, so it’s going to be a big energy shift.
With love,
P.S. Do you have a friend or colleague who could use a little more balance in their life? If so, please pass this message on to them for me. Thank you so much in advance!

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Are You Full Moon Sensitive?

Are you full moon sensitive? I’m definitely sensitive to the full moon cycle.  I thought that I would share a few ways that I move through this time as a way to offer you some support in case you find this time to be challenging too. I’ve found that some people are more impacted by the full moon than others. It seems to be that the more sensitive someone is, the more they’re effected by full moon symptoms.

So, if you tend to classify yourself as sensitive or especially as a highly sensitive person, you may really resonate with moving through full moon symptoms. However, I’ve found that some people who don’t consider themselves to be sensitive can also be impacted by full moon symptoms. So, if you know someone or live with someone who swears the full moon doesn’t impact them, but you believe otherwise, this could help them too. (You may have to provide the support systems to them discreetly though.)

There are lots of different symptoms associated with the full moon; I’ve included the most common symptoms. These can begin approximately 3 days before the full moon, the day of the full moon, and last approximately 3 days after the full moon.

Sinus Pressure
Feeling “Foggy”
Hyper sensitive skin; your skin may actually ache and or feel uncomfortable in fabrics that aren’t extra soft.
Low grade fever
Upset or sensitive stomach
Need for deep rest
Intense Emotions and or feelings of being on an emotional roller coaster
Frustration and or agitation
Food Cravings

The full moon has historically been a time of releasing and clearing. Even though we’re living in a world where things are moving really quickly and it seems like there’s always something that needs to get done, this is still an important time to acknowledge and to honor. The moon moves the tides in the oceans and since we’re made mostly of water, we’re also impacted by the cycles of the moon. Even if you’re really busy and can’t take a lot of time to treat yourself with a little tlc during the full moon; you may want to incorporate a few of the ideas below to help your full moon cycle be a little more gentle.

Increase H2O

Even if you’re great about getting your daily water intake, try to drink a little bit more. This is especially important if you find yourself feeling parched or bloated during this time. You may want to add a little lemon to your water to help reduce any bloating. Water also seems to help move the physical symptoms along more quickly as well.

Take A Swim In the Tub

Soak in a salt bath to help reduce any tension or stress you may be feeling. Soaking in Epsom and Sea Salt can help to soothe your body and help you feel more relaxed and like yourself again. The Epsom salt will also help to soothe any aches or sensitivities you may be experiencing in your skin or muscles as well. If you aren’t a bath person, you can do a salt scrub in the shower.

Reduce Loud Noises

You may notice that your tolerance for loud noises, crowds, technology, and background noises moves to a near zero tolerance policy. To the best of your ability, try to turn off machines and stay away from loud, crowded places. Depending on your sensitivity level, you may want to listen to nature sounds such as a water fountain to help your body unwind and relax. You can also listen to nature stations on Pandora or Spotify.


This one is really important and tends to cause a little trouble for some people. It’s really important to rest during this time, however many people try to push past their comfort zone and don’t slow down; which can lead to more exhaustion. So, if you can rest or nap (even if you aren’t a napper) give yourself permission to do it. 15-20 minutes of down time can make a big difference.


Many people experience insomnia during the full moon. That’s why it’s even more important to rest during small pockets of time during the day. You may want to have an area in your home set up so you can easily move to it if you can’t sleep. I set out a blanket and pillow, and put a movie into the dvd player before turning in for the night so I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for things when I can’t sleep.

Emotional Release

You may find that you ride a big wave of emotions during this time. You may want to journal, talk to a trusted friend or support person, have a good cry, watch a favorite movie, do something creative, or anything that will help you to feel comforted.

Essential Oils

Using pure high grade essential oils can be a huge support system during the full moon. Whether you feel guided to diffuse them into the room you’re in or apply them to your skin, this can be a big a game changer in helping you feel comforted, relaxed, and balanced.

Gentle Foods

If you tend to have an upset stomach during this time, you may want to drink chamomile and peppermint tea to help soothe your tummy. Green drinks, smoothies, and soups can also be easy on the body and taste really comforting.

Smudging or Releasing Ceremony

You may want to consciously release anything that is no longer a fit for you or your life. There may be things that are changing or leaving your life; this can include people, situations, relationships ways of living, and repeating patterns.  There’s no one way to do this, just the way that feels right for you. You can create a list of the things you’re releasing and burn it (in a well ventilated area), bury it, or even flush it. You can visualize all that you’re releasing and ask your angels and guides to take them away from you and your life. You can set the intention to release everything that’s no longer serving you and then smudge your home with sage to release them and clear your home. You can find sage at most health food stores. Or, you can create your own way to mark and honor what you’re releasing.

Treat Yourself to a Treatment:

You may want to schedule a massage, acupuncture, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, or other self care treatment to help you during this time of deep sensitivity. Sometimes a treatment can help the physical and emotional symptoms move along more quickly.


To me this is the most important aspect of support. Only you will know what you need during this time, and it’s important to treat yourself with the same level of kindness and gentility that you would give to a small child. Treat yourself with kid gloves, move at your own pace, say no to things, situations, and people who aren’t a match for you at this time, and rest when you feel guided. Listen to your body and know that pushing yourself over your limits will only create more stress, strain, and often lead to the task taking much longer than usual.

There are lots of ways to make this time more gentle and supportive, and at the end of the day you’re the very best gauge for what’s right for you. Give yourself permission to listen to what you need and then honor that wisdom.

Please leave a comment sharing a way you move through the full moon energies. Do you have a sensitive friend or family member who could benefit from this list of full moon support tips? Please share it with them so they can get some extra TLC right now too. Thank you! 


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If so, click here and you'll also receive a free MP3 and a special price on a session. 

The Great Shake Up, Are You Feeling The Rumblings Of Change?

So, I don’t know about you but all of a sudden I feel like there’s so much change happening. The year has been off to a bit of a wobbly and slow start but as if an invisible curtain has been lifted, it sure feels like things are speeding up and shaking up. Everywhere I turn it seems like I’m receiving opportunities to make some big changes. How about you?

Some of it feels like a breath of fresh air; like things that I’ve been working on for a long time have finally gained traction and are coming together as if by magic. While other things have been a bit of a surprise. All in all, the forecast seems to be pointing to more change for the foreseeable future.

To be honest, I really like change. I know it’s not a popular camp to be in and can create a lot of growing pains but overall I like the fresh start and new beginning aspects of change. (It kind of reminds me of the feeling of starting a new school year.) Don’t get me wrong, some aspects can be down right challenging but all in all I enjoy the lightening process.

With change, there’s this quality of literally and emotionally releasing things, situations, places, and even people who are no longer a fit and there’s a tangible lightening that comes with that process. I find that people simultaneously release and break glass ceilings while going through change. There’s a quality of strength that shows up during change that helps to push us past our comfort zone and allows for more breathing room, the ability to see our own potential, and space to grow.

Right now, there seems to be a deep clearing happening where things are being brought to the surface for an opportunity to fine tune and really release what’s no longer needed. So, if you’re finding that people, cycles, or situations that you felt had wrapped up are showing up again, breathe. It’s okay, it’s actually part of this clearing and lightening process. Give yourself permission to dive deep into your feelings, restructure your boundaries, and give yourself permission to release the old. If you find that something or someone’s actions take you by surprise and you feel guided to let them go too, it’s okay.  (You never have to hold onto people who don’t honor you, no matter how long you’ve known them.) The rumblings of change are bringing things to the surface to be cleared and shifted. This clearing will lead to a healthier and happier life for you, one more aligned with where you’re going.

As you continue to move through the shifts, shake ups, and changes happening in your life right now; please remember to be good to yourself. Let the people in your world know what you need, ask for help, nurture your self care routine, and give yourself permission to say yes to the things that make your heart sing while saying no thank you and farewell to the things that don’t.

This is an exciting time of realignment and I’m standing shoulder to shoulder with you as we walk through this change, together. I know you can do it!

I’d love to hear how you’re moving through change right now and what you’re doing to take good care of yourself throughout the process. Please leave a comment below so we can share support with one another.


P.S. Do you know someone who’s going through a lot of changes right now too? Please forward this post over to them so they know they aren’t alone.

Spring Cleaning

Wow, can you believe that we’re greeting April already? This year sure has been a mixed bag of the whole one foot forward one foot back thing. I don’t know about you, but I feel like it’s been a bit of a whirlwind and I’m looking forward to finding a little breathing room this month.

With Spring upon us (here in the northern hemisphere) the weather is starting to warm up and our days are getting longer. This seasonal shift means that we can get outside more easily and bring the outside in to help clear away any leftover winter blues. I really enjoy this time of year because it feels like things begin to pick up speed and doors we’ve been working toward opening, begin to open up. This year is no different, there has been so much change happening and this season looks to be on par for more of the same. That being said, it’s a great time for new beginnings, fresh starts, and increased energy in the direction of your passion projects and dreams.

One of the biggest challenges that keeps showing up is in finding time for all of the things that demand your attention while also making time for yourself. This can be especially challenging when there are unexpected curve balls thrown in on top of everything else. So, the question becomes, “How do I make time for me without dropping the ball on my responsibilities?” Sometimes, the next thought is to mentally make a list of all the things that need to get done and then telling yourself that you’ll give yourself some down time once everything is completed on your list. But, when that happens, almost as if by magic things that weren’t originally on the list seem to appear continuing to push your name down to the bottom, which means no down time, self care, or balance. Over time this repeating cycle can lead to burn out, exhaustion, sadness, and even feelings of the joy being diminished from life. This isn’t good and can create a lot of challenges both short and long term, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

I’ve found that carving out small pockets of time for myself throughout the day makes a huge difference in the way that I feel and helps to restore a sense of balance and calm. You don’t need to take 30 minutes or more out of your schedule to experience a reset or to feel more like yourself again. Even 5-7 minutes can make a world of difference.

Now that the weather is getting better, getting outside is a powerful and quick way to clear away stress, thinking about lists, replaying tough conversations or interactions with others, and technology energy. If you can’t take a break to go for a walk, even opening a window and letting fresh air inside can help to refresh the way that you’re feeling too. There’s no one way or right way to carve out time for you, there’s just the ways that feel right for you at the time. You may want to try different things to see what resonates most for you. With the energy continuing to speed up as we move through this new season, committing to taking time for you will be a worthwhile investment. Trust me, you’re absolutely worth it!

Here are a few things you may want to try to see if you like them:

  • Listening to nature sounds or other soothing music at your desk. (You can find free relaxing music on Pandora or Spotify)
  • Use an essential oil diffuser to create a calming atmosphere around you
  • Set an alarm on your phone every hour to remind you to take a couple of minutes to breathe, push away from your desk, and stretch.
  • Listen to a quick but relaxing meditation file to help you decompress and relax
  • Go for a walk
  • Exercise
  • Sit on your yoga mat with your eyes closed while mindfully breathing for a minute or two.
  • Take a sea salt and or Epsom salt bath
  • Take technology breaks so you can decompress from the machine energy and from people being able to interrupt you. Taking tech breaks during meals can be a great way to build some down time into your day.
  • Color in a coloring book
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Invest in your creative outlet
  • Read a physical book

While we’re busier than we’ve ever been before in a time where we can access information, people, and work projects around the clock, it’s important to build support systems around us so we can experience a life that feels good to us. Just start where you’re standing and integrate things that feel good to you. You’ll find that this is something that becomes easier once you start. As quickly as this beginning of the year has passed by, I feel this next season is going to do the same. So, give yourself permission to slow down every day even for a few minutes so that you’re creating space for a life that matches your dreams and vision while also taking care of your responsibilities. It’s absolutely possible for you to live the life that you feel aligned with. So point your focus toward bliss, balance, and new beginnings for April. Then picture me cheering you on all month!

With love,

Weathering The Eclipse Storm

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The last three weeks have come with a lot of intense energies, big astrological events, and personal shifts for many people. If you've been feeling off, foggy, exhausted, or extremely sensitive then you're experiencing this energetic weather storm too. Many people that I've talked to have been feeling under the weather, myself included. (Which is why I haven’t been posting.) This has definitely been a big shift and we’re coming up on another eclipse this Wednesday, March 23rd. (This time we're going to experience a Prenumbral Lunal Eclipse.) The energies we’ve been moving through during this window of time between these two eclipses have been supporting us in releasing the old, worn out, and residual hurt we’ve been holding onto, whether consciously or unconsciously. While this is helpful and allows us to open up to big change, forward motion, and more freedom, it can also feel uncomfortable or downright painful at times.

Here are some things that may support you in moving through this time:

Treat yourself with TLC:

Many people are experiencing extreme or heightened sensitivity so honor your needs and try to be as gentle as you can with yourself.

Create a Gentle Environment:

Reduce loud noises, light, and intensity within your home and work space (to the best of your ability).

Drink lots and lots of water:

Increasing your water intake helps with any skin sensitivity or body aches you may be experiencing.

Eat gentle foods:

Some people are noticing that their stomach feels more sensitive than usual and even a bit acidic. Soups, smoothies, fresh green drinks, and any other gentle foods you enjoy are a good idea right now.

Increase Alkalinity:

Because so many people are feeling under the weather in addition to their emotional sensitivity, increasing foods and drinks that support an alkaline body can help you feel stronger, and more like yourself. An alkaline body also helps to fight off any ick that could be trying to linger around.

Neti Pot:

Using a nasal wash can really help with any pressure you may be feeling in your head, ears, and sinuses.


It’s important to get a lot of sleep right now. During intense energy shifts, the body often feels tired, lethargic, feverish, and heavy or dense. Even if you aren’t a big fan of napping, try to give yourself permission to rest and nap when you feel guided.

Ask for help:

This can be a tough one especially for highly sensitive people like yourself. Try not to push against your own limits and let the people in your world know that you need help. Then, allow yourself to receive that help once it’s offered to you.

Go Slow:

This energy wave has been about rest which can be frustrating and challenging when you want to get a lot of things done. The more you can move with your natural rhythm the easier this shift will be for you. I’ve found that moving against the guidance to rest leads to more sensitivity symptoms.

Salt Baths:

Soaking in an Epsom and Sea salt bath helps to pull toxins from your body, soothes aches and soreness, and increases feelings of calm.

Diffuse Pure Essential Oils:

Using pure essential oils can help to increase a calm environment while also supporting you in breathing easier, reducing congestion, and reducing bacteria within your home or office.


If you’re experiencing a lot of emotions, thoughts, memories, or healing coming up for you right now, that’s completely natural. Writing and processing your thoughts and emotions can support you in clearing and healing.

Honor Your Inner Knowing:

Follow your own guidance as you continue to move through this intense time. You know what’s best for you; but please be gentle with yourself and know that you’re doing an amazing job!

I’m wishing you a gentle and healing eclipse cycle.


Here’s some things you may want to try to help Alkaline your body:

  • Drink Lemon or Lime Water
  • Drink Water with Lemon juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, and a dash of Cayenne and Cinnamon
  • Drink Green Juices (Spinach, Cucumber, Celery, Lemon, Apple) or any recipe that you really love.
  • Eat Gentle Vegetable Soups with a Miso Broth

Love Is In The Air; Can You Feel It?

Happy February!
Here we are in the second month of 2016 already and I don’t know about you but this month always seems to fly by for me. Maybe it’s the 28 or 29 days this month, maybe it’s the holidays sprinkled throughout, or maybe it’s because signs of spring begin to show up here and there. Whatever it is, this month seems to bring with it a bit of speed as we begin to settle into the new year.
Along with signs of new beginnings and a feeling of getting accustomed to the new year, this month is filled with messages of love. Pink and red hearts, cherubs, and the like seem to be everywhere you look. While many people focus on the love that they have with someone special in their lives this month, I think it’s also a perfect time to focus on the love you have for yourself as well. After all, loving ourselves first is what allows us to share love with the people in our world who mean so much to us. If we don’t take the time to invest in the relationship with ourselves, our other relationships experience challenges too. Over the years, I’ve found that “grown ups” can sometimes forget how to do this. Not because they aren’t capable but rather because they get out of the habit of investing in themselves.

For example, many clients have told me that they don’t really know what they like to do for fun anymore. They feel they’ve spent so much time putting off the activities and projects they once enjoyed for so many years because of ___________ that they don’t even know where to start anymore.
Others have told me that they feel like the spark or joy of life has become dull or diminished for them as adults.
Some have described their life as one big day that keeps repeating itself because there seems to be no variety or new experiences.
Maybe you can identify with some of these thoughts or feelings.

While these experiences can feel challenging, they also provide an opportunity to make some positive changes. Even seemingly small shifts lead up to big changes over time. I’ve seen people change their lives by investing in themselves for 20 minutes a day. Honestly. You can too! A powerful way to gain insight into what is ready to leave your life is by connecting with the things, situations, or people that don’t resonate with you anymore. You may be wondering how can do this. Simply going over a list of challenging situations in your mind, or journaling about them can help you to pin point the places and spaces that are causing your strain, weighing your down, or dimming your light.
Right away you will have a clear idea of what can be shifted out quickly and some other things that may take a little more time. As you let go of the seemingly small things, you can replace them with activities that nurture you.
For example, if you notice that you spend a lot of time at home with the television on in the background and you want to read more, or play music, or sketch etc. Create a time in your day where you turn off the television and then use that time as an investment in you. This may seem simple, you may think it seems too simple. Guess what? It is simple and research shows that these small but significant shifts are what lead to increased happiness, joy, and life satisfaction.
As you invest in yourself in little pockets of time, you’ll find that your joy begins to come back. People often find that their energy increases and that they feel more excited about life again once they start to reintegrate the things that feed their soul on a regular basis. Like anything, the more you do it, the more natural it becomes. We begin to create new habits after doing something for at least 21 days. With this being the shortest month of the year, with only 29 days this month; why not make February the month that you begin investing in yourself again.
20 minutes for 29 days is definitely doable. You can set an alarm on your phone, google calendar, or hard copy calendar (if you still use one like me) and carve out time for yourself. This investment in yourself will pay you back many times over. In addition to experiencing more happiness, joy, and life satisfaction you may also find that your relationships improve and that things which have come full circle for you organically shift out of your life.
With so much energy surrounding love this month and the focus on self-care and new beginnings, I invite you to make this month about self-love. I promise you that you deserve it and you’re worth the investment!

If you want to foster your self-care and self-love by joining my Mentorship Program; the application window opened today and closes on Wednesday, February 24th. Only 10 spaces are available so if you’re interested in working with me, you can apply through the direct application link below.
I’m really excited about this program and about Mentoring 10 people who are ready to bring their work to the next level.

New Year, New Opportunities

Happy New Year!
I hope this finds you well as you begin your 2016. As I was sitting in my professional office and thinking about the new year; I kept getting waves of memories and thoughts from my past. Some of the memories that showed up were from recent years and others were from a lot further back. It was almost like watching a slide show of happy memories from my life so far. What I noticed the most as these waves washed over me was that they were mostly big takeaway moments for me. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they were all accomplishment focused, although some of them were, they were takeaway moments for me. They resonated for me in a way that I find meaningful. And, to be honest that’s the thing that matters most, isn’t it? Not moments that someone else may feel are meant to be meaningful for you, but the ones that you know are the touchstone moments. Whether big or small, happy or tearful, in the end they are yours.

Throughout my life, I’ve always been committed to following what has been right for me in my heart. Even when people thought that I should do one thing over another, I have always chosen to follow my own true North and it has made all the difference. People often ask me for advice or insight as a new year begins. People ask me how to move forward, make changes, and commit to a life that honors who they are; all of these are important questions and things that I’m committed to helping people navigate year round. However, when I was thinking about all of the memories of years gone by; I found that the times I invested in making changes that truly matched what I knew I was being guided to do always led to the happiest life experiences and personal fulfillment. Always. I also know that we’re only here for a limited time and that there won’t always be “more time” to do the things that call to our heart and to live the life that we are being called to live.

So, as you greet your new year, I would invite you to take some time to think about the big takeaway moments that you’ve experienced in your life so far. What have been the major themes that have been the most poignant for you? How have those moments shaped your life? How are you continuing to create more of those moments in your present life? Have you set your priorities or goals on a shelf for some reason? If so, why?

I encourage you to invest in yourself this year. The truth is that time will continue to move forward no matter what; and it’s what you do with your time that matters. The number one complaint and cause of hurt on many levels in the clients I’ve worked with over the last 16 years is not doing what they know they are here to do. Period. There’s a huge sliding scale as to why people aren’t doing what they know they are being guided to do, but at the end of the day the sadness and heart hurt comes back to putting themselves and their dreams last.

Choose to make this year a standout year for yourself. Reach out to people who can truly support you and don’t wait for a seemingly perfect time to move forward. There will never be a more perfect time than right now. Do you know why? Because your life is happening right now, right this very moment, and this is it. That’s a pretty darn good reason if you ask me, plus, you’re totally worth it! I promise.

I’m wishing you a wonderful new year, I hope this will be your very best year so far! I look forward to working with you and supporting you in investing in yourself during 2016.

Slowing Down At Lithia Springs Resort

For years people have asked me how I decompress, create balance, and carve out me time. While I have several things that I do to nurture myself; one of the things that I do is take the waters. Water is very healing and an important part of my balance recipe. I like to travel to places where I can receive the benefits from the water while experiencing the calm and relaxing atmosphere of each location at the same time. I’ve traveled and taken the waters all over the west coast and hopped across the pond to take the waters in England, including Bath.

I recently just returned home from one of my favorite places to rest, renew, and rejuvenate, Lithia Springs Resort which is located in Ashland, Oregon. I thought I would share a little bit about this place with you since so many people ask me where I like to go. Just like the water, every location has its own feeling, atmosphere, and energy. One of the many reasons that I love visiting Lithia Springs so much is that it’s extremely calming and gentle while simultaneously being very welcoming.

Even with the bustling energy of downtown Ashland less than a minute away, Lithia Springs feels like it’s in its own world entirely. As soon as you step onto the grounds, you can feel a tangible shift of relaxation come over you. There are organic gardens wrapping all around the grounds with herbs, flowers, and food growing year round. Fresh flowers and herbs are displayed on table settings throughout the resort and organic food is prepared daily from the onsite gardens. Lithia Springs does a great job showcasing how eatable landscaping can be beautiful, functional, and sustainable. There are reading nooks, walking paths, a coy pond, and a place to swim on the grounds as well.

One of the things that I find so fascinating about taking the waters is that each location is so unique and the water is different everywhere I’ve been. Taking the water at Lithia Springs is what I would call a gentle yet powerful experience. At first that may seem like a contradiction in terms, but truly that is the best way I can describe it. Soaking in the water itself is a very gentle experience; the water is soft, nurturing, and calming. In fact, with each soak at first I didn’t realize that it was detoxifying me because I was so relaxed and comfortable. But after several minutes, I could feel that I was releasing and could see that the water had been leaching toxins out of me. This subtle balance between gentility and powerful detox is something that makes the water at Lithia Springs so unique. After soaking there was a noticeable lightness that I could feel within me and my body felt completely rested and refreshed, including previously sore muscles.

All of the water at Lithia Springs is “the water” so whether you are drinking it, showering in it, or soaking in it, you are receiving the benefits throughout your entire stay. Another unique aspect of Lithia Springs and probably one of my favorite things is that every single room has a giant soaking tub for two so you can take the waters in the privacy of your room as often as you feel guided. Many places where you take the waters require you to pay a separate fee in addition to your stay and you are allocated a certain amount of minutes in the water. If you want to soak again, you would need to reschedule tub time and pay the fee again. At Lithia Springs you can enjoy the water as often as you like without prearranging a tub time and you can soak in the privacy of your own room; to me this is a huge plus. The ability to soak as often as you feel guided allows you to manage your own level of detox, releasing, and healing schedule. For someone like me who loves to be in the water, this is a perfect fit. In addition to the giant soaking tubs, every room has a fireplace, television, refrigerator, and soothing room décor.

There is also a spa on site where you can receive a variety of treatments. You can also schedule in room massages if you feel guided. Many people have told me that having a massage and then soaking in the water allows for an even deeper detox. While I have never participated in any of the spa services, I can imagine that they are just as lovely as all of the other services made available to the guests every day. High tea is served daily from 3-5 with a variety of organic hand baked scones, cookies, tarts, and other goodies. Fresh fruit is also served with a variety of tea selections. Every morning a full hot breakfast is served with organic produce harvested from the onsite gardens. As a strict vegan, I am accustomed to just enjoying a cup of tea at a breakfast service. However, I was pleased to find a large variety of food for people with a sliding scale of food sensitivities or alternative food plans. All of the food is prepared fresh every day and is delicious.

People who know me, know that I’m into details because the little things are a big deal to me. In addition to the beautiful grounds, high quality water, food, etc. Lithia Springs is big on details. Everywhere you look you find small but significant details that make you feel welcome, surprised, and overjoyed. For example, I was interested in the makeup of the water and any history about the location. Inside of each room there is a book with a detailed history of the location in addition to the scientific breakdown of every drop of water. Because I expressed interest in knowing more about the water, the team created a booklet for me to take home. There are lovely quotes on chalkboards, a selenite crystal “tree” and jars of cookies at arms’ reach in the sitting rooms. Fostering each of the senses is definitely a priority for the team at Lithia Springs and it’s evident as you move throughout the resort. 

If you’re like me and you spend a great deal of time writing and you find yourself under writing deadlines a good part of the time, then here’s another little perk about Lithia Springs. I have found that because of the serene quality of the grounds, water, and overall experience, I can churn out a lot of writing while visiting. I think this would be a wonderful place to send yourself for a writing retreat if you want to focus and finish some pending projects.

Lithia Springs supports an active wedding season in addition to supporting the visitors who come to participate in the Shakespeare Festival each year. I’ve visited the resort during different seasons and the one thing that always remains the same is the overall positive experience that I’ve had. If you’re going to be in the area and enjoy taking the waters, or perhaps would like to try taking the waters for the first time, staying at Lithia Springs is a wonderful place to slow down and practice self-care.

Can You Feel The Shift?

Well, we are officially into the “ber” months, as we welcome September, today. I find that many people have strong feelings about the ber months. Some get super excited because it means that cooler weather is on its way (to those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) beautiful colored leaves, and pumpkin everything. Others, feel the ber blues coming on; thoughts of cold dark days and sweaters tend not to be openly embraced by the ber blues group. This group tends to want to hang onto their swimsuits, flip flops, and sunglasses as long as possible. Which group do you feel more connected to? Maybe, you find yourself somewhere in the middle, perhaps enjoying a pumpkin latte while wearing your flip flops?
Right now, we are moving toward the autumn equinox but we still have a few more weeks of summer. During this time where there is a whisper of the change that’s coming but also that feeling that we aren’t quite there yet; we get to enjoy this in between time. Some may call it magical or even whimsical. I find it reminds me of being a kid again. I find myself trying to soak up every ounce of sunshine and warmth and wanting to stay outside as much as possible. But, I also feel the gentle yet palpable call of reading books by the fire, cooking soups and stews, and knitting around the clock.
So, with this mix of energies it can be a bit challenging to stay grounded. One minute you may feel like you want to go for a swim and the next minute you may want to start pulling out your favorite hearty recipes and warm socks. This push pull allows us to organically move from one thing to the next. This helps us to make a more gentle transition so we can move from one season to another. The same is true for your life right now. As we gear up for the end of the year push which becomes crystal clear as we reach the ber months; you are being given an opportunity to prepare for your next season.
How do you want to finish your year? What kinds of things do you want to have completed? How do you want your next season to look and feel? These are some of the things that are on deck right now as we have one foot in summer and one almost into autumn. This is a perfect time to ride this wave of summer energies and autumn energies. On the days that you feel guided to clear away stuff that you don’t want around anymore, go full speed ahead in that direction. That clearing out is a powerful energy that helps open us open up to receiving new abundance. On days you feel guided to pull out warm clothes, throw blankets, and other creature comforts; go for it. Fabrics and colors help us to move with the energies and seasons and allow us to more fully integrate into them.
Taking some time to tune into what you are feeling right now will give you a better understanding of how to move from one season to another. Maybe you are moving, changing jobs, or in some way starting fresh. You get to decide how you will move forward and what needs to be shifted so you can make the most out of last part of the year. The great news is that when we are greeted by the first ber month, there is still plenty of time to get things lined up for a strong finish. Enjoy this magical time of change and give yourself permission to move some things around in your life so you feel in alignment with your vision for the remainder of your year.
Just in case you were wondering where I fit in as we move through this shift; I will be rocking my flip flops and trying to eek out as many sunny days as possible before I absolutely have to put away my sun dresses, sun glasses, and spf everything. (wink)
Since I know you and I are not the only one’s feeling this shift right now, please forward this message to a friend; so they know they aren’t alone in this push pull energy. They will appreciate it and so will, I. Thank you! 

How To Get On Board The Inspiration Station

Well it’s officially that time of year again. The time when stores are overflowing with back to school goodies, gadgets, and gear. It’s a time of getting ready to get down to business. Even though we still have several more weeks of summer; this energetic shift into back to school mode creates a big impact. What does back to school make you think about? Does it make you secretly wish you could pick out a new backpack, pens, notebooks, and pencil holder? Do you think about learning new things and meeting new friends? Does it make you anticipate the autumn season? If you find yourself connecting with any of these things then you are tapping into the back to school energies.
I love and I mean love back to school time. I always have and probably always will. The way that some people count down the days to their favorite holidays pretty much gives you an idea of how I feel about back to school. Trust me, I know it’s not a holiday but I really get a lot of happiness from this time of year. I hit the back to school aisle like it’s going out of style and I like to look at and touch all the cool new things that are out for the season. I treat myself to a few notebooks, cool pens, and sometimes even a new box of crayons. (Don’t you love the way that new crayon’s smell? Or is it just me…)
In addition to the goodies, I like to feel the excitement that fills the aisles as people get ready for a whole new cycle of fresh starts and new beginnings. Living in a university town there’s a huge age bracket of back to schooler’s. I enjoy watching the students prepare and set intentions for their new start by consciously choosing the things they put into their cart. You can almost see it on their faces; that the items they choose are being infused with their hopes and dreams for this new semester and school year. I like to think about how I did the same thing when I was a student and how something as simple as a new pack of pens, reams of paper, and notebooks made things seem fresh and full of possibility.
The great news about back to school is that you don’t have to be a student to get in on this great energy and use it to support you in moving forward. How great is that? Pretty great, I think.
So, what have you been wanting to do but continue to say, “When I do this____________ then I will do this___________.”
Or, what have you been putting off until you felt more inspired? Guess what? This is a fantastic time to jump on the inspiration station and fuel your own back to school energies and drive with the energy that is happening right now. This is a time to get organized and to get down to business. We have turned the corner on the last part of this year and the end is definitely in sight. Think about all of those things that you wanted to do this year. How is that list coming? Are you feeling good about what you have done or are there still quite a few things that are on your list that you wish you could’ve gotten to already? This is a great time to prepare and set some intentions for the rest of the year just like the students in the back to school aisle.
Here are a few things that you can do to jump start your fresh start:

  • Get Organized: 
    Get a planner or implement a system that works for you. Not everyone uses the same system, find what is right for you.
  • Set Goals and Intentions: 
    What do you want to do and why? Getting clear on this makes all the difference in the world. Once you understand what you want to do, it’s easier to move forward.
  • Work with a Professional: 
    Contact someone to offer you support so you can move forward. Working with a Coach, Advisor, or Counselor can be a huge resource and support system. This is especially true if you have been procrastinating for a long time. Getting professional help will allow you to move forward more quickly and efficiently.
  • Take Control of Your Schedule: 
    Get crystal clear on time wasting areas or behaviors and do some restructuring to create time for what you want to do. There is always a way to create time if you are willing to let go of things that no longer serve you.
  • Get On the No Train: 
    Marie Forleo talks about getting on the No train all the time and I love it because it’s so true. Let go of saying yes to things, people, and situations out guilt, obligation, or ___________. Make your dreams, goals, and desires a priority by saying yes to you and getting comfortable with being on the No train.
  • Take Action: 
    You can’t move forward without physically doing the work. No matter what your dreams or goals are, you have to put in the physical human effort. If you are feeling stuck or need some support, no problem, ask for support. If you need help asking for help, ask a trusted friend to sit with you as you make calls or go to appointments.

I hope this list will give you some ideas of things you can do right now to shift into a place of forward motion and new beginnings. Choose to round out this year strong by making your dreams and desires a priority.
I invite you to take a little trip to your local store where back to school items are filling the aisles. See if you can glean some inspiration and excitement energy just from being there. You may feel guided to pick up some back to school goodies to support you in making a fresh start in the direction of your dreams and goals. It is never too late to move toward what you want. You can absolutely do it.

Do you have a friend or colleague who could use a little boost of inspiration to help them get going with their dreams or goals? Please forward this message over to them so they can get on board the back to school train too. Thank you!

Unplugging To Plug In, So Worth It

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to unplug from our super connected world? Well, I just got back from 9 days of being unplugged and I have to tell you that it was pretty incredible. I love wifi as much as the next person, but I have to say that getting some true down time was even more restful that I could have imagined.
I really try to make an effort to get down time throughout my “regular” schedule and some days are definitely easier than others. However, it has been 11 years since I have been completely disconnected for more than a day here or there. Prior to 2004, it was during the 90’s when wifi wasn’t a part of our world as of yet. So, it was definitely an adjustment as you can imagine.
Here’s what I found out while being unplugged:

  • The Days Last Longer
  • It Takes A Day or Two For the Wifi Anxiety to Leave the Building
  • When You Power Down You Power Up
  • Disconnecting Creates More Connectivity
  • You Feel More Like Yourself

The Days Last Longer:
This one, I really didn’t anticipate to be honest. But, it makes sense when you think about it. If time is relative and you aren’t constantly being shown a time stamp when you check an email, post something, or answer text messages, it makes sense that you can expand time by being in the moment. Think about a time when you were camping or you didn’t have very great service; you may have noticed that you got more bang for your buck that day. When you have more than one day of this experience you really begin to notice how much we are impacted by clocks. I found that I could actually get more done when I wasn’t constantly trying to beat the clock and I felt more balanced too.
It Takes A Day or Two For the Wifi Anxiety to Leave the Building:
I didn’t really think that this one would be an issue for me because I make a concerted effort to get disconnected throughout the day, but nope I was wrong. This one wasn’t fun for me, it felt very ingratiating and annoying to be honest. However, after that initial unwinding happened I felt completely relaxed and my whole body felt gentle and calm. I was surprised that it took a day or two for all of the energies to move along but once they did it was well worth it.
When You Power Down You Power Up
I noticed that I had a lot more energy while being disconnected. 
I also noticed, especially in the beginning that I was constantly waiting for someone or something to interrupt me. Constantly feeling like you have to be prepared takes a lot of energy, so letting that go felt incredible.
Disconnecting Creates More Connectivity
While disconnected I noticed that I felt more connected to myself, the people and places around me and to the messages that I was receiving. Because there was no way to be electronically interrupted it was so easy to remain present and in the moment.

You Feel More Like Yourself
This one felt like a total win win because I had already received so many other benefits. But, yes, I absolutely felt more like myself and I felt light, free, and completely at ease. I also noticed that I was laughing a lot while being unplugged. (Honestly, I laugh a lot even when I am in 4G wifi zones so I was surprised by this a little bit.) The thing that really stood out to me about this one was that I literally felt like any residue that had built up from being connected had cleared away and what was left was 100% me. I felt like a little kid again.
All in all, this disconnect and time travel back to the 90’s was a really positive experience. Now that I am back in the grid, I am trying to make some physical shifts so that I can make disconnect time a more regular part of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love the ability to be connected, but I really love the ability to disconnect too. I think it’s really about finding and creating balance around connectivity. I remember when the internet came into our homes and classrooms and I remember what it was like before being plugged in. I think that it’s really easy to stay plugged in and to forget about how we lived in the 90’s (and before). I think taking a little break from being plugged in is great and I plan on doing it more often.
You don’t have to go to a remote location to unplug. You can simply disconnect your Wifi and leave your phone and computer out of sight and out of mind. Power down with a friend or a family member, or call a “black out” weekend at your house. Even taking half a day away can work wonders. Give it a try and see how you feel. 
Do you know someone who could use a little down time and would be inspired by this idea of powering down to power up? Forward this message over to them so they can get some extra support. We could all use a little support and a little more down time now and then, don’t you think?

Rest Is A Sacred Practice; Are You Getting Enough Om At Home?

So here we are in the middle of July and knee deep into the half way mark of this year. I don’t know about you but I definitely feel a deep call for some much needed R&R. Like you and what seems like everyone, I have a very busy schedule filled with lots of things to do, including finding creative ways to get into that sweet spot called balance. Some days are much easier than others and some days I just feel called to stop, drop, and breathe. You know that feeling where you just need to refocus and quiet all the background noise so you can get to that quiet place within? Yep, that’s the one.
So, with this call for rest, refocus, and the half way mark of the year upon us, I thought it would be a great time to dive a little deeper into the thing we call rest. For some people, I notice that they don’t know how to let down and genuinely rest anymore. There is this quality of low grade anxiety that seems to run right underneath the surface of the skin. This feeling of restlessness creates an urge to check updates, emails, posts, and to do something, anything, just keep moving. That constant push to be doing something actually trains us right out of our natural state which is rest, restore, and renew. I know, it might be hard to wrap your mind around the fact that the R words are in fact our natural state. Yet, if this is true then why do we constantly find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and in lots of ways exhausted? Well, it comes right back around to this constant state of doing.
In a time where people can pretty much connect with us at any time and all the time, the fine art of healthy boundaries and down time have taken a back seat to instant communication. For the first time we can harness the power of the internet to bring us amazing connectivity at any time with the touch of a key. Awesome, magical, and down right handy! However, there is a need to create a space where down time, getting unplugged, and true rest is as equally important as the other areas of our lives. So, how do you move from understanding that this concept is important and understanding how you are being impacted from too much connectivity to…making some changes?
Well, like anything, there is not just one way to do this. In fact, the best ways are going to be the things that really resonate for you and your personal style. So for instance if you know that you are a morning person (You will know this instantly by your initial reaction to this statement. For example are you smiling or recoiling at the thought of getting up early in the morning?) you can harness this personal sweet spot by chunking that time as down time and personal time. If you are definitely Not a morning person then this would not be the right time for you to claim back some personal down time. Perhaps the afternoon or evening are a better fit for you.
Here are a few ways that you can unwind by unplugging:

  • Call Back You Time:
    Create a window of time (15-30 minutes) where you sit with your own thoughts without interacting with any devices, people, or any work.
    Just be with yourself in a quiet space. 
  • Get Outside and Visit Mother Nature:
    Go for a walk, ride your bike, swim, read a physical book for fun, etc.
  • Gentle Exercise
    Do some kind of exercise that feels restorative to you.
    Choose something gentle that allows you to unwind from your day while simultaneously helping you get back to that quiet space within you.
    Gentle or Restorative Yoga, Thai Chi, Gentle Pilates, or Swimming are some ideas to get you started.
    (Avoid intense or loud classes which can increase tense energies within your body.) 
  • Meditation:
    Spend some time meditating. You can do this to get your day off to the right start, or to help you unwind from your day, or you can use it as a reboot for yourself in the middle of your day.
    Your choice, the possibilities are endless. 
  • Creativity:
    Do something creative to move your energy while making something at the same time. Choose a creative outlet that doesn't involve screen time. 

Research shows that when we make time for “down time” and we “unplug” we not only decompress from tension, stress, and fight, flight, or freeze hormones; we also reset ourselves which allows us to feel better, think more clearly, and feel more connected to our true selves. We also move into the sweet spot where all the R words hang out, Rest, Restore, and Renew. We move into our natural state.
When we treat Rest as a Sacred Practice we up-level every area of our lives. When we invest in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual Rest on a daily basis, we not only reconnect to the totality of who we are but everyone and everything in our life connects with it too. When we are in our natural state, we not only feel better and have more energy but we also experience more, get more done, experience deeper life satisfaction, and open up to our higher self more easily.
I invite you to join me in committing to making Rest a Sacred Practice today and every day. Start with where you feel most comfortable. Maybe you are thinking a 3 day shift is a great place to start, okay awesome! Maybe you are feeling a 7 or 10 day shift is a great place to start. Or maybe you want to dive into a 21 day shift so you can create a new healthy habit. Just start where you are standing to find what is right for you and then enjoy the re-balancing and restoration that you receive in the process. You can connect with a friend and do it together so you have someone else supporting you throughout your re-dedication to your own health and happiness.
Do you know someone who could benefit from making Rest a Sacred Practice in their own life? 
Please forward  this message on to them so they can enjoy some restoration and simple shifts that allow them to come back into balance too. 

Fun, The Secret Ingredient Into Big Life Changes, Who Knew?

Hi, happy July!
For me, this month always makes me think of vacation and fun in the sun. July feels like the embodiment of summer to me and for whatever reason it always has. I think about warm sun, water, sand, and iced cold tea. July makes me want to be whisked away on vacation to play all day long.
As I was thinking about the fact that July is upon us and ways that I can really make the most out of this month of fun; it made me start thinking about fun in a whole different way. It made me start thinking about it in a bigger way. One of the things that I have learned is that fun really is the secret to success, and to positive life changes. This lesson has been something that I have learned over and over again. I wanted to share this little recipe with you so you can try it out for yourself.
So often it is easy to get caught up in the thinking that fun should be used as a reward system. I think this reward system method starts at a really young age for most of us. As children, we work hard in school and then are rewarded with recess, or some down time, or time for art, etc. This method is played out in the home as well so it becomes a norm.
I have watched how this kind of reward system gets carried into adulthood for so many people. I know that I have experienced it in my own life many, many times over. While this method does encourage balance and follow through which are great; I have also seen how this can lead to a lack of fun as people transition into adulthood.
Here are just a few examples of the ways I have seen adults implement fun as a reward system in their lives:

  • Once I get all of the items checked off of my list today, then I can do something for me.
  • Once I earn my degree then I can start to enjoy my life.
  • Once I get that big promotion then I can spend more time with my friends and family.
  • Once I retire then I can start to live and do the things that are important to me.

Do any of these things sound familiar to you? Focusing on long term goals is wonderful and leads to fulfilling life experiences. However, the challenge shows up when we shelve the fun in our lives because we don’t make time for it on a regular basis. It is when our to-do lists no longer include our fun or restoration time, or we decline plans with loved ones regularly where things can begin to go by the wayside. This is when the logical override begins to show up and it can sound a little like this:

  • Well, since I didn’t get everything done, I don’t get to do something for me.
  • If I work harder, then I will have more time tomorrow.
  • Spending time investing in my passions and hobbies is something I can do anytime; I don’t need to do it today, even though I would really like to.

When these kinds of situations seems to repeat over and over again we can start to feel burned out, uninspired, and like some of the magic has gone out of our lives. It can feel like every day is the same and that life is constantly on hold for some elusive time. The truth is that life is happening right now, today, right this very second.
So, the magical ingredient to shifting this experience actually comes down to fun. This can seem like a counter-intuitive experience however it is actually the secret to shifting everything. Here is what I have found in my own life and in working with others. As you increase fun in your life, you actually up-level every component of your life. Now, that makes sense when we think about it but the slippery slope is how we implement it. While most of us think that we should schedule fun after everything is done (insert whatever it is that you are working on) then we can experience fun. However, that is the exact opposite! That is the equivalent of placing the cart before the horse.
So, it is in carving out time for fun on a regular basis no matter how much you think you don’t have time for it where the magic happens.
When you do this; the doors open. Do you know why? Because everything comes down to energy. I know, that may sound a little bit out there, but it is really true.
When you increase your fun factor

  • You feel better
  • You feel more like your true self
  • Your excitement level increases
  • You become more inspired
  • You have more energy
  • and You increase your life satisfaction

All of these things lead to real life results and positive changes. I have watched my own business change by increasing fun in my life. I joke that when I go on vacation people come out of the woodwork and want to get into my schedule asap, sometimes people I haven’t worked with in over a year. Why? Because when we increase our fun factor we shift everything and people can feel that.
I have watched people connect with mentors, new partners, increase clientele, shift their health and happiness, and feel like they have gotten their lives back by making fun a priority. To me those are pretty huge reasons to make fun a priority. You don’t have to go on long far away vacations to experience this, although if you can, awesome! Carving out time daily even 20-30 minutes actually allows the shift to happen. (Even 15 minutes a day will do wonders!)
Here is the important part….are you ready? 

You actually have to do it. 

It is one thing to put the reminder into your phone, into your scheduler, or into your day planner; but it is a whole other thing to actually invest in it. Increasing your fun factor doesn’t include doing chores while talking on the phone. (Yes, many clients have told me that this was their idea of fun because they didn’t remember how to have fun.) I’m talking about a segment of time that is something that makes you feel like you are in the fun zone. That can be anything that really makes your heart sing.

  • Blast some favorite music and dance like no one is watching the way you did when you were 13
  • Go for a walk
  • Read a book for fun
  • Watch a favorite funny movie
  • Ride your bike
  • Go for a swim
  • Grab a cup of tea with a friend and talk to each other in person
  • Work on a project that you have been meaning to get to
  • Take a class
  • Play tourist in your own town
  • And anything else that sounds like fun to you

You may want to make a pact with a friend or a partner to create a recipe of fun for 21 days this month. Research shows that when we do something for 21 days we create new habits. This is a pretty healthy habit to cultivate don’t you think? Honestly, not only does increasing fun create personal benefits but it also creates professional benefits too. I encourage you to create a recipe for fun and positive life changes this month. Enjoy this process and watch how things begin to shift for you. If you find that you get a little stuck here and there, let the people within your world know that you could use some support to help you get back into your personal fun zone. You could definitely help to inspire the people in your inner circle while enjoying yourself and making some positive changes at the same time.
Do you know someone who could use some more fun in their life? Do you know someone who feels like they could use some support to shift from where they are into a place that feels more aligned with who they are? Please forward this message over to them so they can join in on this fun recipe for success.

Boundaries, How Do You Know When It's Time To Renegotiate Them?

Lately boundaries have been a theme that has been front and center for me and for other people I have been talking to. It seems like I have had a lot of opportunities to look at this as of late and I wanted to check in with you about it too. Boundaries are one of those things that never fully get finished or checked off the list; they are in constant flux and transition. I have found that as we grow and shift, so too do our boundaries with ourselves and with others.
It’s not the most fun topic to deal with as it usually means taking some time to really decide what is and isn’t working any longer. However it is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. This deep reflection forces us to look at the places and spaces where we have people or situations that are over (sometimes way over) the line; and gives us insight into what we will no longer allow in our lives. While this deep reflection time can sometimes be uncomfortable or even down right painful; it does create a huge shift when we’re able to make a clear decision about what is truly right for us. That moment when you know what is right for you and you can feel it in your bones; that moment is huge. It can feel like a giant weight has been lifted from you and like you are out from under excess tension, stress, and overwhelm.
I find this step to be one of the most powerful in the process of renegotiating boundaries. Some believe it is in the actual setting of a new boundary where the shift happens. However, I believe it is in the personal discovery and reconnection to our personal power where the magic truly happens. Most times when a boundary needs to be renegotiated it is because someone has been taking advantage of us or putting us into a challenging situation for a significant amount of time. Somewhere along the way, we make excuses for that person or we do the logical override on their behalf.

  • “Well… they have been having a really hard time lately so I will go ahead and do ______ for them again.”
  • “It’s okay, they didn’t mean it and how would I feel if someone didn’t give me the benefit of the doubt.”
  • “They are going to change the way that they deal with this situation it’s just not the right timing.”

These are only a few examples of the things we tell ourselves when we are knee deep in a situation that clearly needs some new boundaries. When this happens we simultaneously lose ourselves in this process and can even begin to feel disconnected from who we really are. However, when we are able to reconnect to what is truly right for us and understand that we are really done with the previous scenario we reconnect to the truth of who we are. That my friend is powerful! I believe it is in this reconnection that we gain enough clarity and strength to say enough is enough. It is then that we can draw a line in the sand and renegotiate the situation in a way that is balanced and healthy.
There is no one way or right way to renegotiate a boundary, there is only the way that is right for you in your particular situation. Once that boundary has been created the situation usually shifts immediately. Some people or situations will no longer be a part of your life while others will find their way into a more balanced place. While letting go of some people or situations may feel hard; at the end of the day your own sense of self and self respect is worth the letting go.
What I have found while receiving the opportunity to look at this within my own life is that holding a boundary that feels in integrity with myself is the most important thing even if it feels challenging. At the end of the day if you are saying no to behavior and dynamics that aren’t right for you; then you have moved into a space of integrity for yourself. That is all that matters.
If you feel like you need support to help you get clarity in a situation please ask for help. If something feels off to you and you find yourself in repeating patterns that make you feel like you should put someone else’s needs before your own then it may be time to do some renegotiating. Taking the time to shift things back into balance is definitely a worthwhile investment of your time. Trust me, you are worth it!

Full Circle Moments, Saying Goodbye To A Dream

I have recently been dealing with the delicate balance that comes with saying goodbye to a dream. You know that moment when your dream has come full circle and it is time to let go and move on? Yep, that’s what I have been working through over the last several weeks. I think we get lots of these moments throughout our lives; I know I have had quite a few. Even with the excitement that comes from new beginnings; there is definitely something to be said for the in between space; the place where you have to say goodbye to a part of your life that is going away. It’s in the dealing with this in between space that is so important. It’s in this space where the healing, growth, gratitude, and closure make their presence known. It’s important to sit in this space when working through any big life change as a way to really close one door and open another. Since I have been sitting in this space I thought I would share a bit about my experience with you in case you too are moving through change at the moment.
Okay, so as a child I always wanted to live in an apartment above a shop or a restaurant in a downtown area. I wanted to live in a really old building that had lots of stories woven into its walls. I dreamed of brass hardware, glass door knobs, a jack and jill with plated glass. I wanted my little apartment to have huge old moldings, doors with panels in them, a claw foot tub, pedestal sink and a view of the tree lined street below.  I am not really sure why I wanted this from the time I was so little, but I could always see this apartment clear as day in my mind and heart. I never lived in that apartment sad to say. However, on April 9th 2009 I signed a lease for an office in the downtown community where I live and it had every single item on my wish list from my childhood. Including the claw foot tub. I remember when I went to see it, I was in a complete state of shock because I couldn’t believe that after all these years I had finally walked into my little dream home. I signed immediately because I knew that was where I was meant to be. Every day I went to work which felt like a home away from home; I felt so happy to do work that I loved in a place that felt magical to me. My office was literally a dream come true for me.
But, as the only constant in life is change, so too was it time to say goodbye to my childhood dream “apartment.” Today I started work in my new office which is also in a really old building downtown with great moldings and a fabulous view of a tree lined street below. As “grown ups” we know that endings are merely beginnings however it doesn’t make the natural pangs that come with letting go any easier. For me, I feel it is important to sit in that space just for a bit (or longer if need be) to really honor and feel all the life, the moments, the joy of the beginning and the sadness of letting go to honor the whole chapter of the experience.
It’s funny how spaces and places become completely interwoven into the fabric of our lives.  After the last item had been loaded onto the truck I sat in my little childhood dream apartment and let the last 6 years wash over me. I thought about all the people that had walked through my doors, the dreams that came true for me in that very space, the happiness that was experienced there as well as the tears that were shed by many and how grateful I was to have had my childhood wish granted in a way I never could have imagined.
If you are going through change, even little changes know that the emotions you are feeling are paving the way from one door to another. Give yourself permission to move through all the facets of your change at the rate that is right for you and in the ways that rise up to greet you. In times like this, I am reminded of how important it is to stay in the moment as much as possible each day because we are always moving toward change. Finding ways to feel grateful for the simple things in our day to day lives can help to ground us into our lives more deeply and can support us in experiencing our lives more fully. Reaching out for support during a time of letting go is so important while remembering to be really good to yourself too. No matter what your personal change looks like, when you let go make time to honor the space within you that feels the loss so you can more gently transition into the new with excitement and joy.
I am wishing you new beginnings filled with joy and here’s to new dreams coming true!

P.S. Do you know someone who is going through change or who you think could benefit from this message? Please forward this over to them so they know that they are not alone in this thing we call letting go. Thank you! 

April, A Breath Of Fresh Air

Hi, happy April!

I don’t know about you but I can definitely feel a big difference in the way this month feels (even though we are at day one) in compared to the way the other months have felt so far this year. Here in my little corner of the world we are officially knee deep into springtime. All of the trees are filled with flowers and leaves and it seems like everywhere I look there are pops of color and flowers showing up that weren’t there the day before. I feel like all of the plants all over town are waiting for the city to sleep so they can bloom and then surprise everyone when we get up to greet another day.

To be honest, the energy that is happening right now really reminds me of this “blooming” experience that I have been noticing the last week or so. There is something happening and you might even be able to feel it. If you are really quiet you might even be able to hear it. You may just know that something is shifting. However it is showing up for you is great and it is showcasing this shift that is happening right now. Just like those flowers that are opening up almost magically so too is this new energy that is unfolding right now.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that we just wrapped up the final Pluto Uranus Square in a set that began in 2012. Well, if you think back over the time from 2012 to now you may feel like there have been some big starts and stops that have shown up for you throughout that time. (I know I have found them in my life.) This energy right now feels like it is practically buzzing and it feels like things are literally preparing to break open and bloom. Think about all of those things that you have been chipping away at that just haven’t been able to come to complete fruition…guess what? It is time to really pull that stuff off the shelf and dig into them because this is a really big time for positive change.

What I keep being shown in addition to this being a time which is ripe for new beginnings and things coming to fruition is the importance of balance. I know, I know, the “B” word. The big thing that keeps coming through for me as being really important is all about the Body (another B word).  With all of this big forward motion happening it is going to be really important to make your body’s needs a number one priority.

Here are some things that I have seen that will be imperative for finding balance during this time:

  • Make Sleep a Priority
  • Drink a lot of water (more than usual)
  • Gentle Movements Daily
  • Walking, Yoga, Pilates, Swimming, Riding a Bike
  • Eat Light foods and Drinking Juices
  • Quiet Time (even 5-7 minutes daily)
  • Getting away from Electronics for small windows of time each day (20 minute blocks)

You may have noticed that you have been receiving these messages from your angels and guides too. It seems like everywhere I look I am seeing people on cleanses and detoxes; and I have found myself thinking, “Awesome, they are following their guidance!” I am also currently on a detox cleanse and it really feels like a perfect time to wash away the old and help my body to have more strength, balance, and clarity.

If you are wondering how to create more balance in your life this month; you can look over the list that I received and see what resonates for you. Then you can take a couple of deep breaths and ask your higher self, “What is it that I am being guided to do or change right now so my body can more easily move into a place of balance?” Then pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, images you see, or words that you hear so you can better understand your own body’s needs at this time.

However this buzzing energy and positive change is unfolding for you; know that it is all unfolding for your highest good. This energy seems to be brining changes really quickly; so if you are finding that to be true for you too; know that you are not alone. Are you all of a sudden moving? Letting go of lots of stuff? Starting a new business? Finishing your book? Quitting a job that is no longer a fit? Or any number of big changes? Then know that you are right smack dab in the middle of a very exciting new chapter of your life. (yay!) Enjoy your changes and make time for the balance in your life and for your body so you can keep riding this wave of happy change.

If you would like me to work with you one on one to look at the specifics that are showing up for you right now, I would love to get you into my schedule. We will look at all of your personal shifts, messages, and ways to move forward so you can get the most out of this magical new energy that is happening this month.

I am wishing you a fantastic beginning to this new month!

P.S. Do you know someone who you think could get some support from this blog post? Please forward it on to them so they can get some additional support as well. Thank you!